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<正>10月18日,《风采童装》携手Vinson麻麻以及银河湾小区共同举办了重阳节亲子主题活动。我们希望通过一场老幼同乐的活动,让孩子认识和理解尊老、敬老、养老、助老的传统美德,从小培养尊老爱老的优良习惯,也让老人体会来自孩子们的关心和爱护。  相似文献   

<正>你是不是也希望,宝贵的假日时光里除了跟宝贝简单玩闹,也能让TA收获一些本领和学识?So,bébé经过千挑万选,为我们的会员呈献最有意义的高端亲子活动,帮助大家在享受休闲亲子时光的同时,亦有所学、有所得。  相似文献   

冰冰 《风采童装》2017,(8):118-119
7月9日,风采儿童培训中心与bébé小超模们相约在团结湖大厦,上演了一场“不矫饰”的Fashion show。座落在该大厦的风采儿童培训l中心,一直致力于挖掘孩子们“不矫饰”的美,寻找不一样的美丽世界。就朝阳区社区青少年教育培训中心和北京市现代商务培训中心合作创办的“文化艺术中心”揭牌活动中,风采童模的培训课被列为该中心培训课程的亮点之一。  相似文献   

NEO CAFé     
Vivi  申强 《缤纷家居》2008,(4):159-159
NEO CAFé是个特别的去处。迷幻的镜面,流动的色彩,萦绕在一片素白中。在这里纯净的白色是空间的主宰,也是设计师赋予空间的唯一属性设计师申强在此处的灵感,来自于一张白纸的概念,一张白纸从宽边中间撕开到一半,弯曲延伸便形成了上下夹层空间,竖立扭转又形成了楼梯和立体交通空间。而裸露的钢结构以米字行搭接在一起,既丰富了空间的层次,又是夹层搭建必须的结构。鉴于业主媒体的人脉背景,各类时尚和  相似文献   

本文根据酱油质量指标检测得出的数据,由质量相关指标确立质量浓度公式。运用公式计算的结果来判断酱油质量,也可把计算结果(或测定数)用于生产程序指挥,  相似文献   

几乎每个年轻人都曾梦想开一家自己的咖啡店,上海小囡Wendy在25岁之前将梦想变成了现实。Wendy原本在银行工作,从拥有一份长辈眼中理想的职业,到成为年轻人艳羡不已的咖啡店老板,在外人眼中只是华丽的一转身,为"转身"所付出的努力则实实在在地印刻在咖啡店的各个角落。年轻80后的个性在Wendy身上  相似文献   

One Room Café     
日式餐厅给人的印象一般是穿着和服的服务员、吃着生鱼片、喝着小烧酒……而现代日本流行的餐厅被叫做“创作料理”,其实就是日餐西化.西餐日化。我把这些新流行的餐厅叫做“Design Restaurant”(简称“DR”)。  相似文献   

Interpretative models are proposed to represent the experimental results on the thermostability of peroxidases during blanching of turnip and horseradish reported in Part I.The mechanism described is extended to other vegetable peroxidase systems: brussels sprouts, potatoes, maize and peas.  相似文献   

bébé SHOP     
<正>~~  相似文献   

Joy 《风采童装》2017,(8):28-31
Viktor&Rolf行走的娃娃秀 新季Viktor&Rolf进行了一场高级时装动作娃娃的走秀,也许会觉得他们可爱,奇怪,又或是令你毛骨悚然,但是仔细观察,你会发现他们也是根据服饰让模特们穿着所适合自己的娃娃。白皮肤、黑皮肤,黄头发、黑头发等,每个娃娃都有自己不一样的特色。  相似文献   

正LVMH集团已任命前Saint Laurent艺术总监Hedi Slimane出任Céline前艺术总监Phoebe Philo的职位。他将负责品牌的艺术、创意和形象,并扩大Céline的产品线,加入男装、高级定制、香水等。  相似文献   

张密 《缤纷家居》2008,(10):48-51
为纪念西泽逝世10周年,负责设计卡地亚当代艺术基金会大楼的建筑设计师尚·努维尔(Jean Nouvel),应卡地亚当代艺术基金会(The Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain)之邀,在西泽的众多遗作中挑选近100件代表作品,于2008年7月至10月间在巴黎重新展出。  相似文献   

Lemaitre Sécurité公司的董事长总经理让·米歇尔·艾凯尔说:"你想通过穿鞋保证自己脚的安全,但这并不等于安全鞋就不要舒服、不要现代设计和美好外观."  相似文献   

大日本网屏的平台式扫描仪“彩仙”配备三线式CCD阵列,每一条线阵列包含8000个CCD单元,这使得“彩仙”具有从589dpi到5300dpi的光学扫描分辨率。除  相似文献   

正2018年,中国迎来了农历狗年新年。巴黎的中国农历新年已成为这座城市最受欢迎的年度盛事之一。巴黎有着庞大而繁荣的中法社区,其文化影响力亦逐年增长。每年形形色色的巴黎人都会迫不及待地相聚于巴黎南部街道,欣赏由舞者与乐手组成的欢庆游行、热闹喜庆的舞龙舞狮表演及饰有中国文字的精美旗帜。红色,幸福与欢乐的象征,在这座满溢优雅红色的19世纪巴  相似文献   

<正>在2010年9月的巴黎家居装饰秋季展(MaisoObjet2010)上,笔者到访了一个专为杰出艺术家设立的特别展区。与法国瓷雕艺术家Nathalie Dérouet小姐不期而遇。其实她的展位面积并不大,装修设计上也简朴无华,但她的那些光影之间的瓷雕艺术品却格外引人注目。  相似文献   

Freeze-drying, a process for dehydration of products from the frozen state, is the preferred method for preserving biological materials in the best condition. Freeze-drying under vacuum and by newer technologies are reviewed in this paper. On an industrial scale, this operation is always carried out under vacuum and is therefore often limited by external heat transfer. The prohibitively high costs of this procedure have directed research over the last 30 years towards a more efficient use of energy. Some workers have attempted to modify the process to work under pressure or in a fluidised bed, notably, in an adsorbent fluidized bed, the whole process operating at atmospheric pressure and controlled only by controlling the temperature in the bed. All these techniques are described.  相似文献   

Natural antique colorants include mainly red pigments such as cinnabar and ochre. These archeological pigments were used especially as funeral and cosmetic makeup and are a material proof of handicraft activities and exchanges. The identification and characterization of a group of punic colorants, corresponding to samples discovered during excavations at several Tunisian archeological sites (Cartage, Ksour Essef, Kerkouane, Bekalta, Makthar, Bou Arada), were conducted using the least destructive analysis techniques such us scanning electron microscopy coupled to X-ray fluorescence microprobe, direct current plasma emission spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectrometry, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and X-ray diffraction. Eleven natural red colorants from punic period were subject to this investigation and were compared to contemporary substances. Five colorants were cinnabar and the other six were ochre.  相似文献   

The glass transition of foodstuffs is of particular importance because it is closely linked to the quality of products. For food industries, particularly those concerned with dehydration processes (drying, spray-drying, freeze-drying, …) or low temperature processes (freezing, quick-freezing, …), this parameter is of prime interest. This paper presents an easy to understand approach to the glass transition phenomenon, explains its influence according to different food processes, and reviews several methods to determine it experimentally or to estimate its value.  相似文献   

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