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长输燃气管道输气站是燃气输配系统中的重要基础设施,而燃气调压器是输气站的重要设备。在本文中,笔者详细介绍了自力式燃气调压器的工作原理,及常见故障和原因,并具体分析了其它故障及其处理方法。希望通过本文的分析,可以切实提高长输燃气管道输气的稳定性。  相似文献   

本文通过对燃气锅炉房天然气泄漏危害、泄漏分类、泄漏原因、泄漏状态辩识,结合几年来工作经验,提出了燃气锅炉房天然气泄漏防范及处理措施。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展与人们生活质量的不断提高。在日常生活中,人们对家居生活中燃气输送的调节能力及安全程度也有着更高的要求。高效节能,安全可靠的燃气调压器便成为了生活中必不可少的燃气设备之一。如何将可视化的信息技术与燃气调压工作有机结合,更好的为用户服务是我们需要探索的又一个新的课题。  相似文献   

给出了无市政配套供暖设施的居民冬季采暖的一种解决方法,及生活热水、采暖两用燃气壁挂炉系统的设备配置与计算,探讨了住宅生活热水系统的循环设置,并结合实际工程介绍设备运行特点。  相似文献   

该燃气调压计量柜,柜体具有一个进气口和7个出气口,进气口和出气口之间有一个管路一相通,该管路一包括通过管道依次连接的高压阀一、调压器一、低压阀一和流量计一;同时该进气口和出气口之间还具有一个管路二,管路二包括通过管道依次连接的高压阀二、调压器二、低压阀二和流量计二。采用了该种燃气调压计量柜,由于在进气口和出气口之间设置了管路一和管路二的双回路设计,当任一管路中的调压器或流量计需检修时,用户可以通过调节对应的阀门,继续正常使用燃气。  相似文献   

本文介绍了燃气调压器(箱)产品实施生产许可管理以来,生产许可管理部门在城镇燃气调压器(箱)产品生产许可证实施细则中引用标准来制定、修订生产许可实施细则,同时运用生产许可管理中的实践经验积极推动有关产品标准的制修订工作,使标准技术指标规定更为合理,为行业发展创新、许可工作提升奠定了良好的标准化工作基础。从而,实现了生产许可和标准化工作的共同提高。  相似文献   

纸浆模塑结构单元的缓冲高度与缓冲性能关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用有限元分析软件,针对纸浆模塑典型结构单元建立系统力学分析模型,以纸浆模塑缓冲结构单元的静态压缩曲线为基础,研究了缓冲包装结构缓冲高度对缓冲性能的影响。研究结果,为缓冲包系统的设计提供一定参考。  相似文献   

本文探讨天然气分输站设计与燃气调压站设计的设计规模、调压流程、调压器选型及降低投资的途径等问题。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了燃气的基础知识与各燃气场所配备的检测仪器,探讨了燃气管道泄漏检测的理论依据与检测的一般方法,并介绍了燃气泄漏检测技能培训的相关情况。  相似文献   

压缩机行业的迅猛发展对其测试装置的测试精度提出了更高的要求,压缩机性能测试系统中的气流脉动对测量精度尤其是涡街流量计的测量值有较大影响,直接影响测试结果的可信度。本文研发一种新型气体缓冲器用于消除气流脉动对测量值的影响,并进行理论和试验研究。结果表明,新型气体缓冲器的引入可以使流量测量的不确定度从4.7%降到0.2%,测试装置的测量精度大大提高。  相似文献   

根据宽带流媒体的突发性和自相似特点及接入汇聚路由器(ACR)对预留宽带的严格控制,建立了用分形布朗运动(FBM)来表示输入流量模型的自相似模型,用其定量分析了ACR中缓冲区容量与分组丢失率的关系。分析结果表明,为支持其有良好服务质量的宽带流媒体业务,必须确保每路视频流的丢失率小于一个定值,在此条件下,所需缓冲压的容量与媒流体的自相似系数及链路平均利用率成正比,在实际工程实践中可以根据系统丢失率的要求计算需要预留的缓冲区容量,以此来保证视频传输的服务质量。  相似文献   

Inorganic extractables from glass vials may cause particle formation in the drug solution. In this study, the ability of eluting Al ion from borosilicate glass vials, and tendencies of precipitation containing Al were investigated using various pHs of phosphate, citrate, acetate and histidine buffer. Through heating, all of the buffers showed that Si and Al were eluted from glass vials in ratios almost the same as the composition of borosilicate glass, and the amounts of Al and Si from various buffer solutions at pH 7 were in the following order: citrate?>?phosphate?>?acetate?>?histidine. In addition, during storage after heating, the Al concentration at certain pHs of phosphate and acetate buffer solution decreased, suggesting the formation of particles containing Al. In citrate buffer, Al did not decrease in spite of the high elution amount. Considering that the solubility profile of aluminum oxide and the Al eluting profile of borosilicate glass were different, it is speculated that Al ion may be forced to leach into the buffer solution according to Si elution on the surface of glass vials. When Al ions were added to the buffer solutions, phosphate, acetate and histidine buffer showed a decrease of Al concentration during storage at a neutral range of pHs, indicating the formation of particles containing Al. In conclusion, it is suggested that phosphate buffer solution has higher possibility of forming particles containing Al than other buffer solutions.  相似文献   

可降解缓冲包装材料的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以农作物秸秆和淀粉为主要原料,通过正交实验方法,研究各种组分及工艺条件,制得发泡材料,并对材料力学性能及降解性能进行了检测.此材料可降解,并满足一定力学性能,具有潜在应用价值.  相似文献   

蒸汽管道直埋敷设在我国尚属探索阶段,基础理论还不完善,本文根据我公司近几年在蒸汽管道安装运行经验,就直埋蒸汽管道在设计问题、压力管道元件——膨胀节的设计及选用等方面问题、保温材料及保温结构的选择、运行方面的问题进行分析及探讨,以期为膨胀节在直埋蒸汽管道的设计施工中的应用提供更多的经验和参考。  相似文献   

OLEDs中CuPc缓冲层作用的AFM与XPS研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用AFM对CuPc/ITO样品表面进行扫描,发现其生长较均匀,基本上覆盖了ITO表面的缺陷,且针孔较少.通过样品表面和界面的XPS谱图分析,进一步证实了这一结果,同时发现,CuPc可以抑制ITO中的化学组分向空穴传输层的扩散.有利于器件的性能的改善和寿命的提高.  相似文献   

Multiple failures of API 5L X42 (X42) coal–tar coated natural gas feeder line due to vertical jetting of high pressure erosive slurry was studied experimentally and computationally. Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) was used as the simulation tools to study the flow pattern, velocity distribution and strain rates on pipe surface. Experimental work was performed to determine the erosion pattern. Three different diameters of jetting sources produced three distinct impact patterns were clearly identified. These patterns were frequently referred in the experimental study. A CFD simulation result shows that the highest shear strain rate area coincides with the leakage point. These results thus support the hypothesis that it is very likely that the failure of the gas pipeline was caused by the high pressure water jet gusting from the failed welded joint of the water pipeline.  相似文献   

Crack failure of a 36 inch high pressure gas pipe observed during regular inspection of a station has been investigated and the results are presented in this paper. The crack, approximately one meter long, was initiated from a notch inside the hot tapped hole in a pipeline installed about 30 years ago. The study was conducted by reviewing the design history and construction data, visual inspection, pipe material characterization, stress and modal analysis by using finite element method. Investigations revealed that the valve, directly connected to the split tee, faced large dynamic periodic forces due to a pressure drop between two pipelines. Metallurgical evaluation of the pipe material by optical microscope and fractography of the crack surface by scanning electron microscopy indicated the presence of elongated inclusions in the steel microstructure together with some indications of fatigue fracture as a poorly formed sawtooth profile. Based on dynamic analysis, it was found that the first mode shape, the maximum displacement and, therefore, the maximum stress were exactly situated within the crack initiation zone. It was concluded that the notch effect in the hot tapped hole, the position of the supports under the split tee and the presence of a large periodic stress were responsible for the initiation and fatigue propagation of the crack in the gas pipe.  相似文献   

管材参数对输液管流固耦合振动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨超  范士娟 《振动与冲击》2011,30(7):210-213
采用特征线法对一蓄水池-管道-阀门(RPV)系统的流固耦合振动响应进行了数值计算,研究了管道结构阻尼、管材泊松比以及管道壁厚管道材料对系统振动响应的影响。结果表明:随着管道结构阻尼的增大,管壁本身的振动受到抑制;当管道结构阻尼大于某一临界值时,系统的振动能量主要集中在液体里,造成液体压力能的升高;随着泊松比的增大或管道壁厚的增大,液体的压能增大,管壁的轴向振动强度降低。  相似文献   

SiGe quantum well structures gain increasing interest in the Si technology. The preparation of a Si channel or a Ge-rich or even a pure Ge channel with a respective two-dimensional carrier gas opens the attractive possibility to fabricate high performance n- or p-type field effect transistors. For both device types, a virtual substrate surface is required which is created by a strain relieved buffer layer grown on a Si standard wafer. The paper reviews various approaches of SiGe buffers including special attempts to reduce the thickness and to improve the quality. N- and p-type modulation-doped field-effect transistors are presented which show comparably good device characteristics and cut-off frequencies in the range of 100–120 GHz.  相似文献   

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