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The chlorophyll-a concentration (chl-a), which is an index of phytoplankton pigment present in the oceans, is considered as a key indicator of health of marine ecosystems that could have direct effect on the human life. In this study, spatial and temporal variability of chl-a in the Arabian Sea (AS) is examined using reconstructed cloud-free ocean colour data for the period 2002–2015. Data Interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Function method is used to reconstruct the missing data. Subsequently, wavelet analysis is applied on the reconstructed data to assess the temporal variability in terms of seasonal, intra-seasonal, and interannual variability of chl-a in the AS. Wavelet analysis clearly depicted the low-frequency, stationary modes or approximation levels inferring the monthly, seasonal, and annual mean of the signal, while the high-frequency, non-stationary modes indicated the local abnormalities. From the analysis of gap-free data, the presence of biennial mode of variability in the northern AS chl-a is observed. The analysis further showed the existence of intra-seasonal oscillations in the northern AS during summer monsoon and single dominant peak during winter monsoon. Chl-a appeared to decline slightly during the entire study period across all the selected regions of the AS. Also, it is observed that chl-a in the northwestern region is highly dynamic than in the other regions of the AS.  相似文献   

Retrieval of satellite remotely sensed chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentrations in coastal regions such as the Bohai and Yellow Seas (BYS) is challenging due to their complex oceanic and atmospheric optical properties. The standard OC3M (ocean chl-a three-band algorithm for MODIS (moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer)) algorithm has been widely used in the BYS, despite well-known uncertainties about its accuracy in terms of absolute magnitude. This was based on the belief that OC3M chl-a is capable of representing reliable relative spatial and temporal patterns of sea surface chl-a concentrations. In this study, the ability of the standard OC3M chl-a algorithm to reproduce accurate seasonality patterns was evaluated, based on comparisons with in situ chl-a measurements in the BYS. The results quantified the overestimation by the standard OC3M algorithm with a median absolute percentage difference of 98.48% and a median relative difference of 1.13 mg m?3.More importantly, the seasonality from OC3M chl-a was significantly biased relative to the seasonal patterns of in situ chl-a. In addition, a regional GAM (generalized additive model)-based satellite chl-a algorithm was evaluated and compared with OC3M chl-a. The results showed the GAM chl-a improved accuracy in both magnitude and seasonality when compared with in situ chl-a, relative to that from OC3M chl-a.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using remote-sensing data with high spatial resolution was assessed for monitoring and modelling of chlorophyll-a (chl-a) in river waters. Two-band and three-band reflectance models including the red-edge band were examined as spectral coefficients using a RapidEye image for river waters, where the scale is smaller and narrower than for ocean waters. A red?red-edge?NIR three-band model calculated by a cubic function explained 73% of variance in the estimated data using the relationship between spectral indices such as absorption coefficients obtained using the model and chl-a concentrations and performed better than the red?red-edge two-band. Chl-a concentrations were simulated by a one-dimensional water quality model, QUALKO2, and image-derived and measured chl-a concentrations were applied in the calibration step of simulation. The image-derived chl-a dataset showed more stable calibration throughout the study area and enhanced the results rather than measured data. It is expected that chl-a estimation techniques using high resolution satellite data, RapidEye, have the capability to support rapid and widespread water quality monitoring and modelling, when a field dataset is not large or precise enough to do it, but still requires the improvement of estimation accuracy.  相似文献   

In optically complex waters, it is important to evaluate the accuracy of the standard satellite chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration algorithms, and to develop accurate algorithms for monitoring the dynamics of chl-a concentration. In this study, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite remote-sensing reflectance and concurrent in situ measured chl-a (2010–2013) were used to evaluate the standard OC3M algorithm (ocean chlorophyll-a three-band algorithm for MODIS) and Graver–Siegel–Maritorena model version 1 (GSM01) algorithm for estimating chl-a concentration in the Bohai and Yellow Seas (BYS). The results showed that the chl-a algorithms of OC3M and GSM01 with global default parameters presented poor performance in the BYS (the mean absolute percentage difference (MAPD) and coefficient of determination (R2) of OC3M are 222.27% and 0.25, respectively; the MAPD and R2 of GSM01 are 118.08% and 0.07, respectively). A novel statistical algorithm based on the generalized additive model (GAM) was developed, with the aim of improving the satellite-derived chl-a accuracy. The GAM algorithm was established using the in situ measured chl-a concentration as the output variable, and the MODIS above water remote-sensing reflectance (visible bands at 412, 443, 469, 488, 531, 547, 555, 645, 667, and 678 nm) and bathymetry (water depth) as input variables. The MAPD and R2 calculated between the GAM and the in situ chl-a concentration are 39.96% and 0.67, respectively. The results suggest that the GAM algorithm can yield a superior performance in deriving chl-a concentrations relative to the standard OC3M and GSM01 algorithms in the BYS.  相似文献   

Sand waves are a widespread bed-form in the tidal environment. Their formation, migration, and other properties have great significance in the fields of geology and oceanography. Currently, research on sand waves is mainly based on multi-beam bathymetric (MB) data. For large sand wave regions, however, the acquisition ability of MB data becomes limited; instead, interval-line measurement is adopted but with the inherent problem that it cannot achieve the full spatial coverage required. Reconstructed sand wave bathymetry (SWB) using interpolation algorithms cannot reflect the real SWB either. In this article, we propose a new approach in using both satellite imagery and MB data to reconstruct SWB, which takes advantage of characteristic information (ripple and crest) of SWB rendered in satellite imagery and MB data. The new approach is exemplified by a case study of the Taiwan Banks. We use the imagery obtained by the Charge-Coupled Device from the Small Satellite Constellation for Environment and Disaster Monitoring and Forecasting, and the MB data from R2Sonic to reconstruct the digital elevation model. The results show that the root mean square error of the reconstructed water depth is 1.47 m (compared to the MB data not using this approach), suggesting that the new approach is effective in reconstructing SWB. This approach allows a reduction in MB data track density, which may lead to an improvement in efficiency.  相似文献   

Internal solitary waves (ISWs) occur ubiquitously in China’s waters: the South China Sea (SCS), the East China Sea (ECS), the Yellow Sea (YS), and the Bohai Sea (BS). ISWs have long attracted much research interest because of their important role in ocean acoustics, offshore engineering, ocean mixing, primary productivity, and submarine navigation. ISWs have sea surface signatures that can be detected by satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical sensors. Satellite remote-sensing images provide excellent two-dimensional views of the ISW field. Our understanding of ISWs in the China Seas has been greatly improved using satellite remote-sensing techniques. The primary objectives of this paper are to review the development of remote-sensing techniques in the study of ISWs and to summarize ISW characteristics in the China seas, mainly demonstrated by remote-sensing techniques. In addition, several issues with remote-sensing techniques and interesting research topics are discussed.  相似文献   

Since 2007, a massive floating green tide has occurred repeatedly in the Yellow Sea. The work involved in monitoring and clearing such a phenomenon requires highly precise spatial information. Satellite remote sensing data can provide such detail but they can be limited by long revisit periods and small-scale observational coverage. Therefore, in operational monitoring of green tides, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data have an important role because of their short revisit period (twice daily) and large-scale observational coverage (viewing swath width: 2330 km). However, errors exist in MODIS-derived areal detection of green tides because its coarse spatial resolution (250–1000 m) can lead to mixed-pixel problems (i.e. in many cases, the limit of spatial resolution results in single pixels covering multiple ground objects). In this study, a method for spectral unmixing was developed for remote green tide detection. This method is based on mathematical morphology, and it integrates both the spatial and spectral characteristics of the image in the process of endmember extraction. Experiments using simulated and actual MODIS images were undertaken to illustrate the advantages of the proposed method. Compared with traditional linear unmixing methods, the abundance and area of green tides extracted by the proposed method were closer to the ‘real’ condition. The average relative deviation of green tide area decreased from 84.0% to 21.0%. The results illustrate that the proposed method is able to work efficiently and that it can provide improved information on green tide abundance and area.  相似文献   

The Spanish surface fishery operates mainly during the summer season in the waters of the Bay of Biscay. Sea surface temperature (SST) data recovered from satellite images are being used to improve the operational efficiency of fishing vessels (e.g. reduce search time and increase catch rate) and to improve the understanding of the variations in catch distribution and rate needed to properly manage fisheries. The images used for retrieval of SST often present gaps due to the existence of clouds or satellite malfunction periods. The data gaps can totally or partially affect the area of interest. Within this study, an application of a technique for the reconstruction of missing data called DINEOF (data interpolating empirical orthogonal functions) is analysed, with the aim of testing its applicability in operational SST retrieval during summer months. In this case study, the Bay of Biscay is used as the target area. Three months of SST Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images, ranging from 1 May 2006 to 31 July 2006, were used. The main objective of this work is to test the overall performance of this technique, under potential operational use for the support of the fleet during the summer fishing season. The study is designed to analyse the sensitivity of the results of this technique to several details of the methodology used in the reconstruction of SST, such as the number of empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) retained, the handling of the seasonal cycle or the length (number of images) of the SST database used. The results are tested against independent SST data from International Comprehensive Ocean–Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) ship reports and standing buoys and estimations of the error of the reconstructed SST fields are given.

Conclusions show that over this area three months of data are enough for efficient SST reconstruction, which yields four EOFs as the optimal number needed for this case study. An extended EOF experiment with SST and SST with a lag of one day was carried out to analyse whether the autocorrelation of the SST data allows better performance in the SST reconstruction, although the experiment did not improve the results. The validation studies show that the reconstructed SSTs can be trusted, even when the amount of missing data is very high. The mean absolute deviation maps show that the error is greatest near to the coast and mainly in the upwelling areas close to the French and north-western Spanish coasts.  相似文献   

Classification of grasslands is a convenient method to measure and manage the sustainability of Chinese grasslands. In this study, a timely and reliable procedure was examined using remote-sensing (RS) techniques. Linear regression analysis between field survey data and Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data showed that among 17 vegetation indices (VIs) evaluated, the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) was the best VI to simulate forage dry biomass and cover in the Gannan region. The results of precision estimation of the models showed that power and logarithm regression satisfactorily simulated grassland dry biomass and grassland cover, respectively. The index of classification management of grasslands (ICGs) was used to subdivide grasslands into conservation grasslands and moderately productive grasslands in the Gannan region, where no grasslands fell into intensively productive grasslands. Conservation grasslands accounted for 2.04% of the available grasslands, whereas moderately productive grasslands were 97.96% of the available grasslands, and this is related to the history of the grasslands’ use and the per capita income in the Gannan region. This study proposes that the area of conservation grasslands and that of moderately productive grasslands are determined by increases in per capita income and changes in the human use of grasslands.  相似文献   

Cities have been expanding rapidly worldwide, especially over the past few decades. Mapping the dynamic expansion of impervious surface in both space and time is essential for an improved understanding of the urbanization process, land-cover and land-use change, and their impacts on the environment. Landsat and other medium-resolution satellites provide the necessary spatial details and temporal frequency for mapping impervious surface expansion over the past four decades. Since the US Geological Survey opened the historical record of the Landsat image archive for free access in 2008, the decades-old bottleneck of data limitation has gone. Remote-sensing scientists are now rich with data, and the challenge is how to make best use of this precious resource. In this article, we develop an efficient algorithm to map the continuous expansion of impervious surface using a time series of four decades of medium-resolution satellite images. The algorithm is based on a supervised classification of the time-series image stack using a decision tree. Each imerpervious class represents urbanization starting in a different image. The algorithm also allows us to remove inconsistent training samples because impervious expansion is not reversible during the study period. The objective is to extract a time series of complete and consistent impervious surface maps from a corresponding times series of images collected from multiple sensors, and with a minimal amount of image preprocessing effort. The approach was tested in the lower Yangtze River Delta region, one of the fastest urban growth areas in China. Results from nearly four decades of medium-resolution satellite data from the Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS), Thematic Mapper (TM), Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) and China–Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS) show a consistent urbanization process that is consistent with economic development plans and policies. The time-series impervious spatial extent maps derived from this study agree well with an existing urban extent polygon data set that was previously developed independently. The overall mapping accuracy was estimated at about 92.5% with 3% commission error and 12% omission error for the impervious type from all images regardless of image quality and initial spatial resolution.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the identification and quantification of land-cover changes occurring in the coastal stretches of the East Godavari delta, Andhra Pradesh, India. The analysis of series of multi-temporal satellite data provides an accurate quantification and therefore a better understanding of the process of land-cover changes during 1990–2005. Land-cover changes were quantified based on normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) image differencing and a post-classification comparison approach. The change detection results were examined in terms of the proportion of land-cover classes and change trajectories with particular emphasis on coastal aquaculture development within the study area. The study shows that the total area under aquacultural ponds increased from 2985 ha in 1990 to 7067 ha in 2005. The major changes in the study area occurred during 1990–1994, when 2873 ha of agricultural land and 762 ha of degraded mangroves were converted into aquacultural ponds. The prediction of land-cover distribution in 2010 on the basis of a Markov chain shows a continuing upward trend of the aquaculture area (8267 ha) with less impact on the mangrove area. The analysis predicts that the agricultural land area will continue to decrease from 50 122 to 46 978 ha during 2005–2010.  相似文献   

The shortwave and longwave radiation budget at land surfaces is largely dependent on two fundamental quantities, the albedo and the land surface temperature (LST). A time series (November 2005 to March 2006) of daily data from the Indian geostationary satellite Kalpana‐1 Very High Resolution Radiometer (K1VHRR) sensor in the visible (VIS), water vapour (WV) and thermal infrared (TIR) bands from noontime (0900 GMT) observations were processed to retrieve these quantities in clear skies for five winter months. Cloud detection was carried out using bispectral threshold tests (in both VIS and TIR bands) in a dekadal time series. Surface albedo was retrieved using a simple atmospheric transmission model. K1VHRR albedo was compared with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) AQUA noontime albedo over different land targets (agriculture, forest, desert, scrub and snow) that showed minimum differences over agriculture and forest. The comparison of spatial albedo over different landscapes yielded a root mean square deviation (RMSD) of 0.021 in VHRR albedo (9% of MODIS albedo). A mono‐window algorithm was implemented with a single TIR band to retrieve the LST. Its accuracy was also verified over different land targets by comparison with aggregated MODIS AQUA LST. The maximum RMSD was obtained over agriculture. Spatial comparison of VHRR and AQUA LSTs over homogeneous and heterogeneous landscape cutouts revealed an overall RMSD of 2.3 K. An improvement in the retrieval accuracy is expected to be achieved with atmospheric products from the sounder and split thermal bands in the imager of future INSAT 3D missions.  相似文献   

It is important to estimate land surface evapotranspiration (ET) for water resources evaluation, drought monitoring and crop production simulation. In this paper, a relationship between annual ET, integrated Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Relative Moisture Index (RMI) was established. Based on this relationship, the spatial distribution and dynamic change of annual ET were estimated for the Yellow River Basin, China from 1982 to 2000. Our analyses involved the use of integrated NDVI data, monthly mean air temperature, and precipitation. Our results showed that the integrated AVHRR NDVI can be used to effectively estimate annual ET in the Yellow River Basin, with an accuracy over 90% for the whole basin.  相似文献   

Anomalously high values of Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) chlorophyll-a concentration have been observed in the sea, which have had limited scientific application research. Ten-year SeaWiFS data from 1998 to 2007 indicate that speckles with anomalously high concentration were randomly scattered throughout the entire study area. In order to eliminate the speckles from SeaWiFS chlorophyll-a concentration images, a methodology was developed by considering the statistical characteristics of the speckle distributions. Since the speckles had strong seasonality in terms of occurrence frequency and magnitude, dynamic thresholds were applied to each pixel value by normalizing it to chlorophyll-a concentration climatology. Non-speckle normal values, eliminated due to high concentration in the frontal zone during the spring bloom, were survived by a spatial deviation normalized to the magnitude of chlorophyll-a concentration gradient in the frontal zone. The chlorophyll-a concentration values, passing through the post-processing of the speckle errors, were composited to generate each monthly map. As a result, all the speckles were satisfactorily eliminated, resulting in a maximum of about 14% of abnormal variability being reduced. The errors were most significant in winter, particularly in December, for the past decade. This study addressed the importance of speckle errors in chlorophyll-a concentration from SeaWiFS data and presented an optimized speckle-free composite method for more reliable chlorophyll-a data in scientific application research.  相似文献   


Citrus orchard planting is a typical land-use change process that can impact terrestrial ecosystem services both locally and globally. Long-term monitoring of citrus orchard dynamics is critical for understanding its change patterns as well as the potential driving factors. Satellite remote-sensing imagery has been a primary data source for this purpose. However, most previous studies with multi-year intervals only captured some, but not all detailed information on citrus orchard expansion. In this study, we developed a framework for mapping annual citrus orchard extent and track its long-term dynamics in Xunwu County, China, using the historical Landsat repository from 1990 to 2016. The results suggested that the average overall accuracy of original annual mapping was 87.73%, and its performance was significantly improved after the temporal filtering approach (91.46%). Several features (e.g. elevation, slope, normalized difference vegetation index) played more important roles in citrus orchard identification. With the achieved annual mapping layers, we found a rapid citrus orchard expansion trend during the study interval (i.e. from 22.18 to 697.21 km2). Moreover, this expansion process was unevenly distributed in time. Spatially, emerging citrus orchards were primarily transformed from forests and croplands and mainly distributed in areas with elevations from 200 to 500 m and slopes range from 5° to 20°. This study demonstrated the potential of mapping citrus orchard dynamics at a higher temporal frequency with remote-sensing time-series, which can contribute to providing reference for sustainable land-use policy.  相似文献   


There is justifiable cause for concern over the adequacy of our water supplies. To control and protect aquatic ecosystems and drinking water supplies, continuous monitoring is essential. An example related to the careless attitudes towards the Lake Terkos, Istanbul, which create the danger of waterlessness for citizens was given in this study. The width of the natural land barrier between the Black Sea and the Lake Terkos has decreased over the years due to illegal sand excavation along the coastline of the sea very close to the northern part of the lake. As a result of this process the offshore bar formation along the coastline has been destroyed and even removed at different parts, which caused morphological changes of the coastline along some parts of the northern coasts of the sea. In this paper, the coastal erosion during a 14-year period was monitored by using multitemporal satellite sensor data and some suggestions for precautions were made.  相似文献   

Estimation of the recession constant for soil moisture can assist in soil and water management. This article estimates soil moisture recession velocity from satellite data, thereby taking advantage of extensive data coverage in a metric that is more commonly used with point data for rivers. Retrieval from satellites of the surface soil moisture has produced global coverage of multiannual time series data, thereby allowing the application of techniques that require long time series of daily data. We applied two techniques from river hydrology to soil moisture data from the advanced scatterometer aboard the meteorological operational satellite: (1) baseflow separation; and (2) master recession curve (MRC) with the correlation method. The former filtered the data and extracted those for the base soil moisture (BSM), which is considered the water that circulates in the soil by capillarity. The latter technique allowed the estimation of recession constants by the extraction of continuously decreasing BSM segments. The use of MRC for a large range of BSM provides a recession constant representative of all the moisture decrease for each pixel, thereby permitting the identification of drought-sensitive zones. The recession constant, a metric that had not been used for soil moisture, allowed us to determine potential temporal evolution of drought in the Yucatan peninsula. Government agencies could use the approach applied in this study to improve water management and drought prevention.  相似文献   


In Bucharest, new subway tunnels are under construction since 2011. The whole project of extending Bucharest underground infrastructure is due to be finished by 2030. The M-5 artery has been under construction since 2011 and ongoing. In December 2015, dewatering procedures in one of the metro stations caused serious damage to the surface infrastructure above, which subsided and partially collapsed in some locations. This paper relies on multi-temporal interferometry techniques to characterize displacement patterns of the ground surface above M-5 beltway between 2014 and 2018, and presents the capacity of Sentinel-1 satellite imagery to detect potential hazards in urban environments. Two stacks of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images acquired between October 2014 and October 2018 by the Sentinel-1 A and B satellites on ascending and descending orbits have been processed using the Delft Persistent Scatterer Interferometry algorithm (DePSI). The results indicate atypical acceleration in velocities starting in November 2015, prior to the described events, and manifesting until April 2016, when the ground was completely stabilized. The displacement trends and velocity values in the area of the Eroilor underground station were successfully validated using the ground-based Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) technique.  相似文献   

For the open ocean, it was already reported on the cyclonic (anticyclonic) asymmetry of appearance of eddies of a certain spatial scale. In this article, we scrutinize the ratios of mostly mesoscale cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies in a number of inner and marginal marine basins, namely in the Baltic, Black, North, and Western Mediterranean Seas. As research material, over 9700 eddy manifestations in the thermal infrared, visible-range, and radar satellite imagery were used. The analysis performed showed that in all the seas the typical and average values of the diameter of anticyclonic eddies were greater than those of cyclonic eddies. The main factor that defines the ratio between anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies in the basins under consideration was discovered to be the intensity of their surface currents. Thus, in the presence of a strong jet flow at the scales of about 2–4 baroclinic Rossby radii, the cyclonic eddy dominance typical for smaller eddies was replaced by the anticyclonic one. If strong jet streams were missing, as that typical of the Baltic Sea, cyclonic eddies were prevailing over the entire spectrum of eddy diameters.  相似文献   

Fires constitute one major ecological disturbance which influences the natural cycle of vegetation succession and the structure and function of ecosystems. There is no single natural scale at which ecological phenomena are completely understood and thus the capacity to handle scale is beneficial to methodological frameworks for analyzing and monitoring ecosystems. Although satellite imagery has been widely applied for the assessment of fire related topics, there are few studies that consider fire at several spatial scales simultaneously. This research explores the relationships between fire occurrence and several families of environmental factors at different spatial observation scales by means of classification and regression tree models. Predictors accounting for vegetation status (estimated by spectral indices derived from Landsat imagery), fire history, topography, accessibility and vegetation types were included in the models of fire occurrence probability. We defined four scales of analysis by identifying four meaningful thresholds related to fire sizes in the study site. Sampling methodology was based on random points and the power-law distribution describing the local fire regime. The observation scale drastically affected tree size, and therefore the achieved level of detail, and the most explanatory variables in the trees. As a general trend, trees considering all the variables showed a spectral index ruling the most explicative split. According to the comparison of the four pre-determined analysis scales, we propose the existence of three eventual organization levels: landscape patch or ecosystem level, local level and the basic level, the most heterogeneous and complex scale. Rules with three levels of complexity and applicability for management were defined in the tree models: (i) the repeated critical thresholds (predictor values across which fire characteristics change rapidly), (ii) the meaningful final probability classes and (iii) the trees themselves.  相似文献   

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