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Detailed geographic information is a key factor in decision making processes during refugee relief operations. The forthcoming commercial very high spatial resolution (VHSR) satellite sensors will be capable of acquiring multispectral (MS) images at spatial resolutions of 1m (panchromatic) and 4m (multispectral) of refugee camps and their environment. This work demonstrates how refugee camp environment, area and population can be analysed using a VHSR MS satellite sensor image from the Russian KVR-1000 sensor. This image, with a spatial resolution of 3.3m, was used to study Thailand's Site 2 refugee camps, which were established to accommodate Khmer refugees on the Thai-Kampuchean border. At the time of image acquisition, the total population of Site 2's five refugee camps was close to 143000. The VHSR MS image was found to be suitable for mapping the refugee camp environment and area. A statistically significant linear relationship between camp area and population was determined. Accordingly, the study suggests that VHSR MS images in general may be useful for refugee camp planning and management and points toward the utilization of forthcoming commercial VHSR MS satellite sensor images in humanitarian relief operations.  相似文献   

Remote sensing estimation of impervious surfaces is significant in monitoring urban development and determining the overall environmental health of a watershed, and has therefore recently attracted increasing interest. The main objective of this study was to develop a general approach to estimating and mapping impervious surfaces by using medium spatial resolution satellite imagery. We have applied spectral mixture analysis (SMA) to Earth Observing 1 (EO‐1) Advanced Land Imager (ALI) (multispectral) and Hyperion (hyperspectral) imagery in Marion County, Indiana, USA, to calculate the fraction images of vegetation, soil, high albedo and low albedo. The effectiveness of the two images was compared according to three criteria: (1) high‐quality fraction images for the urban landscape, (2) relatively low error, and (3) the distinction among typical land use and land cover (LULC) types in the study area. The fraction images were further used to estimate and map impervious surfaces. The accuracy of the estimated impervious surface was checked against Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangle (DOQQ) images. The results indicate that both ALI and Hyperion sensors were effective in deriving the fraction images with SMA and in computing impervious surfaces. The SMA results for both ALI and Hyperion images using four endmembers were excellent, with a mean root mean square error (RMSE) less than 0.04 in both cases. The ALI‐derived impervious surface image yielded an RMSE of 15.3%, and the Hyperion‐derived impervious surface image yielded an RMSE of 17.5%. However, the Hyperion image was more powerful in discerning low‐albedo surface materials, which has been a major obstacle for impervious surface estimation with medium resolution multispectral images. A sensitivity analysis of the mapping of impervious surfaces using different scenarios of Hyperion band combinations suggests that the improvement in mapping accuracy in general and the better ability in discriminating low‐albedo surfaces came mainly from additional bands in the mid‐infrared region.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new temporally adaptive classification system for multispectral images. A spatial-temporal adaptation mechanism is devised to account for the changes in the feature space as a result of environmental variations. Classification based upon spatial features is performed using Bayesian framework or probabilistic neural networks (PNNs) while the temporal updating takes place using a spatial-temporal predictor. A simple iterative updating mechanism is also introduced for adjusting the parameters of these systems. The proposed methodology is used to develop a pixel-based cloud classification system. Experimental results on cloud classification from satellite imagery are provided to show the usefulness of this system.  相似文献   

One of the most important applications of remote sensing is urban area analysis in multispectral images. This article addresses a comprehensive method for urban area extraction in the mentioned images using a combination of classic spectral features and a new structural feature. The spectral features are used for eliminating the non-urban land covers including vegetation, water, shadows, and bright soil. Then the proposed structural feature based on the density of the spectral gradient is utilized for the final separation of urban points (UPs) from non-urban points (NUPs). The proposed method is insensitive to the spectral variation of urban areas caused by variant geographical conditions and coordinates. The proposed approach is applied to a wide variety of geographical areas from Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) multispectral data including arid and desert land, mountainous land, and plain area. Furthermore, a reference land-cover map from National Land Cover Data 2001 of USA is used as the ground reference for the accuracy assessment of the proposed method. Results analysis shows better performance of the proposed method in all study sites compared with the other spectral indices and the other methods. In addition, the proposed structural feature has shown promising results compared with the spectral indices when used in its own.  相似文献   

The Pan-sharpening approach based on principle component analysis(PCA) is affected by severe spectral distortion. To address this problem, a new pan-sharpening model based on PCA and variational technique is proposed to construct the substitute image of the first principal component(PC1). The energy functional consists of three terms. The first term injects PC1 with the geometric structure of the panchromatic(Pan) image. The second term preserves the spectral pattern of the multi-spectral image in the merged result.And the third term guarantees the smoothness of the functional optimization solution. The fusion result is given by the minimum of the energy functional, which is computed with the gradient descend flow. The experiments on QuickBird and IKONOS datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed model. Compared with the stateof-the-art pan-sharpening approaches, this model exhibits a better trade-off between improving spatial quality and preserving spectral signature of the MS image.  相似文献   

The Pan-sharpening approach based on principle component analysis (PCA) is affected by severe spectral distortion. To address this problem, a new pan-sharpening model based on PCA and variational technique is proposed to construct the substitute image of the first principal component (PC1). The energy functional consists of three terms. The first term injects PC1 with the geometric structure of the panchromatic (Pan) image. The second term preserves the spectral pattern of the multi-spectral image in the merged result. And the third term guarantees the smoothness of the functional optimization solution. The fusion result is given by the minimum of the energy functional, which is computed with the gradient descend flow. The experiments on QuickBird and IKONOS datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed model. Compared with the state- of-the-art pan-sharpening approaches, this model exhibits a better trade-off between improving spatial quality and preserving spectral signature of the MS image.  相似文献   

Many large countries, including Canada, rely on earth observation as a practical and cost-effective means of monitoring their vast inland ecosystems. A potentially efficient approach is one that detects vegetation changes over a hierarchy of spatial scales ranging from coarse to fine. This paper presents a Change Screening Analysis Technique (Change-SAT) designed as a coarse filter to identify the location and timing of large (>5-10 km2) forest cover changes caused by anthropogenic and natural disturbances at an annual, continental scale. The method uses change metrics derived from 1-km multi-temporal SPOT VEGETATION and NOAA AVHRR imagery (reflectance, temperature, and texture information) and ancillary spatial variables (proximity to active fires, roads, and forest tenures) in combination with logistic regression and decision tree classifiers. Major forest changes of interest include wildfires, insect defoliation, forest harvesting, and flooding. Change-SAT was tested for 1998-2000 using an independent sample of change and no-change sites over Canada. Overall accuracy was 94% and commission error, especially critical for large-area change applications, was less than 1%. Regions identified as having major or widespread changes could be targeted for more detailed investigation and mapping using field visits, aerial survey, or fine resolution EO methods, such as those being applied under Canadian monitoring programs. This multi-resolution approach could be used as part of a forest monitoring system to report on carbon stocks and forest stewardship.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel adaptive spatially constrained fuzzy c-means (ASCFCM) algorithm for multispectral remotely sensed imagery clustering by incorporating accurate local spatial and grey-level information. In this algorithm, a novel weighted factor is introduced considering spatial distance and membership differences between the centred pixel and its neighbours simultaneously. This factor can adaptively estimate the accurate spatial constrains from neighbouring pixels. To further enhance its robustness to noise and outliers, a novel prior probability function is developed by integrating the mutual dependency information in the neighbourhood to obtain accurate spatial contextual information. The proposed algorithm is free of any experimentally adjusted parameters and totally adaptive to the local image content. Not only the neighbourhood but also the centred pixel terms of the objective function are all accurately estimated. Thus, the ASCFCM enhances the conventional fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm by producing homogeneous regions and reducing the edge blurring artefact simultaneously. Experimental results using a series of synthetic and real-world images show that the proposed ASCFCM outperforms the competing methodologies, and hence provides an effective unsupervised method for multispectral remotely sensed imagery clustering.  相似文献   

Sudden Oak Death is a new and virulent disease affecting hardwood forests in coastal California. The spatial-temporal dynamics of oak mortality at the landscape scale are crucial indicators of disease progression. Modeling disease spread requires accurate mapping of the dynamic pattern of oak mortality in time through multi-temporal image analysis. Traditional mapping approaches using per-pixel, single-date image classifications have not generated consistently satisfactory results. Incorporation of spatial-temporal contextual information can improve these results. In this paper, we propose a spatial-temporally explicit algorithm to classify individual images using the spectral and spatial-temporal information derived from multiple co-registered images. This algorithm is initialized by a spectral classification using Support Vector Machines (SVM) for each individual image. Then, a Markov Random Fields (MRF) model accounting for ecological compatibility is used to model the spatial-temporal contextual prior probabilities of images. Finally, an iterative algorithm, Iterative Conditional Mode (ICM), is used to update the classification based on the combination of the initial SVM spectral classifications and MRF spatial-temporal contextual model. The algorithm was applied to two-year (2000, 2001) ADAR (Airborne Data Acquisition and Registration) images, from which three classes (bare, dead, forest) are detected. The results showed that the proposed algorithm achieved significantly better results (Year 2000: Kappa = 0.92; Year 2001: Kappa = 0.91), compared to traditional pixel-based single-date approaches (Year 2000: Kappa = 0.67; Year 2001: Kappa = 0.66). The improvement from the contributions of spatial-temporal contextual information indicated the importance of spatial-temporal modeling in multi-temporal remote sensing in general and forest disease modeling in particular.  相似文献   

With increasing applications of hyperspectral imagery (HSI) in agriculture, mineralogy, military, and other fields, one of the fundamental tasks is accurate detection of the target of interest. In this article, improved sparse representation approaches using adaptive spatial support are proposed for effective target detection in HSI. For conventional sparse representation, an HSI pixel is represented as a sparse vector whose non-zero entries correspond to the weights of the selected training atoms from a structured dictionary. For improved sparse representation, spatial correlation and spectral similarity of adjacent neighbouring pixels are exploited as spatial support in this context. The size and shape of the spatial support is automatically determined using both adaptive window and adaptive neighbourhood strategies. Accordingly, a solution based on greedy pursuit algorithms is also given to solve the extended optimization problem in recovering the desired sparse representation. Comprehensive experiments on three different data sets using both visual inspection and quantitative evaluation are carried out. The results from these data sets have indicated that the proposed approaches help to generate improved results in terms of efficacy and efficiency.  相似文献   

Remote sensing based biomass estimates in Arctic areas are usually produced using coarse spatial resolution satellite imagery, which is incapable of capturing the fragmented nature of tundra vegetation communities. We mapped aboveground biomass using field sampling and very high spatial resolution (VHSR) satellite images (QuickBird, WorldView-2 and WorldView-3) in four different Arctic tundra or peatland sites with low vegetation located in Russia, Canada, and Finland. We compared site-specific and cross-site empirical regressions. First, we classified species into plant functional types and estimated biomass using easy, non-destructive field measurements (cover, height). Second, we used the cover/height-based biomass as the response variable and used combinations of single bands and vegetation indices in predicting total biomass. We found that plant functional type biomass could be predicted reasonably well in most cases using cover and height as the explanatory variables (adjusted R2 0.21–0.92), and there was considerable variation in the model fit when the total biomass was predicted with satellite spectra (adjusted R2 0.33–0.75). There were dissimilarities between cross-site and site-specific regression estimates in satellite spectra based regressions suggesting that the same regression should be used only in areas with similar kinds of vegetation. We discuss the considerable variation in biomass and plant functional type composition within and between different Arctic landscapes and how well this variation can be reproduced using VHSR satellite images. Overall, the usage of VHSR images creates new possibilities but to utilize them to full potential requires similarly more detailed in-situ data related to biomass inventories and other ecosystem change studies and modelling.  相似文献   

In using traditional digital classification algorithms, a researcher typically encounters serious issues in identifying urban land cover classes employing high resolution data. A normal approach is to use spectral information alone and ignore spatial information and a group of pixels that need to be considered together as an object. We used QuickBird image data over a central region in the city of Phoenix, Arizona to examine if an object-based classifier can accurately identify urban classes. To demonstrate if spectral information alone is practical in urban classification, we used spectra of the selected classes from randomly selected points to examine if they can be effectively discriminated. The overall accuracy based on spectral information alone reached only about 63.33%. We employed five different classification procedures with the object-based paradigm that separates spatially and spectrally similar pixels at different scales. The classifiers to assign land covers to segmented objects used in the study include membership functions and the nearest neighbor classifier. The object-based classifier achieved a high overall accuracy (90.40%), whereas the most commonly used decision rule, namely maximum likelihood classifier, produced a lower overall accuracy (67.60%). This study demonstrates that the object-based classifier is a significantly better approach than the classical per-pixel classifiers. Further, this study reviews application of different parameters for segmentation and classification, combined use of composite and original bands, selection of different scale levels, and choice of classifiers. Strengths and weaknesses of the object-based prototype are presented and we provide suggestions to avoid or minimize uncertainties and limitations associated with the approach.  相似文献   

Tropical forest deforestation is a major concern at global, regional, and local scales. Recent advances have demonstrated the feasibility of using coarse spatial resolution remote sensing imagery to assess tropical forest over large areas. To date, few methods have been developed for the estimation of change over large areas. A change detection method based on a combination of NOAAAVHRR, Landsat TM, and SPOT-HRV data is evaluated on a study site in Vietnam, Southeast Asia. Changes detected with fine spatial resolution imagery are related to AVHRR-derived forest class proportions and fragmentation patterns.  相似文献   

Mountain pine beetle red attack damage has been successfully detected and mapped using single-date high spatial resolution (< 4 m) satellite multi-spectral data. Forest managers; however, need to monitor locations for changes in beetle populations over time. Specifically, counts of individual trees attacked in successive years provide an indication of beetle population growth and dynamics. Surveys are typically used to estimate the ratio of green (current) attack trees to red (previous) attack trees or G:R. In this study, we estimate average stand-level G:R using a time-series of QuickBird multi-spectral and panchromatic satellite data, combined with field data for three forested stands near Merritt, British Columbia, Canada. Using a ratio of QuickBird red to green wavelengths (Red-Green Index or RGI), the change in RGI (ΔRGI) in successive image pairs is used to estimate red attack damage in 2004, 2005, and 2006, with true positive accuracies ranging from 89 to 93%. To overcome issues associated with differing viewing geometry and illumination angles that impair tracking of individual trees through time, segments are generated from the QuickBird multi-spectral data to identify small groups of trees. These segments then serve as the vehicle for monitoring changes in red attack damage over time. A local maxima filter is applied to the panchromatic data to estimate stem counts, thereby allowing an indication of the total stand population at risk of attack. By combining the red attack damage estimates with the local maxima stem counts, predictions are made of the number of attacked trees in a given year. Backcasting the current year's red attack damaged trees as the previous year's green attack facilitates the estimation of an average stand G:R. In this study area, these retrospective G:R values closely match those generated from field surveys. The results of this study indicate that a monitoring program using a time series of high spatial resolution remotely sensed data (multi-spectral and panchromatic) over select sample locations, could be used to estimate G:R over large areas, facilitating landscape level management strategies and/or providing a mechanism for assessing the efficacy of previously implemented strategies.  相似文献   


An evaluation has been carried out of the use of 11-channel airborne multispectral scanner data as an input to large-scale geological mapping in upland Britain. The optimum index factor (OIF) provides a ranking of possible three-band combinations in terms of their uncorrelated spectral data content, while principal components analysis may be used to compress multi-channel data, thereby minimizing information loss. An assessment of the geological information content of various imagery products concluded that both high-value OIF and principal component images were useful for lithological discrimination of solid and superficial deposits whereas aerial photographs were better for identifying structural features.  相似文献   

提出了融合小波变换和自适应类增广PCA(CAPCA)的人脸识别算法。用离散小波变换对人脸图像进行压缩,提取人脸的低频分量,再利用自适应的类增广PCA方法对小波变换后的人脸低频分量进行特征提取,从而达到进一步降维的目的。不同于类增广PCA,该方法不需要构建样本的类间信息,使用起来更加灵活,又由于小波变换对图像的预处理,算法的识别率和耗时也得到了进一步的优化。Yale和FERET库上的实验表明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

The studies of impervious surfaces are important because they are related to many environmental problems, such as water quality, stream health, and the urban heat island effect. Previous studies have discussed that the self-organizing map (SOM) can provide a promising alternative to the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural networks for image classification at both per-pixel and sub-pixel level. However, the performances of SOM and MLP have not been compared in the estimation and mapping of urban impervious surfaces. In mid-latitude areas, plant phenology has a significant influence on remote sensing of the environment. When the neural networks approaches are applied, how satellite images acquired in different seasons impact impervious surface estimation of various urban surfaces (such as commercial, residential, and suburban/rural areas) remains to be answered. In this paper, an SOM and an MLP neural network were applied to three ASTER images acquired on April 5, 2004, June 16, 2001, and October 3, 2000, respectively, which covered Marion County, Indiana, United States. Six impervious surface maps were yielded, and an accuracy assessment was performed. The root mean square error (RMSE), the mean average error (MAE), and the coefficient of determination (R2) were calculated to indicate the accuracy of impervious surface maps. The results indicated that the SOM can generate a slightly better estimation of impervious surfaces than the MLP. Moreover, the results from three test areas showed that, in the residential areas, more accurate results were yielded by the SOM, which indicates that the SOM was more effective in coping with the mixed pixels than the MLP, because the residential area prevailed with mixed pixels. Results obtained from the commercial area possessed very high RMSE values due to the prevalence of shade, which indicates that both algorithms cannot handle the shade problem well. The lowest RMSE value was obtained from the rural area due to containing of less mixed pixels and shade. This research supports previous observations that the SOM can provide a promising alternative to the MLP neural network. This study also found that the impact of different map sizes on the impervious surface estimation is significant.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring efforts often use remote sensing to track trends in habitat or landscape conditions over time. To most appropriately compare observations over time, long-term monitoring efforts strive for consistency in methods. Thus, advances and changes in technology over time can present a challenge. For instance, modern camera technology has led to an increasing availability of very high-resolution imagery (i.e. submetre and metre) and a shift from analogue to digital photography. While numerous studies have shown that image resolution can impact the accuracy of classifications, most of these studies have focused on the impacts of comparing spatial resolution changes greater than 2 m. Thus, a knowledge gap exists on the impacts of minor changes in spatial resolution (i.e. submetre to about 1.5 m) in very high-resolution aerial imagery (i.e. 2 m resolution or less).

This study compared the impact of spatial resolution on land/water classifications of an area dominated by coastal marsh vegetation in Louisiana, USA, using 1:12,000 scale colour-infrared analogue aerial photography (AAP) scanned at four different dot-per-inch resolutions simulating ground sample distances (GSDs) of 0.33, 0.54, 1, and 2 m. Analysis of the impact of spatial resolution on land/water classifications was conducted by exploring various spatial aspects of the classifications including density of waterbodies and frequency distributions in waterbody sizes. This study found that a small-magnitude change (1–1.5 m) in spatial resolution had little to no impact on the amount of water classified (i.e. percentage mapped was less than 1.5%), but had a significant impact on the mapping of very small waterbodies (i.e. waterbodies ≤ 250 m2). These findings should interest those using temporal image classifications derived from very high-resolution aerial photography as a component of long-term monitoring programs.  相似文献   

The emphasis of most PCA process monitoring approaches is mainly on procedures to perform fault detection and diagnosis given a set of sensors. Little attention is paid to the actual sensor locations to efficiently perform these tasks. In this paper, graph-based techniques are used to optimize sensor locations to ensure the observability of faults, as well as the fault resolution to a maximum possible extent. Meanwhile, an improved PCA that uses two new statistics of PVR and CVR to replace the Q index in conventional PCA is introduced. The improved PCA can efficiently detect weak process changes, and give an insight to the root cause about the process malfunction. Simulation results of a CSTR process show that the improved PCA with optimized sensor locations is superior to conventional methods in fault resolution and sensibility.  相似文献   

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