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This paper describes recent findings on the immunobiology of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) infections. The pathobiology of alveolar macrophages and BRSV, and the immunological reaction of cattle to the virus after natural or experimental infection, or vaccination, were studied. Because in severe cases BRSV infection leads to lower respiratory tract disease, replication of BRSV in alveolar macrophages was studied. Alveolar macrophages, which are important aspecific defense cells in the lower respiratory tract, exhibited a high intrinsic resistance to BRSV. Furthermore, BRSV-infected alveolar macrophages produced significantly less nitric oxide (which has a bacteriocidal effect) than uninfected macrophages. The kinetics of antibody titres against the envelope protein G were different from those of antibody titres against the envelope protein F. For example, many animals that are reinfected do not possess antibodies against the G protein. After vaccination or after natural infection, antibody titres against the F and G protein, and against epitopes on the F protein, differed markedly, and also in animals with different MHC haplotypes. These findings may be related to differences in protection. The strains of BRSV that circulate in the Netherlands belong to the subgroups A and AB. There was no evidence for differences in virulence between these subgroups. BRSV could be detected in 30% of lungs obtained from calves suffering from severe lower respiratory tract disease. Based on cross-protection studies, calves that were infected with a virus from a particular BRSV subgroup were protected against reinfection with a virus from a different subgroup. A recombinant gE-protein negative bovine herpesvirus 1 vaccine carrying a gene encoding the G protein of BRSV, and a DNA vaccine encoding the same protein afforded protection after experimental challenge of calves. This offers the possibility to develop effective multivalent (gE-negative BHV1) marker vaccines in the future.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of vaccination against bovine respiratory syncytial virus on milk production, reproductive performance, and health in lactating dairy cows. DESIGN: Prospective randomized block design. ANIMALS: 385 Holstein dairy cows and heifers. PROCEDURE: Cows were grouped by lactation number, season of calving, and previous mature equivalent 305-day milk production (where appropriate). Prior to parturition, cows and heifers were randomly assigned to be vaccinated i.m. against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, bovine viral diarrhea, and parainfluenza 3 viruses by use of a three-way vaccine, or to be vaccinated against those viruses as well as bovine respiratory syncytial virus, using a four-way vaccine. Milk production was measured daily through 305 days of lactation. Reproductive and medical records were reviewed to obtain insemination dates and record medical problems of cows in each vaccine treatment group. RESULTS: Compared with the three-way vaccine, administration of the four-way vaccine was associated with higher milk production (1.39 kg [3.06 lb] more milk/d) in first-parity cows during the first 21 weeks of lactation. Vaccination did not have any effect on milk production after the first 21 weeks of lactation in cows of any parity. Conception rates at first insemination were higher for four-way vaccinated first-parity cows than for three-way vaccinated first-parity cows (54.6 vs 32.7%). Compared with second-parity cows that received the three-way vaccine, first insemination conception rate was improved for second-parity cows vaccinated with the four-way vaccine (28.9 vs 47.8%, respectively). In cows of third or greater parity, first insemination conception rate was not different between the 2 vaccine treatment groups. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Vaccination of heifers against bovine respiratory syncytial virus prior to partrition may increase milk production and first insemination conception rates.  相似文献   

The immune response of calves was studied following infection with non-cell-passaged Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV). Two groups of 6 specific pathogen free (SPF) calves were housed in separate isolation rooms. One group was inoculated intranasally with a non-cell-passaged BRSV strain and the control group was mock-infected. A BRSV specific antibody response was observed for all the BRSV infected calves. These antibodies were shown to have neutralizing activity. No lymphocyte proliferation response was detected in the mock-infected group whereas three animals in the infected group were positive three weeks after the infection. All BRSV-infected calves, except one, produced interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) one week post-infection and IFN-gamma was observed in all six infected calves after three weeks. The control group showed no IFN-gamma synthesis. In spite of the limits of the BRSV infection model, humoral and cellular immune responses were actively developed by all the calves against this pathogen.  相似文献   

(-)-Indolactam V (ILV) is a synthetic analog of the teleocidins, a newly described class of tumor promoters. Here we describe the mitogenic and comitogenic effect of (-)-ILV on human adult and fetal/neonatal (cord) lymphocytes. (-)-ILV induced proliferation in a dose-dependent manner, with optimal concentrations between 2.6 and 5.2 microM. Cord lymphocytes gave significantly lower (-)-ILV responses compared to the corresponding a2ult cells (50-60% lower at optimal mitogenic doses). The mitogenic action of (-)-ILV was apparently independent of the presence of adherent monocytes. H-7, a relatively specific protein kinase (PK) C inhibitor, and H-8, a less specific PK inhibitor, suppressed (-)-ILV-induced proliferation by 54 and 36%, respectively. Suboptimal concentrations of (-)-ILV were strongly mitogenic for both adult and cord lymphocytes when added together with calcium ionophore A23187, phytohemagglutinin, or the anti-T cell receptor monoclonal antibodies OKT3 and TCR1. In adult cells, the synergistic effect decreased with increasing concentrations of (-)-ILV or/and the other comitogens, and was, in most (> 60%) cases, converted to inhibition at the combination of optimal doses. The inhibition was invariably reversed by depletion of monocytes. In contrast, among cord lymphocytes (-)-ILV and OKT3 or TCR-1 showed strong cooperative effect at all concentrations tested. The (-)-ILV hyporesponsiveness and distinct comitogenic pattern of cord lymphocytes, together with the previously described lower cord cell response to phorbol ester TPA, suggest functional differences in signal transduction mechanisms between cord (naive) and adult (memory) T cells, possibly at the level of monocytes.  相似文献   

Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the most frequent cause of severe respiratory infections in infancy. No vaccine against this virus has yet been protective, and antiviral drugs have been of limited utility. Using the cotton rat model of HRSV infection, we examined bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), a cause of acute respiratory disease in young cattle, as a possible vaccine candidate to protect children against HRSV infection. Cotton rats were primed intranasally with graded doses of BRSV/375 or HRSV/Long or were left unprimed. Three weeks later, they were challenged intranasally with either BRSV/375, HRSV/Long (subgroup A), or HRSV/18537 (subgroup B). At intervals postchallenge, animals were sacrificed for virus titration and histologic evaluation. Serum neutralizing antibody titers were determined at the time of viral challenge. BRSV/375 replicated to low titers in nasal tissues and lungs. Priming with 10(5) PFU of BRSV/375 effected a 500- to 1,000-fold reduction in peak nasal HRSV titer and a greater than 1,000-fold reduction in peak pulmonary HRSV titer upon challenge with HRSV/Long or HRSV/18537. In contrast to priming with HRSV, priming with BRSV did not induce substantial levels of neutralizing antibody against HRSV and was associated with a delayed onset of clearance of HRSV upon challenge. Priming with BRSV/375 caused mild nasal and pulmonary pathology and did not cause exacerbation of disease upon challenge with HRSV/Long. Our findings suggest that BRSV may be a potential vaccine against HRSV and a useful tool for studying the mechanisms of immunity to HRSV.  相似文献   

Five conventionally kept calves aged between 17 and 24 days were experimentally infected with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) by aerosol in order to mimic the natural infection route. The calves were killed and autopsies performed 7 days after the first virus challenge. The BRSV isolate used induced tracheitis, bronchitis and atelectasis in infected calves. The only virus which could be isolated from the lungs of the calves was BRSV. In addition, Mycoplasma bovirhinis was isolated from the lungs or/and trachea of two calves. The clinical and histopathological findings, as well as the detection of BRSV antigens by immunofluorescence in the epithelial cells of lung and trachea, and the reisolation of the virus from bronchoalveolar lavage fluids of all inoculated calves, provided confirmation of successful infection with BRSV.  相似文献   

To identify putative persistent bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) infections in cattle, seven cattle that had experienced BRSV infections were treated with corticosteroids for two periods of 5 days. During the 5-day periods and the 3 weeks after treatment, attempts were made to isolate BRSV from lung lavage fluid and nasal swab specimens. Fluorescent antibody tests were used to detect BRSV antigen in lung lavage cells. A BRSV specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was developed, and was performed on lung lavage samples of all seven cattle as well as on various tissues of five of the cattle. In addition, nasal swabs of 74 over-one-year-old cattle, in a closed dairy herd were also assayed by PCR. The virus or its RNA was not detected in putative carriers, by any of the methods used, whereas all positive controls were positive. After corticosteroid treatment, three of the seven cattle showed a fourfold rise in antibody titre, suggesting induction of virus replication. BRSV-seronegative sentinel calves, that were housed together with each corticosteroid-treated animal, did not develop antibodies to BRSV indicating that BRSV was not shed by corticosteroid-treated cattle, or was shed at a very low level. In addition BRSV was not detected in seropositive cattle in a closed farm in summer. Although we consider the rises in antibody titres against BRSV an indication for persistence of BRSV in cattle, BRSV or its RNA was not detected in infected cattle.  相似文献   

Epitopes were resolved at the amino acid level for nine monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against the central conserved region of protein G of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV-G). Peptide binding studies showed which amino acids in the epitope contributed to antibody binding. The details of the epitopes were compared with the high-resolution structure of a synthetic peptide corresponding to the central conserved region of BRSV-G, and this indicated which face of the central conserved region is the antigenic structure. The major linear epitope of the central conserved region of BRSV-G is located at the tip of the loop, overlapping a relatively flat surface formed by a double disulfide-bonded cystine noose. At least one, but possibly two sulfur atoms of a disulfide bridge that line the conserved pocket at the center of the flat surface, is a major contributor to antibody binding. Some of the residue positions in the epitope have mutated during the evolution of RSV-G, which suggests that the virus escaped antibody recognition with these mutations. Mutations that occur at positions 177 and 180 may have only a local effect on the antigenic surface, without influencing the structure of the backbone, whereas mutations at positions 183 and 184 will probably have major structural consequences. The study explains the antigenic, structural, and functional importance of each residue in the cystine noose which provides information for peptide vaccine design. Additionally, analysis of the epitopes demonstrated that two point mutations at positions 180 and 205 define the preliminary classification of BRSV subgroups.  相似文献   

Two nested PCR assays were developed for the detection of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV). Primers were selected from the gene encoding the F fusion protein (PCR-F) and the gene encoding the G attachment protein (PCR-G). Biotinylated oligonucleotide probes, termed F and G, were selected for the hybridization of the respective PCR products. The sensitivities of the PCR-F and PCR-G assays were similar, both detecting 0.1 tissue culture infective dose of the virus. The PCR-F assay amplified all bovine strains and one human strain (RS32) tested. No cross-reactions were observed with nine heterologous respiratory viruses. PCR-F products of bovine and human RSV strains were discriminated by using endonuclease restriction enzyme ScaI, which specifically cleaved, products of BRSV. Oligonucleotide probe F was also specific for products of BRSV. The PCR-G assay detected all bovine strains and none of the human strains tested. A faint electrophoretic band was also observed with products of Sendai virus. However, probe G did not hybridize with this product, only with products of BRSV. Nasal swabs collected from cattle with no symptoms and cattle in the acute stage of respiratory disease were analyzed for BRSV by the immunofluorescence (IF) method and by the PCR-F and PCR-G assays. The virus was detected by the PCR assays in 31 of 35 (89%) samples tested. Only 23 samples (66%) were positive by the IF method, and these samples were also positive by both the PCR-F and PCR-G assays. The 31 samples detected as positive by PCR originated from cattle presenting clinical signs of acute respiratory disease; the four PCR-negative samples originated from clinically asymptomatic neighboring cattle. All sampled animals subsequently seroconverted and became reactive to BRSV. Thus, the detection of BRSV by PCR correlated with clinical observations and was considerably more sensitive (66 versus 89%) than IF. These results indicate that both nested PCR assays provide rapid and sensitive means for the detection of BRSV infection in cattle. Considering its higher specificity, the PCR-F assay can be recommended as the method of choice in the analysis of clinical specimens of BRSV.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, animal models of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection have been developed using primates, cotton rats, mice, calves, guinea pigs, ferrets, and hamsters. Use of these models has shed light on the mechanisms of vaccine-enhanced disease seen in clinical trials of a formalin-inactivated RSV vaccine and has provided a means for testing efficacy and safety of candidate prophylactic and therapeutic strategies. The development of multiple animal models has coincided with the realization that RSV disease in humans is a multifaceted disease whose clinical manifestations and sequelae depend upon age, genetic makeup, immunologic status, and concurrent disease within subpopulations. There is no single human subpopulation in whom all forms of RSV disease manifest, nor is there a single animal model that duplicates all forms of RSV disease. The choice of an experimental model will be governed by the specific manifestation of disease to be studied.  相似文献   

Seven monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) fusion (F) protein were produced and characterized by radioimmunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence assays. These seven MAbs together with the previously described MAbs (Beeler and Van Wyke Coelingh, 1989) to the F protein of human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) were used to study the antigenic variation of 12 strains of ungulate RSV. All except one MAbs specific for the HRSV-F protein reacted with ungulate RSV strains less efficiently, indicating that some epitopes are conserved, and others are not conserved on the F proteins of HRSV and BRSV strains. Three MAbs specific to the BRSV-F protein neutralized virus infectivity and reacted with all the ungulate RSV strains, suggesting that these epitopes are well conserved. Based on the reactivity of three other MAbs specific to the BRSV-F protein, ungulate RSVs could be grouped into two subgroups. The results indicated that there are antigenic variations in the F protein among ungulate RSV strains.  相似文献   

The present study compared the replication of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) in bovine and ovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells, ovine and bovine monocytic cell lines and ovine alveolar macrophages. Low titres of virus were detected in ovine and bovine lymphocytes and monocytes 24-96 h post-exposure to the virus but there was no apparent replication of the virus in ovine alveolar macrophages during the culture period. The virus replicated to higher but statistically insignificant titres in ovine and bovine peripheral blood monocytes than in lymphocytes, with lymphocytes yielding peak titres significantly earlier. The secondary cell lines obtained from ovine liver and bone marrow also supported the replication of BRSV to high titres. The titres of BRSV in ovine and bovine lymphocytes and monocytes were significantly lower than in secondary cell lines. The addition of human recombinant tumour necrosis factor alpha after exposure to the virus or pre-incubation of ovine or bovine monocytic cells with either human recombinant interleukin 2 or phorbol myristate acetate before exposure to BRSV, did not significantly affect virus titre. Pre-incubation of cells with indomethacin or actinomycin significantly lowered virus titre (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

Eight out of 115 infants admitted to hospital with respiratory syncytial (RS) virus infection had been breast-fed compared with 46 out of 167 controls; this difference was statistically significant. Twenty-one specimens of human colostrum were examined, and all contained RS virus neutralising activity. Specific IgA and IgG were detected in 18 specimens, whereas IgM was detected in none. The titre of IgA antibody was usually higher and correlated more closely to the titre of neutralising activity than that of IgG. Infants inhale milk feeds and regurgitate them through the nose, and the IgA collecting in the respiratory tract might protect against severe respiratory infection. Alternatively, if severe RS virus illness is a sign of hypersensitivity to the virus breast-feeding might protect the infant from an early sensitising infection.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes severe lower respiratory tract disease in infants, young children, and the elderly. Efforts to develop satisfactory live or inactivated vaccines have not yet been proven successful. Our research focuses on the development of four purified live attenuated RSV sub-type A human vaccine clones. Temperature sensitive (ts) and attenuated purified clones of either cold-adapted (ca) RSV or high-passage (hp) RSV were administered intra-nasally (i.n.) to BALB/c mice and tested for immunogenicity. All four clones produced significant anti-RSV F IgG2a and IgG1 titres in the sera of mice, RSV-specific neutralizing titres higher than those produced by their wild-type progenitor viruses, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) activity, and total protection against wild-type (wt) viral challenge. These purified vaccine candidates await testing in humans to determine which contain the required balance between immunogenicity and attenuation.  相似文献   

New series of escape mutants of human respiratory syncytial virus were prepared with monoclonal antibodies specific for the fusion (F) protein. Sequence changes selected in the escape mutants identified two new antigenic sites (V and VI) recognized by neutralizing antibodies and a group-specific site (I) in the F1 chain of the F molecule. The new epitopes, and previously identified antigenic sites, were incorporated into a refined prediction of secondary-structure motifs to generate a detailed antigenic map of the F glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The activity of a number of detergents and disinfectants against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was evaluated in an in vitro assay system. Equal volumes of RSV and serial 10-fold dilutions of the test agents were mixed at 4 degrees C for 5 minutes. The RSV titer in each mixture was compared with that of untreated RSV alone. In 14 experiments with input RSV titers ranging from 2.6 x 10(3) to 2 x 10(7) plaque-forming units/ml, a 10-fold dilution of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (generic bleach) inactivated (> or = 3-log reduction in titer) the virus. With lower RSV titers inactivation was also observed at a 100-fold dilution of bleach. Fetal calf serum concentrations up to 50% as an organic load did not diminish the bleach effect. The degree of RSV inactivation was also defined for Lysol, povidone-iodine, Amphyl, Hibiclens, Osyl, ethanol and Listermint. The short contact time, the reproducible nature of the findings and the continued effectiveness with increasing organic loads all suggest that detergents and disinfectants can potentially play an important role in decreasing the spread of RSV infection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the apparent molecular weight for 24 ruminant respiratory syncytial viruses (RSV) on the basis of differences in the electrophoretic mobility of the phosphoprotein (P protein). PROCEDURE: 29 bovine RSV (BRSV), 20 of which were not previously tested, 3 ovine RSV, and 1 caprine RSV isolates were selected for determination of electrophoretic mobility of the P protein. Virus radiolabeled with [35S]methionine was immunoprecipitated with polyclonal antiserum to BRSV and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. RESULTS: On the basis of apparent molecular size of the P protein, all isolates could be categorized into 2 electropherotypes, low molecular size of 36 kd and high molecular size of 38 kd. Twenty-three BRSV, the 3 ovine RSV, and 1 caprine RSV isolates had a high molecular size P protein; 6 BRSV isolates had a low molecular size P protein. CONCLUSIONS: The apparent molecular size of the P protein of the ruminant RSV strains is greater than that of the human RSV subgroups, providing further evidence of their distinctiveness. Whether categorization of electrophoretic mobility of the P protein of BRSV underlies distinct antigenic subgroups, as it does in human RSV, requires further antigenic and genetic analysis. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Antigenic subgroups of ruminant RSV may have relevance in the development of new vaccines for control of the disease.  相似文献   

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