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Because inter‐satellite links (ISLs) among the distributed satellite nodes can be used to support autonomous control in satellite system operation to reduce dependency on the ground stations, it becomes a popular communication paradigm for the future satellite systems. However, this introduces great technical challenges, particularly for routing protocol to support such space communication system. Facing the challenges, we present out study of routing technology in this paper tailored for satellite network of MEO (Table 1) and IGSO with ISLs in addition to satellite–ground links. The study aims to explore the routing strategies and algorithms of satellite network based on the evolution law of network topology to provide reference design for data exchange in autonomous satellite system. A comprehensive investigation, ranging from the analysis of relevant factors affecting data exchange in satellite networks to the primary application and resource constraints in designing satellite routing strategy, has been conducted. Our main contribution is to propose an on‐demand computing and caching centralized routing strategy and algorithm on the satellite network. The routing strategy and algorithm is designed for satellite network topology dynamic grouping. The route calculation for user data transmission is divided into three phases: direction estimation, direction enhancement, and congestion avoidance. The strategy and algorithm provide significant advantages of high efficiency, low complexity, and flexible configuration, by which the satellite networks can provide the features of flexible configure, efficient transferring, easy management, structural survivability, and great potential in scalability. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a compatibility analysis involving space research service lunar mission uplink transmissions and the inter‐satellite links of non‐geostationary orbit systems operating in the 22‐GHz band. Three points differentiate this analysis from the currently available studies: (1) the mathematical model used here allows for the consideration of the time varying nature of the inclination of the Moon orbital plane; (2) besides the usual unconditional interference cumulative distribution functions, this analysis also considers the conditional cumulative distribution functions given that the victim satellite is receiving interference, important to characterize the interference affecting users that, because of their location, are most of the time using satellites, which are under interference; and (3) instead of dynamic time simulation, the analytical method in Recommendation ITU‐R S.1529 is used to determine the various cumulative distribution functions involved. Four scenarios are examined in the paper. Their main differences concern the number and location of the space research service transmitting Earth stations and the strategy under which they are active (transmitting). In all scenarios, cumulative distribution functions of the ratio I/N were determined for both the in‐band and the out‐of‐band interference cases. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, performance of delay‐sensitive traffic in multi‐layered satellite Internet Protocol (IP) networks with on‐board processing (OBP) capability is investigated. With OBP, a satellite can process the received data, and according to the nature of application, it can decide on the transmission properties. First, we present a concise overview of relevant aspects of satellite networks to delay‐sensitive traffic and routing. Then, in order to improve the system performance for delay‐sensitive traffic, specifically Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), a novel adaptive routing mechanism in two‐layered satellite network considering the network's real‐time information is introduced and evaluated. Adaptive Routing Protocol for Quality of Service (ARPQ) utilizes OBP and avoids congestion by distributing traffic load between medium‐Earth orbit and low‐Earth orbit layers. We utilize a prioritized queueing policy to satisfy quality‐of‐service (QoS) requirements of delay‐sensitive applications while evading non‐real‐time traffic suffer low performance level. The simulation results verify that multi‐layered satellite networks with OBP capabilities and QoS mechanisms are essential for feasibility of packet‐based high‐quality delay‐sensitive services which are expected to be the vital components of next‐generation communications networks. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

李晖  顾学迈 《通信学报》2006,27(8):119-128
单层卫星网络由于轨道高度和覆盖能力的不同,以至构成通信的单层系统往往不能满足不同业务服务质量的需求。分析了Walkerdelta型星座构建多层卫星通信网络的拓扑结构和ISL性能,提出了在统计分布模型下的多层卫星自适应路由策略,综合考虑了路径时延和ISL链路负载。仿真结果表明了多层网络自适应路由策略能够更加有效地分配网络通信量,网络具有较小的丢包率、网络平均归一化链路负载和特定路径综合路径权重,有利于降低网络平均阻塞概率和特定路径阻塞概率,获得更高的可靠性,较传统的单层非自适应路由更加有效、可靠。  相似文献   

In ad hoc wireless networks, the high mobility of hosts is usually a major reason for link failures. The general ‘shortest path’ based routing protocols may not lead to stable routes. In this paper, we propose a mobility assessment on‐demand (MAOD) routing protocol to select a stable route in order to enhance system throughput and performance. An error count parameter is used to judge whether a host is highly mobile. The proposed MAOD routing protocol is an on‐demand routing protocol similar to dynamic source routing (DSR). The difference between MAOD and DSR is in the path selection method. Because MAOD takes the mobility of hosts into consideration, it will select a more stable and reliable path than DSR. In comparison, DSR only considers whether this route is a shortest path or not. Finally, the system performance is analyzed by using the global mobile simulation (GloMoSim) simulator. We can observe that MAOD routing protocol outperforms DSR routing protocol especially in the high mobility environment. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

文中设计了适合星间激光链路的LEO层卫星网络,并对同轨道内和轨道间链路进行了分析,建立了每个轨道内一颗主卫星,轨道间通过主卫星相连的网络。最后,对链路的稳定性以及覆盖性能进行了研究。  相似文献   

QoS Routing is crucial for QoS provisioning in high‐speed networks. In general, QoS routing can be classified into two paradigms: source routing and hop‐by‐hop routing. In source routing, the entire path to the destination node of a communication request is locally computed at the source node based on the global state that it maintains, which does not scale well to large networks. In hop‐by‐hop routing, a path‐selecting process is shared among intermediate nodes between the source node and the destination node, which can largely improve the protocol scalability. In this paper, we present the design of hop‐by‐hop routing with backup route information such that each intermediate node can recursively update the best known feasible path, if possible, by collectively utilizing the routing information gathered thus far and the information that it locally stores. Such a route is kept as a backup route and its path cost is used as a reference to guide the subsequent routing process to search for a lower‐cost constrained path and avoid performance degradation. In this way, the information gathered is maximally utilized for improved performance. We prove the correctness of our presented algorithm and deduce its worst message complexity to be O(∣V2), where ∣V∣ is the number of network nodes. Simulation results indicate that, however, the designed algorithm requires much fewer messages on average. Therefore it scales well with respect to the network size. Moreover, simulation results demonstrate that the cost performance of our algorithm is near‐optimal. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With the increasing popularity of wireless portable devices, such as laptops, PDAs and mobile phones, it is getting more and more important for mobile users to discover their required resources (e.g. printers and fax machines) without any need of configurations. To this end, automatic service discovery is an important feature of mobile Ad Hoc networks (Manets). In this paper a service discovery protocol for Manets based on the IETF Service Location Protocol has been implemented in the NS-2 simulator. Its performance is studied under different mobility patterns, network sizes and number of service agents. A lightweight quality of service (QoS) aware service discovery protocol is also proposed to support QoS applications. Zhong Fan is currently a Principal Researcher with Toshiba Research Europe in Bristol, UK. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University, China and the Ph.D. degree in Telecommunication Networks from Durham University, UK. His research interests are protocol design and performance analysis of wireless networks.  相似文献   

In the last decade, underwater wireless sensor networks have been widely studied because of their peculiar aspects that distinguish them from common terrestrial wireless networks. Their applications range from environmental monitoring to military defense. The definition of efficient routing protocols in underwater sensor networks is a challenging topic of research because of the intrinsic characteristics of these networks, such as the need of handling the node mobility and the difficulty in balancing the energy consumed by the nodes. Depth‐based routing protocol is an opportunistic routing protocol for underwater sensor networks, which provides good performance both under high and low node mobility scenarios. The main contribution of our work is presenting a novel simulator for studying depth‐based routing protocol and its variants as well as novel routing protocols. Our simulator is based on AquaSim–Next Generation, which is a specialized tool for studying underwater networks. With our work, we improve the state of the art of underwater routing protocol simulators by implementing, among other features, a detailed cross‐layer communication and an accurate model of the operational modes of acoustic modem and their energy consumption. The simulator is open source and freely downloadable. Moreover, we propose a novel and completely distributed routing protocol, named residual energy–depth‐based routing. It takes into account the residual energy at the nodes' batteries to select the forwarder nodes and improve the network lifetime by providing a more uniform energy consumption among them. We compare its performance with that of depth‐based routing protocol and a receiver‐based routing protocol implementing a probabilistic opportunistic forwarding scheme.  相似文献   

A survey on routing protocols for wireless sensor networks   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Kemal  Mohamed 《Ad hoc Networks》2005,3(3):325-349
Recent advances in wireless sensor networks have led to many new protocols specifically designed for sensor networks where energy awareness is an essential consideration. Most of the attention, however, has been given to the routing protocols since they might differ depending on the application and network architecture. This paper surveys recent routing protocols for sensor networks and presents a classification for the various approaches pursued. The three main categories explored in this paper are data-centric, hierarchical and location-based. Each routing protocol is described and discussed under the appropriate category. Moreover, protocols using contemporary methodologies such as network flow and quality of service modeling are also discussed. The paper concludes with open research issues.  相似文献   

Venkata C.  Mukesh   《Ad hoc Networks》2007,5(7):1113-1128
We present a self-healing On-demand Geographic Path Routing Protocol (OGPR) for mobile ad-hoc networks. OGPR is an efficient, stateless, and scalable routing protocol that inherits the best of the three well-known techniques for routing in ad-hoc networks, viz., greedy forwarding, reactive route discovery, and source routing. In OGPR protocol, source nodes utilize the geographic-topology information obtained during the location request phase to establish geographic paths to their respective destinations. Geographic paths decouple node ID’s from the paths and are immune to changes in the network topology. Further, they help nodes avoid dead-ends due to greedy forwarding. To utilize geographic paths even in sparser networks, OGPR uses a path-healing mechanism that helps geographic paths adapt according to the network topology. We present extensions to OGPR protocol to cope with networks containing unidirectional links. Further, we present results from an extensive simulation study using GloMoSim. Simulation results show that OGPR achieves higher percentage packet delivery and lower control overhead, compared to a combination of GPSR+GLS protocols, AODV, and DSR under a wide range of network scenarios.  相似文献   

无线Mesh网络路由协议研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无线Mesh网络WMN(wireless mesh networks)是一种新型的无线网络,它融合了无线局域网(WLAN)和Ad Hoc网络的优势,成为宽带接入的一种有效手段。首先介绍了无线Mesh网的网络结构和特点.并在此基础上讨论了无线Mesh网络对路由协议的要求。无线Mesh网络的路由算法是Mesh领域的研究难点,通过分析比较4种针对WMN的路由协议,总结了现有的路由协议的优缺点,并对今后的研究方向做出了展望。  相似文献   

A predictive model‐based mobility tracking method, called dead reckoning, is developed for mobile ad hoc networks. It disseminates both location and movement models of mobile nodes in the network so that every node is able to predict or track the movement of every other node with a very low overhead. The basic technique is optimized to use ‘distance effect’, where distant nodes maintain less accurate tracking information to save overheads. The dead reckoning‐based location service mechanism is evaluated against three known location dissemination service protocols: simple, distance routing effect algorithm for mobility (DREAM) and geographic region summary service (GRSS). The evaluation is done with geographic routing as an application. It is observed that dead reckoning significantly outperforms the other protocols in terms of packet delivery fraction. It also maintains low‐control overhead. Its packet delivery performance is only marginally impacted by increasing speed or noise in the mobility model, that affects its predictive ability. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A novel weighted cooperative routing algorithm (WCRA) is proposed in this article, which was on the basis of a weighted metric with maximal remaining energy (MRE) of the relays and the maximal received SNR (MRS) of the nodes. Moreover, a cooperative routing protocol was implemented on the basis of WCRA. Then simulation is done on network simulation (NS-2) platform to compare the performances of MRS, MRE and WCRA with that of noncooperative destination-sequenced destination-sequenced distance-vector (DSDV) protocol. The simulative results show that WCRA obtains a performance tradeoff between MRE and MRS in terms of delivery ratio and network lifetime, which can effectively improve the network lifetime at an acceptable loss of delivery ratio.  相似文献   

卫星网络不仅能提供全球无缝覆盖,具有连续的高带宽性能,而且还支持灵活、可扩展的网络配置.文中阐述了具有星间链路的卫星网络在空间通信中的重要地位及其路由算法应当具有通用、简洁和可靠等特点.从单层、两层与多层卫星网络路由三方面综述了多种路由算法,并对其进行详细的分析和比较,最后指明了进一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

卫星移动通信系统星间链路设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对现有的卫星移动通信系统星间链路的分析发现 ,不但卫星移动通信系统星间链路的指向具有周期性变化的特性 ,而且星间链路的相对距离也在周期性变化。这种星间链路指向的周期性规律变化 ,为星间通信链路的搜索建立以及星间通信设备的设计制造提供了研究的方向和理论依据。对星间链路的误码率的分析 ,主要探讨了由于卫星星体振动而引起的通信误码与振动的标准偏差 (幅度 )、通信所使用的光波波长、发射到接收的距离以及激光波束半径之间的关系 ,为实际星间链路的设计打下了坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UW‐ASN) are provisioned with limited bandwidth, long variable propagation delay, limited available energy, highly unreliable acoustic channels, and random node mobility. Consequently, efficient data routing between source destination pair requires UW‐ASN to apply a technology different than terrestrial networks. For the past few years researchers have proposed many robust and efficient routing protocols for UW‐ASN, thus reviewing the challenges posed by stringent underwater environment. These protocols can be broadly categorized into localization based and localization‐free protocols. This paper presents a critical review of beacon‐based localization‐free routing protocols and suggest possible solution to improve the working of studied beacon based protocols. This work categorizes beacon based protocols into hop‐by‐hop, end‐to‐end, single, and multiple parameters based forwarding protocols. This categorization will help to differentiate and identify the requirements for the development of new beacon‐based protocols. Finally, this paper presents performance comparison based on simulation results and outlines the research gap and future directions.  相似文献   

The low-earth orbit (LEO) satellite network, composed of a large number of satellite nodes, is a hot research topic at present. Due to the characteristics of the large-scale LEO satellite network, such as many satellite nodes, short orbit period, large dynamic change of topology, and unstable link-state, its communication quality of service (QoS) requirements are difficult to meet. Aiming at this problem, various factors that may affect data transmission are first analyzed. The network link selection problem is modeled as a multi-constraint optimization decision problem, a routing mathematical model based on linear programming (LP) is designed, and its solution is solved. Aiming at the problem of limited onboard computing resources, a multi-object optimization Dijkstra algorithm (MOODA) is designed. The MOODA finds the optimal path according to the comprehensive performance of the link. It solves the problems of poor comprehensive QoS performance and the low degree of load balancing of the paths found by the Dijkstra algorithm. The simulation results show that the paths found by the two algorithms have good QoS, robustness, and load balancing performance.  相似文献   

As considerable progress has been made in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), we can expect that sensor nodes will be applied in industrial applications. Most available techniques for WSNs can be transplanted to industrial wireless sensor networks (IWSNs). However, there are new requirements of quality of service (QoS), that is, real‐time routing, energy efficiency, and transmission reliability, which are three main performance indices of routing design for IWSNs. As one‐hop neighborhood information is often inadequate to data routing in IWSNs, it is difficult to use the conventional routing methods. In the paper, we propose the routing strategy by taking the real‐time routing performance, transmission reliability, and energy efficiency (TREE, triple R and double E) into considerations. For that, each sensor node should improve the capability of search range in the phase of data route discovery. Because of the increase of available information in the enlarged search range, sensor node can select more suitable relay node per hop. The real‐time data routes with lower energy cost and better transmission reliability will be used in our proposed routing guideline. By comparing with other routing methods through extensive experimental results, our distributed routing proposal can guarantee the diversified QoS requirements in industrial applications. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main purposes of this article are to lessen the influence of the fastchanging network topology, rapidly varying bandwidth information, and the increasing size of routing tables onquality of service routing. Based on DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector) routing protocol formaintaining up-to-date routing information, the related research has to update routing tables when networktopology changes; moreover, the routing tables must be updated periodically even though the networktopology has not changed. To put emphasis on QoS routing, they also have to exchange routing tables by thetime of bandwidth information changes. Furthermore, the size of routing tables increases with the numberof mobile nodes; therefore, the precious wireless bandwidth is wasted on transmitting the large-scalerouting tables. In this article, we propose an on-demand-based QoS routing protocol to mitigate theseproblems and to achieve the QoS requirement. The goal of this article is to discover an optimal routewith minimum time delay for transmitting real-time data from a source node hop by hop to adestination node under some predefined constraints. Our contributions are as follows: our researchprovides a rigorous bandwidth definition and bandwidth application, a broad view of bandwidth calculationand reservation, minimizing the size of control packets and the number of control packet transmissions,and an efficient QoS routing protocol.  相似文献   

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