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PURPOSE: To assess the efficacy and safety of adjunctive daunorubicin during vitrectomy surgery in eyes with idiopathic proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). METHODS: Two hundred eighty-six eyes (286 patients) with stage C2 (Retina Society Classification, 1983) or more advanced preoperative PVR in which surgery with silicone oil was planned were enrolled in a multicenter, prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial. Standardized surgery plus adjunctive daunorubicin perfusion was compared with surgery alone. Outcomes assessed were retinal attachment without additional vitreoretinal surgery 6 months after standardized surgery, number of and time until vitreoretinal reoperations within 1 year of standardized surgery, and change in visual acuity 1 year after standardized surgery, evaluated by photodocumentation, number of reoperations, and measurement of best-corrected visual function. Outcomes were determined 6 months after operation and reevaluated after 1 year of follow-up. RESULTS: Six months after standardized surgery, complete retinal reattachment without additional vitreoretinal surgery was achieved in 62.7% (89/142) of eyes in the daunorubicin group vs 54.1% (73/135) in the control group (P = .07, one-sided). However, in the daunorubicin group, significantly fewer vitreoretinal reoperations were performed within 1 year postoperatively (P = .005, one-sided) to achieve the same overall 1-year retinal reattachment rate (80.2% [105/131] vs 81.8% [103/126]). The rate of patients with no vitreoretinal reoperations was 65.5% (95/145) in the daunorubicin group vs 53.9% (76/141) in the control group. There was no difference in the best-corrected visual acuity. No severe adverse effect related to daunorubicin was identified. CONCLUSIONS: Although the rate of anatomic success after 6 months failed to show significance, some benefit of the adjunctive treatment exists, especially a tendency toward increased rate of reattachment and a significant reduction in the number of reoperations. This shows that human PVR is amenable to pharmacologic treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Since most clinical trials of atypical antipsychotics have been conducted in hospitalized patients, a Phase-IV, multicentre, 8-week, open-label, flexible-dose study was performed to assess the efficacy and safety of risperidone in outpatients with schizophrenia. METHOD: Three hundred and thirty patients with a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III-R) diagnosis of schizophrenia were enrolled at 61 Canadian sites. Upon trial entry, the patients had their neuroleptic and antiparkinsonian drugs discontinued, and treatment with risperidone was initiated at a dose of 2 mg daily, then increased by 2 mg daily on each of the 2 following days until the initial target dose of 6 mg daily was reached on day 3. No further titration was allowed until day 14, after which the dose could be increased or decreased. RESULTS: During the stabilization phase (days 14-56), the dose was unchanged in 44% of the patients, increased in 24%, decreased in 23%, and titrated both up and down in 9% of the patients. In the efficacy-evaluable population (n = 292), treatment with risperidone produced substantial (-26.4) and significant (P = 0.0001) improvement in the total Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) score. At the end of the study (week 8), 85% of patients were classified as clinically improved according to an a priori definition (that is, 20% or more decrease from baseline in total PANSS score). On their last study visit, 75% of patients reported their experience with risperidone as better than their previous neuroleptic therapy. Risperidone was generally well tolerated. The adverse events reported by more than 5% of the patients were insomnia, nausea, headache, somnolence, dizziness, fatigue, anxiety, vomiting, and ejaculation disorder. Seventy-four percent of the reported treatment-related adverse events were recorded during the first 2 weeks of the trial, possibly because of the discontinuation of prior neuroleptic and antiparkinsonian drugs followed by immediate upward titration of risperidone. However, only 8.5% of adverse events were reported to have occurred during week 3, and only 0.8% of adverse events were reported for week 8. Risperidone treatment produced significant improvements over baseline in the incidence and severity of extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS). A slight but statistically significant increase in body weight was observed. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this open-label, Phase-IV trial in a large population of outpatients with schizophrenia found that risperidone was superior to the neuroleptics that patients had previously taken in terms of efficacy and severity of EPS. Our results suggest the use of risperidone at lower doses in outpatients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of human recombinant interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) in the treatment of patients with sepsis syndrome. DESIGN: Prospective, open-label, placebo-controlled, phase II, multicenter clinical trial using three different doses of human recombinant IL-1ra. SETTING: Twelve academic medical center intensive care units in the United States. PATIENTS: Ninety-nine patients with sepsis syndrome or septic shock who received standard supportive care and antimicrobial therapy, in addition to infusion with escalating doses of IL-1ra or placebo. INTERVENTIONS: Patients received an intravenous loading dose of either human recombinant IL-1ra (100 mg) or placebo, followed by a 72-hr intravenous infusion of either one of three doses of IL-1ra (17, 67, or 133 mg/hr) or placebo. All patients were evaluated for 28-day, all-cause mortality. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: A dose-dependent, 28-day survival benefit was associated with IL-1ra treatment (p = .015), as indicated by the following mortality rates: 11 (44%) deaths among 25 placebo patients; eight (32%) deaths among 25 patients receiving IL-1ra 17 mg/hr; six (25%) deaths among 24 patients receiving IL-1ra 67 mg/hr; and four (16%) deaths among 25 patients receiving IL-1ra 133 mg/hr. A dose-related survival benefit was observed with infusion of IL-1ra in patients with septic shock at study entry (n = 65; p = .002) and in patients with Gram-negative infection (n = 45; p = .04). Patients with an increased circulating interleukin-6 (IL-6) concentration of > 100 pg/mL at study entry demonstrated a dose-related survival benefit with IL-1ra treatment (p = .009). In patients with an increased IL-6 concentration at study entry, the magnitude of the decrease in IL-6 concentration 24 hrs after the initiation of therapy was correlated with increasing the IL-1ra treatment dose (p = .052). A significant dose-related reduction in the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II) score was achieved by the end of infusion (p = .038). A renal elimination mechanism for IL-1ra was suggested by the positive correlation between IL-1ra plasma clearance and estimated creatinine clearance (p = .001; r2 = .51). Human recombinant IL-1ra was well tolerated. CONCLUSIONS: This initial evaluation suggests that human recombinant IL-1ra is safe and may provide a dose-related survival advantage to patients with sepsis syndrome. A larger, definitive clinical trial is needed to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the nonergot dopamine agonist ropinirole as an adjunct to L-dopa in a randomized, double-blind trial in PD patients with motor fluctuations. BACKGROUND: L-dopa in the treatment of PD is associated with motor fluctuations, dyskinesia, and other adverse effects. The use of dopamine agonists in the treatment of PD delays recourse to L-dopa and thus delays the possibility of adverse effect onset. METHODS: Ropinirole (n = 95) or placebo (n = 54) was added to L-dopa, and L-dopa was then reduced in a planned manner during the 6-month trial. RESULTS: A significantly greater number of ropinirole patients were able to achieve a 20% or greater reduction in both L-dopa dose and in percent time spent "off" compared with placebo (35.0% versus 13.0%; p = 0.003). The mean daily L-dopa dose was reduced significantly with ropinirole treatment (242 mg versus 51 mg; p < 0.001) as was the percent awake time spent "off" (11.7% versus 5.1%; p = 0.039). There was no difference in the percent of patients who withdrew because of adverse effects (15.8% on ropinirole versus 16.7% on placebo). CONCLUSIONS: Ropinirole permits a reduction in L-dopa dose with enhanced clinical benefit for PD patients with motor fluctuations.  相似文献   

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a progressive, chronic illness that is enigmatic because the mechanisms for its pathogenesis have yet to be determined. Syndromes synonymous with CRPS are reflex sympathetic dystrophy, reflex neurovascular dystrophy, causalgia, algoneurodystrophy, sympathetically maintained pain, clenched fist syndrome, and Sudek's syndrome. The diagnosis of CRPS is categorized into three stages: acute, dystrophic, and atrophic. CRPS is most often precipitated by peripheral trauma (crushing injuries, lacerations, fractures, sprains, burns, or surgery) to soft tissue or nerve complexes. The pathogenesis for CRPS has been speculated as being either a disease process of the peripheral nerves, a disease process of peripheral soft tissue, or a disease process of the spinal cord. Patients suffering from CRPS may be limited in their ability to function in a self-directed, independent fashion. A longitudinal study of CRPS on 1,348 patients revealed that 96% of the study subjects still suffer some pain and disability regardless of the duration of the disease or course of treatment. Although the primary etiology for CRPS is not clearly understood, key progress has been made in terms of establishing a psychological as well as therapeutic treatment plan once the diagnosis has been made.  相似文献   

The aim of the multicenter, randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, parallel-group clinical trial with a 2-week treatment period was to compare the efficacy and safety of salmeterol (50 micrograms twice daily) with slow-release (SR) terbutaline (5 mg orally, twice daily) in nocturnal asthma. A total of 159 asthmatic adults (FEV, 50-90% of predicted value; sex ratio: 0.87) with at least two nocturnal awakenings during a 7-d run-in period was included in the study. Patients were centrally randomized with a national computer network (Minitel). The main variable (number of awakening-free nights during the last week of treatment) was analyzed according to a sequential method with the one-sided triangular test. The number of awakening-free nights (+/- SD) was significantly higher in the salmeterol group: 5.3 +/- 2.4 vs 4.6 +/- 2.3 (P = 0.006). Salmeterol was significantly more effective than SR-terbutaline in the following factors: number of patients without any awakening during the last week of treatment (50% vs 27%, P = 0.003), mean morning PEF (351 +/- 109 l/min-1 vs 332 +/- 105 l/min-1, P = 0.04), PEF diurnal variation 6 +/- 10% vs 11 +/- 12%, P = 0.01), overall assessment of efficacy by the patient and the investigator (P = 0.001 and 0.005, respectively), and daily rescue salbutamol intakes (P = 0.004). In the salmeterol group, significantly fewer patients reported adverse events (16% vs 29%, P = 0.04).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The antihypertensive effects and tolerability of single daily doses of enalapril and extended-release nifedipine (nifedipine-ER) were compared in an open-label, randomized, parallel-group, 22-week treatment study involving 230 men and women (mean age, 55 years). Following a 3-week washout period, mean +/- SD blood pressure levels were 153 +/- 17/99 +/- 4 mmHg in the enalapril group (n = 117) and 157 +/- 17/100 +/- 5 mmHg in the nifedipine-ER group (n = 113). Beginning at 5 mg once daily for enalapril and 30 mg once daily for nifedipine-ER, the dosage was titrated every 4 weeks for 16 weeks, up to a maximum of 40 mg for enalapril and 120 mg for nifedipine-ER. The treatment goal (satisfactory response) was to lower trough sitting diastolic blood pressure to < 90 mmHg or by at least 10 mmHg to a level of < 100 mmHg. At a mean daily dose of 16 mg of enalapril and 57 mg of nifedipine-ER, more than three quarters of each treatment group achieved a satisfactory response. The mean reductions in trough sitting blood pressure levels at the end of 22 weeks of treatment were 15/11 mmHg for enalapril and 21/13 mmHg for nifedipine-ER. The difference between treatments was significant only for the change in systolic blood pressure (P < 0.05). However, enalapril was better tolerated than nifedipine-ER. The numbers of patients with adverse experiences and withdrawals from the study because of an adverse experience were significantly lower for enalapril than for nifedipine-ER (P < 0.05). The incidence of abnormal laboratory findings was small and considered of no clinical importance in either group. These data suggest that enalapril and nifedipine-ER had approximately equal efficacy as once-daily antihypertensive treatments, but enalapril was better tolerated.  相似文献   

Itraconazole 100-200 mg was orally administered to 49 patients with pulmonary aspergilloma once a day in principle immediately after breakfast. Drug concentrations in fungus balls and in aspergilloma cavities were determined in each measurable case and the data were evaluated in terms of efficacy and safety. Overall evaluation was done considering the following 3 criteria: improvement of clinical symptoms, X-ray findings and mycological findings. The efficacy rate was 63.4% (26/41 cases). Out of 49 cases, adverse reactions and abnormal laboratory test values were observed in 8 (16.3%) and 13 (26.5%) cases, respectively. The safety rate was 81.6% (40/49 cases). 160 ng/g-4, 010 ng/g of itraconazole was detected in aspergilloma in 4 measurable cases. This finding showed that itraconazole had infiltrated into the fungus balls. Itraconazole was detected in aspergilloma cavities as well: drug concentration was 825 ng/g and 1,020 ng/g respectively. Based on overall view of clinical effects and drug concentrations in fungus balls and in the walls of lung cavities, it is concluded that itraconazole showed efficacy in reducing the size of aspergilloma and that this drug is useful also in terms of safety.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of fluvoxamine in the treatment of binge-eating disorder. Binge-eating disorder is a newly described eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating but without purging behaviors. Uncontrolled reports have suggested that serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may be effective in treating this disorder. METHOD: Eighty-five outpatients with a DSM-IV diagnosis of binge-eating disorder were randomly assigned to receive either fluvoxamine (N=42) or placebo (N=43) in a 9-week, parallel-group, double-blind, flexible dose (50-300 mg) study at three centers. The primary outcome measures were frequency of binge eating, expressed as log ([binges/week]+1), and Clinical Global Impression (CGI) scale ratings. Secondary measures included the level of response (based on the percentage change in frequency of binges), body mass index, and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression score. Except for the level of response, the outcome measures were analyzed by random regression methods; the treatment-by-time interaction was the measure of treatment effect. RESULTS: Compared with placebo, fluvoxamine was associated with a significantly greater rate of reduction in the frequency of binges, rate of reduction in CGI severity scores, rate of increase in CGI improvement scores, level of response for patients who completed the 9-week study, and rate of reduction in body mass index. There was no significant difference between placebo and fluvoxamine groups in the rate of decrease in Hamilton depression scale scores. A significantly greater proportion of patients receiving fluvoxamine than those receiving placebo discontinued treatment because of an adverse medical event. CONCLUSIONS: In this placebo-controlled trial, fluvoxamine was found to be effective according to most outcome measures in the acute treatment of binge-eating disorder.  相似文献   

Previous research on schizophrenia suggests that context-processing disturbances are one of the core cognitive deficits present in schizophrenia. However, it is not clear whether such deficits are specific to schizophrenia as compared with other psychotic disorders. To address this question, the authors administered a version of the AX Continuous Performance Test designed to assess context processing in a sample of healthy controls, patients with schizophrenia, and patients with other psychotic disorders. Participants were tested at index (when medication naive and experiencing their first contact with psychiatric services) and 4 weeks later, following medication treatment. At index, patients with schizophrenia and the psychotic comparison group demonstrated similar impairments in context processing. However, context-processing deficits improved in the psychotic comparison group at 4 weeks but did not improve in patients with schizophrenia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The expression of cytokeratins (CKs) in normal cervical epithelium, low grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL), high grade SILs and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) were analyzed using four different monoclonal antikeratin antibodies. In normal cervical epithelium, CK 18 showed strong immunoreactivity in basal and parabasal layers. CK 19 and 14 were expressed only in the basal layer while CK 13 was found selectively n the spinal cells. As the lesions progressed from low grade SIL to high grade SIL, immunoreactivity of CK 18, 19 and 14 in the basal cell compartment increased while the expression of CK 13 decreased. In SCC, as well-differentiated tumors showed decreased immunoreactivity for CK 18, 19 and 14 with CK 13 showing a strong and focal (localized) immunoreactivity. Undifferentiated carcinomas totally lacked CK 13 reactivity. Our findings therefore suggest that expression of CK 18, 19 and 14 may be directly related to tumor grade and CK 13 may be a marker of differentiation in cervical lesions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the process and results of diet standardization, diet validation, and monitoring of diet composition, which were key components of protocol 1 of Dietary Effects on Lipoproteins and Thrombogenic Activity (DELTA-1), the initial protocol in a program of multicenter human feeding studies designed to evaluate the effects of amount and type of fat on lipoproteins and hemostasis parameters in various demographic groups. DESIGN: DELTA-1 was based on a randomized, blinded, crossover experimental design. Three diets were fed for 8 weeks to 103 healthy men and women aged 22 to 67 years at 4 field centers. Diet A, an average American diet, was designed to provide 37% of energy from fat, 16% of energy from saturated fatty acids (SFAs); diet B (step 1 diet) was designed to provide 30% of energy from fat, 9% of energy from SFA; and diet C (low SFA diet) was designed to provide 26% of energy from fat, 5% of energy from SFA. Key features of diet standardization included central procurement of fat-containing foods, inclusion of standard ingredients, precision weighing of foods--especially sources of fat and cholesterol--and use of standardized written procedures. SETTING: For menu validation, a set of 12 menus for each diet was prepared in duplicate and chemically assayed. For monitoring of diet composition during the study, an 8-day diet cycle (6 weekday and 2 weekend menus) was sampled by every field center twice during each of 3 feeding periods. STATISTICAL ANALYSES: Means (+/- standard error) were calculated and compared with target nutrient specifications. RESULTS: DELTA-1 was able to provide a standardized diet that met nutrient specifications across 4 field centers over 24 weeks of participant feeding spanning a total of 8 months. APPLICATIONS: Prestudy chemical validation of menus and continuous sampling and assay of diets throughout the study are essential to standardize experimental diets and to ensure that nutrient target goals are met and maintained throughout a controlled multicenter feeding study.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine whether left ventricular volumes and ejection fractions calculated from single plane two-dimensional echocardiograms using the algorithm (0.85A2L) correlate with those calculated using the biplane Simpson's method, and whether small changes in volumes and ejection fraction occurring post-infarction could be detected from single-plane as well as from biplane two-dimensional echocardiograms. METHODS AND RESULTS: Serial two-dimensional echocardiograms were obtained in 371 patients from the DEFIANT II trial a mean of 2 days, 1 week and 6 months post-infarction. Single plane volumes from the apical four chamber and apical long axis correlated closely with biplane Simpson's left ventricular volumes. Both single-plane left ventricular volumes significantly over-estimated biplane Simpson's volumes. Biplane Simpson's ejection fractions were consistently slightly under-estimated from the single-plane images. Differences between biplane Simpson's and single-plane volumes increased independently with increasing left ventricular size and distortion. The small changes in left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction over time were as reliably detected from single plane as from biplane images. CONCLUSION: Single-plane left ventricular volumes over-estimate biplane Simpson's volumes and under-estimate ejection fraction, and these discrepancies are amplified in dilated hearts with abnormal shape.  相似文献   

Survivors of childhood cancer whose malignancy and/or treatment involved the central nervous system may demonstrate a consistent pattern of neurocognitive deficits. The present study evaluated a randomized clinical trial of the Cognitive Remediation Program (CRP). Participants were 6- to 17-year-old survivors of childhood cancer (N = 161; 35% female, 18% Hispanic, 10% African American, 64% Caucasian, 8% other) who were at least 1 year off treatment and who manifested an attentional deficit. They were enrolled at 7 sites nationwide. Two thirds of the participants were randomly assigned to cognitive remediation. All participants were assessed using a battery of academic achievement/neurocognitive tests and parent/teacher measures of attention. The CRP resulted in parent report of improved attention and statistically significant increases in academic achievement. Effect sizes were modest but were comparable with those for other clinical trials of brain injury rehabilitation and for psychological interventions in general. The CRP is presented as a potentially beneficial treatment for many survivors of pediatric cancer. Long-term clinical significance remains unproven. Further work is needed to improve effect sizes and treatment compliance and to address the needs of other populations with pediatric brain injury. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of cefepime hydrochloride plus metronidazole vs the combination of imipenem and cilastatin sodium in the treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections in adult patients. DESIGN: Prospective, randomized, double-blind multicenter study. SETTING: University-affiliated hospitals in the United States and Canada. PATIENTS: Three hundred twenty-three patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections in whom an operative procedure or percutaneous drainage was required for diagnosis and management. INTERVENTION: Cefepime, 2 g, was administered intravenously every 12 hours (n= 164) in addition to metronidazole, 500 mg (or 7.5 mg/kg) intravenously every 6 hours. Imipenen-cilastatin sodium, 500 mg, was administered intravenously every 6 hours (n= 159). Surgical infection management was determined by the patients' surgeons. MAIN OUTCOME ASSESSMENTS: Clinical cure, defined as elimination of all signs and symptoms relevant to the original infection; and treatment failure, defined as persistence, increase or worsening of signs and symptoms resulting in an antibiotic change, requirement of an additional surgical procedure to cure the infection, or a wound infection with fever. RESULTS: Of the initial isolates, 84% were susceptible to cefepime and 92% were susceptible to imipenem-cilastatin. Among the 217 protocol-valid patients, those treated with cefepime+metronidizole were deemed clinical cures (88%) more frequently than were imipenem-cilastatin-treated patients (76%) (P=.02). Using multivariate analysis to adjust for identified clinical risk factors for an adverse outcome (severity of presenting illness, isolation of enterococcus, type of infection, and duration of prestudy hospitalization), there was a trend (P=.06) toward a higher cure rate favoring cefepime+metronidazole. Pathogens were eradicated in significantly (P=.01) more patients treated with combined cefepime and metronidazole (89%) than with imipenem-cilastatin (76%). CONCLUSION: The combination of cefepime plus metronidazole is safe and effective therapy for patients with severe intra-abdominal infections.  相似文献   

RK Maloney  WK Chan  R Steinert  P Hersh  M O'Connell 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1995,102(7):1042-52; discussion 1052-3
PURPOSE: The Summit Therapeutic Refractive Clinical Trial is a nine-center prospective, nonrandomized, self-controlled trial to assess the efficacy, stability, and safety of using a standardized technique of excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) to correct residual myopia in eyes with previous refractive surgery or cataract surgery. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eligible eyes with a mean residual myopia of -3.7 +/- 1.8 diopters (D) (range, -0.63 to -11.00 D) underwent PRK with a 193-nm excimer laser for myopic corrections between -1.50 and -7.50 D. Standardized settings were used for the ablation zone, ablation rate, repetition rate, and fluence. One hundred seven of the first 114 treated eyes were examined 1 year after PRK, with 98% of eyes having had refractive keratotomy and 2% having had cataract surgery. RESULTS: One year postoperatively, the mean manifest spherical equivalent refraction was -0.6 +/- 1.4 D (range, -6.50 to 2.50 D); 63% of eyes were within +/-1.00 D of the attempted correction; and uncorrected visual acuity was 20/40 or better in 74% of eyes. Twenty-nine percent of eyes lost two or more Snellen lines of best-corrected visual acuity, and central corneal haze was moderate or severe in 8% of eyes. CONCLUSIONS: Excimer laser PRK is effective in reducing residual myopia after previous refractive and cataract surgery. However, it is less accurate than PRK in eyes that did not undergo surgery and is more likely to cause a loss of best-corrected visual acuity 1 year after treatment.  相似文献   

The antihypertensive effects and tolerance of once-daily barnidipine, a novel dihydropyridine calcium antagonist, were evaluated. A total of 190 patients with a sitting diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of 95-114 mmHg were investigated in this multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging study. After a 4-week single-blind placebo run-in period, patients were randomized to placebo or barnidipine (10 mg, 20 mg, or 30 mg modified release capsules) once daily for 6 weeks. Nonresponders (sitting DBP > or =90 mmHg and a decrease of < 10 mmHg) were treated for an additional 6 weeks with a dose increase of 10 mg. At each clinic visit, sitting and standing blood pressure and heart rate were measured approximately 24 hours after the last dose of study drug was taken. Compared with placebo, barnidipine lowered blood pressure, with a trend toward a dose-response relationship over the dose range 10-30 mg. A dose increment of 10 mg in nonresponders resulted in additional reductions in blood pressure. At the end of the active treatment period, the responder rates were 41% and 57% for 10 mg and 20 mg barnidipine, respectively. Heart rate in both sitting and standing positions was not affected by barnidipine. Treatment with barnidipine was well tolerated, and the incidence of adverse events was dose related and consistent with vasodilatation. In conclusion, barnidipine (10-30 mg) administered once daily is well tolerated and reduces blood pressure in patients with mild to moderate hypertension.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: People who consume a diet high in vegetables and fruits have a lower risk of cancer of the large bowel. Antioxidant vitamins, which are present in vegetables and fruits, have been associated with a diminished risk of cancers at various anatomical sites. We conducted a randomized, controlled clinical trial to test the efficacy of beta carotene and vitamins C and E in preventing colorectal adenoma, a precursor of invasive cancer. METHODS: We randomly assigned 864 patients, using a two-by-two factorial design, to four treatment groups, which received placebo; beta carotene (25 mg daily); vitamin C (1 g daily) and vitamin E (400 mg daily); or the beta carotene plus vitamins C and E. In order to identify new adenomas, we performed complete colonoscopic examinations in the patients one year and four years after they entered the study. The primary end points for analyses were new adenomas identified after the first of these two follow-up examinations. RESULTS: Patients adhered well to the prescribed regimen, and 751 completed the four-year clinical trial. There was no evidence that either beta carotene or vitamins C and E reduced the incidence of adenomas; the relative risk for beta carotene was 1.01 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.85 to 1.20); for vitamins C and E, it was 1.08 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.91 to 1.29). Neither treatment appeared to be effective in any subgroup of patients or in the prevention of any subtype of polyp defined by size or location. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of efficacy of these vitamins argues against the use of supplemental beta carotene and vitamins C and E to prevent colorectal cancer. Although our data do not prove definitively that these antioxidants have no anticancer effect, other dietary factors may make more important contributions to the reduction in the risk of cancer associated with a diet high in vegetables and fruits.  相似文献   

Intravenously administered ciprofloxacin was compared with imipenem for the treatment of severe pneumonia. In this prospective, randomized, double-blind, multicenter trial, which included an intent-to-treat analysis, a total of 405 patients with severe pneumonia were enrolled. The mean APACHE II score was 17.6, 79% of the patients required mechanical ventilation, and 78% had nosocomial pneumonia. A subgroup of 205 patients (98 ciprofloxacin-treated patients and 107 imipenem-treated patients) were evaluable for the major efficacy endpoints. Patients were randomized to receive intravenous treatment with either ciprofloxacin (400 mg every 8 h) or imipenem (1,000 mg every 8 h), and doses were adjusted for renal function. The primary and secondary efficacy endpoints were bacteriological and clinical responses at 3 to 7 days after completion of therapy. Ciprofloxacin-treated patients had a higher bacteriological eradication rate than did imipenem-treated patients (69 versus 59%; 95% confidence interval of -0.6%, 26.2%; P = 0.069) and also a significantly higher clinical response rate (69 versus 56%; 95% confidence interval of 3.5%, 28.5%; P = 0.021). The greatest difference between ciprofloxacin and imipenem was in eradication of members of the family Enterobacteriaceae (93 versus 65%; P = 0.009). Stepwise logistic regression analysis demonstrated the following factors to be associated with bacteriological eradication: absence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P < 0.01), higher weight (P < 0.01), a low APACHE II score (P = 0.03), and treatment with ciprofloxacin (P = 0.04). When P. aeruginosa was recovered from initial respiratory tract cultures, failure to achieve bacteriological eradication and development of resistance during therapy were common in both treatment groups (67 and 33% for ciprofloxacin and 59 and 53% for imipenem, respectively). Seizures were observed more frequently with imipenem than with ciprofloxacin (6 versus 1%; P = 0.028). These results demonstrate that in patients with severe pneumonia, monotherapy with ciprofloxacin is at least equivalent to monotherapy with imipenem in terms of bacteriological eradication and clinical response. For both treatment groups, the presence of P. aeruginosa had a negative impact on treatment success. Seizures were more common with imipenem than with ciprofloxacin. Monotherapy for severe pneumonia is a safe and effective initial strategy but may need to be modified if P. aeruginosa is suspected or recovered from patients.  相似文献   

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