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安赛乐米塔尔技术创新体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新合并的世界最大钢铁企业——安赛乐米塔尔公司的技术创新体系进行了综述,因两家公司正在整合之中,分别介绍了其公司发展现状,技术创新与研发体系以及下属研发中心的构成,主要战略产品的研发及技术创新工作等。  相似文献   

世界最大钢铁企业安赛乐米塔尔宣布其对委内瑞拉焊管生产领袖企业Unicon的收购协议已确定。这一收购正是安赛乐米塔尔扩张在南美的焊管业务的一项战略性举措。  相似文献   

<正>意大利媒体报道称,安赛乐米塔尔公司计划于今年5月重启La Magona钢厂冷轧及酸洗生产线。该厂于2012年底停产冷轧卷,2014年采用公司旗下其他钢厂生产的冷轧卷开始生产镀锌卷。该厂拥有冷轧卷年产能90万t,镀锌卷年产能84万t,彩涂卷年产能29万t。  相似文献   

安赛乐米塔尔公司高级主管Lakshmi Mittal在针对三季度报告分析时表示,订单量已经开始缓慢回升,价格开始从前期的低点上升,虽然整体趋势向好,但四季度市场仍然不容乐观,2008年初开始行情会出现明显转折。公司三季度不锈钢交货量为43.2万吨,二季度为54.4万吨。公司已经增加了铁素体不锈钢的产量,占总产量的45%。  相似文献   

<正>安赛乐米塔尔公司3月16日称,今年将继续对其位于德国境内不莱梅、汉堡、杜伊斯堡和艾森许滕斯塔特的4家钢厂进行投资,投资总额为9 000万欧元,主要用于对生产线进行现代化改造,增强上述4家钢厂的竞争力。这4家钢厂粗钢年产量占安赛乐米塔尔公司欧洲分部的1/5。  相似文献   

一、概述 安赛乐米塔尔公司是全球最大的钢铁生产和采矿企业,该公司是2006年由当时的全球最大的钢铁企业水塔尔钢铁公司和第二大的阿赛勒公司合并而成。目前,安赛乐米塔尔公司在全球四大洲的20余个国家拥有钢铁生产企业,  相似文献   

柯华飞 《冶金管理》2013,(12):24-26
2005年,米塔尔收购国际钢铁集团公司,将其命名为米塔尔美国ISG有限公司,随后与伊斯帕特内陆公司合并,2010年正式命名为安米美国有限责任公司。安米美国公司总部位于芝加哥,是北美最大的钢铁企业之一,由安米在美国的业务、伊斯帕特内陆公司以及国际钢铁集团的资产组合而成。  相似文献   

安赛乐米塔尔公司是全球最大的跨国钢铁企业,由原世界粗钢产量排名前两位的米塔尔钢铁公司与阿塞勒钢铁公司于2006年合并而成,在世界60多个国家拥有员工约33万人。公司在汽车、建筑、家用电器、  相似文献   

李磊 《冶金管理》2012,(7):38-43
安赛乐米塔尔公司是全球最大钢铁和采矿公司。该公司在全球逾60个国家从事钢铁生产、销售等业务,无论在发达国家还是在发展中国家,公司所属钢厂均具有成本竞争力。而且,安赛乐米塔尔公司在许多品种方面位居领导地位,这些钢材品种包括汽车钢、家电钢、包装用钢材、建筑钢材等。此外,安赛乐米塔尔公司也是全球第四大铁矿石生产商,目前在全球经营和开发着16座矿山。2011年,安赛乐米塔尔公司雇佣了26.1万人。  相似文献   

对钢铁产业而言,2012年是又一次面临极大挑战的一年,是安赛乐米塔尔公司自2009年以来遇到最大困境的一年。为此,该公司采取了一些积极措施应对市场需求恶化的挑战。在全球经济低迷和市场需求疲软的影响下,2012年公司在销售额为842亿美元的背景下(低于上年的940亿美元),Ebitda同比下降30%,仅有71亿美元。由于非现金商誉减值43亿美元以及13亿美元用于资产优化,出现了32亿美元的净亏损。  相似文献   

本文根据安赛乐米塔尔和蒂森克虏伯世界著名钢铁公司2008年在世界知识产权组织(WIPO)申请公开的典型专利技术,概述了汽车用结构件、加强件或外挂件等用途的900MPa级孪晶诱发塑性钢,即TWIP钢的最新研发动态,特别是详细介绍了生产高强度、高塑性以及具有优良涂镀性的开发技术方案。开发钢可以以热轧板、冷轧板及镀层板形式交货。  相似文献   

稀土企业社会责任对于解决稀土问题至关重要.文章设计并运用企业社会责任驱动模型对稀土企业社会责任驱动力进行分析.分析表明目前无论在利益还是伦理方面,稀土企业所受的社会责任驱动力都有极大可能被弱化或异化.要推动稀土企业社会责任的改善,并根本解决稀土问题,稀土企业、政府、社会的内在机制都必须有所完善,最终共同形成能够产生良性互动的系统.   相似文献   

从中国市场企业社会责任的发展现状入手,分析了影响中国市场企业社会责任开展的因素,并以国际时尚品牌李维斯为实际案例,从文化、政府和政策及消费者力量等角度对其在中国市场开展企业社会责任活动进行评价,进而为国际时尚品牌的企业社会责任实践提出了建议。  相似文献   

国家的产业政策和环保标准是国家宏观调控铁合金行业的重要措施,文章集中介绍了我国现阶段铁合金行业的各项产业政策和环保标准,并且指出严格执行行业准入制度、严格污染物排放要求并采取相应的环境保护措施是铁合金企业行业准入和环保达标的基本要求。  相似文献   

本文从我国铁矿资源现状与进口国外矿石的必备条件等方面,论述了发展我国钢铁工业要用好两种资源政策问题。  相似文献   

Control Ss who experienced high prior deprivation of a reinforcing stimulus (approval) responded more with a reinforced response in a verbal conditioning situation than Ss less deprived. Other Ss committed themselves to undergoing postexperimental deprivation of social reinforcement after the same high prior social deprivation. A model suggested by dissonance theory predicted that such Ss who committed themselves for lower rewards would experience greater dissonance; the greater the dissonance, the more could Ss justify their decisions and reduce dissonance by reducing their motive for social reinforcement, consequently behaving in the conditioning situation as Ss who had low motivation for social reinforcement. As expected, experimental Ss in the High Dissonance condition who committed themselves for low reward ($1.00) responded less to social reinforcement, i.e., they showed a smaller increase in response strength of emission of verbal behavior than Control Ss or Low Dissonance Ss who committed themselves for high reward ($5.00). (19 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

灰成分对焦炭热性能的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
胡德生 《钢铁》2002,37(8):9-13
通过在配煤中分别加入不同量的Fe2O3、CaO、MgO、K2O、Na2O、SiO2、Al2O3、P2O5、TiO2改变灰成分的炼焦试验,和大量的模拟生产配煤的炼焦试验。获得169组试验数据,采用回归分析的方法获得了宝钢煤源条件下,焦炭灰成分中十大主要成分对焦炭热性能影响的次序。确立了适合宝钢煤源条件的灰催化指数ACI计算方法。建立了焦炭灰成分对焦炭热性能影响的数学模型。  相似文献   

The report in Canadian Psychology from "Canadian Psychologists for Social Responsibility" (P. R. Johnson, October 1984, pp. 336-337; see record 2007-03848-001) requires comment. First, we are amazed at the arrogance of the assumption that one political position is socially responsible, and all others presumably are irresponsible. Aside from that, the annual report of the section in effect says that evidence is unnecessary as long as in our heart we know we're right. Furthermore, the position attacked in the report is a straw man. Who has denied "that people are afraid of a nuclear holocaust"? Rather than attacking a claim that CPSR's critics have not made, its spokesman could try to deal seriously with the response made to another article emanating from this new section (O. Johnson, 1983). If the denigration of the need for objective evidence, and the ignoring of basic distinctions, are characteristic of CPSR's approach, there seems to be no difference between them and any other political group. In that case, the question naturally arises: Why should this political group constitute a section of CPA? (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The author examines 8 forms of irresponsibility in the social situation of psychology: fixation on means, absolutism of means, absolutism of ends, escape into relativism, isolation of conflicting values, token payments to conscience, parochialism, and professional vanity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examined the degree to which social-cognitive career theory (SCCT; R. W. Lent, S. D. Brown, & G. Hackett, 1994) explained the development of social justice interest and commitment. Data from 274 college students and latent variable path modeling were used to test theoretically and empirically derived SCCT direct and indirect effects structural models. The direct effects model estimated the direct effect of social supports and barriers on social justice commitment and the indirect effects model estimated the effect of social supports and barriers indirectly through self-efficacy. Overall, the present findings supported the use of SCCT within the social justice domain, as social justice self-efficacy and outcome expectations were useful in explaining the development of college students’ social justice interest and commitment. The present findings supported the indirect effects model of social justice interest and commitment over the direct effects model. Finally, unique to prior tests of SCCT in vocational and academic domains, social supports and barriers exhibited an indirect effect on commitment through outcome expectations. Study limitations, future directions for research, and implications for facilitating college students’ social justice interest and commitment are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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