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Existing dynamic energy simulation tools exceed the static dimension of the simplified methods through a better and more accurate prediction of energy use; however, their ability to predict real energy consumption is undermined by a weak representation of human interactions with the control of the indoor environment. The traditional approach to building dynamic simulation considers energy consumption as fully deterministic, taking into account standardized input parameters and using fixed and unrealistic schedules (lighting level, occupancy, ventilation rate, thermostat set-point). In contrast, in everyday practice occupants interact with the building plant system and building envelope in order to achieve desired indoor environmental conditions. In this study, occupant behavior in residential building was modelled accordingly to a probabilistic approach. A new methodology was developed to combine probabilistic user profiles for both window opening and thermostat set-point adjustments into one building energy model implemented in the dynamic simulation tool IDA Ice. The aim of the study was to compare mean values of the probabilistic distribution of the obtained results with a singular heating energy consumption value obtained by means of standard deterministic simulations. Major findings of this research demonstrated the weakness of standardized occupant behavior profile in energy simulation tools and the strengths of energy models based on measurements in fields and probabilistic modelling providing scenarios of occupant behavior in buildings.  相似文献   

窗户洞口渗漏原因及解决方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了窗户洞口渗漏的原因;以单组分聚脲液体防水涂膜在上海古北国际广场住宅工程中窗户洞口防水中的应用为案例,介绍了窗户洞口渗漏的解决方案。  相似文献   

A poor depiction of occupant behavior in building performance simulation frequently results in substantial divergences between real and simulated results. The problem may be of particular concern with simulation supporting the renovation of older multi-unit residential buildings, buildings whose occupants use windows for temperature control even during heating season. Here, we investigated the impact of window operation models (as well as other occupant behaviors) on simulated energy performance in university residence halls. Based on environmental monitoring, along with information collected from occupant surveys and wearable devices, we estimated air exchange rates and developed a probabilistic window-operation prediction model. The data were collected in 76 dormitory rooms sampled from a pre-renovated historic building and two similar buildings. We then evaluated the window-operation model’s predictive performance in 15 dormitory rooms in the post-renovated building with new occupants. The results of our predictive model were also compared with previously reported window-operation models. We implemented each window-operation model in a calibrated EnergyPlus building performance model, comparing the results of each simulation to metered hourly steam consumption. The impact of the different window operation models on simulated heating energy use was significant (annual error ranging from 0.2% to 10%). Our model demonstrated the highest capability of predicting window state (accuracy=85.8%) and steam use (NMBE=?0.2%); however, some previously published windowoperation models also produced satisfactory performance, implying that such models may be generalizable to some extent. The results suggest that data collected from somewhat ubiquitous indoor environmental quality sensors can glean insights into occupant behavior for building performance simulation. Furthermore, the energy impacts resulting from the variations in occupant behavior studied here were large enough to show that the choice of behavior model can have meaningful implications for real-world applications, such as estimating saving from heating and lighting system upgrades.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of composite liner field performance study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents preliminary results of a study of the field performance of composite liners. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the ability of composite liners to contain municipal solid waste (MSW) leachate. The paper presents data for double-lined MSW landfills having composite top liners consisting of a geomembrane (GMB) upper component and a compacted clay liner (CCL) lower component. Data on flow volumes and flow constituents for the leachate collection and removal system (LCRS) and the leakage detection system (LDS) components of the double liner system are analyzed to assess whether leakage has occurred through the composite top liner. Data for nine MSW landfill cells with monitoring periods of up to eight years are presented. Preliminary results indicate that the nine composite liners are performing well and are effective in containing MSW leachate.  相似文献   

The window/door opening behavior of occupants is a very important factor in determining the airflows and ventilation conditions in buildings, on which indoor pollutant concentration and transport are highly dependent. A two-room residence model was simulated in this study to analyze the airflow characteristics and pollutant transport under different window/door opening behaviors. Airflows were unidirectional and the residence could not be treated as a well-mixed zone when there were no temperature differences. If there were temperature differences, two-way airflow occurred at the exterior window of the room when it was open and the interior door was closed, resulting in a much larger ventilation rate than the situation without temperature differences. Strong two-way airflow occurred at the interior door in the case of the exterior window closed and interior door open, as the air in the two connected rooms was well mixed after the interior door was opened for tens of minutes. The ventilation rate of the room with double-sided ventilation was much higher than that of the room with single-sided ventilation, even though the total opening areas were the same. Opening the exterior window and closing the interior door could effectively remove pollutants from a polluted room and prevent their transport to a clean room. Field experiments were performed and the main conclusions of the simulation were verified.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2006,38(1):30-44
Control system development and lighting energy monitoring of ceramic thin-film electrochromic (EC) windows were initiated at the new full-scale window systems testbed facility at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in Berkeley, CA. The new facility consists of three identically configured side-by-side private offices with large-area windows that face due south. In one room, an array of EC windows with a center-of-glass visible transmittance Tv range of 0.05–0.60 was installed. In the two other rooms, unshaded windows with a Tv = 0.50 or 0.15 were used as reference. The same dimmable fluorescent lighting system was used in all three rooms. This study explains the design and commissioning of an integrated EC window-lighting control system, and then illustrates its performance in the testbed under clear, partly cloudy, and overcast sky conditions during the equinox period. The performance of an early prototype EC window controller is also analyzed. Lighting energy savings data are presented. Daily lighting energy savings were 44–59% compared to the reference window of Tv = 0.15 and 8–23% compared to the reference window of Tv = 0.50. The integrated window-lighting control system maintained interior illuminance levels to within ±10% of the setpoint range of 510–700 lx for 89–99% of the day. Further work is planned to refine the control algorithms and monitor cooling load, visual comfort, and human factor impacts of this emerging technology.  相似文献   

程玉伟  江晓云 《门窗》2007,(7):25-27
塑料窗的质量问题主要包括型材质量、组窗质量、成品安装质量等.本文主要指出了塑料窗的这些质量问题.并提出了改进措施.  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土开洞叠合剪力墙抗震性能试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对4片钢筋混凝土开洞叠合剪力墙和2片普通钢筋混凝土开洞剪力墙进行抗震性能试验研究,对比研究了试件的受力全过程、开裂部位、裂缝发展情况以及破坏形态,分析了试件的承载能力、滞回曲线、骨架曲线、刚度退化曲线、延性性能、耗能能力等。研究结果表明:钢筋混凝土开洞叠合剪力墙的受力性能基本和普通钢筋混凝土开洞剪力墙相同,具有较好的抗震性能;保温层外侧的预制钢筋混凝土板能够协同参与受力,与普通钢筋混凝土开洞剪力墙相比,其承载力可提高约7%,并可有效降低其刚度退化;剪式支架能使钢筋混凝土开洞叠合剪力墙的预制部分与现浇混凝土形成整体,共同参与工作。  相似文献   

铝合金推拉窗已获得了广泛的应用,但其质量问题比较突出。文章分析了铝合金推拉窗的一些质量通病及其产生原因,以及防治措施。  相似文献   

基于图像相关分析的砂土模型试验变形场量测   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
高分辨率数码相机的出现为砂土模型试验变形场非接触量测法的研究开发提供了一条简便经济而且实用的途径,在模型试验观测面上,不再需要布置嵌入式量测标志点或描画网格,直接用数码相机在试验各阶段拍摄照片,然后对照片序列进行图像相关分析,即可得出模型试验的变形场分布。利用图像匹配技术追踪模型上点的位移,借用FEM常用的等参单元的概念进行图像校准和应变计算,采用双线性插值技术可以实现微小变形量测,并提出同时用平移和旋转搜索方法,以适应砂土模型的变形特点。精度检验试验结果表明,一个像素以下的平移量测标准方差达到0.19个像素,数值试验表明,15°旋转刚体变形量测,非旋转搜索和旋转搜索的标准方差分别为0.49和0.08个像素。最后给出一个在砂土地基承载力离心机模型试验中的应用实例,分析结果包含砂土模型位移场、最大剪应变场和体积应变场的分布图。结果表明这一方法使得砂土模型局部化变形、剪切带和渐进破坏过程的量化分析成为可能。  相似文献   

介绍了川西传统民居常见外窗开启类型,借助科学化分析手段,探讨了平开窗、推拉窗及中悬窗三种外窗开启方式对室内通风效果的影响,以期对民居传统节能技术进行继承与改良。  相似文献   

为考察楼板组合效应对腹板开圆孔节点滞回性能、破坏机理、塑性铰形成位置的影响,设计并完成考虑组合效应的梁腹板板开圆孔型节点足尺试件的拟静力试验。通过试验现象,阐述试验试件破坏全过程,揭示该类节点的破坏机理。基于ANSYS分析平台,建立试验试件的有限元模型,数值模拟结果与试验结果的对比验证了有限元分析方法的合理性。结合以往试验获得数据,建立考虑组合效应开圆孔、不考虑组合效应开圆孔、不考虑组合效应不开圆孔等3种节点对比模型,讨论楼板组合效应对节点破坏形式、滞回性能、塑性区分布的影响。研究结果表明,组合效应对腹板开圆孔节点的性能影响不可忽略;选择合理的削弱参数,梁腹板开圆孔型节点可以达到塑性铰外移的效果。  相似文献   

根据10个梁高不等的钢筋混凝土框架中节点试件在低周反复荷载作用下的试验结果,重点分析该类框架节点的破坏过程和破坏特点。在试验研究的基础上,建立框架节点等效核心区在剪、压复合作用下的计算模型,应用改进斜压场理论(MCFT)对等效核心区进行受力分析,并通过国内外83个无扭矩作用框架节点试件(包括常规中节点、边节点、变梁中节点等)峰值剪应力的试验结果与该模型计算得到的理论结果进行对比,二者吻合良好。  相似文献   

Recent researchers have discovered microtremor applications for evaluating the liquefaction potential. Microtremor measurement is a fast, applicable and cost-effective method with extensive applications. In the present research the liquefaction potential has been reviewed by utilization of microtremor measurement results in Babol city. For this purpose microtremor measurements were performed at 60 measurement stations and the data were analyzed by suing Nakmaura’s method. By using the fundamental frequency and amplification factor, the value of vulnerability index (K g ) was calculated and the liquefaction potential has been evaluated. To control the accuracy of this method, its output has been compared with the results of Seed and Idriss [1] method in 30 excavated boreholes within the study area. Also, the results obtained by the artificial neural network (ANN) were compared with microtremor measurement. Regarding the results of these three methods, it was concluded that the threshold value of liquefaction potential is K g = 5. On the basis of the analysis performed in this research it is concluded that microtremors have the capability of assessing the liquefaction potential with desirable accuracy.  相似文献   

Estimation of joint length distribution using window sampling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the most difficult procedures in statistical joint modeling is the determination of the joint length distribution. In this study, a window sampling method was adopted to estimate the trace length distribution for the Poisson disc joint model. Four kinds of equations were derived for estimating the trace length distribution from contained or dissecting trace length distributions in a rectangular or circular window. The equations were tested for accuracy through Monte Carlo simulation and their efficiencies for estimating the trace length distribution were compared. This new technique using window sampling was compared with the method using a semi-trace or complete trace length distribution from scanline sampling. A numerical technique for determining the diameter distribution from the trace length distribution was also suggested. To check the validity of this numerical method, it was applied to solving four example cases and their results were compared with theoretical solutions.  相似文献   

Effect of opening on the shear behavior of a rock joint   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Irregularity of rock joints is an important parameter which can enhance the stability of potentially removable rock blocks or wedges around an underground opening. When irregular-sided blocks or wedges are bounded by joints, additional shear strength develops as a consequence of the confinement. With open joints, the interlock effect is reduced or lost and the shear strength drops, possibly to its residual value. A joint opening model has been developed that considers the effect of strength loss along the joint as a result of opening. The model relates the geometric parameters and stress–displacement and can easily be incorporated into existing joint models. Several numerical simulations of direct shear tests are presented to demonstrate the performance of the joint opening model.  相似文献   

以某电厂复杂钢筋混凝土高位汽机厂房和钢结构锅炉厂房构成的非对称复杂连体结构为实例开展抗震性能与变形差控制研究。采用自主开发的COMPONA-MARC三维非线性有限元程序进行弹塑性时程分析,针对单体结构和连体结构的动力特性、弹塑性时程响应、关键构件受力特征和关键层位移差控制指标等进行了详细讨论。结果表明:连体厂房结构可满足规范抗震性能要求和关键层变形差限值的管道设备功能需求;楼板大开洞将引起周围构件横向弯矩显著增大;连体结构一阶振型呈现出与单体结构明显不同的扭转效应,导致部分无楼板约束构件承受较大扭矩;采用分布式单层钢桁架作为厂房间连接构件能有效控制关键层位移差,但会使相邻的主体结构构件承担较大横向弯矩;连接桁架应尽量靠近位移差控制楼层且布置高度均匀,从而减小扭转引起的连接桁架端部杆件受力集中;位移差指标对连接桁架杆件刚度和连接形式不敏感,因此,建议在满足连接杆件承载力和稳定性前提下减小截面尺寸,采用铰接方式,以削弱对主体结构相关构件的影响。  相似文献   

In order to develop baseline data about United States office buildings, the United States Environmental Protection Agency conducted the Building Assessment Survey Evaluation (BASE) study, a systematic survey of 100 randomly selected United States office buildings, in the 1990s. This paper analyzes the self-reported work-related symptoms and job and workplace characteristics of 4326 respondents and compares results to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's (NIOSH) study of 80 'complaint' buildings. Four distinct groups of symptoms, representing 'tiredness', 'mucosal irritation', 'neuropsychological', and 'lower respiratory' conditions emerged from factor analysis of work-related symptoms. The symptom grouping is identical for both surveys. Although the prevalence of each symptom is significantly higher in the NIOSH than in the BASE sample, there is overlap of the symptom distributions. In the BASE survey, 45% of the work force reported at least one work-related health symptom; 20% reported at least three symptoms. These findings imply that it is counterproductive to dichotomize buildings into healthy vs. unhealthy; instead the prevalence of health problems related to buildings span a continuum. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: These results indicate that most office buildings have occupants who report building-related symptoms. This paper provides practical guidance for the comparison of building prevalences to the BASE normative data. Work-related symptom distributions and symptom groups can improve investigators' ability to identify IEQ problems.  相似文献   

赵志杰 《山西建筑》2012,38(6):204-205
针对隧道工程的特殊性和复杂性,提出了隧道施工监控量测要求和测点布设要求,重点论述了监控量测方法和监控量测数据的应用,为保证隧道工程质量、安全提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

高填土涵洞(管)采用EPS板减荷的试验研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
针对高填土涵洞,对涵顶与涵侧同时铺设柔性材料EPS板的减荷效果进行了多种情况的试验对比,结果表明,这种措施不仅对减小洞顶和洞侧的土压力效果十分显著,同时还可解决涵洞在填土中引起的路面沉降不均,改善涵洞纵向垂直土压力与沉降的分布不均。根据本文公式计算结果、有限元计算结果与原型实测土压力值的比较,三者较为接近。本文成果可供各种上埋式构筑物工程设计参照,并可作为各部门有关的设计规范、设计规程与设计手册修订依据。  相似文献   

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