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根据颗粒堆积模型,探讨了粒度分布对水煤浆成浆性能的影响.用GZS-1型标准振筛机将煤样筛分成60~140目、140~200目及200目以上3种.采用干法制浆,配制了理论质量分数为65%的浆体,分别考查了各区间粒度组分数对浆体成浆性能的影响规律.结果表明,200目以上颗粒质量分数为30%,140~200目颗粒质量分数为30%,60~140目颗粒质量分数为40%时制得的水煤浆黏度最低,为497.0 mPa.s.  相似文献   

利用印染退浆废水制备了水煤浆,研究了印染生产中两种退浆剂NaOH和H2O2与淀粉、聚乙烯醇(PVA)、聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)3种不同浆料产生的退浆废水对水煤浆成浆性能的影响.结果表明,NaOH作为退浆剂时,3种浆料废水制备的水煤浆黏度随着NaOH浓度的增加,呈现先升后降再升的趋势,且NaOH浓度为3.9~5.0g/L时3种退浆废水水煤浆黏度最大,而NaOH浓度为7.0~11.0g/L时水煤浆黏度最小;在NaOH和H2O2联合作用退浆时,随着H2O2的加入,3种水煤浆的黏度先速降后趋平缓,在H2O2浓度为2.5~6.5g/L时,3种水煤浆黏度出现相似较低值.  相似文献   

本文在冷态条件下,通过激光多普勒测速仪与激光测粒仪对喷嘴出口雾炬流场的联合测量,得到了喷嘴射流特性变化的一般规律,并为掌握喷嘴射流特性提供了一定的实验依据.  相似文献   

在对十种煤(灰分从3.03%到8.20%)的标准实验室制浆及煤中矿物浸出离子的离子色谱(IC)测定等实验的基础上,用计算机分析的方法确定了煤中矿物特性和水煤浆定粘浓度的关系,阐述了煤中矿物对煤的成浆性影响的双重性,即矿物密度和矿物离子的溶出分别对煤的成浆性有正反两个方面的影响。煤中的可溶性硫酸盐矿物,如石膏,对煤的成浆性和水煤浆的流变性有显著的恶化作用。  相似文献   

水煤浆添加剂与煤分子结构匹配性能的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了不同条件下合成的水煤浆添加剂萘磺酸钠甲醛缩合物(NSF)与不同煤化程度煤的分子结构之间的匹配性能.通过改变合成条件,合成出具有不同缩合度的NSF,利用红外光谱对其进行定量分析.将合成出的NSF分别与不同煤化程度的煤样混合进行制浆实验,考察缩合度与煤分子结构的匹配性,以此来确定最佳缩合度值.结果表明:制浆时,不同煤化程度的煤对应的NSF具有不同的最佳缩合度值.  相似文献   

本文分析比较了国际上现有的各种制备超低灰煤炭的方法。以我国两种典型煤炭产品为例,提出通用性较广的碱法脱灰工艺。介绍了在常规球磨机上用湿法对这种超纯精煤磨制成浆的结果,并作出分析。粒度分布是单峰级配,两种浆的最佳浓度分别为50%和55%,在剪切率大于1001/秒时,浆体均表现为牛顿流体,表现粘度分别为0.3和0.2Pa·s。 比较表明这些产品性能满足国外有关研究开发单位发表的柴油内燃机燃烧要求。  相似文献   

研究了不同功率的超声波对管内不同动力黏度和流速的水煤浆流动阻力的影响,考察了不同频率的超声波对水煤浆粒度、动力黏度和稳定性的变化规律.当超声波功率密度为0.49 W/cm2、水煤浆动力黏度为245 mPa·s、流速为0.27 m/s时,水煤浆管内流阻降低了49.4%.随着超声波功率密度增大,水煤浆流阻先明显降低后逐渐升高.随着水煤浆动力黏度增大和流速增大,超声波降低流阻的效果减弱.从改善制浆性能和降低能耗考虑,超声波频率10 kHz和作用时间1 min是强化制浆的较佳选择,能使常规和精细水煤浆的平均粒度降低,并且使流变性都呈现出屈服假塑性,在储存输送时低剪切速率下的稳定性和在喷嘴射流时高剪切速率下的雾化效果都得到了改善.  相似文献   

本文综合了作者在水煤浆助剂方面研究的最新成果。大量试验表明,助剂X在改善各类水煤浆分散剂性能和提高难制浆煤种的成浆性方面,取得了令人满意的效果。  相似文献   

用6种分散剂和6种不同变质程度的煤进行了成浆实验以研究分散剂的用量对水煤浆(CWS)流变特性的影响.结果表明,分散剂的种类和用量不仅影响CWS的表观黏度而且还影响其流变特性.分散剂用量过多或过少都会增加CWS的表观黏度,但不同分散剂的最佳用量范围不同,这主要取决于分散剂的结构、性质及其与煤粒间的相互作用特征.分散剂用量主要关系到煤粒表面改性的程度;分散剂的种类主要影响到改性煤粒表面的结构特征.  相似文献   

工业废水水煤浆性能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了用焦化厂3种工业废水制备的水煤浆的性能并与自来水制备的水煤浆的性能进行了比较,结果表明,用3种工业废水可以制备出性能较好的水煤浆,而且,某些废水制出的水煤浆在性能上,特别是稳定性上好于用自来水制出的水煤浆。  相似文献   

水焦浆/水煤浆燃烧特性对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用热重分析仪研究了水焦浆的着火、燃烧特性,并与兖州烟煤水煤浆、贵州无烟煤水煤浆进行了对比;通过TG-DTG法确定燃烧特征温度;采用Flynn-Wall—Ozawa法进行反应动力学分析.结果表明,水焦浆的着火和燃尽温度界于烟煤水煤浆和无烟煤水煤浆之间;随升温速率的升高,各样品的着火、燃尽温度升高,说明燃烧反应向高温区转移;可燃性指数随升温速率升高,表明燃烧特性提高;由动力学分析知,在同一转化率下,水焦浆的活化能低于烟煤水煤浆和无烟煤水煤浆;水焦浆具有着火难,但一旦着火,燃烧反应剧烈的特点.  相似文献   

Coal sludge slurry(CSS) is an alternative fuel and a potential competitive method for sludge reduction.Based on the researches of coal water slurry, we studied CSSs by using a wet-grinding process with different types of regional municipal sludge(sludge) in an orthogonal experiment. The sludge type,sludge mixing proportion, dosage of dispersant, and grinding time were tested in this study. The results show that water content and its occurrence characteristics in the sludge have primary hindering influences on slurry ability. The range of fixed-viscosity concentrations with raw wet sludge is from 50.78%to 44.40%(by weight), while the range is from 53.35% to 51.51%(by weight) with dry sludge. All of the CSSs exhibit shear-thinning behaviors with different variation trends, especially the CSSs with more than 15%(by weight) raw wet sludge in it. Adding the same proportion of raw wet sludge increases the thixotropic properties of CSSs and the highest area of thixotropy loop is 3065 Pa/s, while the highest value of dry sludge is 1798 Pa/s. Hydrophilic group plays an important role in adsorbing water and building three-dimension networks with other particles, which is the main reason for CSS properties.Therefore, the mechanism can be used to find the way for making high quality CSS.  相似文献   

陶瓷水煤浆喷嘴温度场及热应力的有限元分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用有限元法对陶瓷水煤浆喷嘴温度场、温度梯度及其热应力进行了分析计算 .根据水煤浆喷嘴的结构和喷嘴工作情况 ,建立了水煤浆喷嘴三维稳态温度场和热应力的有限元模型 ,确定了边界条件 ,分析求解得到陶瓷水煤浆喷嘴的温度场、温度梯度和热应力 .结果表明 :在陶瓷水煤浆喷嘴的出口端面存在较大的温度、温度梯度和热应力 .根据对陶瓷水煤浆喷嘴磨损形貌、温度分布和热应力的分析 ,得出陶瓷水煤浆喷嘴出口处较大的温度梯度和热应力是导致其出现破损和脱落的主要原因  相似文献   

水煤浆燃烧可吸入颗粒物分布及排放规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用冲击式尘粒分级仪对水煤浆锅炉电除尘器前后的细灰粒径分布进行研究.发现除尘器前细灰粒径分布基本上完全符合对数正态分布,相关系数大于0.999;而除尘器后粒径分布更接近罗辛 拉姆勒分布,相关系数约为0.989.由于电除尘器对粗颗粒的除尘效率高于对细颗粒的除尘效率,导致除尘器后PM1、PM2.5和PM10的质量分数均有很大幅度的提高.烟气中细颗粒的质量分数与锅炉负荷有关,负荷降低将导致烟气中细颗粒的质量分数增大.水煤浆锅炉由于燃料中存在的水分,以及燃烧时雾化和结团的影响,PM2.5和PM10的质量分数低于一般煤粉炉  相似文献   

Three coal samples of different ranks were used to study the effect of coal blending on the preparation of Coal Water Slurry (CWS). The results show that by taking advantage of two kinds of coal, the coal concentration in slurry made from hard-to-pulp coal can be effectively improved and increased by 3%-5% generally. DLT coal (DaLiuTa coal mine) is very poor in slurryability and the stability and rheology of the resulting slurry are not very good. When the amount of easily slurried coal is more than 30%, all properties of the CWS improve and the CWS meets the requirements for use as fuel. Coalification, porosity, surface oxygenic functional groups, zeta potential and grindability have a great effect on the performance of blended coal CWS. This leads to some differences in performance between the slurry made from a single coal and slurry made from blended coal.  相似文献   

煤泥高效调浆理论研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于煤粒与捕收剂充分接触和有效黏附是实现煤泥调浆前提条件的认识,应用Sommer-feld颗粒间碰撞模型,导出了调浆过程中颗粒分散后的碰撞概率,并用颗粒绕流效应对碰撞概率进行了修正,考察了高剪切条件下实际流场中油滴与煤泥颗粒碰撞的规律.提出了捕收剂与煤泥颗粒有效吸附概率的概念,讨论了煤泥高效调浆的技术途径,并进行了调浆试验.结果表明:提高调浆剪切强度,保证调浆时间是确保浮选精煤回收率和质量的关键,过度调浆不利于提高浮选精煤回收率.  相似文献   

Several typical ash samples from a 0.25 MW test furnace fired black liquor coal slurry were selected for investigation. The phases and compounds containing sodium in ash samples were acquired from X-ray diffraction analyses. As well, detailed analyses of the amounts of major mineral elements along thickness gradients of representative ash samples were carried out. The elements, including Na, Si, Al, S and Cl were analyzed by the advanced electron probe microanalyzer equipment, which provid evidence and interpretation for the analytical results of XRD. The findings indicate that the occurrence form of sodium has experi-enced important changes during the combustion of black liquor coal slurry, which translated into nepheline, thenardite, sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium silicoaluminate, hauyne and other phases containing sodium, from NaOH, Na2CO3 and Na2S in raw fuel. Of all the sodium compounds, nepheline, thenardite and sodium sulfate are the most important forms of Na in solid com-bustion residues. Such a transformation of Na during the combustion of black liquor coal slurry resulted in a considerable impact on ash deposition and is not only different from the raw coal and papermaking black liquors, but is also affected by local circum-stances in the combustion furnace. Amounts of Na, S and Cl in ash deposits from low temperature zones were larger than those from high temperature zones. Our findings should provide important theoretical instructions for industrial applications of black liquor coal slurry.  相似文献   

采用新型保水剂对水乳型煤焦油沥青防水涂料进行改性研究,用正交设计对乳液的配料组成和工艺参数进行优选,经综合测试和评价,防水材料性能及效果有了很大提高.  相似文献   

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