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Neoplastic events are marked by uncontrolled cell proliferation. One major focus of cancer research has been to identify treatments that reduce or inhibit cell growth. Over the years, various compounds, both naturally occurring and chemically synthesized, have been used to inhibit neoplastic cell proliferation. Two such oncostatic agents, melatonin and retinoic acid, have been shown to suppress the growth of hormone-responsive breast cancer. Currently, separate clinical protocols exist for the administration of retinoids and melatonin as adjuvant therapies for cancer. Using the oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive MCF-7 human breast tumour cell line, our laboratory has studied the effects of a sequential treatment regimen of melatonin followed by all-trans retinoic acid (atRA) on breast tumour cell proliferation in vitro. Incubation of hormonally responsive MCF-7 and T47D cells with melatonin (10(-9) M) followed 24 h later by atRA (10(-9) M) resulted in the complete cessation of cell growth as well as a reduction in the number of cells to below the initial plating density. This cytocidal effect is in contrast to the growth-suppressive effects seen with either hormone alone. This regimen of melatonin followed by atRA induced cytocidal effects on MCF-7 cells by activating pathways leading to apoptosis (programmed cell death) as evidenced by decreased ER and Bcl-2 and increased Bax and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta1) expression. Apoptosis was reflected morphologically by an increase in the number of lysosomal bodies and perinuclear chromatin condensation, cytoplasmic blebbing and the presence of apoptotic bodies. The apoptotic effect of this sequential treatment with melatonin and atRA appears to be both cell and regimen specific as (a) ER-negative MDA-MB-231 and BT-20 breast tumour cells were unaffected, and (b) the simultaneous administration of melatonin and atRA was not associated with apoptosis in any of the breast cancer cell lines studied. Taken together, the results suggest that use of an appropriate regimen of melatonin and atRA should be considered for preclinical and clinical evaluation against ER-positive human breast cancer.  相似文献   

While the fas/fas ligand system has been extensively investigated in immuno-competent cells, the place of this system in the physiology and pathophysiology of liver cells remains to be clarified. Although we know that fas is present at the surface of hepatocytes--the main hepatic cells--the role of this membranous protein in physiological conditions is not yet elucidated. However it is the localization of fas on the plasma membrane of hepatocytes which explains why these cells are mainly destroyed by apoptosis--in a picture resembling human fulminant hepatitis--when mice are administered with anti-fas antibodies or fas ligand. It is also established that fas is surexpressed in some human chronic liver diseases, such as those induced by hepatitis B or C virus, a situation which could explain the pathogenesis of some liver lesions occurring during these diseases, such as the apoptosis of hepatocytes in piecemeal necrosis. Finally the fact that caspases, a group of cysteine proteases activated in fas-induced apoptosis, opens the way to inhibition of these enzymes by synthetic peptides and to prevent and treat hepatocyte apoptosis. Demonstration of this possibility has been recently reported in animals presenting fulminant hepatitis induced by anti-fas antibodies.  相似文献   

The population of peritoneal macrophages from mice immunised with allogeneic tumor cells contains two types of cytotoxic cell. One lyses the specific target cell, the other initiates activation of macrophages and hence leads to inhibition of growth of the specific target cell. The yield of lytic effector macrophages was found to depend on the route and the nature of the cell used for immunisation and the condition of the mice. The yield correlated with the yield of complement-dependent cytotoxic antibodies. In contrast, production of specific "activator" macrophages did not depend critically on these factors. The results underline the difference between the two types of cell and suggest that they are produced independently of one another.  相似文献   

A significant correlation between the inactivation of the growth-regulating enzyme ribonucleotide reductase (RR) with the growth inhibition of four different tumour cell lines has been found for seven different p-alkoxyphenol derivatives with varying lengths of alkyl side chain. In Novikoff hepatoma and human leukaemia cells, inactivation of RR by p-alkoxyphenols was monitored by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of the catalytically essential tyrosyl radical in the subunit R2 of RR. A significant inhibition of cellular growth of Novikoff hepatoma cells, human leukaemia cells and two human melanoma cell lines (MeWo and M5) by p-alkoxyphenols was also observed by growth inhibition assays. Inactivation of RR in whole tumour cells as well as inhibition of cellular growth of tumour cell lines by p-alkoxyphenols both show an increase in inhibition with increasing length of the alkyl side chain; the most effective inhibitors are p-isobutoxyphenol, p-butoxyphenol and p-propoxyphenol. The enzyme RR, and in particular the catalytically essential tyrosyl radical in the active site, is recognized as an important cellular target for growth inhibition of Novikoff hepatoma cells, human leukaemia cells and melanoma cells by p-alkoxyphenols. Thus, the most potent RR inhibitors-p-isobutoxyphenol, p-butoxyphenol and p-propoxyphenol-may be considered as future antiproliferative drugs for the systemic treatment of melanoma as well as leukaemia and possibly other malignancies.  相似文献   

Using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) we have analysed the segregational fidelity of all the human chromosomes during mitotic cell division. The losses and gains of chromosomes were analysed in human polyploid cell lines derived from a well-differentiated papillary thyroid cancer. These thyroid cells can be cultured for more than 300 population doublings. For the purpose of our study the polyploid nature of the cells may act as a protective buffer against the cell-lethal effects of the loss of individual chromosomes. To evaluate the role of the p53 gene product in maintaining the fidelity of chromosome segregation we compared the frequencies of chromosome loss and gain in cultures with wild-type p53 activity (K1E7neo3) and cultures transfected with plasmids expressing a mutant p53 product (K1E7scx6). Cultures were analysed for the presence of both structurally normal and rearranged chromosomes at both early and late passages. Cell cultures with defective p53 activity showed progressive chromosome loss from a median chromosome number of 87-97 to 75-86. Cell growth in cultures with wild-type p53 activity showed the loss of chromosomes 6, 7, and 8 and the gain of 17 and 20. Cultures expressing mutant p53 activity showed the loss of chromosomes 2, 5, 14 and 17 and the gain of 4 and 22. The combination of defective p53 and growth resulted in further destabilisation with the additional losses of chromosomes 3, 11, 15, 16 and 21. Chromosomes 1, 9, 10, 12, 13, 18, 19, X and Y segregated stably under all the culture conditions as did the structurally rearranged marker chromosomes. The study has demonstrated variation in the fidelity of mitotic chromosome segregation and the influence of p53 gene activity upon the segregation of individual human chromosomes.  相似文献   

The association of fibrin and tumour cells on a sclerosed mitral valve in a 62-year-old woman is described. This was the first indication of malignant disease but bilateral ovarian cancer was proved two months later. ino further tumour deposits have been found in fifteen months. The tumour deposit on the valve was most likely a metastasis but primary heart valve sarcoma has not been positively excluded. If the lesion was a secondary deposit this has possible implications for the role of fibrin in metastasis in humans.  相似文献   

As a result of deprivation of oxygen (hypoxia) and nutrients, the growth and viability of cells is reduced. Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1alpha helps to restore oxygen homeostasis by inducing glycolysis, erythropoiesis and angiogenesis. Here we show that hypoxia and hypoglycaemia reduce proliferation and increase apoptosis in wild-type (HIF-1alpha+/+) embryonic stem (ES) cells, but not in ES cells with inactivated HIF-1alpha genes (HIF-1alpha-/-); however, a deficiency of HIF-1alpha does not affect apoptosis induced by cytokines. We find that hypoxia/hypoglycaemia-regulated genes involved in controlling the cell cycle are either HIF-1alpha-dependent (those encoding the proteins p53, p21, Bcl-2) or HIF-1alpha-independent (p27, GADD153), suggesting that there are at least two different adaptive responses to being deprived of oxygen and nutrients. Loss of HIF-1alpha reduces hypoxia-induced expression of vascular endothelial growth factor, prevents formation of large vessels in ES-derived tumours, and impairs vascular function, resulting in hypoxic microenvironments within the tumour mass. However, growth of HIF-1alpha tumours was not retarded but was accelerated, owing to decreased hypoxia-induced apoptosis and increased stress-induced proliferation. As hypoxic stress contributes to many (patho)biological disorders, this new role for HIF-1alpha in hypoxic control of cell growth and death may be of general pathophysiological importance.  相似文献   

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common disease of aging men. Current medical treatment for this condition is only partially effective, therefore many patients must undergo surgery for symptomatic relief. BPH is caused by an increase in prostate epithelial and stromal cells, especially the latter. Since BPH stromal cells have a long life span and are not very responsive to androgen withdrawal, cultured BPH stromal cells were used to explore the feasibility of pharmacologically inducing apoptosis in these cells. We obtained BPH tissue during surgery, and stromal cells were isolated and maintained in culture. After cells achieved confluence, we induced apoptosis with the HMGCoA reductase inhibitor, lovastatin (30 micromol/L). The effects of testosterone (100 micromol/L), dihydrotestosterone (DHT; 100 micromol/L) and finasteride (100 micromol/L) on lovastatin-induced apoptosis were studied on cells grown in media containing charcoal stripped serum. Similarly, we examined the effect of the cholesterol pathway metabolites, mevalonic acid (30 micromol/L), geranyl geraniol (30 micromol/L), farnesol (10 micromol/L), squalene (30 micromol/L) and 7-ketocholesterol (3 micromol/L) on lovastatin-induced apoptosis. We demonstrated apoptosis by DNA laddering in agarose gels, by fluorescence microscopy following acridine orange staining, and by flow cytometry after end-labeling of DNA strand breaks with biotin-16-dUTP using deoxynucleotidyl exotransferase (TdT). Lovastatin at 30 micromol/L, but not at lower concentrations, induced apoptosis in BPH prostate stromal cells. This was seen (by flow cytometry) in 16.6 +/- 7.3% (mean +/- SD) of BPH cells treated with lovastatin at 72 h vs. 2.5 +/- 1.2% of cells treated with ethanol. Lovastatin-induced apoptosis was not increased in stripped serum or by the addition finasteride, and was not inhibited by testosterone or DHT. Only mevalonate and geranyl geraniol, prevented lovastatin-induced apoptosis whereas farnesol, squalene, or 7-ketocholesterol did not. We conclude that lovastatin can induce apoptosis in BPH stromal cells in vitro, and this is not affected by androgen withdrawal or stimulation. It is unlikely that lovastatin, per se, will be an effective treatment for BPH in vivo, but it does provide a means for inducing apoptosis in vitro. Understanding the apoptotic process in BPH stromal cells ultimately may lead to new therapeutic strategies for BPH.  相似文献   

In vivo, the normal fate of cells undergoing apoptosis is recognition, uptake and degradation of the intact dying cell by phagocytes. Cell clearance by this mechanism is fast, efficient and injury-limiting, being mediated by macrophages and semi-professional phagocytes. Apoptotic cells are marked for disposal by mechanisms which remain poorly understood, although in some circumstances surface sugar changes and exposure of phosphatidylserine lead to recognition by uncharacterised phagocyte receptors. Furthermore, there is specific evidence in vitro for involvement of phagocyte receptors including the thrombospondin receptors alpha v beta 3 and CD36, scavenger receptors, the 61D3 antigen and the ABC 1 transporter. It is conceivable that recognition mechanisms may be ordered in a hierarchy of 'back ups', each recognising cells at different stages of the death program. Nevertheless, a full understanding of this complexity will require definition of recognition mechanisms which operate in vivo in higher organisms.  相似文献   

To identify characteristics of gastric cancer associated with hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), we gathered clinical data and tumor samples relating to patients recorded in the Finnish HNPCC registry. Our series included 51 families with a characterized mutation and/or that met the Amsterdam criteria. Of 570 members affected by malignancy, gastric cancer occurred in 62. Adequate clinical data were obtained for 45 patients. Tumor samples from 24 patients were re-examined. The mean age of diagnosis of gastric cancer was 56 years. The average percentage of all cancers within a family was 11 (range 0-40). Nineteen were of the intestinal type. Only 3 were of the diffuse type. Helicobacter pylori infection was demonstrated in 3 of 15 cases. Replication error (RER) phenotype was present clearly in 7 cases and at least fairly clearly in 11. The overall 5-year survival rate was 15%. The 5-year survival rate was 48% in cases in whom radical surgery had been undertaken. Our results support the view that gastric cancer belongs to the tumor spectrum of HNPCC. The intestinal type of histology is characteristic, as is the RER+ phenotype, but H. pylori infection was rare.  相似文献   

In a series of pharmacological tests the ability of 0.6 mg/kg of the anticholinergic scopolamine to decrease the effectiveness of the neuroleptic heloperidol varied widely. Most severely attenuated was production of catalepsy followed in order of decreasing interference by inhibition of amphetamine-induced rotation, inhibition of amphetamine- or apomorphine-induced stereotyped behavior, inhibition of conditioned avoidance responding and lastly attenuation of the haloperidol-induced increase in striatal HVA. By use of such a relatively low dose of scopolamine the behavioral effects of heloperidol were dissociated from effects on dopamine turnover in the striatum. If behavioral tests in animals can be related to the clinical effects of neuroleptic drugs, those effects of haloperidol severely reduced by scopolamine may be related to extrapyramidal effects.  相似文献   

Anti-serum raised against the human cholecystokinin B (CCKB)/gastrin receptor was used in Western blotting to differentiate the cellular locations of receptor isoforms expressed by human gastro-intestinal (GI) tumour cell lines. Using anti-serum directed against the amino-terminal extracellular tail of the CCKB/gastrin receptor, 8/9 cell lines were shown to express immunoreactive proteins of either m.w. 70 or 40 kDa, or both. Both isoforms were found to be associated with intracellular, non-nuclear membranes, whereas only the 70 kDa protein was expressed in the plasma membrane. Receptor expression was related to gastrin production and secretion. Both progastrin and glycine-extended gastrin-17 were produced and secreted by the tumour cell lines; however, carboxy amidated gastrin was not detected by radioimmunoassay. A CCKB/gastrin receptor transfectant NIH3T3 cell line did not produce detectable gastrin and showed exclusive expression of the 70 kDa receptor on the plasma membrane. One cell line had <50 pg/ml cell-associated progastrin and no detectable receptor form. Cell lines expressing 50-150 pg/ml had both 40 and 70 kDa receptor forms. Those expressing >150 pg/ml progastrin had only the 40 kDa isoform, which was shown to be exclusively expressed on intracellular, non-nuclear membranes, in one of the cell lines. Of the 4 cell lines exclusively expressing the lower m.w. receptor, 3 had gastrin present within the cell, which was not secreted. Thus, if cell-associated gastrin induces a proliferative effect, it may be by an intracrine pathway. Our study has identified the presence of CCKB/gastrin receptor isoforms in different cellular locations and may help toward understanding the complex autocrine and intracrine pathways mediated by gastrin peptides.  相似文献   

The replication of rubella virus (RUB) in Vero cells, an adherent cell line, results in apoptotic death of infected cells as detected by chromatin fragmentation assays. In infected cultures, virtually all of the cells that had become detached (a hallmark feature of RUB-induced cytopathology) were apoptotic; they were predominantly dead as shown by propidium iodide and trypan blue exclusion tests. In contrast, the majority of the cells in the infected monolayers that remained adherent were alive and contained intact chromatin. Thus simple counting of detached cells in the medium is a convenient way of measuring the extent of RUB-induced apoptosis. RUB-induced cytopathology was inhibited by z-VAD-fmk, an inhibitor of caspases that are involved in the execution stages of apoptosis, confirming the induction of apoptosis by RUB. The lack of apoptotic adherent cells (maximally 1% at any time point through 6 days postinfection) indicates that the induction of apoptosis is asynchronous since cells become uniformly virus antigen-positive by day 2 postinfection. To elucidate whether this asynchronicity and the ability of RUB to persistently infect Vero cells were due to a suppression of apoptosis, we examined whether RUB can suppress chemically induced apoptosis. Staurosporine (ST) was found to be an efficient inducer of apoptosis in Vero cells. ST treatment of RUB-infected and RUB persistently infected cells resulted in a much higher proportion of detached cells, higher even than in Vero cells treated with ST alone. This indicates that RUB does not suppress ST-induced apoptosis and, rather, that ST and RUB acted cumulatively in inducing apoptosis, possibly indicating that they use different induction pathways.  相似文献   

Genetic studies have shown that grim is a central genetic switch of programmed cell death in Drosophila; however, homologous genes have not been described in other species, nor has its mechanism of action been defined. We show here that grim expression induces apoptosis in mouse fibroblasts. Cell death induced by grim in mammalian cells involves membrane blebbing, cytoplasmic loss and nuclear DNA fragmentation. Grim-induced apoptosis is blocked by both natural and synthetic caspase inhibitors. We found that grim itself shows caspase-dependent proteolytic processing of its C-terminus in vitro. Grim-induced death is antagonized by bcl-2 in a dose-dependent manner, and neither Fas signalling nor p53 are required for grim pro-apoptotic activity. Grim protein localizes both in the cytosol and in the mitochondria of mouse fibroblasts, the latter location becoming predominant as apoptosis progresses. These results show that Drosophila grim induces death in mammalian cells by specifically acting on mitochondrial apoptotic pathways executed by endogenous caspases. These findings advance our knowledge of the mechanism by which grim induces apoptosis and show the conservation through evolution of this crucial programmed cell death pathway.  相似文献   

Modification of autologous tumour cells to express the immune costimulator B7.1 is a potential strategy for immunotherapy of cancer. Previously, this has involved introduction of genetic material into cells, in vitro culture, and confirmation of the protein product on the cell surface. This is possible only if sufficient tumour is obtainable and efficiently modified in a short time. Whilst progress has been made on ex vivo tumour cell culture and transfection/infection procedures there are still tumour types for which the present means of gene transfer are not efficient enough. We describe a highly efficient in vitro procedure for the modification of over 99% of the cells in a population, allowing the expression of cell surface proteins with potential immune modulatory activities. This procedure, which can be completed in as little as 24 h with no upper limit on cell number, utilizes succinimide esters to label cell surface proteins with biotin covalently. Biotinylated cell membrane proteins then anchor an avidin bridge for immobilizing protein G'-biotin. This can serve to bind immunoglobulin (Ig) molecules via their Fc region such that the variable region of the antibody is freely and functionally available. In the present study the binding of a stimulatory mouse anti-human CD28 monoclonal antibody to the surface of tumour cells is used to show that the modified cells are capable of co-stimulating T cells in vitro. The simplicity of the method, and the use of common reagents, represents a further step towards a realistic, truly 'off-the-shelf', nongene immunotherapy protocol.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for aberrant immune function associated with chronic ethanol use remain obscure, but a decrease in monocyte numbers is often reported for individuals who chronically abuse ethanol. We investigated, using human HL-60 promyelocytic cell line, the possibility that ethanol induces apoptosis which contributes to decreased monocyte numbers. Characteristic features of apoptosis were observed 4 days after ethanol treatment, as documented by increased DNA fragmentation; enhanced expression of phosphatidylserine, an early marker of apoptosis; and the appearance of a hypodiploid apoptotic cell population identified by flow cytometry analysis of the cell cycle. Treatment with the protein kinase C inhibitor, GF 109203X, potentiated ethanol-induced apoptosis. Direct induction of human HL-60 cell apoptosis by ethanol and potentiation of ethanol-induced apoptosis by inhibiting protein kinase C provides a partial explanation for the cytotoxic effects of ethanol on hematopoietic progenitor cells and establishes a link between inhibiting protein kinase C activity and ethanol-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

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