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. The fundamental and comprehensive train of thought steering investment and financing patterns was briefed at the beginning of this paper. After that, some  相似文献   

Subjective rating scales: science or art?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Annett J 《Ergonomics》2002,45(14):966-987
Subjective rating scales are widely used in almost every aspect of ergonomics research and practice for the assessment of workload, fatigue, usability, annoyance and comfort, and lesser known qualities such as urgency and presence, but are they truly scientific? This paper raises some of the key issues as a basis for debate. First, it is argued that all empirical observations, including those conventionally labelled as 'objective', are unavoidably subjective. Shared meaning between observers, or intersubjectivity, is the key criterion of scientific probity. The practical steps that can be taken to increase intersubjective agreement are discussed and the well-known sources of error and bias in human judgement reviewed. The role of conscious experience as a mechanism for appraising the environment and guiding behaviour has important implications for the interpretation of subjective reports. The view that psychometric measures do not conform to the requirements of truly 'scientific' measurement is discussed. Human judgement of subjective attributes is essentially ordinal and, unlike physical measures, can be matched to interval scales only with difficulty, but ordinal measures can be used successfully both to develop and test substantive theories using multivariate statistical techniques. Constructs such as fatigue are best understood as latent or inferred variables defined by a set of manifest or directly observed indicator variables. Both construct validity and predictive validity are viewed from this perspective and this helps to clarify several problems including the dissociation between measures of different aspects of a given construct, the question of whether physical (e.g. physiological) measures should be preferred to subjective measures and whether a single measure of constructs which are essentially multidimensional having both subjective and physical components is desirable. Finally, the fitness of subjective ratings to different purposes within the broad field of ergonomics research is discussed. For testing of competing hypotheses concerning the mechanisms underlying human performance, precise quantitative predictions are rarely needed. The same is frequently true of comparative evaluation of competing designs. In setting design standards, however, something approaching the level of measurement required for precise quantitative prediction is required, but this is difficult to achieve in practice. Although it may be possible to establish standards within restricted contexts, general standards for broadly conceived constructs such as workload are impractical owing to the requirement for representative sampling of tasks, work environments and personnel.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Quality of Experience (QoE) measures the overall quality of a service from users’ point of view by considering several system, human, and contextual...  相似文献   

A total of 39 subjects were studied after a flight from the UK to either Sydney or Brisbane (10 time-zones to the east). Subjects varied widely in their age, their athletic ability, whether or not they were taking melatonin, and in their objectives when in Australia. For the first 6 days after arrival, subjects scored their jet-lag five times per day and other subjective variables up to five times per day, using visual analogue scales. For jet-lag, the scale was labelled 0 = no jet-lag to 10 = very bad jet-lag; the extremes of the other scales were labelled - 5 and + 5, indicating marked changes compared with normal, and the centrepoint was labelled 0 indicating 'normal'. Mean daily values for jet-lag and fatigue were initially high (+ 3.65 +/- 0.35 and + 1.55 +/- 0.22 on day 1, respectively) and fell progressively on subsequent days, but were still raised significantly (p < 0.05) on day 5 (fatigue) or day 6 (jet-lag). In addition, times of waking were earlier on all days. By contrast, falls in concentration and motivation, and rises in irritability and nocturnal wakings, had recovered by day 4 or earlier, and bowel activity was less frequent, with harder stools, on days 1 and 2 only. Also, on day 1, there was a decrease in the ease of getting to sleep (- 1.33 +/- 0.55), but this changed to an increase from day 2 onwards (for example, + 0.75 +/- 0.25 on day 6). Stepwise regression analysis was used to investigate predictors of jet-lag. The severity of jet-lag at all the times that were measured was strongly predicted by fatigue ratings made at the same time. Its severity at 08:00 h was predicted by an earlier time of waking, by feeling less alert 30 min after waking and, marginally, by the number of waking episodes. Jet-lag at 12:00 and 16:00 h was strongly predicted by a fall of concentration at these times; jet-lag at mealtimes (12:00, 16:00 and 20:00 h) was predicted by the amount of feeling bloated. Such results complicate an exact interpretation that can be placed on an assessment of a global term such as jet-lag, particularly if the assessment is made only once per day.  相似文献   

招商局集团EDI应用已初具规模 (1)1986年6月开始陆续安装了IBMSYSTEM/38、IBM AS/400等11台电脑。  相似文献   

(三)亚洲国家EDI应用概况 ①日本 在日本,EDI正象电力、煤气、水和电话一样成为日本经济的基础设施的组成部分,电子贸易已成为一种普遍的经商方式,EDI在销售、贸易和运输业中普遍使用,制造业、钢铁业、石化业、化工业、建筑业等行业也开始采用EDI。销售业的电子订货系统(EOS),使采购、订货报关、结算货款和提供交货信息都使用EDI。个人机用的EDI软件也在开发中,几乎每天要同约5000家中小企业进行贸易的三菱商事1993年将开发出显示三菱商事贸易画面的个人机用EDI软件。  相似文献   

As an approach to search/retrieve such objects as pictures, music, perfumes and apparels on the Internet, sensitivity-vectors or kansei-vectors are useful since textual keywords are not sufficient to find objects that users want. The sensitivity-vector is an array of values. Each value indicates a degree of feeling or impression represented by a sensitivity word or kansei word. However, due to the gap between user??s subjective sensitivity (impression, image and feeling) degree and the corresponding value in the database. Also, such an approach is not enough to retrieve what users want. This paper proposes a retrieval method to automatically and dynamically reduce such gaps by estimating a subjective criterion deviation (we call ??SCD??) using the user??s retrieval history and fuzzy modeling. Additionally, the proposed method can avoid users?? burden caused by conventional methods such as completing required questionnaires. This method can also reflect the dynamic change of user??s preference which cannot be accomplished by using questionnaires. For the evaluation, an experiment was performed by building and using a perfume retrieval system. Through observing the transition of the deviation reduction degree, it was clarified that the proposed method is effective. In the experiment, the machine could learn users?? subjective criteria deviation as well as its dynamic change caused by factors such as user??s preference, if the learning rate is well adjusted.  相似文献   

3、开发用户软件,特别是接口软件。 EDI软件有三种类型: ·专用的EDI软件。 它采用现场设计、编程、将内部数据表格转换成两个以上的贸易伙伴所认可的表格,这是一种高代价的软件设计。 ·离架的EDI转换及通信软件。 这是一个软件包,可将一项应用中“平缓”、连续的数据转换成标准的EDI格式。 ·综合EDI模式。 这是当前流行的一种方法,将EDI与软件用户的商务系统相结合,并对使用者开放软件。 EDI软件(主要是接口)应具有功能  相似文献   

信息安全风险管理(三)风险评估(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风险评估是对信息资产面临的威胁.存在的弱点、造成的影响,以及三者综合作用而带来风险的可能性的评估。  相似文献   

盖。通过试验证明,除栽植季节外,其它几方面对枣树栽植成活率都有影响。林业科技开发CHINA FORESTRY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY46-47S665.10  相似文献   

信息安全风险管理(三)风险评估(下)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
风险评估是组织确定信息安全需求的过程.包括资产识别与评价、威胁和弱点评估、控制措施评估、风险认定在内的一系列活动。图1所示就是风险评估完整的过程模型。  相似文献   

An ideal goal of virtual reality technology is to deliver a complete visual and sensorimotor duplicate of an object: a fully integrated haptic and visual set of stimuli that would make us feel as if we are in the “presence” of the real object in an ordinary situation. The goal is very ambitious, but what is a measure of success? An analysis of presence is much needed, and one of the main tenets of our paper is that an empirical study of the psychological aspects of the feel of presence would constitute the pivotal element of such an analysis; we shall argue that some interesting lessons can be learned about the ideal goal. To sustain our argument, we consider two case studies in turn. The tunnel effect case teaches us that actual stimulation is neither necessary nor sufficient to convey presence. The picture case teaches us that it is possible to learn how to interact to a high degree of success with very impoverished stimuli and successfully compensate for poor stimulation. Research should thus be oriented not towards potentially useless and costly “duplication” of reality, but towards the unexplored potentialities offered by new and complex interfaces.  相似文献   

近年来办公室自动化的热潮在国外已风起云涌地兴起。但办公室自动化(OA)的含义是什么?它是如何产生和发展起来的?它与办公室机械化有什么区别?我国应该如何开展OA 等问题都为各界人士所关注。作者在本文中对有关OA 的内容做了较全面的概括介绍并引述了一些不同观点和实践中存在的问题。相信本文对OA 的深入研究和实践会有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

拉斯维加斯2013年1月9日电/美通社/--2013年国际消费电子展(CES 2013)--全球消费类和嵌入式设备图形与图形处理器(GPU)计算技术的领导者图芯技术有限公司(Vivante Corporation)今天宣布,该公司加入致力于推动开放式车载信息娱乐系统(IVI)参考平台开发和普及的汽车与消费类电子产品行业协会GENIVI Alliance.图芯与采用最新图形与Open-CL功能的领先硅厂商、汽车制造商、一级供应商、独立软件供应商(ISV)和中间件供应商开展合作,从而迅速拓展在汽车市场的业务.成为GENIVI Alliance会员让图芯能够为该协会带来图形处理器专业知识并推动车载信息娱乐系统人机界面(HMI)显示器的创新.  相似文献   

全球消费类和嵌入式设备图形与图形处理器(GPU)计算技术的领导者图芯技术有限公司近日宣布,该公司加入致力于推动开放式车载信息娱乐系统(IVI)参考平台开发和普及的汽车与消费类电子产品行业协会GENIVI Alliance。图芯与采用最新图形与OpenCL功能的领先硅厂商、汽车制造商、一级供应商、独立软件供应商(ISV)和中间件供应商开展合作,从而迅速拓展在汽车市场的业务  相似文献   

日本日立公司的前身是1910年的日本铜矿公司的电气修理车间。现在,日立公司已成长为世界上屈指可数的最大工业公司之一。年销售额达650亿美元,雇员达33万人,拥有818家于公司,其中包括219个海外机构。日立公司的经营范围极为广阔,遍及各个领城,主要包括信息系统和电子设备、动力和产业系统、  相似文献   

眼51演Int.Cl.7G01R33/02眼11演公开号CN1246619A眼21演申请号99111656.9眼22演申请日1999.7.7眼43演公开日2000.3.8眼30演优先权眼32演1998.7.7眼33演KR眼31演27304/98眼71演申请人三星电子株式会地址韩国京畿道眼72演发明人崔相彦赵汉基眼74演专利代理机构中国国际贸易促进委员会专利商标事务所代理人王以平眼54演发明名称差动式螺线管磁场检测装置及其制造方法眼57演摘要一种差动式螺线管磁场检测装置,是一种以微观尺寸制造的磁场检测器,其构成包括:层叠在半导体基片上的两个软磁性薄膜式磁芯,由按数字“8”的形状卷绕的金属薄膜图形…  相似文献   

中美韩合作研发出柔性人造触觉神经系统近日,天津南开大学电子信息与光学工程学院徐文涛团队与美国斯坦福大学、韩国首尔大学的研究人员合作研发出柔性人造触觉神经系统,该系统有望应用于机器人手术、假肢感触等领域。据介绍,研究人员利用柔性有机材料模拟了人体SA-I触觉神经,这种触觉神经由3个核心部件组成:电阻式压力传感器、有机环形振荡器、突触晶体管。该系统首先利用一系列感受器感知极为细微的压力,并产生相应的电压  相似文献   

正《机器人用谐波齿轮减速器》国家标准颁布实施国家质量监督检验检疫总局、国家标准化管理委员会在《中华人民共和国国家标准公告》2014年第14号中发布,《机器人用谐波齿轮减速器》(GB/T 30819-2014)已于2014年5月6日发布,并于2014年12月31日起正式实施。GB/T 30819-2014《机器人用谐波齿轮减速器》国家标准由苏州绿的谐波传动科技有限公司、江苏省减速机产品质量监督检验中心、上海ABB工程有限公司和北京工商大学负责编制。标准基本涵盖了机器人用谐波齿轮减速  相似文献   

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