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Theory of self-assembly of lipid bilayers and vesicles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A simple theory is developed that explains the formation of bilayers and vesicles and accounts quantitatively for many of their physical properties: Properties including vesicle size distributions and bilayer elasticity emerge from a unified theory that links thermodynamics, interaction free energy, and molecular geometry. The theory may be applied to the analysis of more complicated membrane structures and mechanisms.  相似文献   

The background problem this article addresses is the need to reduce the quantity of medical information to a standard core of knowledge relative to the overwhelming amount of scientific information to be learned in the limited amount of time students have available. The article is part of a study the aim of which is to define a core students, independent of their further medical specialization. The design of this study is a survey of a representative sample of Swiss general practitioners who were asked to identify in the list of Nomina Anatomica the most prevalent anatomical entities (terms) occurring in their practice. To assure the representativeness of the sample the identified terms were compared to prevalent diagnoses of all Swiss general practitioners and to the incidence of cases in German hospitals. From the list of International Anatomical Nomenclature (IANC) 280 anatomical terms could be identified with respect to arthrology. Of these, 250 were judged uniformly by the physicians: 52 terms were considered relevant, while it was not though necessary for 198 terms to be relevant, while it is was not thought necessary for 198 terms to be learned, i.e. general practitioners agreed on 89.3% of the terms. Only 29.7% of the terms in the IANC list belong to anatomical core knowledge in arthrology. There is evidence for the representativeness of these findings when compared to the prevalence of diagnoses made by general practitioners and to the incidence of cases in German hospitals. The method of using criteria of prevalence in a survey to identify a core of knowledge in medicine is suited for the definition of learning content necessary for professional purposes.  相似文献   

Exposure of Clone 9 cells, a rat liver cell line, to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) resulted in a striking and rapid stimulation of glucose transport (8- to 10-fold in 1 h). A comparable response was found in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, C2C12 myoblasts, and NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, which, similar to Clone 9 cells, express only the Glut 1 glucose transporter isoform. The enhancement of glucose transport in Clone 9 cells in response to H2O2 was significantly attenuated by genistein and the phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor, U73122. Exposure to H2O2 resulted in a rise in cell sn-1,2-diacylglycerol content, and the rise was significantly inhibited by U73122. Moreover, the H2O2-induced stimulation of glucose transport was significantly blocked by thapsigargin. Neither staurosporine nor a 24-h preincubation in the presence of phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (TPA) affected the stimulatory effect of hydrogen peroxide on glucose transport. The activity of big mitogen-activated kinase (BMK1) and of stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK), both members of mitogen-activated protein kinases, were enhanced in response to exposure to H2O2; however, neither protein kinase appeared to be linked to the enhancement of glucose transport by H2O2. It is concluded that the stimulation of glucose transport in response to H2O2 is independent of changes in PKC, BMK1, and SAPK activity, and is mediated, at least in part, through H2O2-induced stimulation of protein tyrosine kinase and PLC pathways.  相似文献   

The production of vesicles, spherical shells formed from lipid bilayers, is an important aspect of their recent application to drug delivery technologies. One popular production method involves pushing a lipid suspension through cylindrical pores in polycarbonate membranes. However, the actual mechanism by which the polydisperse, multilamellar lipid suspension breaks up into a relatively monodisperse population of vesicles is not well understood. To learn about factors influencing this process, we have characterized vesicles produced under different extrusion parameters and from different lipids. We find that extruded vesicles are only produced above a certain threshold extrusion pressure and have sizes that depend on the extrusion pressure. The minimum pressure appears to be associated with the lysis tension of the lipid bilayer rather than any bending modulus of the system. The flow rate of equal concentration lipid solutions through the pores, after being corrected for the viscosity of water, is independent of lipid properties.  相似文献   

Tanford [Tanford, C. (1979) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76, 3318-3319] used thermodynamic arguments to show that the pressure difference across the bilayer of small phospholipid vesicles must be zero. This paper analyzes the implications of this conclusion in terms of Laplace's law and the basic thermodynamics of interfaces. In its usual form, Laplace's law is of questionable value for the vesicle. If the vesicle is in a state of metastable equilibrium, the surface free energy must be minimal with respect to several thermodynamic variables; the condition (delta F/ delta A) = 0 is not adequate by itself.  相似文献   

The binding of pertussis toxin and its B oligomer to lipid vesicles containing glycosphingolipids was studied. Both pertussis toxin and the B oligomer bound to lipid vesicles containing ganglioside GD1a. Binding of pertussis toxin to these vesicles decreased upon treatment of the vesicles with neuraminidase, suggesting that sialic acid residues are important for efficient binding of the toxin to GD1a.  相似文献   

The formation and annealing of structural defects in lipid bilayer vesicles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is shown that sonication of phospholipid-water dispersions below the crystalline leads to liquid crystalline phase transition temperature (Tc) produces bilayer vesicles with structural defects within the bilayer membrane, which permit rapid permeation of ions and catalyze vesicle-vesicle fusion. These structural defects are annihilated simply by annealing the vesicle suspension above Tc. The rate of annealing was found to be slow, of the order of an hour for T = 3 degrees C above Tc, but annealing is complete within 10 min for T = 10 degrees C above Tc. It is proposed that these structural defects are fault-dislocations in the bilayer structure, which arise from a population defect in the distribution of the lipid molecules between the outer and inner monolayers, when small bilayer fragments reassemble to form the small bilayer vesicles during the sonication procedure. Such a population defect can only be remedied by lipid transport via the inside in equilibrium outside flip-flop mechanism, which would account for the slow kinetics of annealing observed even at 3 degrees C above the phase transition.  相似文献   

Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes of levamisole (LMS) were prepared and characterized by elemental analyses, IR spectroscopy, 1H and 13C NMR and mass spectrometry. The following general formula was derived: M(LMS)2Cl2, where M = Co, Ni, Cu, Zn. It was established that LMS behaved as a monodentate ligand and the coordination was accomplished through the N-7 atom. The toxicity and the immunomodulating activity of the complexes on mice and rats in comparison with uncomplexed LMS was assayed. The metals in the complexes exerted different changes in the toxicity of LMS. The complex containing Zn(II) was less toxic and manifested higher immunomodulating activity than LMS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Self-assembled conjugated polymers are rapidly finding biological and biotechnological applications. This work describes a synthetic membrane system based on self-assembled polydiacetylenes, which are responsive to the enzymatic activity of phospholipases - a ubiquitous class of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of phospholipid molecules embedded in cell membranes. RESULTS: We show that phospholipases are active at bilayer vesicles composed of the natural enzyme substrate, dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), and a synthetic pi-conjugated polymerized lipid based on polydiacetylene (PDA). In addition, the enzymatic reaction induces an optical transition in the surrounding PDA matrix, visible to the naked eye. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy confirms the occurrence of enzymatic catalysis and reveals the fate of the cleavage products. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that the structural and color changes of the PDA matrix are directly related to interfacial catalysis by phospholipase. This novel biocatalytic method of inducing optical transitions in conjugated polymers might lead to new approaches towards rapidly screening new enzyme inhibitor compounds.  相似文献   

We have studied the actin-activated ATPase activities of three mutations in the motor domain of the myosin heavy chain that cause familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. We placed these mutations in rodent alpha-cardiac myosin to establish the relevance of using rodent systems for studying the biochemical mechanisms of the human disease. We also wished to determine whether the biochemical defects in these mutant alleles correlate with the severity of the clinical phenotype of patients with these alleles. We expressed histidine-tagged rat cardiac myosin motor domains along with rat ventricular light chain 1 in mammalian COS cells. Those myosins studied were wild-type alpha-cardiac and three mutations in the alpha-cardiac myosin heavy chain head (Arg249Gln, Arg403Gln, and Val606Met). These mutations in human beta-cardiac myosin heavy chain have predominantly moderate, severe, and mild clinical phenotypes, respectively. The crystal structure of the skeletal myosin head shows that the Arg249Gln mutation is near the ATP-binding site and the Arg403Gln and Val606Met mutations are in the actin-binding region. Expressed histidine-tagged alpha-motor domains retain physiological ATPase properties similar to those derived from cardiac tissue. All three myosin mutants show defects in the ATPase activity, with the degree of enzymatic impairment of the mutant myosins correlated with the clinical phenotype of patients with the disease caused by the corresponding mutation.  相似文献   

We prepared large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) with three different stratum corneum lipid compositions: constant amounts of ceramides (55 wt %) and fatty acids (15%) with varying amounts of cholesterol sulfate (0-15%) and cholesterol (15-30%). One of the compositions served as a model for normal stratum corneum, while the second one served as a model for recessive X-linked ichthyosis stratum corneum. The third composition consisted of no cholesterol sulfate. Intervesicle lipid interactions in these LUVs were monitored by fluorescence methods for content leakage, and contents mixing at pH 9, in the absence and presence of Ca2+, and at pH 6. Since the content leakage and contents mixing assays were originally developed for phospholipid vesicles, we characterized the probe binding and the probe quenching properties for stratum corneum LUV systems, and modified the assays slightly accordingly. The time-dependent fluorescence intensity changes in the probe-containing LUVs at pH 9 and 6 and in response to the addition of calcium were monitored. Our results demonstrated that all three types of LUVs were relatively stable at pH 9. Addition of Ca2+ or decreasing the pH to 6 activated intervesicle lipid mixing followed by vesicle fusion and lysis. We found that the LUVs with no cholesterol sulfate and 30% cholesterol exhibited a more extensive Ca2+- or low-pH-activated intervesicle lipid interaction than LUVs with either 5% cholesterol sulfate and 25% cholesterol or 15% cholesterol sulfate and 15% cholesterol. These results suggest that fusogenic agents such as Ca2+ and H+ act to neutralize the fatty acids in the lipid bilayer of stratum corneum vesicles. The inclusion of 5-15% cholesterol sulfate helps to prevent the collapse of fused vesicles into other structures.  相似文献   

In this paper, the characteristics of the analytical procedures allowing the measurement of glycated hemoglobin products are presented. With respect to their respective performances, the authors recommend the specific measurement of HbA1c and the more reliable procedure, high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC).  相似文献   

Complexes of alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA)1 with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) or dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) liposomes at pH 8 and at pH 2 have been obtained by means of gel filtration. Thermal denaturation of alpha-LA complexes of DMPC or DPPC at pH 8 was found to depend on the saturation of protein by metal cations. The intrinsic fluorescence of DMPC-alpha-LA and DPPC-alpha-LA was sensitive to two thermal transitions. The first transition corresponded to the Tc of the lipid vesicles, while the second transition arose from the denaturation of the protein. Fluorescence spectrum position suggested that at low temperature tryptophan accessibility increases upon protein-DMPC or protein-DPPC association. At temperatures above the protein transition (70 degrees C) tryptophan appears to interact significantly with the apolar phase of DMPC and DPPC, evidenced by spectral blue shifts. Whereas the free protein at pH 2 adopts the molten globule (MG) state and is characterized by the absence of a thermal transition, the rapidly-isolated DMPC-alpha-LA complex was characterized by the appearance of a distinct fluorescence thermal transition between 50 and 60 degrees C. This result is consistent with a model of a partially-inserted form of alpha-LA which may possess some degree of tertiary structure and therefore unfolds cooperatively.  相似文献   

We have investigated, both experimentally and theoretically, the efflux of carboxyfluorescein (a self-quenching fluorescent dye) from vesicles of different sizes and lipid species (POPC, DOPC) after having added the bee venom peptide melittin. This comprises quantitative analyses regarding the extent of lipid-associated peptide, the mode as well as the temporal progress of dye release and the possible leakage mechanism. Our results indicate a graded efflux characterized by a single-pore retention factor reflecting the formation of pores whose lifetimes are rather small (millisecond range). The observed fluorescence signal arising from the dequenching of effluent dye has been converted to the number of pore openings over the course of time. All the resulting curves exhibit a pronounced slowing down of the pore formation rate revealing two distinct relaxation steps at about 20 and 200 s, respectively, being largely independent of vesicle type and peptide to lipid ratio. The pore formation rate itself increases in proportion to the amount of membrane bound peptide. We give a quantitative account of our experimental findings based on a novel reaction scheme applicable to any of our various liposome systems. It implies that the pore formation rate is controlled by a passage through two intermediate monomeric peptide states. These states are thought to become well populated in the initial stage of lipid bilayer perturbation, but would practically die out after some time owing to a restabilization of the membrane system.  相似文献   

Previously we demonstrated that transmembrane back insertion of glycophorin A, a solubilizable intrinsic protein, can be obtained in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine multilamellar vesicles, MLVs, by electropulsation (Raffy, S., and Teissié, J. (1995) Eur. J. Biochem. 230, 722-732). Here we report that transmembrane back insertion of protein is obtained by electropulsion of unilamellar giant vesicles, termed interdigitation-fusion vesicles (IFVs), which are better membrane models than MLVs due to their unilamellarity. Electropulsation promotes a field-dependent local permeabilization of the lipid layer, as shown by the associated leakage of entrapped calcein. Glycophorin insertion is assayed by immunofluorescence. Electroinsertion is obtained by pulsing the vesicle/protein mixture. Glycophorin insertion is observed under more drastic electrical conditions than needed for permeabilization. Direct observation of glycophorin insertion in the vesicles under a microscope shows a localized process in agreement with the theoretical prediction. A quantitative evaluation of the immunofluorescence pattern shows that insertion was higher on one side of the vesicle than on the other. This suggests that an electrophoretic movement of the solubilized glycophorin could take place during electropulsation. Insertion of glycophorin, a prefolded intrinsic protein, is then obtained in the lipid bilayer brought transiently to the electropermeabilized state.  相似文献   

The uptake of adriamycin (ADM) and several derivatives into large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) displaying a transmembrane potential and having a lipid composition close to that of the inner mitochondrial membrane has been measured. Drug association to neutral liposomes, made of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) (70:30, w/w) was shown to be potential-dependent: in the absence of potential, accumulation of drug was almost undetectable, whereas between 11 and 50 nmol of drug/mumol phospholipid, depending on the anthracycline used, was associated to LUV exhibiting a membrane potential after 1 h incubation. Association of drugs to LUV with a lipid composition closer to that of the inner mitochondrial (cardiolipin, CL, 20%; PC 50%; PE, 30%, w/w) and displaying a membrane potential is higher than with neutral vesicles (between 40 and 76 nmol of anthracycline/mumol phospholipid after 1 h incubation). Since it is known that ADM and derivatives have a high affinity for CL, a fraction of the associated drug may bind to CL on the outer side of the vesicles. This was confirmed by the fact that, in the absence of potential, between 40 and 56 nmol of anthracycline/mumol phospholipid was still associated to LUV containing CL. In order to discriminate between drug adsorbed at the surface of the LUV and drug accumulated inside the LUV, an anthracycline fluorescence quencher (I-) was used. It was shown on neutral LUV displaying a membrane potential, that between 55 and 81% of the associated drug is actually entrapped inside the vesicles, inaccessible to the quencher. These percentages decreased to between 41 and 68%, respectively, in the presence of LUV containing CL and exhibiting a membrane potential, whereas for LUV of the same composition but displaying no membrane potential almost all the associated drug is adsorbed on the outer face of the LUV, accessible to the quencher, and likely bound to CL. This study brings evidence that antitumour anthracyclines despite important structural homologies do not accumulate to the same extent into vesicles mimicking the lipid composition and the membrane potential of mitoplasts. This ability to reach the matrix compartment of mitochondria could partly explain the differences of cardiotoxicities associated to anthracyclines with closely related molecular structure.  相似文献   

In order to detect contamination in foodstuffs originating from animals, three different diagnostic methods were tested in comparison: cultivation in permissive cell cultures, microparticle antigen capture system per FACS (MAS) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Assessment implied relevance for health, sensitivity and specificity. Aujeszky infection in swine served as a model. The blood and organs of healthy, but persistently infected as well as specifically diseased animals were examined. In addition, artificially Aujeszky-contaminated milk, black pudding and minced meat were included in the comparison of methods. Basically, all three methods of detecting contamination in raw foodstuffs originating from animals were useful. The virus detection in cell cultures as well as the efficacy of MAS were inhibited by meat products according to their preparation (e.g., virus protein denaturation). PCR turned out to be the only reliable method to confirm the contamination in foodstuffs. Using PCR, viral contamination in foodstuffs originating from healthy but persistently infected animals could be detected. Each of the three virus detection systems has various advantages and disadvantages. They are listed and discussed in detail. With regard to the relevance of health, virus detection in raw meat via cell culture remains the preferred method. Besides the detection of an individual virus, routine examinations of foodstuffs for unknown zoonotic virus contamination, sets based on permissive cell cultures, primer sets for the PCR as well as sets based on various monoclonal antibodies for MAS have to be developed and made available at the diagnostic laboratories.  相似文献   

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