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In this paper, we present an improved procedure for collecting no or little atmosphere- and snow-contaminated observations from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor. The resultant time series of daily MODIS data of a temperate deciduous broadleaf forest (the Bartlett Experimental Forest) in 2004 show strong seasonal dynamics of surface reflectance of green, near infrared and shortwave infrared bands, and clearly delineate leaf phenology and length of plant growing season. We also estimate the fractions of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorbed by vegetation canopy (FAPARcanopy), leaf (FAPARleaf), and chlorophyll (FAPARchl), respectively, using a coupled leaf-canopy radiative transfer model (PROSAIL-2) and daily MODIS data. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method (the Metropolis algorithm) is used for model inversion, which provides probability distributions of the retrieved variables. A two-step procedure is used to estimate the fractions of absorbed PAR: (1) to retrieve biophysical and biochemical variables from MODIS images using the PROSAIL-2 model; and (2) to calculate the fractions with the estimated model variables from the first step. Inversion and forward simulations of the PROSAIL-2 model are carried out for the temperate deciduous broadleaf forest during day of year (DOY) 184 to 201 in 2005. The reproduced reflectance values from the PROSAIL-2 model agree well with the observed MODIS reflectance for the five spectral bands (green, red, NIR1, NIR2, and SWIR1). The estimated leaf area index, leaf dry matter, leaf chlorophyll content and FAPARcanopy values are close to field measurements at the site. The results also showed significant differences between FAPARcanopy and FAPARchl at the site. Our results show that MODIS imagery provides important information on biophysical and biochemical variables at both leaf and canopy levels.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to alter the canopy phenology of temperate and boreal forests, which will affect carbon, water, and energy budgets. Therefore, there is a great need to evaluate remotely sensed products for their potential to accurately capture canopy dynamics. The objective of this study was to compare several products derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to field measurements of fraction photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR) and plant area index (PAI) for a deciduous broadleaf forest in northern Wisconsin in 2002. MODIS products captured the general phenological development of the canopy although MODIS products overestimated the leaf area during the overstory leaf out period. Field data suggest that the period from budburst to canopy maturity, or maximum PAI, occurred in 10 to 12 days while MODIS products predicted onset of greenness and maturity from 1 to 21 days and 0 to 19 days earlier than that from field observations, respectively. Temporal compositing of MODIS data and understory development are likely key factors explaining differences with field data. Maximum PAI estimates differed only by 7% between field derived and MODIS-based estimates of LAI. Implications for ecosystem modeling of carbon and water exchange and future research needs are discussed.  相似文献   

Sugar maple (Acer Saccharum Marsh.) damage resulting from a severe ice storm was modeled and mapped over eastern Ontario using pre- and post-storm Landsat 5 imagery and environmental data. Visual damage estimates in 104 plots and corresponding reflectance and environmental data were divided into multiple, mutually exclusive training and reference datasets for damage classification evaluation. Damage classification accuracy was compared among four methods: multiple regression, linear discriminant analysis, maximum likelihood, and neural networks. Using the best classifier, various stratification methods were assessed for potential inflationary effects on classification accuracy due to spatial proximity between training and reference data. Of the classifiers that were evaluated, neural networks performed best. Neural networks ‘learn’ training data accurately (94% overall), but classify proximate reference data less accurately (65%), and distant, spatially independent reference data least accurately (55%). Results indicate that, while remotely sensed and environmental data cannot discriminate among many levels of deciduous ice storm damage, they can by considered useful for differentiating areas of low to medium damage from areas of severe damage (69% accuracy). Such classification methods can provide regional damage maps more objectively than point-based visual estimates or aerial sketch mapping and aid in identification of areas of severe damage where management intervention may be advantageous.  相似文献   

Because most land-cover types have distinct seasonal changes and corresponding reflectance characteristics in remotely sensed images, the signatures in time-series data are useful for discriminating different land covers. Although temporal signatures have been used to classify different land-cover types, they have not been fully exploited to classify specific crops, and the influence of low resolution should be evaluated. The aims of this study were to seek an effective method to classify specific crops using the temporal signatures in coarse time-series data and to examine the applicability of the data for crop classification as well. A winter wheat-producing region in China was selected for this case study. Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 8-day composite land surface reflectance product (MOD09Q1) data with a 250 m spatial resolution were used to calculate the vegetation index data, which was applied to detect the properties of live green plants. The noise in the time series was filtered to minimize the classification uncertainties. The curve shape in the time-series vegetation index profile was used as the major metric to classify winter wheat, and other phenological metrics extracted from the data were used conjunctly as auxiliary functions to improve the separability. The metrics for winter wheat classification were quantified in the large fields with relatively pure pixels. Winter wheat was successfully extracted from the MODIS vegetation index data, and the MODIS-derived result was validated with a fine-resolution (19.5 m) thematic map derived from images collected by the charge-coupled device sensor on board the China–Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS). It showed that the MODIS-derived result had inevitable low-resolution bias, and the errors of commission and omission were 32.3 and 33.8%, respectively. The overall classification effect of the MODIS-derived result relied upon the distribution of pixel purity in the study area.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a theoretical and modeling framework to estimate the fractions of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorbed by vegetation canopy (FAPARcanopy), leaf (FAPARleaf ), and chlorophyll (FAPARchl), respectively. FAPARcanopy is an important biophysical variable and has been used to estimate gross and net primary production. However, only PAR absorbed by chlorophyll is used for photosynthesis, and therefore there is a need to quantify FAPARchl. We modified and coupled a leaf radiative transfer model (PROSPECT) and a canopy radiative transfer model (SAIL-2), and incorporated a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method (the Metropolis algorithm) for model inversion, which provides probability distributions of the retrieved variables. Our two-step procedure is: (1) to retrieve biophysical and biochemical variables using coupled PROSPECT + SAIL-2 model (PROSAIL-2), combined with multiple daily images (five spectral bands) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor; and (2) to calculate FAPARcanopy, FAPARleaf and FAPARchl with the estimated model variables from the first step. We evaluated our approach for a temperate forest area in the Northeastern US, using MODIS data from 2001 to 2003. The inverted PROSAIL-2 fit the observed MODIS reflectance data well for the five MODIS spectral bands. The estimated leaf area index (LAI) values are within the range of field measured data. Significant differences between FAPARcanopy and FAPARchl are found for this test case. Our study demonstrates the potential for using a model such as PROSAIL-2, combined with an inverse approach, for quantifying FAPARchl, FAPARleaf, FAPARcanopy, biophysical variables, and biochemical variables for deciduous broadleaf forests at leaf- and canopy-levels over time.  相似文献   

Remote sensing needs to clarify the strengths of different methods so they can be consistently applied in forest management and ecology. Both the use of phenological information in satellite imagery and the use of vegetation indices have independently improved classifications of north temperate forests. Combining these sources of information in change detection has been effective for land cover classifications at the continental scale based on Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) imagery. Our objective is to test if using vegetation indices and change analysis of multiseasonal imagery can also improve the classification accuracy of deciduous forests at the landscape scale. We used Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scenes that corresponded to Populus spp. leaf-on and Quercus spp. leaf-off (May), peak summer (August), Acer spp. peak color (September), Acer spp. and Populus spp. leaf-off (October). Input data files derived from the imagery were: (1) TM Bands 3, 4, and 5 from all dates; (2) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from all dates; (3) Tasseled Cap brightness, greenness, and wetness (BGW) from all dates; (4) difference in TM Bands 3, 4, and 5 from one date to the next; (5) difference in NDVI from one date to the next; and (6) difference in BGW from one date to the next. The overall kappa statistics (KHAT) for the aforementioned classifications of deciduous genera were 0.48, 0.36, 0.33, 0.38, 0.26, 0.43, respectively. The highest accuracies occurred from TM Bands 3, 4, and 5 (61.0% for deciduous genera, 67.8% for all classes) or from the difference in BGW (61.0% for deciduous genera, 67.8% for all classes). However, the difference in Tasseled Cap classification more accurately separated deciduous shrubs and harvested stands from closed canopy forest. Our results indicate that phenological change of forest is most accurately captured by combining image differencing and Tasseled Cap indices.  相似文献   

Cropland distributions from temporal unmixing of MODIS data   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Knowledge of the distribution of crop types is important for land management and trade decisions, and is needed to constrain remotely sensed estimates of variables, such as crop stress and productivity. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) offers a unique combination of spectral, temporal, and spatial resolution compared to previous global sensors, making it a good candidate for large-scale crop type mapping. However, because of subpixel heterogeneity, the application of traditional hard classification approaches to MODIS data may result in significant errors in crop area estimation. We developed and tested a linear unmixing approach with MODIS that estimates subpixel fractions of crop area based on the temporal signature of reflectance throughout the growing season. In this method, termed probabilistic temporal unmixing (PTU), endmember sets were constructed using Landsat data to identify pure pixels, and uncertainty resulting from endmember variability was quantified using Monte Carlo simulation. This approach was evaluated using Landsat classification maps in two intensive agricultural regions, the Yaqui Valley (YV) of Mexico and the Southern Great Plains (SGP). Performance of the mixture model varied depending on the scale of comparison, with R2 ranging from roughly 50% for estimating crop area within individual pixels to greater than 80% for crop cover within areas over 10 km2. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of subpixel heterogeneity in cropland systems, and the potential of temporal unmixing to provide accurate and rapid assessments of land cover distributions using coarse resolution sensors, such as MODIS.  相似文献   

Shadows in high-spatial-resolution remote-sensing images become more pronounced. The detection of shadows is an essential requirement for both detailed high-spatial land-cover classification and applications such as three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of buildings as well as cloud removal. This article presents a method for integrating the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) and Red Edge normalized difference vegetation index (RENDVI) for shadow identification (IPRSI) using high-spatial-resolution airborne hyperspectral data. This method detects shadows by setting thresholds to the PRI and RENDVI to separate shadows from vegetated and non-vegetated areas. The proposed method outperformed the invariant colour spaces model and the object-based method in terms of shadow extraction accuracy. The overall shadow identification accuracy of the IPRSI was 88.97% with an F-score of 90.96 (81.32% with F-score 81.97 for the invariant colour spaces model and 78.02% with F-score 82.07 for the object-based method). The IPRSI is a potential method with the wide application of hyperspectral data in high spatial resolution that is increasingly easier to be obtained with the development of remote-sensing platforms (such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), small satellites, and airships).  相似文献   

A vegetation index (VI) model for predicting evapotranspiration (ET) from data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) on the EOS-1 Terra satellite and ground meteorological data was developed for riparian vegetation along the Middle Rio Grande River in New Mexico. Ground ET measurements obtained from eddy covariance towers at four riparian sites were correlated with MODIS VIs, MODIS land surface temperatures (LSTs), and ground micrometeorological data over four years. Sites included two saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima) and two Rio Grande cottonwood (Populus deltoides ssp. Wislizennii) dominated stands. The Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) was more closely correlated (r=0.76) with ET than the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI; r=0.68) for ET data combined over sites and species. Air temperature (Ta) measured over the canopy from towers was the meteorological variable that was most closely correlated with ET (r=0.82). MODIS LST data at 1- and 5-km resolutions were too coarse to accurately measure the radiant surface temperature within the narrow riparian corridor; hence, energy balance methods for estimating ET using MODIS LSTs were not successful. On the other hand, a multivariate regression equation for predicting ET from EVI and Ta had an r2=0.82 across sites, species, and years. The equation was similar to VI-ET models developed for crop species. The finding that ET predictions did not require species-specific equations is significant, inasmuch as these are mixed vegetation zones that cannot be easily mapped at the species level.  相似文献   

Net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 between the atmosphere and forest ecosystems is determined by gross primary production (GPP) of vegetation and ecosystem respiration. CO2 flux measurements at individual CO2 eddy flux sites provide valuable information on the seasonal dynamics of GPP. In this paper, we developed and validated the satellite-based Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (VPM), using site-specific CO2 flux and climate data from a temperate deciduous broadleaf forest at Harvard Forest, Massachusetts, USA. The VPM model is built upon the conceptual partitioning of photosynthetically active vegetation and non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV) within the leaf and canopy. It estimates GPP, using satellite-derived Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Land Surface Water Index (LSWI), air temperature and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Multi-year (1998-2001) data analyses have shown that EVI had a stronger linear relationship with GPP than did the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Two simulations of the VPM model were conducted, using vegetation indices from the VEGETATION (VGT) sensor onboard the SPOT-4 satellite and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor onboard the Terra satellite. The predicted GPP values agreed reasonably well with observed GPP of the deciduous broadleaf forest at Harvard Forest, Massachusetts. This study highlighted the biophysical performance of improved vegetation indices in relation to GPP and demonstrated the potential of the VPM model for scaling-up of GPP of deciduous broadleaf forests.  相似文献   

Spectral similarity metrics have previously been used to select representative spectra from a class for use in spectral mixture modeling. Since the tasks of spectral selection for spectral mixture modeling and spectral selection for temporal compositing are similar, these metrics may have utility for temporal compositing. This paper explores the use of two spectral similarity metrics, endmember average root mean square error (EAR) and minimum average spectral angle (MASA), for constructing temporal composites. EAR and MASA compositing algorithms were compared against four previously used algorithms, including maximum NDVI, minimum view zenith angle, minimum blue, and median red. A total of 10 different algorithms were used to create 16-day composites of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) surface reflectance data over a 6-year period. Algorithm performance was assessed based on short-term temporal variability in spectral reflectance and in a selection of indices, both within a southwestern California study area and within five land-cover class subsets. EAR compositing produced the lowest variability for 4 out of 7 MODIS bands, as measured by the root mean square of time series residuals. MASA or EAR compositing produced the lowest root mean square residual values for all of the tested indices. To assess how compositing algorithms might affect remote sensing correlations with biophysical variables, correlations between indices calculated from different composites and live fuel moisture were compared. Correlations between indices and live fuel moisture were higher for shape-based composites compared with the standard composites.  相似文献   

Regional mapping of gross light-use efficiency using MODIS spectral indices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Direct estimation of photosynthetic light-use efficiency (LUE) from space would be of significant benefit to LUE-based models which use inputs from remote sensing to estimate terrestrial productivity. The Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) has shown promise in tracking LUE at the leaf- to small canopy levels, but its use at regional to global scales still remains a challenge. In this study, we used different formulations of PRI calculated from the MODIS ocean band centered at 531 nm and a set of alternative reference bands at 488, 551, and 678 nm to explore the relationship between PRI and LUE where LUE was measured at eight eddy covariance flux towers located in the boreal forest of Saskatchewan, Canada. The magnitude and variability of LUE was significantly lower at the times when useful MODIS ocean band images were available (i.e. around midday under clear-sky conditions) relative to the rest of the growing season. PRI678 (reference band at 678 nm) showed the strongest relationship (r2 = 0.70) with LUE90a (i.e. 90-minute mean LUE calculated using Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation, APAR), but only when all sites were combined. Overall, the relationships between the MODIS PRIs and LUE90a were always stronger for observations closer to the backscatter direction and there were no significant differences in the strength of the correlations whether LUE was calculated based on incident PAR or on APAR. Predictions of ecosystem photosynthesis at the time of the MODIS overpasses were significantly improved by multiplying either PAR or APAR by MODIS PRI (r2 improved from 0.09 to 0.44 and 0.54 depending on the PRI formulation).We used our PRI-LUE model to create a regional LUE90a map for the three cover types covering 47,500 km2 around the flux sites. The MODIS PRI-derived LUE90a map appeared to capture more realistic spatial heterogeneity of LUE across the landscape compared to a daily LUE map derived using the look-up table in the MODIS GPP (MOD17) algorithm. While our LUE map is only a snapshot of minimum regional LUE90a values, with appropriate gap-filling methods it could be used to improve regional-scale monitoring of GPP. Moreover, the strong relationship between midday and daily LUE on clear days (r2 = 0.93) indicates that instantaneous MODIS observations of LUE90a could be used to estimate daily LUE. Finally, pixel shadow fraction from the 5-Scale geometric-optical model was closely related to both MODIS PRI and tower-derived LUE suggesting that differences in stand leaf area and in diffuse illumination among flux sites play a role in the relationship we observed between LUE and MODIS PRI.  相似文献   

Wildland fires are an annually recurring phenomenon in many terrestrial ecosystems. Accurate burned area estimates are important for modeling fire-induced trace gas emissions and rehabilitating post-fire landscapes. High spatial and spectral resolution MODIS/ASTER (MASTER) airborne simulator data acquired over three 2007 southern California burns were used to evaluate the sensitivity of different spectral indices at discriminating burned land shortly after a fire. The performance of the indices, which included both traditional and new band combinations, was assessed by means of a separability index that provides an assessment of the effectiveness of a given index at discriminating between burned and unburned land. In the context of burned land applications results demonstrated (i) that the highest sensitivity of the longer short wave infrared (SWIR) spectral region (1.9 to 2.5 μm) was found at the band interval from 2.31 to 2.36 μm, (ii) the high discriminatory power of the mid infrared spectral domain (3 to 5.5 μm) and (iii) the high potential of emissivity data. As a consequence, a newly proposed index which combined near infrared (NIR), longer SWIR and emissivity outperformed all other indices when results were averaged over the three fires. Results were slightly different between land cover types (shrubland vs. forest-woodland). Prior to use in the indices the thermal infrared data were separated into temperature and emissivity to assess the benefits of using both temperature and emissivity. Currently, the only spaceborne sensor that provides moderate spatial resolution (< 100 m) temperature and emissivity data is the Advanced Spaceborne and Thermal Emission Radiometer (ASTER). Therefore, our findings can open new perspectives for the utility of future sensors, such as the Hyperspectral Infrared (HyspIRI) sensor. However, further research is required to evaluate the performance of the newly proposed band combinations in other vegetation types and different fire regimes.  相似文献   

The monitoring of annual burned forest area is commonly used to evaluate forest fire carbon release and forest recovery and can provide information on the evolution of carbon sources and sinks. In this work, a new method for mapping annual burned area using four types of change metrics constructed from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data for Manitoba, Canada, was developed for the 2003–2007 period. The proposed method included the following steps: (1) four types of change metrics constructed from MODIS composite data; (2) Stochastic Gradient Boosting algorithm; and (3) two thresholds to ascertain the final burned area map. Fire-event records from the Canadian National Fire Database (CNFDB) for Manitoba were used to train and validate the proposed algorithm. The predicted burned area was within 91.8% of the CNFDB results for all of the study years. The results indicate that the presented metrics could retain spectral information necessary to discriminate between burned and unburned forests while reducing the effects of clouds and other noise typically present in single-date imagery. A visual comparison to Thematic Mapper (TM) images further revealed that in some areas the mapping provided improvement to the CNFDB data set.  相似文献   

The carbon use efficiency (CUE) of a forest, calculated as the ratio of net primary productivity (NPP) to gross primary productivity (GPP), measures how efficiently a forest sequesters atmospheric carbon. Some prior research has suggested that CUE varies with environmental conditions, while other suggests that CUE is constant. Research using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data has indicated a variable CUE, but those results are suspected because MODIS NPP data have not been well validated.

We tested two questions. First, whether MODIS CUE is constant or whether it varies by forest type, climate, and geographic factors across the eastern USA. Second, whether those results occur when field-based NPP data are employed. We used MODIS model-based estimates of GPP and NPP, and forest inventory and anlaysis (FIA) field-based estimates of NPP data. We calculated two estimates of CUE for forest in 390 km2 hexagons: (1) MODIS CUE as MODIS NPP divided by MODIS GPP and (2) F/M ZCUE as the standardized difference between FIA NPP and MODIS GPP.

MODIS CUE and F/M ZCUE both varied similarly and significantly in relation to forest type, and climatic and geographic factors, strongly supporting a variable rather than a constant CUE. The CUE was significantly higher in deciduous than in mixed and evergreen forests. Regression models indicated that CUE decreased with increases in temperature and precipitation and increased with latitude and altitude. The similar trends in MODIS CUE and F/M ZCUE support the use of the more easily obtained MODIS CUE.  相似文献   

Land-cover change detection using multi-temporal MODIS NDVI data   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Monitoring the locations and distributions of land-cover changes is important for establishing links between policy decisions, regulatory actions and subsequent land-use activities. Past studies incorporating two-date change detection using Landsat data have tended to be performance limited for applications in biologically complex systems. This study explored the use of 250 m multi-temporal MODIS NDVI 16-day composite data to provide an automated change detection and alarm capability on a 1 year time-step for the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary System (APES) region of the US. Detection accuracy was assessed for 2002 at 88%, with a reasonable balance between change commission errors (21.9%), change omission errors (27.5%), and Kappa coefficient of 0.67. Annual change detection rates across the APES over the study period (2002-2005) were estimated at 0.7% per annum and varied from 0.4% (2003) to 0.9% (2004). Regional variations were also readily apparent ranging from 1.6% to 0.1% per annum for the tidal water and mountain ecological zones, respectfully. This research included the application of an automated protocol to first filter the MODIS NDVI data to remove poor (corrupted) data values and then estimate the missing data values using a discrete Fourier transformation technique to provide high-quality uninterrupted data to support the change detection analysis. The methods and results detailed in this article apply only to non-agricultural areas. Additional limitations attributed to the coarse resolution of the NDVI data included the overestimation of change area that necessitated the application of a change area correction factor.  相似文献   

Annual forest cover loss indicator maps for the humid tropics from 2000 to 2005 derived from time-series 500 m data from the MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) were compared with annual deforestation data from the PRODES (Amazon Deforestation Monitoring Project) data set produced by the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE). The annual PRODES data were used to calibrate the MODIS annual change indicator data in estimating forest loss for Brazil. Results indicate that MODIS data may be useful in providing a first estimate of national forest cover change on an annual basis for Brazil. When directly compared with PRODES change at the MODIS grid scale for all years of the analysis, MODIS change indicator maps accounted for 75% of the PRODES change. This ratio was used to scale the MODIS change indicators to the PRODES area estimates. A sliding threshold of percent PRODES forest and 2000 to 2005 deforestation classes per MODIS grid cell was used to match the scaled MODIS to the official PRODES change estimates, and then to differentiate MODIS change within various sub-areas of the PRODES analysis. Results indicate significant change outside of the PRODES-defined intact forest class. Total scaled MODIS change area within the PRODES historical deforestation and forest area of study is 120% of the official PRODES estimate. Results emphasize the importance of synoptic monitoring of all forest change dynamics, including the cover dynamics of intact humid forest, regrowth, plantations, and cerrado tree cover assemblages. Results also indicate that operational MODIS-only forest cover loss algorithms may be useful in providing near-real time areal estimates of annual change within the Amazon Basin.  相似文献   

Landsat imagery with a 30 m spatial resolution is well suited for characterizing landscape-level forest structure and dynamics. While Landsat images have advantageous spatial and spectral characteristics for describing vegetation properties, the Landsat sensor's revisit rate, or the temporal resolution of the data, is 16 days. When considering that cloud cover may impact any given acquisition, this lengthy revisit rate often results in a dearth of imagery for a desired time interval (e.g., month, growing season, or year) especially for areas at higher latitudes with shorter growing seasons. In contrast, MODIS (MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) has a high temporal resolution, covering the Earth up to multiple times per day, and depending on the spectral characteristics of interest, MODIS data have spatial resolutions of 250 m, 500 m, and 1000 m. By combining Landsat and MODIS data, we are able to capitalize on the spatial detail of Landsat and the temporal regularity of MODIS acquisitions. In this research, we apply and demonstrate a data fusion approach (Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model, STARFM) at a mainly coniferous study area in central British Columbia, Canada. Reflectance data for selected MODIS channels, all of which were resampled to 500 m, and Landsat (at 30 m) were combined to produce 18 synthetic Landsat images encompassing the 2001 growing season (May to October). We compared, on a channel-by-channel basis, the surface reflectance values (stratified by broad land cover types) of four real Landsat images with the corresponding closest date of synthetic Landsat imagery, and found no significant difference between real (observed) and synthetic (predicted) reflectance values (mean difference in reflectance: mixed forest x? = 0.086, σ = 0.088, broadleaf x? = 0.019, σ = 0.079, coniferous x? = 0.039, σ = 0.093). Similarly, a pixel based analysis shows that predicted and observed reflectance values for the four Landsat dates were closely related (mean r2 = 0.76 for the NIR band; r2 = 0.54 for the red band; p < 0.01). Investigating the trend in NDVI values in synthetic Landsat values over a growing season revealed that phenological patterns were well captured; however, when seasonal differences lead to a change in land cover (i.e., disturbance, snow cover), the algorithm used to generate the synthetic Landsat images was, as expected, less effective at predicting reflectance.  相似文献   

The bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) has been widely studied across different vegetation types. However, these studies generally report values for only one point in time. We were interested in the potential for seasonal and inter-annual variation in BRDF parameters. NASA's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor on board the EOS satellites has now been collecting data for 10 years. Since BRDF parameters are reported for the individual spectral bands, these data can be used to examine intra-annual variation. However, MODIS BRDF parameters are not calculated for the various vegetation indices which are derived from the spectral bands. Our objective in this study was to use the 10 years of MODIS data now available to examine seasonal and inter-annual variation in the view angle sensitivity of three vegetation indices; the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) at 3 flux tower sites (Harvard Forest, Howland Forest and Morgan Monroe State Forest). For these 3 sites, only EVI was significantly affected by view angle. There was also a substantial variation in the view angle sensitivity of EVI across seasons and this variation was different for backscatter vs. forward scatter data. It is possible that differences in the scattering of radiation between the spring and the fall are responsible for the seasonal difference in view angle sensitivity. There were also complimentary variations in forward and backscatter view angle sensitivity of EVI across years. The greater view angle sensitivity of EVI, as opposed to NDVI, suggests that greater care must be taken to correct for BRDF effects when using this vegetation index.  相似文献   

The foliage clumping index quantifies the degree of the deviation of leaf spatial distribution in the canopy from the random case. It is of comparable importance for ecological models as the leaf area index for quantifying radiation interception and distribution in plant canopies. Previously, an improved angular index named normalized difference between hotspot and darkspot was proposed for retrieving the clumping index using multi-angle remote sensing data. Global maps of clumping index have been derived successfully from multi-angular Polarization and Directionality of Earth Reflectance (POLDER) data at ~6 km resolution. In this article, we investigate whether it is feasible to derive the clumping index at 500 m resolution with the 16-day Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) bidirectional reflectance distribution function model parameters product. The results are compared with an assembled set of field measurements from 63 different sites, covering five continents and diverse biomes.  相似文献   

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