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在Malli提出的AEDCF机制的基础上,把基于信道条件的P因子引入到EDCF机制中去,提出了一种动态自适应EDCF(DAEDCF)机制。在DAEDCF机制中,退避时间和竞争窗口的更新依赖于P因子,在信道条件好的情况下,减少了时延,提高了信道利用率,在信道条件糟糕时,减小了碰撞几率。提高了系统的性能。通过仿真可以看到,DAEDCF机制在高负载下,进一步提高了各优先级。特别是中、低优先级业务流的性能。和AEDCF机制相比,在信道负载达到80%时.Video流的吞吐量提高了2%,平均时延降低了25%,Background流的吞吐量提高了14%。平均时延降低了20%。  相似文献   

基于IEEE 802.11的无线Ad hoc网络的接入性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无线Ad hoc网络对无线接入平台有着独特的要求,当前广泛使用的是基于IEEE802.1l标准的接入平台。本文从理论和仿真两个方面考察IEEE802.1l标准采用的CSMA/CA接入方式对于无线多跳Ad hoc网络接入性能的影响,并找出制约该性能的因素。  相似文献   

为满足空间信息网络低轨卫星用户多址接入骨干中继卫星的访问需求,基于IEEE 802.11机制,提出最短接入时延退避算法(Delay-Optimal Backoff,DOB),可解决大时空尺度条件下,传统二进制退避算法(Binary Exponential Backoff,BEB)造成的网络平均接入时延高和吞吐量低的问题.根据用户卫星与中继卫星的相对位置特性,设定中继卫星通信窗口,利用通信窗口内不同用户卫星数量时用户接入时延与平均接入请求概率的变化关系,确定最短接入时延条件下用户平均接入请求概率,实现动态调整碰撞窗口大小.研究结果表明,该算法使网络接入时延较BEB算法平均降低了10s,饱和吞吐量提升一倍,归一化业务量阈值比BEB算法增加至0.6,网络多址接入性能显著提高.  相似文献   

IEEE802.11e和IEEE802.15.3两个协议在当今无线网络中应用的十分广泛,在详细描述了两者的信道接入机制的基础上,对协议性能进行了分析对比,并指出了各自适用的范围.  相似文献   

官军  李式巨  徐志江 《无线电工程》2004,34(7):12-14,18
正在制定过程中的IEEE802.11e标准是802.11WLAN标准的扩展,用以提供所要求的Qos。该文重点阐述了在802.11e中EDCF的优先级机制,并通过仿真数据对优先级机制的性能进行评价。  相似文献   

作为WLAN第一个成熟的标准,IEEE 802.11成功地解决了无线介质给WLAN造成的困难。本文详细地分析了WLAN在物理层上存在的困难,并给出了IEEE 802.11相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

李红艳  李建东  曹勇 《电子学报》2009,37(4):905-908
 本文对一种基于IEEE 802.11 DCF协议多信道多址接入方案的性能进行了分析,在该接入方案中,节点在公共的控制信道上预约数据信道,随后在预约成功的数据信道上,进行数据分组的传输.本文采用马尔科夫链构建了控制信道的预约模型,给出了多信道吞吐量的理论分析算法.最后,通过仿真验证了理论分析结果与仿真结果的一致性,并给出了信道吞吐量与信道数、数据分组长度、节点密度、信道切换时延等参数之间的数值关系.  相似文献   

根据IEEE802.11a 的前导结构和短训练序列的特点,利用短训练序列时域响应与输出序列进行互相关计算,由相关峰确定符号定时.仿真结果表明,该算法能有效克服噪声的影响,定时准确.  相似文献   

分析了现有IEEE 802.11无线局域网的基本接入机制DCF(Distributed Coordination Function)对QoS(Quality of Service)技术支持的局限性,介绍了未来具有QoS保证的IEEE 802.11e标准采用的一种新的MAC层接入机制EDCF(Enhanced DCF).对EDCF的性能进行了仿真,并对比原有DCF的性能对仿真结果进行了分析.  相似文献   

基于OFDM的IEEE802.11a标准的同步方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
从IEEE802.11a的数据分组结构出发,提出了使用窗口平移相关法来进行符号定时,并利用训练序列估计频偏。仿真结果表明,该算法能有效地克服噪声及频偏的影响,定时准确,较好地消除了频偏,与其它文献提出的算法相比,具有定时准确、计算量小的特点。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a scheduling algorithm that enhances the performance of the standard IEEE 802.11e scheduler for the Hybrid Coordination Function Controlled Channel Access mode. The main contribution in designing the proposed scheduler is the ability to accommodate multiple streams with different levels of Quality of Service requirements concurrently running on the same station. This is achieved by dynamically calculating the Transmission Opportunities of each active traffic stream (TS) and the appropriate Service Interval of each active station. The proposed algorithm optimizes the utilization of the scarce bandwidth resources by only polling active stations. The algorithm incorporates a selectivity function to assign polling priorities to the active streams only based on their diverse requirements and their link‐attainable transmission rates. The performance of the proposed Selectivity Function Scheduler (SFS) scheme is evaluated against the standard scheduler. Simulation results show that the SFS outperforms the standard scheduler in terms of enhancing streams' throughput, reducing packet dropping ratio and maintaining high fairness amongst the admitted TS. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

CBR (constant bit rate) traffic is expected to be an important traffic source in wireless networks. Such sources usually have stringent jitter or delay requirements and in many cases they should be delivered exactly as they were generated. In this paper, we propose a strictly guaranteed QoS (quality‐of‐service) provisioning CAC (call admission control) scheme with a polling‐based scheduling policy for CBR traffic in IEEE 802.11e wireless LANs. Under such a scheme, the proposed transmit‐permission policy for HCCA (HCF controlled channel access) method can forecast the maximum suffered delay for each packet and derive sufficient conditions so that all the CBR sources satisfy their time constraints to provide deterministic QoS guarantees. A simple analytical model is carried out to estimate the average queueing delay of the proposed scheme. In addition to theoretical analysis, simulations are conducted to validate its promising performance. Our simulation results show that the proposed scheme maintains a high throughput with respect to the whole range of system load. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The TCP was originally designed for wired networks, assuming transmission errors were negligible. Actually, any acknowledgment time‐out unconditionally triggers the congestion control mechanism, even in wireless networks in which this assumption is not valid. Consequently, in wireless networks, TCP performance significantly degrades. To avoid this degradation, this paper proposes the so‐called split TCP and UDP. In this approach, the access point splits the TCP connection and uses a customized and lighter transport protocol for the wireless segment. It takes advantage of the IEEE 802.11e Hybrid Coordination Function Controlled Channel Access (HCCA) mechanisms to remove redundant TCP functionalities. Specifically, the HCCA scheduler allows disabling of the congestion control in the wireless link. Similarly, the IEEE 802.11e error control service makes possible to eliminate TCP acknowledgments, therefore reducing the TCP protocol overhead. Finally, the usage of an HCCA scheduler permits providing fairness among the different data flows. The proposed split scheme is evaluated via extensive simulations. Results show that split TCP and User Datagram Protocol outperforms the analyzed TCP flavors—specifically designed for wireless environments—and the split TCP solution, achieving up to 95% of end‐user throughput gain. Furthermore, the proposed solution is TCP friendly because TCP flows are not degraded by the presence of flows by using this approach. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To enhance the quality of service (QoS) support in IEE 802.11, IEEE 802.11e has been studied, which introduces the so-called hybrid coordination function (HCF). HCF includes two medium access mechanisms contention-based channel access (EDCA), and contention-free channel access (HCCA). Although IEEE 802.11e has provided differentiated channel access mechanism, when call demand rises for important festivals such as New Year's Day or large scale natural disasters such as earthquakes, the delay of voice will increase and the QoS of voice nodes will drop down rapidly. Through our simulation study, in order to guarantee the QoS of emergency voice calls in congested situation, a higher priority for these calls will be required.  相似文献   

该文提出了一种新的应用于IEEE 802.11e EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access)中提供QoS(Quality of Service)的方法。这种方法是将几个时隙组合起来构成一个超时隙,每个超时隙的开始分配给不同的业务来进行发包。时隙的分配是根据各种业务的不同优先级来实现的。这种方法可以保证高优先级业务具有较大的吞吐量,较少的MAC延时和较低的丢包率。与802.11e EDCA草案中提出的不同冲突窗口大小的方法相比,这种方法具有可以提高吞吐量,降低丢包率,并能减小站点数目变化对高优先级业务吞吐量的影响等优点。这种新的提供QoS的方法优于不同冲突窗口大小的方法,在IEEE 802.11e EDCA中应用超时隙方法可以大大提高EDCA的性能。  相似文献   

随着使用WLAN(无线局域网)接入因特网的日渐普及,IEEE802.11eWLAN中的HCCA(混合控制信道接入)机制由于在处理实时多媒体业务的高效率受到越来越广泛的关注。在WLAN中为达到高带宽利用率和良好的端到端QoS,介绍了一种基于HCCA机制的带宽分配算法,同时对该算法与802.11PCF(点协调功能)两种接入场景下的网络性能进行仿真比较,其结果验证了该算法可以为WLAN提供良好的QoS保证,对在WLAN中传输语音、视频等实时业务具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

In recent years, the vehicular ad hoc network has attracted worldwide attention from academe and industry. Many researches have been executed to improve the quality of services (QoS) of the intelligent transportation system. However, current existing channel access schemes at the medium access control layer specified in 802.11 protocol, including hybrid coordination function control channel access (HCCA) and enhanced distributed channel access, could not efficiently achieve the QoS requirements in some special situations. This paper proposes a delay guaranteed HCCA (DG‐HCCA) scheduling scheme, which works based on a Markov decision process model and the measurement of historic performance, to guarantee the QoS enhanced data transmission for vehicles to roadside unit. Besides, this paper also presents a performance analysis model to systematically evaluate the system performance of the channel utility and the average delay. The performance of the proposed delay guaranteed HCCA scheduling scheme is compared with that of original HCCA scheme specified in 802.11p standard and other 2 HCCA improved schemes by the simulation experiments. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed solution could highly fulfill the transmission delay requirements with a better channel utility and less loss rates than those by the standard HCCA scheme and other 2 schemes.  相似文献   

在共享媒体的通信系统中,队列调度的公平性是很重要的。该文在研究了IEEE WLAN已有的各种队列调度算法的基础上,提出了一种预测式公平队列调度算法 (Predict Fair Queuing, PFQ),并结合IEEE 802.11e的EDCF(Enhanced Distributed Coordination Function)机制提出一种基于PFQ的新的MAC层协议P-EDCF(PFQ-based EDCF)。该协议通过引进PFQ算法来修改EDCF的优先级控制方式,提供一种公平、高效的接入机制。仿真结果表明,该机制很好地改善了EDCF的性能,为各种类型业务提供了公平的服务。  相似文献   

The IEEE 802.11e medium access control (MAC) layer protocol is an emerging standard to support quality of service (QoS) in 802.11 wireless networks. Some recent work shows that the 802.11e hybrid coordination function (HCF) can improve significantly the QoS support in 802.11 networks. A simple HCF referenced scheduler has been proposed in the 802.11e which takes into account the QoS requirements of flows and allocates time to stations on the basis of the mean sending rate. As we show in this paper, this HCF referenced scheduling algorithm is only efficient and works well for flows with strict constant bit rate (CBR) characteristics. However, a lot of real-time applications, such as videoconferencing, have some variations in their packet sizes, sending rates or even have variable bit rate (VBR) characteristics. In this paper we propose FHCF, a simple and efficient scheduling algorithm for 802.11e that aims to be fair for both CBR and VBR flows. FHCF uses queue length estimations to tune its time allocation to mobile stations. We present analytical model evaluations and a set of simulations results, and provide performance comparisons with the 802.11e HCF referenced scheduler. Our performance study indicates that FHCF provides good fairness while supporting bandwidth and delay requirements for a large range of network loads. Pierre Ansel received a multidisciplinary in-depth scientific training in different fields such as Pure and Applied Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics, Computer Science and Economics from the Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France. Then, he joined the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, Paris, France in 2005 where he went further into electronics, databases, computer network security and high speed networks. He received a multidisciplinary master of sciences degree and an additional master of sciences degree in telecommunications in 2005. He did a summer internship in 2003 in INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France where he worked on the Quality of Service in 802.11 networks at Planete Group, France. Then in 2004, he joined France Telecom R&D, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France to work on Intranet Security issues. He designed a WiFi security supervision architecture based on WiFi Intrusion Detection Sensors. He is currently a French civil servant and belongs to the French Telecommunications Corps. Qiang Ni received the B.Eng., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Hua Zhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan City, China in 1993, 1996 and 1999 respectively. He is currently a faculty member in the Electronic and Computer Engineering Division,School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, West London, U.K. Between 2004 and 2005 he was a Senior Researcher at the Hamilton Institute, National University of Ireland, Maynooth. From 1999 to 2001, he was a post-doctoral research fellow in the multimedia and wireless communication laboratory, HUST, China. He visited and conducted research at the wireless and networking group of Microsoft Research Asia Lab during the year of 2000. From Sept. 2001 until may 2004, he was a research staff member at the Planète group of INRIA Sophia Antipolis France. Since 2002, he has been active as a voting member at the IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN standard working group. His current research interests include communication protocol design and performance analysis for wireless networks, cross-layer optimizations, vertical handover and mobility management in mobile wireless networks, and adaptive multimedia transmission over hybrid wired/wireless networks. He has authored /co-authored over 40 international journal/conference papers, book chapters, and standard drafts in this field. He is a member of IEEE. E-mail: Qiang.Ni@ieee.org Thierry Turletti received the M.S. (1990) and the Ph.D. (1995) degrees in computer science both from the University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis, France. He has done his PhD studies in the RODEO group at INRIA Sophia Antipolis. During the year 1995–96, he was a postdoctoral fellow in the Telemedia, Networks and Systems group at LCS, MIT. He is currently a research scientist at the Planete group at INRIA Sophia Antipolis. His research interests include multimedia applications, congestion control and wireless networking. Dr. Turletti currently serves on the Editorial Board of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing.  相似文献   

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