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On May 10, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)announced its assignment of 2011 targets and tasks to eliminate backward production capacity on its web site. The MIIT has recently assigned the 2011 targets and tasks industry by industry throughout the country. The assignment is made according to the proposals put  相似文献   

<正>On January 27th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology spokesman Zhu Hongren revealed that the state will provide financial incentives to local governments who eliminate backward production capacity actively.  相似文献   

In order to implement the spirit of The Announcement from the State Council about Issuing the 2009 Work Plan on Energy-Saving and Emission-Reduction and the  相似文献   

On August 5, 2010, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the name list of enterprises with backward production capacity in 2010 in 18 industries including iron-smelting, steel-smelting, coke, ferroalloy, calcium carbide, electrolytic aluminum, copper smelting, lead smelting, zinc smelting, cement, glass, papermaking, alcohol, monosodium glutamate, citric acid, tanning, dyeing, and chemical fiber industries.  相似文献   

On March 10, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued The Notice on Carrying out Plan for Clean Production Technologies in Five Industries Including the Copper Smelting Industry , and put forwarded several requirements for implementing the plan:First, all local industrial authorities must consider the promotion of clean production technologies as an important energy conservation and emission reduction  相似文献   

On April 11th,2013,the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology published the target task of eliminating backward production capacity in 19 industries in 2013 on the website.  相似文献   

Ministr y of Industr y and Information Technology confirmed that the main expected targets for energysaving and comprehensive utilization in 2014 are:energy consumption and CO2 emissions per unit of industrial added-value decreases by 4.5%,water consumption per ten thousand Yuan of industrial added-value decreases by7%,comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste is further improved,and pollution emissions in key industries is markedly reduced.  相似文献   

In June 2009, the Accelerating Corporate Merging and Restructuring Guidance planed by the Department of Industrial Policies of MIIT has been drafted, which  相似文献   

<正>The State Council published The notification about further strengthen the elimination of backward production capacity (hereinafter referred to as the Notification) on February 6th . Very soon China will allow market to play  相似文献   

<正>On December 5~(th),2014,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued National Industrial Energy Efficiency Guidelines(2014 Edition).It was pointed out in the notification of National Industrial Energy Efficiency Guidelines(2014 Edition)(hereafter referred to as Notification)issued by General Office of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology that in order to  相似文献   

文章以福建福州市服装业为例,分析了目前服装行业存在的问题及对信息技术的需求,提出信息技术(包括服装CAD技术、服装CAM技术、量身定制系统、ERP系统)对服装企业解决现存问题及长远持续、健康发展的重要性.目的是希望服装企业能够重视先进服装信息技术的应用,提高其在国际市场上的竞争力,将服装行业做强做大.  相似文献   

从智能纺织材料、花色图案、颜色管理、服装CAD设计、特殊用途服装以及因特网在纺织商务上的应用六个方面,详细阐述了计算机、信息技术在纺织工业上的应用。  相似文献   

<正>On February 9th,2015,the"Promulgation of Elimination Catalogue of High-water Consumption Process,Technology and Equipment(the First Batch)"was issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.The elimination catalogue includes 16 high-water consumption process,technology and equipment of four industries  相似文献   

正Note:The Paper Industry Pollution Prevention and Control Technology Policy issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protection is to upgrade the pollution prevention technology and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the paper industry.  相似文献   

随着造纸行业的发展,信息技术的应用越来越广泛,根据造纸行业工艺复杂、生产流程长、控制标准不同等特点,本文通过研究信息技术在造纸行业中工艺管理方面的应用,重点介绍一种纵向透明、横向协同的数字化网络和庞大的数据库支持的工艺管理系统,通过工艺条件集成实现信息化管理,将工艺管理与生产过程控制合理地结合起来;通过对数据的长期采集和积累,对大量基础数据的整合和分析,弥补非智能管理的数据不连贯、错误率高、可追溯性差、数据易丢失等缺陷。能够大幅度提高公司工艺、技术和管理水平,提升企业运行效率与工作质量。  相似文献   

本文叙述了造纸工业的基本特点和信息技术在现代造纸工业的应用,并展望了信息技术对造纸工业的促进作用,造纸工业已不是过去意义早的传统工业。  相似文献   

On December 25th, 2013, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology published "Directory of Process Technology and Equipment for Industrial Water Saving Encouraged by the State (First Edition)" (Draft) on its website.  相似文献   

本刊 《中国纤检》2013,(23):6-2
11月7日.工信部印发《加快推进碳纤维行业发展行动计划》。计划提出.经过3年努力.初步建立碳纤维及其复合材料产业体系,碳纤维的工业应用市场初具规模:到2020年。我国碳纤维品种规格齐全.基本满足国民经济和国防科技工业对各类碳纤维及其复合材料产品的需求.初步形成2~3家具有国际竞争力的碳纤维大型企业集团及若干创新能力强、特色鲜明、产业链完善的碳纤维及其复合材料产业集聚区。  相似文献   

正《针织行业"十三五"发展规划》指出,"十三五"期间,针织行业将以提升信息化、智能化应用水平为重点任务,着力推进智慧工厂工程建设。针织行业的智慧工厂将通过配置满足企业管理要求的自动化、智能化设备,利用物联网、云计算、大数据等新一代信息技术,实现生产数据采集和生产计划的集中控制,改变传统针织企业的生产组织方式,构建高效、节能、绿色、舒适的智能化、人性化生产企业。  相似文献   

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