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为了提高无阀压电泵的输出流量,分析泵中无移动部件(三棱柱组)参数对泵输出流量的影响规律,改进设计了5组三棱柱阻流体无阀压电泵,并分别对其进行了流量试验。首先,分析了该压电泵的结构和工作原理;其次,建立了压电泵的流量计算公式,得到了泵输出流量与三棱柱组主要参数的关系表达式,利用MATLAB软件绘制了三棱柱正反向流阻比、三棱柱个数与泵输出流量的关系曲线;最后,利用3D打印技术实际制作了5组三棱柱阻流体无阀压电泵,并对其进行了流量试验。试验结果表明:在驱动电压和驱动频率不变的条件下,三棱柱组参数对泵的输出流量有较大的影响,其中,泵输出流量随三棱柱个数、高度的增加而增大,随三棱柱与泵腔壁的间隙及三棱柱顶角的增大而减小;另外,泵的输出流量随相邻三棱柱间距的增大而增大,当间距增加到一定值后,泵的输出流量不再继续增大,反而会减小,其值接近于某一定值。  相似文献   

设计了一套压电双晶片作为激励源的半球缺阻流体无阀压电泵。分析了该压电泵的结构及工作原理,并采用有限元软件对其内部流场进行模拟分析。仿真结果表明:该泵存在正反向流阻不等特性,半球缺阻可以作为泵的无运动部件阀。最后,实际制作了半球缺无阀压电样泵和多组半径不等的半球缺,并进行了泵的流阻及流量实验。实验结果表明:该泵正反向流时间差随入口压强增大而减小;当驱动电压为150V,频率为17Hz,半球缺半径为4.0mm时,泵的输出流量达到最大,其值为121.4ml/min;同时,该泵单位时间内的输出流量随半球缺半径增大而呈递减的变化趋势,而且半球缺的半径大小对该类无阀压电泵的工作效能有较大的影响。  相似文献   

鹅卵石表面结构能促进液体流动,为此设计了一种类鹅卵石表面结构阻流体无阀压电泵,建立了其输出流量与流阻比的关系。仿真分析了该泵的泵腔流速分布,对比了其与半球缺阻流体无阀压电泵的流阻比,进行了两种泵样机的流量和压力差试验。结果表明:类鹅卵石表面结构阻流体无阀压电泵的流阻比大于半球缺阻流体无阀压电泵;在220 V驱动电压下,类鹅卵石表面结构阻流体无阀压电泵的最大输出流量和压力差分别为24.98 ml/min和32.5 mm,均优于半球缺阻流体无阀压电泵。  相似文献   

圆弧形管路中的液体在压电元件的作用下产生流动,受到离心力和哥氏力的作用。利用上述现象提出了圆弧形流管无阀压电泵,通过压电元件的逆压电效应使泵腔容积产生周期性变化,利用地球自转对流管中流体的影响,使流体顺时针和逆时针两种流动状态的流阻不同,形成流体宏观单向流动。对原理样机进行的压差试验表明:驱动电压保持为130V不变,当驱动频率为14Hz时,压差达到最大值为17mm水柱;当驱动频率为30 Hz时,压差降至3mm水柱。压差的产生源于地球自转的哥氏力,流量或压差的大小能够反映泵结构整体的旋转速度,可望通过地球转速的测量,获得本地地理位置信息,形成导航新原理。  相似文献   

提出了一种新颖的非对称群峰结构无阀压电泵.利用泵底的空间,沿泵的出入口轴线方向开发出非对称群峰结构,从而在泵腔内部形成串联的渐扩/渐缩流道,替代了传统的安装在泵腔外的渐扩/渐缩流管.当泵工作时,非对称群峰结构能驱使流体向单一方向流动.建立了数学模型以表达该泵的平均能量损失与流量之间的关系,并分析了该泵的工作原理.实验验证了理论分析的正确性,当一个坡面角固定为90°,而另一坡面角在10°~60°之间变化时,实验数据与理论计算的误差<10%.  相似文献   

介绍一种新型的利用非对称群峰嵌入结构形成的无阀压电泵。  相似文献   

非对称坡面腔底无阀压电泵   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6  
提出了一种新型的非对称坡面腔底无阀压电泵,这种泵巧妙地利用了泵腔内部的空间,将泵腔底部沿吸入口和排出口方向设计成非对称坡面形状,非对称坡面腔底与压电振子之间形成非对称交替排列的一组锥形流道.当泵工作时,使流体产生单向流动,从而可以不再需要传统的锥形流管;建立了这种泵关于平均值的流阻系数与泵流量关系的力学模型,并利用该模型分析了泵的工作原理;最后制作了非对称坡面腔底无阀压电泵,利用试验证明了上述理论的正确性.试验用泵采用的工作电压为220 V,工作频率为50 Hz,压电振子有效直径为30 mm,当非对称坡面的倾角差为70°,工作介质为水时,泵产生了4.67 mm水柱的压差.  相似文献   

基于现有无阀压电泵输送活体细胞或者长链功能性高分子时依然存在输送破坏与缠绕失性等缺点,提出了一种流线形流管无阀压电泵,研究了4组不同角度的流线形流管无阀压电泵的输出性能.首先,阐述了泵的结构及工作原理,建立泵的流量表达式;其次,采用Fluent流体分析软件对β角度分别为10°,15°,20°和25°的流管组成的无阀压电...  相似文献   

为分析半球缺阻流体无阀压电泵中阻流体半球缺的绕流阻力的大小及变化规律对泵输出性能的影响,对阻流体作用规律进行了试验研究。首先,建立了两个半球缺纵向遮流系数及流阻系数的计算公式;其次,递推出多个半球缺纵向排列遮流阻力作用规律;最后,建立了任意多个半球缺纵向流阻系数的关系式。通过对纵向排列半球缺的流阻及泵流量试验,验证了该关系式的正确性;同时,在驱动电压为120 V、频率为6 Hz时,置入4个半球缺得到了43.89 mL/min的最大泵流量,理论与试验流量变化趋势一致。研究表明,半球缺纵向流阻系数关系式可用于半球缺无阀压电泵的流阻及泵流量计算,球缺数量与泵流量呈正相关。  相似文献   

单振子双腔体无阀压电泵结构设计与机理分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
提出了一种单振子双腔体无阀压电泵,应用小挠度弹性弯曲理论导出了圆形复合压电振子的弹性曲面微分方程,分析了采用一个压电振子形成两个工作腔体压电泵的结构和工作机理,并与单振子单腔体压电泵对比分析了该结构与输出流量的关系。设计研制了结构独特、输出性能更高的单振子双腔体无阀压电泵,通过试验表明:单振子双腔体无阀压电泵比单振子单腔体无阀压电泵输出流量有明显提高。  相似文献   

Research on the valveless piezoelectric pump with Y-shape pipes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A piezoelectric pump with its Y-shape elements is presented. Two Y-shape pipes are fixed outside the chamber serving as an inlet and outlet, with the chamber and a piezoelectric vibrator being the actor. The pump has the potential to be miniaturized and integrated. Eddies occurring in the Y-shape elements are smaller, which is beneficial for the transport of living cells or long-link macromolecules. In this paper, the structure of the pump is first presented. Then, the equations on the change in volume and the mean pressure in the chamber are established, as well as the relation between the flow rate and the working frequency of the piezoelectric vibrator. Moreover, the relation between the mean pressure in the chamber and the working frequency of the piezoelectric vibrator is established. Finally, experiments are carried out to test the characteristics of the pump and to verify the correction of the theory on this pump.  相似文献   

The current research of the valveless piezoelectric pump focuses on increasing the flow rate and pressure differential. Compared with the valve piezoelectric pump, the valveless one has excellent performances in simple structure, low cost, and easy miniaturization. So, their important development trend is the mitigation of their weakness, and the multi-function integration. The flow in a spiral tube element is sensitive to the element attitude caused by the Coriolis force, and that a valveless piezoelectric pump is designed by applying this phenomenon. The pump has gyroscopic effect, and has both the actuator function of fluid transfer and the sensor function, which can obtain the angular velocity when its attitude changes. First, the present paper analyzes the flow characteristics in the tube, obtains the calculation formula for the pump flow, and identifies the relationship between pump attitude and flow, which clarifies the impact of flow and driving voltage, frequency, spiral line type and element attitude, and verifies the gyroscopic effect of the pump. Then, the finite element simulation is used to verify the theory. Finally, a pump is fabricated for experimental testing of the relationship between pump attitude and pressure differential. Experimental results show that when Archimedes spiral θ=4π is selected for the tube design, and the rotation speed of the plate is 70 r/min, the pressure differential is 88.2 Pa, which is 1.5 times that of 0 r/min rotation speed. The spiral-tube-type valveless piezoelectric pump proposed can turn the element attitude into a form of pressure output, which is important for the multi-function integration of the valveless piezoelectric pump and for the development of civil gyroscope in the future.  相似文献   

多级“Y”型流管无阀压电泵的原理与试验验证(实验视频)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对目前微流体混合器多需要外接动力源,且多数微混合器只能进行液体混合而不能输送液体的问题,提出将无阀压电泵引入微混合器领域,并研制了一种集混合与输送于一体的多级“Y”型流管无阀压电泵。首先,提出了多级“Y”型流管,进而设计了多级“Y”型流管无阀压电泵,并分析其工作原理;然后,对该无阀压电泵的流管流阻特性及泵流量进行理论分析;同时,利用有限元软件对多级“Y”型流管无阀压电泵进行了流场模拟,结果表明该压电泵具有单向传输作用。最后,制作了多级“Y”型流管无阀压电泵样机,并进行了泵流量与背压试验。试验结果显示:驱动电压峰峰值为100 V,频率为16 Hz时,流量达到最大,为16.2 ml/min;驱动电压峰峰值为100 V,频率为14 Hz时,输出背压最大,约为64 mm水柱。得到的试验数据证明了多级“Y”型流管无阀压电泵的有效性。(实验视频)  相似文献   

"Y"形流管无阀压电泵振动分析及泵流量计算   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为了解决医疗、卫生、保健领域进行细胞或高分子等输送工作的需要,研制了一种新型的压电泵——"Y"形流管无阀压电泵,并对其压电振子振动特性及泵流量计算进行了研究。介绍了"Y"形流管无阀压电泵及其流管的结构和特点;基于圆形薄板弯曲振动理论对压电振子振动进行了理论分析;然后讨论了泵及其流管内流体的流动特性,建立了泵流量方程。最后,基于有限元法对流管内流体流动状态进行了模拟,得到了正反流压强变化规律及正反流流阻。实验结果表明:理论泵流量与实验泵流量变化趋势一致,且两者最小相对误差为12%,证明了理论分析与数值模拟的有效性和正确性。  相似文献   

提出利用结构分析软件ANSYS和流体分析软件ANSYS CFX对无阀压电泵进行流固耦合仿真分析,以研究无阀压电泵的输出性能。分别对进口在中间出口在一侧、出口在中间进口在一侧、进出口对称布置的3种不同结构形式的无阀压电泵进行了流固耦合仿真分析。结果显示,上述3种无阀压电泵中,出口在中间进口在一侧结构形式的无阀压电泵的宏观输出流量最大。制作了3种无阀压电泵的试验样机,并搭建了相应的试验测试系统,在幅值为45 V、频率为0~700Hz的正弦信号激励下对其输出流量进行了测试。结果表明,3种不同结构形式的无阀压电泵的最大输出流量分别为3.8、6.0和4.0ml/min,出口在中间进口在一侧的压电泵输出流量最大,与流固耦合仿真分析的结果相吻合,验证了本文提出的流固耦合仿真分析的方法可以指导压电泵的设计。  相似文献   

Among most traditional piezo water cooling systems, piezoelectric valve pumps are adopted as their driving sources. The valves in these pumps induce problems of shock and vibration and also make their structure complicated, which is uneasy to minimize and reduce their reliability and applicability of the whole system. In order to avoid these problems caused by valve structure, a novel valveless piezoelectric pump is developed, which integrates both functions of transforming and cooling. The pump’s Y-shape tree-like construction not only increases the efficiency of cooling but also the system reliability and applicability. Firstly, a multistage Y-shape treelike bifurcate tube is proposed, then a valveless piezoelectric pump with multistage Y-shape treelike bifurcate tubes is designed and its working principle is analyzed. Then, the theoretical analysis of flow resistance characteristics and the flow rate of the valveless piezoelectric pump are performed. Meanwhile, commercial software CFX is employed to perform the numerical simulation for the pump. Finally, this valveless piezoelectric pump is fabricated, the relationship between the flow rates and driving frequency, as well as the relationship between the back pressure and the driving frequency are experimentally investigated. The experimental results show that the maximum flow rate is 35.6 mL/min under 100 V peak-to-peak voltage (10.3 Hz) power supply, and the maximum back pressure is 55 mm H2O under 100 V (9 Hz) power supply, which validates the feasibility of the valveless piezoelectric pump with multistage Y-shape treelike bifurcate tubes. The proposed research provides certain references for the design of valveless piezoelectric pump and improves the reliability of piezo water cooling systems.  相似文献   

Microchannel heat sink with high heat transfer coefficients has been extensively investigated due to its wide application prospective in electronic cooling. However, this cooling system requires a separate pump to drive the fluid transfer, which is uneasy to minimize and reduces their reliability and applicability of the whole system. In order to avoid these problems, valveless piezoelectric pump with fractal-like Y-shape branching tubes is proposed. Fractal-like Y-shape branching tube used in microchannel heat sinks is exploited as no-moving-part valve of the valveless piezoelectric pump. In order to obtain flow characteristics of the pump, the relationship between tube structure and flow rate of the pump is studied. Specifically, the flow resistances of fractal-like Y-shape branching tubes and flow rate of the pump are analyzed by using fractal theory. Then, finite element software is employed to simulate the flow field of the tube, and the relationships between pressure drop and flow rate along merging and dividing flows are obtained. Finally, valveless piezoelectric pumps with fractal-like Y-shape branching tubes with different fractal dimensions of diameter distribution are fabricated, and flow rate experiment is conducted. The experimental results show that the flow rate of the pump increases with the rise of fractal dimension of the tube diameter. When fractal dimension is 3, the maximum flow rate of the valveless pump is 29.16 mL/min under 100 V peak to peak (13 Hz) power supply, which reveals the relationship between flow rate and fractal dimensions of tube diameter distribution. This paper investigates the flow characteristics of valveless piezoelectric pump with fractal-like Y-shape branching tubes, which provides certain references for valveless piezoelectric pump with fractal-like Y-shape branching tubes in application on electronic chip cooling.  相似文献   

Due to the special transportation and heat transfer characteristics, the fractal-like Y-shape branching tube is used in valveless piezoelectric pumps as a no-moving-part valve. However, there have been little analyses on the flow resistance of the valveless piezoelectric pump, which is critical to the performance of the valveless piezoelectric pump with fractal-like Y-shape branching tubes. Flow field of the piezoelectric pump is analyzed by the finite element method, and the pattern of the velocity streamlines is revealed, which can well explain the difference of total flow resistances of the piezoelectric pump. Besides, simplified numerical method is employed to calculate the export flow rate of piezoelectric pump, and the flow field of the piezoelectric pump is presented. The FEM computation shows that the maximum flow rate is 16.4 mL/min. Compared with experimental result, the difference between them is just 55.5%, which verifies the FEM method. The reasons of the difference between dividing and merging flow resistance of the valveless piezoelectric pump with fractal-like Y-shape branching tubes are also investigated in this method. The proposed research provides the instruction to design of novel piezoelectric pump and a rapid method to analyse the pump flow rate.  相似文献   

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