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Energy efficiency remains one of the major issues in the machining domain. Today's machining systems are confronted with a number of new challenges, such as turbulent product demand and variations in production resources. Rapid and flexible energy modelling in a distributed and collaborative machining environment emerges as a new research area. Energy demand models in such an environment need to be practical, accurate, effective, scalable and reusable. Energy analysis and optimisation cannot be carried out once for all at the beginning. Instead, it is an on-going process. In this paper, the function block technique, i.e. IEC 61499, is used for the development of energy demand models as it brings advantages such as modularity, encapsulation, extensibility and reusability. A brief review on energy modelling and research on function blocks are given in the first part. A novel energy demand modelling approach based on function blocks is then proposed and elaborated. Three types of function blocks have been developed, i.e. machine tool dependent function blocks, state transition function blocks, and service interface function blocks. The first type, as the fundamental building blocks, is divided into two sub-types, machine component function block and machining state function block. Two case studies, based on a small 3-axis milling machine and an industrial production line respectively, are presented to demonstrate the possible applications using the function block-based model. Comprehensive discussions are given thereafter, including a pilot application of a distributed process planning system and a unique energy evaluation scheme. A confidence level associated energy rating system is proposed as the first step to turn energy consumption figures into useful indicators. The energy demand model based on function blocks developed here enhances the energy modelling and their practical implementations.  相似文献   

Supply chain network (SCN) design is to provide an optimal platform for efficient and effective supply chain management. It is an important and strategic operations management problem in supply chain management, and usually involves multiple and conflicting objectives such as cost, service level, resource utilization, etc. This paper proposes a new solution procedure based on genetic algorithms to find the set of Pareto-optimal solutions for multi-objective SCN design problem. To deal with multi-objective and enable the decision maker for evaluating a greater number of alternative solutions, two different weight approaches are implemented in the proposed solution procedure. An experimental study using actual data from a company, which is a producer of plastic products in Turkey, is carried out into two stages. While the effects of weight approaches on the performance of proposed solution procedure are investigated in the first stage, the proposed solution procedure and simulated annealing are compared according to quality of Pareto-optimal solutions in the second stage.  相似文献   

Artificial intelligent tools like genetic algorithm, artificial neural network (ANN) and fuzzy logic are found to be extremely useful in modeling reliable processes in the field of computer integrated manufacturing (for example, selecting optimal parameters during process planning, design and implementing the adaptive control systems). When knowledge about the relationship among the various parameters of manufacturing are found to be lacking, ANNs are used as process models, because they can handle strong nonlinearities, a large number of parameters and missing information. When the dependencies between parameters become noninvertible, the input and output configurations used in ANN strongly influence the accuracy. However, running of a neural network is found to be time consuming. If genetic algorithm-based ANNs are used to construct models, it can provide more accurate results in less time. This article proposes a genetic algorithm-based ANN model for the turning process in manufacturing Industry. This model is found to be a time-saving model that satisfies all the accuracy requirements.  相似文献   

Despite significant amount of research works, the best available visual attention models still lag far behind human performance in predicting salient object. In this paper, we present a novel approach to detect a salient object which involves two phases. In the first phase, three features such as multi-scale contrast, center-surround histogram and color spatial distribution are obtained as described in Liu et al. model. Constrained Particle Swarm Optimization is used in the second phase to determine an optimal weight vector to combine these features to obtain saliency map to distinguish a salient object from the image background. To achieve this, we defined a simple fitness function which highlights a salient object region with well-defined boundary and effectively suppresses the background regions in an image. The performance is evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively on a publicly available dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of precision, recall, F -measure and area under curve.  相似文献   

针对冷却水系统优化问题提出一种改进并行粒子群(IPPSO)算法,以系统能耗最小为优化目标,以系统中各设备的运行参数为优化变量进行求解.在该算法中,采用随机和混沌序列机制分别对两个种群的粒子进行初始化,使两种群在产生初期便具有不同特征;并根据两种群特点,采用不同惯性权重改进策略,提高算法搜索能力;同时利用一种新迁移算子对...  相似文献   

多点随机搜索算法估计反应动力学参数   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
提出一种多点随机搜索算法,一方面它汲取随机搜索算法的优点以克服陷人局部最优点;另一方面它通过判断搜索过程目标函数变化趋势,从而能在响应曲面的下降方向上前进,加快寻优进程。与遗传算法相比较,多点随机搜索算法能以更快的速度找到全局最优解;与梯度下降算法相比较,它能以更高的概率找到全局最优解。本文将多点随机搜索算法应用于2-氯苯酚在超临界水中氧化反应动力学参数的估算,获得动力学模型对实验数据拟合的相对误差绝对值之和比文献报道降低了14.1%。  相似文献   

针对果蝇优化算法( FOA)收敛速度快但寻优精度低的缺点,为了改善果蝇算法的优化性能,提出一种混合果蝇优化算法( HFOA)。HFOA采用分段优化的思想,在优化过程后期采用收敛稳定性较好的粒子群优化( PSO)算法优化果蝇算法中果蝇个体飞行距离和味道浓度的判定值,采用误差性能指标积分准则ITAE作为适应度函数,并将优化方案应用于一类不稳定系统的PID控制。Matlab仿真验证表明:HFOA计算高效,具有良好的稳定性,收敛精度高,进而验证了HFOA应用于PID控制参数优化是可行而有效的。  相似文献   

We build upon a recently proposed multi-objective view onto performance measurement of single-objective stochastic solvers. The trade-off between the fraction of failed runs and the mean runtime of successful runs – both to be minimized – is directly analyzed based on a study on algorithm selection of inexact state-of-the-art solvers for the famous Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP). Moreover, we adopt the hypervolume indicator (HV) commonly used in multi-objective optimization for simultaneously assessing both conflicting objectives and investigate relations to commonly used performance indicators, both theoretically and empirically. Next to Penalized Average Runtime (PAR) and Penalized Quantile Runtime (PQR), the HV measure is used as a core concept within the construction of per-instance algorithm selection models offering interesting insights into complementary behavior of inexact TSP solvers.  相似文献   

This paper addresses an optimization model for assembly line-balancing problem in order to improve the line balance of a production line under a human-centric and dynamic apparel assembly process. As the variance of operator efficiency is vital to line imbalance in labor intensive industry, an approach is proposed to balance production line through optimal operator allocation with the consideration of operator efficiency. Two recursive algorithms are developed to generate all feasible solutions for operator allocation. Three objectives, namely, the lowest standard deviation of operation efficiency, the highest production line efficiency and the least total operation efficiency waste, are devised to find out the optimal solution of operator allocation. The method in this paper improves the flexibility of the operator allocation on different sizes of data set of operations and operators, and enhances the efficiency of searching for the optimal solution of big size data set. The results of experiments are reported. The performance comparison demonstrates that the proposed optimization method outperforms the industry practice.  相似文献   

To solve many-objective optimization problems (MaOPs) by evolutionary algorithms (EAs), the maintenance of convergence and diversity is essential and difficult. Improved multi-objective optimization evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs), usually based on the genetic algorithm (GA), have been applied to MaOPs, which use the crossover and mutation operators of GAs to generate new solutions. In this paper, a new approach, based on decomposition and the MOEA/D framework, is proposed: model and clustering based estimation of distribution algorithm (MCEDA). MOEA/D means the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition. The proposed MCEDA is a new estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) framework, which is intended to extend the application of estimation of distribution algorithm to MaOPs. MCEDA was implemented by two similar algorithm, MCEDA/B (based on bits model) and MCEDA/RM (based on regular model) to deal with MaOPs. In MCEDA, the problem is decomposed into several subproblems. For each subproblem, clustering algorithm is applied to divide the population into several subgroups. On each subgroup, an estimation model is created to generate the new population. In this work, two kinds of models are adopted, the new proposed bits model and the regular model used in RM-MEDA (a regularity model based multi-objective estimation of distribution algorithm). The non-dominated selection operator is applied to improve convergence. The proposed algorithms have been tested on the benchmark test suite for evolutionary algorithms (DTLZ). The comparison with several state-of-the-art algorithms indicates that the proposed MCEDA is a competitive and promising approach.  相似文献   

A new DFM approach to combine machining and additive manufacturing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Design for manufacturing (DFM) approaches aim to integrate manufacturability aspects during the design stage. Most of DFM approaches usually consider only one manufacturing process, but product competitiveness may be improved by designing hybrid modular products, in which products are seen as 3-D puzzles with modules realized individually by the best manufacturing process and further gathered. A new DFM system is created in order to give quantitative information during the product design stage of which modules will benefit in being machined and which ones will advantageously be realized by an additive process (such as Selective Laser Sintering or laser deposition). A methodology for a manufacturability evaluation in case of a subtractive or an additive manufacturing process is developed and implemented in a CAD software. Tests are carried out on industrial products from automotive industry.  相似文献   

This paper presents the implementation of a two-objective optimization methodology to select effective tropospheric ozone pollution control strategies on a mesoscale domain. The objectives considered are (a) the emission reduction cost and (b) the Air Quality Index. The control variables are the precursor emission reductions due to available technologies. The nonlinear relationship linking air quality objective and precursor emissions is described by artificial neural networks, identified by processing deterministic Chemical Transport Modeling system simulations. Pareto optimal solutions are calculated with the Weighted Sum Strategy. The two-objective problem has been applied to a complex domain in Northern Italy, including the Milan metropolitan area, a region characterized by frequent and persistent ozone episodes.  相似文献   

Remanufacturing has attracted growing attention in recent years because of its energy-saving and emission-reduction potential. Process planning and scheduling play important roles in the organization of remanufacturing activities and directly affect the overall performance of a remanufacturing system. However, the existing research on remanufacturing process planning and scheduling is very limited due to the difficulty and complexity brought about by various uncertainties in remanufacturing processes. We address the problem by adopting a simulation-based optimization framework. In the proposed genetic algorithm, a solution represents the selected process routes for the jobs to be remanufactured, and the quality of a solution is evaluated through Monte Carlo simulation, in which a production schedule is generated following the specified process routes. The studied problem includes two objective functions to be optimized simultaneously (one concerned with process planning and the other concerned with scheduling), and therefore, Pareto-based optimization principles are applied. The proposed solution approach is comprehensively tested and is shown to outperform a standard multi-objective optimization algorithm.  相似文献   

One important issue related to the implementation of cellular manufacturing systems (CMSs) is to decide whether to convert an existing job shop into a CMS comprehensively in a single run, or in stages incrementally by forming cells one after the other, taking the advantage of the experiences of implementation. This paper presents a new multi-objective nonlinear programming model in a dynamic environment. Furthermore, a novel hybrid multi-objective approach based on the genetic algorithm and artificial neural network is proposed to solve the presented model. From the computational analyses, the proposed algorithm is found much more efficient than the fast non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) in generating Pareto optimal fronts.  相似文献   

Concurrent product and process design (CPPD) can be handled by developing a computerized team approach. In the team approach, CPPD at the top-level abstraction is treated as a two-objective optimization problem with a view to two teams: design and manufacture. The design team aims to optimize the overall product functionality (or performance) and the manufacture team to minimize the total manufacturing cost. Satisfaction metrics are used to characterize the degree of how each team prefers a design in seeking the most favorite that best fulfills the goal of a team. Using min and geometric mean operators as a baseline, the satisfaction levels of two teams can be aggregated with respect to strategic team paradigms derived from game theory. With satisfaction metrics, three dual-team based CPPD models are developed, along with the computational algorithms, in an attempt to reveal team activities in the context of design. The procedures to simulate and implement various team design models are demonstrated through a design example.  相似文献   

基于PSO的LS-SVM特征选择与参数优化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对最小二乘支持向量机特征选择及参数优化问题,提出了一种基于PSO的LS-SVM特征选择与参数同步优化算法。首先产生若干种群(特征子集),然后用PSO算法对特征及参数进行优化。在UCI标准数据集上进行的仿真实验表明,该算法可有效地找出合适的特征子集及LS-SVM参数,且与基于遗传算法的最小二乘支持向量机算法(GALS-SVM)和传统的LS-SVM算法相比具有较好的分类效果。  相似文献   

The social foraging behavior of Escherichia coli bacteria has been used to solve optimization problems. This paper proposes a hybrid approach involving genetic algorithms (GA) and bacterial foraging (BF) algorithms for function optimization problems. We first illustrate the proposed method using four test functions and the performance of the algorithm is studied with an emphasis on mutation, crossover, variation of step sizes, chemotactic steps, and the lifetime of the bacteria. The proposed algorithm is then used to tune a PID controller of an automatic voltage regulator (AVR). Simulation results clearly illustrate that the proposed approach is very efficient and could easily be extended for other global optimization problems.  相似文献   

Classical approaches to layout design problem tend to maximise the efficiency of layout, measured by the handling cost related to the interdepartmental flow and to the distance among the departments. However, the actual problem involves several conflicting objectives hence requiring a multi-objective formulation. Multi-objective approaches, recently proposed, in most cases lead to the maximisation of a weighted sum of score functions. The poor practicability of such an approach is due to the difficulty of normalising these functions and of quantifying the weights. In this paper, this difficulty is overcome by approaching the problem in two subsequent steps: in the first step, the Pareto-optimal solutions are determined by employing a multi-objective constrained genetic algorithm and the subsequent selection of the optimal solution is carried out by means of the multi-criteria decision-making procedure Electre. This procedure allows the decision maker to express his preferences on the basis of the knowledge of candidate solution set. Quantitative (handling cost) and qualitative (adjacency and distance requests between departments) objectives are considered referring to a bay structure-based layout model, that allows to take into account also practical constraints such as the aspect ratio of departments. Results obtained confirm the effectiveness of the proposed procedure as a practicable support tool for layout designers.  相似文献   

Processing quality is the basis for ensuring product quality, and reflects the development needs and application value of realizing intelligent manufacturing. Aiming at the low efficiency of quality problems traceability, poor timeliness and unpredictability of quality control in the machining process, digital twin technology can provide a new intelligent solution based on interaction and integration between physical workshop and virtual workshop. Therefore, a digital twin-driven approach towards traceability and dynamic control for processing quality is proposed in the paper. Firstly, a Bayesian network model for the analysis of factors affecting processing quality (BN_PQ) is introduced, which determines the relevance and influence weight of each factor to processing quality. Secondly, in order to integrate multi-source heterogeneous data to trace the processing quality, a multi-level scalable information model and association mechanism are established. Moreover, the construction method of the IoT system in manufacturing unit for dynamic control of processing quality are introduced, in which the collection method of real-time data is discussed. The contents of digital twin data for processing quality constraints (DTD_PQ) and the management method are elaborated. Then, the digital twin-driven dynamic control method of processing quality is proposed. The conceptual model of the digital twin database and the operating logic for dynamic control of processing quality are described in detail. Finally, the interactive operation and core technologies of DTD_PQ towards traceability and dynamic control of processing quality are analyzed. By choosing examples of machining the connecting rod of diesel engine and the prototype system that has been developed, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified.  相似文献   

In S-shaped specimens which are frequently used to reflect the machining ability of machine tools, the surface error refers to the distance between the points on the actual machining surface to their relevant points on the design surface. The proper measurement of this error is crucial for evaluating the machining quality of S-shaped specimens. During the process of error measurement, improper registration between the measurement coordinate system and the design coordinate system, as well as neglected uncertainty remain the main obstacles for the quality evaluation of S-shaped specimens. This study proposes a general method for the high-precision machining quality evaluation of S-shaped specimens that overcomes both problems. By applying the non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) surface molding technology, the surface of S-shaped specimen was reconstructed. Based on the minimum area principle and the particle swarm optimization-sequential quadratic programming (POS-SQP) algorithm, a surface error model of S-shaped specimen was developed. This model minimizes the maximum distance of the transacted measurement points to the design surface. It can be used to obtain the optimal registration matrix of the measurement coordinate system, with minimal surface error of S-shaped specimen. Additional common algorithms were also adopted to search the optimal registration matrix for comparison. Accounting for the random characteristics of basic parameters and the nonlinearity of surface error model, an uncertainty model of the surface error of S-shaped specimen was established based on the Monte Carlo method. This could obtain the actual tolerance zone of the surface error, according to which, the allowable tolerance zone of the surface error was optimized and a defined evaluation result of machining quality of S-shaped specimen was obtained. Then, a general approach for the evaluation of the machining quality of S-shaped specimen was developed based on POS-SQP algorithm and Monte Carlo method. This approach was implemented in a case study though a series of experiments. The experimental results identified the proposed approach as effective in improving the measurement quality and the evaluation of the machining quality of S-shaped specimens can thus be performed within an allowable tolerance zone.  相似文献   

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