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This paper describes an application of the Kalman filter in a track recovery system (TRS) for postflight processing of aircraft navigation sensor data. The track recovery system has been successfully used as a key component of the Canadian aerial hydrography pilot project for mapping of shallow coastal waters. Recorded data from an inertial navigation system (INS) is combined with data obtained from a number of auxiliary sensors to construct a set of error measurements. The measurements are prefiltered to compress the data and are then processed using aU-Dfactorized Kalman filter and a modified Bryson-Frazier smoother to produce estimates of the time-correlated sensor errors. The flight profile is obtained by subtracting the computed error estimates from the recorded INS data. The residual errors observed in processing real data collected in a number of field tests are less than 1 m in position and less than 0.03 degrees in attitude.  相似文献   

An experiment on high resolution remote sensing of fires was conducted in the Ouémé catchment area of Benin, West Africa using the Bi-spectral InfraRed Detection (BIRD) satellite. The high spatial resolution capability of the BIRD system allows the detection of fires with active burning areas less than a few hundred square metres in the sub-pixel domain, as well as the estimation of quantitative characteristics of these fires, such as the radiative fire energy release and (less accurately) the effective fire temperature and area.  相似文献   

Object-based image analysis has proven its potentials for remote sensing applications, especially when using high-spatial resolution data. One of the first steps of object-based image analysis is to generate homogeneous regions from a pixel-based image, which is typically called the image segmentation process. This paper introduces a new automatic Region-based Image Segmentation Algorithm based on k-means clustering (RISA), specifically designed for remote sensing applications. The algorithm includes five steps: k-means clustering, segment initialization, seed generation, region growing, and region merging. RISA was evaluated using a case study focusing on land-cover classification for two sites: an agricultural area in the Republic of South Africa and a residential area in Fresno, CA. High spatial resolution SPOT 5 and QuickBird satellite imagery were used in the case study. RISA generated highly homogeneous regions based on visual inspection. The land-cover classification using the RISA-derived image segments resulted in higher accuracy than the classifications using the image segments derived from the Definiens software (eCognition) and original image pixels in combination with a minimum-distance classifier. Quantitative segmentation quality assessment using two object metrics showed RISA-derived segments successfully represented the reference objects.  相似文献   

Highly effective small-scale remote sensing can be carried out using a remotely piloted aircraft as a platform for various instruments. The operation of such a platform is described and details of two sensors (a photographic camera and a multiband radiometer)are given. Some preliminary results are presented and future developments are discussed.  相似文献   

Most remote sensing algorithms for phytoplankton in inland waters aim at the retrieval of the pigment chlorophyll a (Chl a), as this pigment is a useful proxy for phytoplankton biomass. More recently, algorithms have been developed to quantify the pigment phycocyanin (PC), which is characteristic of cyanobacteria, a phytoplankton group of relative importance to inland water management due to their negative impact on water quality in response to eutrophication.We evaluated the accuracy of three published algorithms for the remote sensing of PC in inland waters, using an extensive database of field radiometric and pigment data obtained in the Netherlands and Spain in the period 2001–2005. The three algorithms (a baseline, single band ratio, and a nested band ratio approach) all target the PC absorption effect observed in reflectance spectra in the 620 nm region. We evaluated the sensitivity of the algorithms to errors in reflectance measurements and investigated their performance in cyanobacteria-dominated water bodies as well as in the presence of other phytoplankton pigments.All algorithms performed best in moderate to high PC concentrations (50–200 mg m? 3) and showed the most linear response to increasing PC in cyanobacteria-dominated waters. The highest errors showed at PC < 50 mg m? 3. In eutrophic waters, the presence of other pigments explained a tendency to overestimate the PC concentration. In oligotrophic waters, negative PC predictions were observed. At very high concentrations (PC > 200 mg m? 3), PC underestimations by the baseline and single band ratio algorithms were attributed to a non-linear relationship between PC and absorption in the 620 nm region. The nested band ratio gave the overall best fit between predicted and measured PC. For the Spanish dataset, a stable ratio of PC over cyanobacterial Chl a was observed, suggesting that PC is indeed a good proxy for cyanobacterial biomass. The single reflectance ratio was the only algorithm insensitive to changes in the amplitude of reflectance spectra, which were observed as a result of different measurement methodologies.  相似文献   

《Information Fusion》2002,3(1):3-15
Image fusion refers to the acquisition, processing and synergistic combination of information provided by various sensors or by the same sensor in many measuring contexts. The aim of this survey paper is to describe three typical applications of data fusion in remote sensing. The first study case considers the problem of the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry, where a pair of antennas are used to obtain an elevation map of the observed scene; the second one refers to the fusion of multisensor and multitemporal (Landsat Thematic Mapper and SAR) images of the same site acquired at different times, by using neural networks; the third one presents a processor to fuse multifrequency, multipolarization and mutiresolution SAR images, based on wavelet transform and multiscale Kalman filter (MKF). Each study case presents also the results achieved by the proposed techniques applied to real data.  相似文献   


Iterative flux-profile methods allow calculation of sensible heat and momentum fluxes using temperature gradients and wind speed data obtained in the lower atmosphere. Flux-profile methods are also applied to the problem of regional evapotranspiration evaluation by the use of satellite imagery. The large number of pixels in these images and the long image time series that have become available make it necessary to develop reliable, fast and accurate algorithms to process the data. In this paper an analysis is made of the equations underlying the flux-profile method with the practical objective to improve the existing procedures for application with large datasets. After a review of the iterative methods to arrive at the solution, simple changes are suggested to improve estimates of the initial value and to speed up function evaluation. As an illustration of the suggested changes, a NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) case study from western Turkey is discussed. It is shown that the improved iterative algorithm is in this case a factor of 4-5 faster than the standard method. The results are also compared with those obtained by a recent analytical approximation.  相似文献   

Vegetation dynamics and the lives of millions of people in West Africa are closely interlinked with each other. The high annual variability of the phenological cycle considerably affects the agricultural population with late rainfalls and droughts, often resulting in serious food crises. On the other hand, the rapidly growing population has a great need for space due to expanding cities and a low agricultural efficiency. This situation, together with a changing climate, has had a strong impact on vegetation dynamics in West Africa and will play a major role in the future. The dynamic nature of vegetation in the region has attracted a lot of remote-sensing-based research in the past 30 years and has lead to heated discussions. This review article gives a comprehensive overview of the studies on remotely sensed vegetation dynamics in West Africa. After an introduction to the specific situation for vegetation dynamics in West Africa, the applied sensors and their suitability for the region are outlined. Research on the assessment of different plant parameters, on phenological metrics as well as on the monitoring of agricultural areas is outlined and discussed. Furthermore, a major part of this review is dedicated to the analyses undertaken to assess vegetation trends in West Africa over the past 30 years and their potential human and climatic causes. Finally, identified research gaps and challenges for future studies are discussed.  相似文献   

UAVs surpassing satellites and aircraft in remote sensing over China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Many users are now showing strong interest in UAV RS (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing) due to its easy accessibility. UAVs have become popular platforms for remote sensing data acquisition. In a number of practical and time constrained circumstances, UAV RS data have been widely used as a substitute for traditional satellite remote sensing data. However, airspace-related regulations are far behind the rapid growth in the number of UAVs and their wide applications. Much effort of the network-based UAV RS have been made by the UAV RS group of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR, CAS), which proposed the concept of UAV RS data carrier. UAV RS data carrier refers to UAV RS data platform with task planning, data storage, image processing, product generation and output products for various UAVs. An ongoing effort to create a nationwide UAV RS network in addition to an existing ground observational network is being carried out in China.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Detecting aircraft in remote sensing images becomes increasingly important in both military and civilian fields. However, the accuracy of existing detection...  相似文献   

Fly-inspired visual steering of an ultralight indoor aircraft   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We aim at developing autonomous microflyers capable of navigating within houses or small indoor environments using vision as the principal source of information. Due to severe weight and energy constraints, inspiration is taken from the fly for the selection of sensors, for signal processing, and for the control strategy. The current 30-g prototype is capable of autonomous steering in a 16/spl times/16 m textured environment. This paper describes models and algorithms which allow for efficient course stabilization and collision avoidance using optic flow and inertial information.  相似文献   

A simple method for efficient inversion of arbitrary radiative transfer models for image analysis is presented. The method operates by representing the shape of the function that maps model parameters to spectral reflectance by an adaptive look-up tree (ALUT) that evenly distributes the discretization error of tabulated reflectances in spectral space. A post-processing step organizes the data into a binary space partitioning tree that facilitates an efficient inversion search algorithm. In an example shallow water remote sensing application, the method performs faster than an implementation of previously published methodology and has the same accuracy in bathymetric retrievals. The method has no user configuration parameters requiring expert knowledge and minimizes the number of forward model runs required, making it highly suitable for routine operational implementation of image analysis methods. For the research community, straightforward and robust inversion allows research to focus on improving the radiative transfer models themselves without the added complication of devising an inversion strategy.  相似文献   

The paper presents a concurrent algorithm for remote sensing applications that provides significant performance and image quality enhancements over conventional uniprocessor principal component transform (PCT) techniques. The algorithm combines spectral angle classification, principal component transform, and human centered color mapping. It is evaluated from an image quality perspective using images collected with the hyper-spectral digital imagery collection experiment (HYDICE) sensor, an airborne imaging spectrometer. These images correspond to foliated scenes taken from an altitude of 2000–7500 m at wavelengths between 400 nm and 2.5 μm. The scenes contain mechanized vehicles sitting in open fields as well as under camouflage. The algorithm operates with close to linear speedup on shared memory multiprocessors and can be readily extended to operate on multiple, low-cost PC-style servers connected with high-performance networking. A simple analytical model is outlined that allows the impact on performance of practical, application-specific properties to be assessed. These properties include image resolution, number of spectral bands, increases in the number of processors, changes in processor technology, networking speeds and system clock rates.  相似文献   

The concept of canopy spectral invariants expresses the observation that simple algebraic combinations of leaf and canopy spectral transmittance and reflectance become wavelength independent and determine a small set of canopy structure specific variables. This set includes the canopy interceptance, the recollision and the escape probabilities. These variables specify an accurate relationship between the spectral response of a vegetation canopy to the incident solar radiation at the leaf and the canopy scale and allow for a simple and accurate parameterization for the partitioning of the incoming radiation into canopy transmission, reflection and absorption at any wavelength in the solar spectrum. This paper presents a solid theoretical basis for spectral invariant relationships reported in literature with an emphasis on their accuracies in describing the shortwave radiative properties of the three-dimensional vegetation canopies. The analysis of data on leaf and canopy spectral transmittance and reflectance collected during the international field campaign in Flakaliden, Sweden, June 25-July 4, 2002 supports the proposed theory. The results presented here are essential to both modeling and remote sensing communities because they allow the separation of the structural and radiometric components of the measured/modeled signal. The canopy spectral invariants offer a simple and accurate parameterization for the shortwave radiation block in many global models of climate, hydrology, biogeochemistry, and ecology. In remote sensing applications, the information content of hyperspectral data can be fully exploited if the wavelength-independent variables can be retrieved, for they can be more directly related to structural characteristics of the three-dimensional vegetation canopy.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a microfluidics-based fluorescence detection device where the filters, source, detector, and electronically controlled valves are embedded into a Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-based microfluidic chip. The device reported here has been specifically designed for chlorophyll a fluorescence sensing in autonomous systems, such as oceanic applications. In contrast to a monolithic approach, the modular approach made the fabrication of this device simpler and cheaper. For fluorescence detection, an InGaN/GaN LED is used as the excitation source to specifically excite chlorophyll a; a metal-dielectric Fabry?CPerot filter was used to extinguish out-of-band excitation. A simple Si photodiode is used as detector and provided with a thermally evaporated CdS emission filter to block the excitation source. This filter combination provides an excellent solution to the difficult problem of combining high-rejection excitation and emission filters in an integrated thin-film format. Furthermore, the metal-dielectric filter provides a much broader angular response than a comparable multilayer Bragg mirror, which is a key advantage in the integrated format. We use a novel paraffin wax-based valve design affords low power single-use actuation, between 0.5 and 1 J per actuation and withstands 0.6 bar differential pressure, which provides better performance than its previously reported counterparts. The remote valve-controlled operation of the fluorescence detection system is demonstrated, illustrating the measurement of a chlorophyll a solution, with a detection limit of 340 ??M and subsequent valve-controlled flushing of the measurement reservoir.  相似文献   

This paper presents a performance analysis of spaceborne bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for Earth observation. Since a bistatic system requires the simultaneous use of two spatially separated antennae, this paper refers to the European Space Agency ENVISAT-1 ASAR as the master mission, i.e. reflected echoes collected by ASAR are gathered also by a receiving-only slave antenna, which is on board a small satellite. Depending on orbit configuration, two mission profiles could be envisaged: two satellites flying along parallel orbits with different ascending nodes, or in one orbit plane with adequate angular separation. It is assumed that ENVISAT-1 is non-cooperative; therefore, signal synchronization and swath overlap and antenna separation control are committed to receiving-only spacecraft. To gain further insight into system geometric and radiometric characteristics and accuracy, several simulations are performed by using a computer code, which accounts for spacecraft orbit and attitude dynamics, sensor pointing geometry and Earth rotation. Numerical results and plots show the potentiality of the system for quite accurate three-dimensional measurements. In particular, thanks to system geometry, it is possible to compute target position and slant range components of velocity. Finally, further potential applications are outlined, also considering additional spin-offs for the master mission.  相似文献   


An analysis is presented of the education and training programme whichis needed to provide the skilledmanpower required if oceanographicscience is to benefit fully from the marine remote sensing satellites due to be launched in the next decade. Education in satellite oceanography is treated distinctly from general remote sensing training, and it is argued that all oceanographers will, in future, need to be educated in this field. The required content of satellite oceanography training courses is reviewed in relation to the level of education desired and the background discipline of the trainees. Options for different teaching frameworks arc considered, including short courses or summer schools and distance learning for small groups. There is seen to be a high potential for adopting newteaching technologyin this field. Finally, somesuggestionsare made about the importance of including adequate training as an integral part of future ocean remote sensing programmes.  相似文献   

随着航天事业的快速发展,遥感卫星的发射数量越来越多,遥感卫星地面接收系统面临着快速、稳定的接收新发射卫星下传数据的迫切需求。在此背景下提出了一种遥感卫星地面接收系统业务能力的评估方法,建立基于AHP的业务能力评估指标体系。结合业务特点,阐述了系统单机状态评估模型、系统业务能力评估模型并确定了各级因素的影响权重。实例分析结果表明,此评估方法能够快速确定遥感卫星地面接收系统对于某遥感卫星数据接收业务能力状态,给出系统最小化改进指引,对系统资源的利用及优化提供了可行性建议。  相似文献   


Increasing attention is being given to the practicability of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS). Easily adaptable low-cost systems in these two rapidly advancing technologies have particular relevance for developing nations. Data from advanced satellite sensor sytems such as the SPOT High Resolution Visible (HRV) and the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) have proven to be useful in topographic as well as thematic mapping, particularly for map revision. Based on the specific application, mapping systems have ranged from simple visual image interpretation lo automated digital image analysis systems with sophisticated classification schemes. Examples of topographic and thematic mapping using low-cost systems will be presented.

GIS have extended the capability of low-cost digital systems that simply provided storage and map production capabilities, to systems providing spatial data analysis including the linkage of spatial data and spatially related attributes. Data capture is an essential but laborious and expensive component of the overall mapping system. Satellite remote sensing is an obvious source of data for mapping and map revision because of its repetitive wide-area coverage and low cost. The need for integration of remote sensing and GIS is thus inevitable and is rapidly emerging because of the complementary role played by these technologies in resource management. The importance and utility of this integrated approach to mapping will be documented using Canadian examples.  相似文献   


In May 1987 a concurrent remote sensing study of Arctic sea ice from above and below was carried out. A submarine equipped with sidescan and upward looking sonar collaborated with two remote sensing aircraft equipped with passive microwave, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), a laser profilometer and an infrared radiometer. By careful registration of the three tracks it has been possible to find relationships between ice type, ice morphology and thickness, SAR backscatter and microwave brightness temperatures. The key to the process has been the sidescan sonar's ability to identify ice type through differences in characteristic topography. Over a heavily ridged area of mainly multiyear ice there is a strong positive correlation between SAR backscatter and ice draft or elevation. We also found that passive and active microwave complement each other in that SAR has a high contrast between open water and multiyear ice, while passive microwave has a high contrast between open water and first-year ice.  相似文献   

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