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A hypercube algorithm to solve the list ranking problem is presented. Let n be the length of the list, and let p be the number of processors of the hypercube. The algorithm described runs in time O(n/p) when n=Ω(p 1+ε) for any constant ε>0, and in time O(n log n/p+log3 p) otherwise. This clearly attains a linear speedup when n=Ω(p 1+ε). Efficient balancing and routing schemes had to be used to achieve the linear speedup. The authors use these techniques to obtain efficient hypercube algorithms for many basic graph problems such as tree expression evaluation, connected and biconnected components, ear decomposition, and st-numbering. These problems are also addressed in the restricted model of one-port communication  相似文献   

It is shown that there is a continuously parameterized family F of n-dimensional single-input single-output (SISO) stabilizable detectable linear system Σ(p) which contains at least one realization of each reduced, strictly proper transfer function of McMillan degree not exceeding n. The parameterization map p→Σ(p) is a polynomial function in 2n indeterminates from an open convex polyhedron in R2n to the linear space of all SISO n-dimensional linear systems  相似文献   

A unified analytical model for computing the task-based dependability (TDB) of hypercube architectures is presented. A hypercube is deemed operational as long as a task can be executed on the system. The technique can compute both reliability and availability for two types of task requirements-I-connected model and subcube model. The I-connected TBD assumes that a connected group of at least I working nodes is required for task execution. The subcube TBD needs at least an m-cube in an n-cube, mn, for task execution. The dependability is computed by multiplying the probability that x nodes (xI or x⩾2m) are working in an n-cube at time t by the conditional probability that the hypercube can satisfy any one of the two task requirements from x working nodes. Recursive models are proposed for the two types of task requirements to find the connection probability. The subcube requirement is extended to find multiple subcubes for analyzing multitask dependability. The analytical results are validated through extensive simulation  相似文献   

The problem of distributed leader election in an asynchronous complete network, in the presence of faults that occurred prior to the execution of the election algorithm, is discussed. Failures of this type are encountered, for example, during a recovery from a crash in the network. For a network with n processors, k of which start the algorithm that uses at most O(n log k +n+kt) messages is presented and shown to be optimal. An optimal algorithm for the case where the identities of the neighbors are known is also presented. It is noted that the order of the message complexity of a t-resilient algorithm is not always higher than that of a nonresilient one. The t-resilient algorithm is a systematic modification of an existing algorithm for a fault-free network  相似文献   

In an n-dimensional hypercube Qn, with the fault set |F|<2n-2, assuming S and D are not isolated, it is shown that there exists a path of length equal to at most their Hamming distance plus 4. An algorithm with complexity O (|F|logn) is given to find such a path. A bound for the diameter of the faulty hypercube Qn-F, when |F|<2n-2, as n+2 is obtained. This improves the previously known bound of n+6 obtained by A.-H. Esfahanian (1989). Worst case scenarios are constructed to show that these bounds for shortest paths and diameter are tight. It is also shown that when |F|<2n-2, the diameter bound is reduced to n+1 if every node has at least 2 nonfaulty neighbors and reduced to n if every node has at least 3 nonfaulty neighbors  相似文献   

An adaptive parallel algorithm for inducing a priority queue structure on an n-element array is presented. The algorithm is extended to provide optimal parallel construction algorithms for three other heap-like structures useful in implementing double-ended priority queues, namely min-max heaps, deeps, and min-max-pair heaps. It is shown that an n-element array can be made into a heap, a deap, a min-max heap, or a min-max-pair heap in O(log n+(n /p)) time using no more than n/log n processors, in the exclusive-read-exclusive-write parallel random-access machine model  相似文献   

Properties and performance of folded hypercubes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new hypercube-type structure, the folded hypercube (FHC), which is basically a standard hypercube with some extra links established between its nodes, is proposed and analyzed. The hardware overhead is almost 1/n, n being the dimensionality of the hypercube, which is negligible for large n. For this new design, optimal routing algorithms are developed and proven to be remarkably more efficient than those of the conventional n-cube. For one-to-one communication, each node can reach any other node in the network in at most [n/2] hops (each hop corresponds to the traversal of a single link), as opposed to n hops in the standard hypercube. One-to-all communication (broadcasting) can also be performed in only [n/2] steps, yielding a 50% improvement in broadcasting time over that of the standard hypercube. All routing algorithms are simple and easy to implement. Correctness proofs for the algorithms are given. For the proposed architecture, communication parameters such as average distance, message traffic density, and communication time delay are derived. In addition, some fault tolerance capabilities of this architecture are quantified and compared to those of the standard cube. It is shown that this structure offers substantial improvement over existing hypercube-type networks in terms of the above-mentioned network parameters  相似文献   

The transitive closure problem in O(1) time is solved by a new method that is far different from the conventional solution method. On processor arrays with reconfigurable bus systems, two O (1) time algorithms are proposed for computing the transitive closure of an undirected graph. One is designed on a three-dimensional n×n×n processor array with a reconfigurable bus system, and the other is designed on a two-dimensional n2×n2 processor array with a reconfigurable bus system, where n is the number of vertices in the graph. Using the O(1) time transitive closure algorithms, many other graph problems are solved in O(1) time. These problems include recognizing bipartite graphs and finding connected components, articulation points, biconnected components, bridges, and minimum spanning trees in undirected graphs  相似文献   

Parallel algorithms for several important combinatorial problems such as the all nearest smaller values problem, triangulating a monotone polygon, and line packing are presented. These algorithms achieve linear speedups on the pipelined hypercube, and provably optimal speedups on the shuffle-exchange and the cube-connected-cycles for any number p of processors satisfying 1⩽pn/((log3n)(loglog n)2), where n is the input size. The lower bound results are established under no restriction on how the input is mapped into the local memories of the different processors  相似文献   

Optimal broadcasting on the star graph   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The star graph has been show to be an attractive alternative to the widely used n-cube. Like the n-cube, the star graph possesses rich structure and symmetry as well as fault tolerant capabilities, but has a smaller diameter and degree. However, very few algorithms exists to show its potential as a multiprocessor interconnection network. Many fast and efficient parallel algorithms require broadcasting as a basic step. An optimal algorithm for one-to-all broadcasting in the star graph is proposed. The algorithm can broadcast a message to N processors in O(log2 N) time. The algorithm exploits the rich structure of the star graph and works by recursively partitioning the original star graph into smaller star graphs. In addition, an optimal all-to-all broadcasting algorithm is developed  相似文献   

A parallel sorting algorithm for sorting n elements evenly distributed over 2d p nodes of a d-dimensional hypercube is presented. The average running time of the algorithm is O((n log n)/p+p log 2n). The algorithm maintains a perfect load balance in the nodes by determining the (kn/p)th elements (k1,. . ., (p-1)) of the final sorted list in advance. These p-1 keys are used to partition the sorted sublists in each node to redistribute data to the nodes to be merged in parallel. The nodes finish the sort with an equal number of elements (n/ p) regardless of the data distribution. A parallel selection algorithm for determining the balanced partition keys in O(p log2n) time is presented. The speed of the sorting algorithm is further enhanced by the distance-d communication capability of the iPSC/2 hypercube computer and a novel conflict-free routing algorithm. Experimental results on a 16-node hypercube computer show that the sorting algorithm is competitive with the previous algorithms and faster for skewed data distributions  相似文献   

The job scheduling problem in a partitionable mesh-connected system in which jobs require square meshes and the system is a square mesh whose size is a power of two is discussed. A heuristic algorithm of time complexity O(n(log n+log p)), in which n is the number of jobs to be scheduled and p is the size of the system is presented. The algorithm adopts the largest-job-first scheduling policy and uses a two-dimensional buddy system as the system partitioning scheme. It is shown that, in the worst case, the algorithm produces a schedule four times longer than an optimal schedule, and, on the average, schedules generated by the algorithm are twice as long as optimal schedules  相似文献   

The problem of electing a leader in a dynamic ring in which processors are permitted to fail and recover during election is discussed. It is shown that &thetas;(n log n+kr) messages, counting only messages sent by functional processors, are necessary and sufficient for dynamic ring election, where kr is the number of processor recoveries experienced  相似文献   

It is shown that on the set of m-input p-output minimal nth-order state-space systems the graph topology and the induced Euclidean quotient topology are identified. The author considers the set Lnp×m of m -input p-output nth-order minimal state-space systems. The author presents three lemmas and a corollary from which a theorem is proved stating that the graph topology and the quotient Euclidean topology are identical on a quotient space Ln p×m/~. Since the graph topology is constructed to be weak, and the quotient Euclidean topology is intuitively strong, this result is unexpected  相似文献   

Using a directed acyclic graph (DAG) model of algorithms, the authors focus on processor-time-minimal multiprocessor schedules: time-minimal multiprocessor schedules that use as few processors as possible. The Kung, Lo, and Lewis (KLL) algorithm for computing the transitive closure of a relation over a set of n elements requires at least 5n-4 parallel steps. As originally reported. their systolic array comprises n2 processing elements. It is shown that any time-minimal multiprocessor schedule of the KLL algorithm's dag needs at least n2/3 processing elements. Then a processor-time-minimal systolic array realizing the KLL dag is constructed. Its processing elements are organized as a cylindrically connected 2-D mesh, when n=0 mod 3. When n≠0 mod 3, the 2-D mesh is connected as a torus  相似文献   

A mechanism for scheduling communications in a network in which individuals exchange information periodically according to a fixed schedule is presented. A proper k edge-coloring of the network is considered to be a schedule of allowed communications such that an edge of color i can be used only at times i modulo k. Within this communication scheduling mechanism, the information exchange problem known as gossiping is considered. It is proved that there is a proper k edge-coloring such that gossip can be completed in a path of n edges in a certain time for nk⩾1. Gossip can not be completed in such a path any earlier under any proper k edge-coloring. In any tree of bounded degree Δ and diameter d, gossip can be completed under a proper Δ edge-coloring in time (Δ-1)d +1. In a k edge-colored cycle of n vertices, other time requirements of gossip are determined  相似文献   

The focus is on the following graph-theoretic question associated with the simulation of complete binary trees by faulty hypercubes: if a certain number of nodes or links are removed from an n-cube, will an (n-1)-tree still exists as a subgraph? While the general problem of determining whether a k-tree, k< n, still exists when an arbitrary number of nodes/links are removed from the n-cube is found to be NP-complete, an upper bound is found on how many nodes/links can be removed and an (n-1)-tree still be guaranteed to exist. In fact, as a corollary of this, it is found that if no more than n-3 nodes/links are removed from an (n-1)-subcube of the n-cube, an (n-1)-tree is also guaranteed to exist  相似文献   

The performance evaluation of processor-memory communications for multiprocessor systems using circuit switched interconnection networks with a hold strategy is performed. Message size and processor processing time are considered and shown to have a significant effect on the overall system performance. A closed queuing network model is proposed such that only (n+2) states are required by the proposed model, in contrast to (n2+3n+4)/2 states needed in previous studies, where n is the number of stages of the multistage interconnection network. Since a closed-form solution is obtained, the behavior of a complete cycle of memory access through multistage interconnection networks can be accurately analyzed and various performance bounds can be obtained  相似文献   

A new parallel algorithm is proposed for fat image labeling using local operators on image pixels. The algorithm can be implemented on an n×n mesh-connected computer such that, for any integer k in the range [1, log (2n)], the algorithm requires Θ(kn1k/) bits of local memory per processor and takes Θ(kn) time. Bit-serial processors and communication links can be used without affecting the asymptotic time complexity of the algorithm. The time complexity of the algorithm has very small leading constant factors, which makes it superior to previous mesh computer labeling algorithms for most practical image sizes (e.g. up to 4096×4096 images). Furthermore, the algorithm is based on using stacks that can be realized using very fast shift registers within each processing element  相似文献   

Necessary and sufficient criteria in the frequency domain for robust stability are given under the assumption that coefficients of a characteristic polynomial belong to a transformed lp-ball. Three cases are considered in detail: p =∞ (interval uncertainty), p=2 (ellipsoidal uncertainty), and p=1 (octahedral uncertainty). It is shown that frequency-domain-stability criteria are efficient when one deals with robust stability problems. The frequency-domain approach considered can be extended to various problems of robust stability  相似文献   

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