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I. Giouroudi H. Htzendorfer J. Kosel D. Andrijasevic W. Brenner 《Precision Engineering》2008,32(2):148-152
This paper reports the development of a semi-automatic microgripping system that consists of a microgripper and an x, y, z positioning system. The microgripper has two 1DOF fingers fabricated by an amorphous, soft magnetic material and is actuated electromagnetically. The microgripper is embedded in the 3DOF positioning system with the help of a stainless steel holder under an angle, which is manually adjusted, in respect to the working field. The position of the microgripper is observed optically and by three digital indicators1 from Mitutoyo, which offer easy reading and continuous position tracking. All axes are actuated by step motors which allow precise positioning of the microparticles under manipulation. The microgripping system was tested in pick and place cases, under an optical microscope in atmospheric conditions. Optical fibres (125 μm in diameter) and bonding wires (50 μm in diameter) were handled. The temperature on the actuator, on the microgripper fingers and on the microgripper tips during manipulation was measured using K type (Ni/CrNi) thermocouples. The gripping force was evaluated as well. 相似文献
微夹钳技术发展现状及应用研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
微夹钳是最典型的微执行器,它可以充当机器人手爪,配合各种多自由度驱动装置成为微机器人。微夹钳单元技术与微装配、微操作、微焊接、微封装等系统技术紧密地联系在一起。由于它的重要性和广泛的应用,近年来已成为微机械领域研究的热点。本文首先介绍了微小领域中物体夹持的物理背景,阐述了粘附力的规律和解决方法;详细介绍了已有的微夹钳的研究进展状况,结合作者的科研工作,阐述了有代表性的几种微夹钳的工作原理及工艺制作方法;指出了微夹钳的发展和功能优化方向,以期对微夹钳的研究工作起到一定借鉴作用。 相似文献
基于压电智能结构状态估计误差补偿的自抗扰振动控制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
压电智能结构的模型难以精确建立,且存在外界环境激励干扰和内部参数不确定等问题,从而影响闭环结构的振动控制性能。基于此,将结构的内部干扰和外界激励的影响归结为系统的集总干扰,并利用扩张状态观测器(Extended state observer,ESO)设计不依赖于模型的自抗扰振动控制器。然而当外界扰动激励变化时,扩张状态观测器对扰动和各阶状态的估计不可避免存在偏差,难以保证振动控制的效果。为克服二阶自抗扰策略在振动主动控制中的不足,提出一种基于压电智能板结构的状态估计误差补偿自抗扰振动控制方案。利用状态观测误差信息,对二阶自抗扰控制器进行补偿,从而减小ESO对扰动和各阶状态估计的压力,提高振动控制效果。利用dSPACE实时仿真系统,搭建四面固支压电智能板结构的振动主动试验平台。四种干扰激励的试验结果验证该方法的有效性、实用性和强抗干扰能力。 相似文献
This paper presents a flexure-based piezoelectric actuated microgripper for high precision grasping/releasing tasks. The design of the microgripper consists of a three-stage amplification and transmission mechanism, and the parallel grasping technique. A bridge-type mechanism and two sequential lever-type mechanisms are symmetrically connected to amplify the output displacement of the embedded piezoelectric actuator. The parallelogram mechanisms assist in linearizing the output displacement of both jaws of the microgripper. The computational analysis is conducted to investigate the effect of the dimensional parameters on the characteristics of the microgripper. A computational parametric optimization methodology is established to achieve the required attributes of the microgripper. The design optimization resulted in a compact design, a high displacement amplification ratio, and a large output displacement of the microgripper. The experimental studies are conducted to investigate the key characteristics of the microgripper such as the displacement amplification ratio, the output displacement, tracking performance. Further, the parasitic motion, input-end and output-end motion resolution of the microgripper are identified. The experimental results indicate that the compact microgripper can achieve a high displacement amplification ratio and large output displacement with a high positioning accuracy. 相似文献
This paper presents the design and development of a high precision microgripper for micromanipulation. The design is based on a hybrid flexure-based compliant mechanism and a bias spring structure which render high fidelity and inherent mechanical advantages. Finite element analysis (FEA) was conducted to evaluate responses of the model under specified load and displacement to investigate optimum design of the model. The prototype of the proposed microgripper was fabricated using electro-discharge machining (EDM) process. An experimental study of the performance was carried out and the results are presented. The experimental results are also compared with the computational analysis results. The results show that a high level of displacement amplification and a maximum stroke of 100 μm can be achieved. 相似文献
研制了一种针对亚毫米微小构件实施稳定夹取及可靠释放的微夹持器,应用MEMS体硅工艺将静电梳齿驱动与真空驱动集成构成复合式驱动,设计了微夹持器静电驱动控制系统以及真空控制系统。在80V的驱动电压下,微夹持器末端夹爪位移25μm。设计了两种尺寸的微夹持器,一种张合量为100µm~150µm,另一种为150µm~200µm。针对100~200µm的小球进行了微操作实验,实验结果证明静电梳齿驱动结合真空吸附能够使夹取操作更加稳定,基于闭环控制的正压气流能有效克服小球与夹爪之间的粘附力,实现了可靠的释放操作。 相似文献
宋春林;关英姿;王萍萍 《光学精密工程》2017,25(12z):117-124
本文针对四旋翼飞行器姿态控制问题,设计了自抗扰控制器并进行仿真研究。首先,基于四元数建立了四旋翼姿态动力学的离散模型和执行机构模型。接着,介绍了自抗扰控制器的基本组成,并设计了以四元数为姿态描述的自抗扰姿态控制器。最后通过数学仿真对自抗扰姿态控制器与PID控制器的进行了性能比较。仿真结果表明,在达到同样响应速度的情况下,自抗扰姿态控制器输出的控制指令更为平滑,而且在输入指令包含噪声的情况下也表现出良好的控制性能。证明了基于四元数描述的自抗扰控制器能够在噪声中还原原有输入信号,并且在四旋翼的姿态控制性能上超过传统的PID控制器。 相似文献
Mohd Nashrul Mohd Zubir Bijan Shirinzadeh Yanling Tian 《Mechanism and Machine Theory》2009,44(12):2248-2264
This paper describes the development of a microgripper mechanism capable of delivering high precision and fidelity manipulation of micro objects. The mechanism adopts a flexure-based concept on its joints to address the inherent nonlinearities associated with the application of conventional rigid hinges. A combination of two modeling techniques namely Pseudo Rigid Body Model (PRBM) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was implemented to expedite the prototyping procedure which leads to the establishment of high performance mechanism. A wire Electro Discharge Machining (EDM) technique was utilized to fabricate the monolithic structure of the gripper mechanism. Experimental studies were conducted on the model prototype to obtain various correlations governing the gripper performance as well as for model verification. The experimental results demonstrate a high level of integrity in comparison to the computational analysis. A high amplification characteristic and maximum stroke of 100 μm can be achieved. 相似文献
基于智能材料主动拆卸的产品设计方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
随着技术的不断进步,产品的更新换代不断加快,废弃产品的回收问题得到越来越多的关注。制约产品回收发展的一个主要因素是产品的拆卸效率低下,成本高昂。智能材料主动拆卸技术(Active disassembly using smart materials, ADSM)就是解决此难题的一种方法。ADSM适用于以塑料为主的产品以及含有可重用零部件的电子电器产品,尤其是用传统拆卸方法难以拆卸或拆卸效率低下,回收成本高昂的小型产品。介绍智能材料主动拆卸的原理及特点,给出基于智能材料主动拆卸的产品设计方法,并提出主动拆卸结构和主动拆卸产品的设计准则。利用这些设计方法和准则对遥控器产品进行重新设计。通过对重新设计后的遥控器进行的主动拆卸试验表明,其拆卸效率明显提高,验证基于智能材料主动拆卸的产品设计方法的可行性与优越性。 相似文献
Vessels with a dynamic positioning system (DPS) are widely applied in ocean resource exploration. Because of the inaccuracy and coupling of the vessel dynamic model, it is important to design a controller that performs well in an oceanic environment. The active disturbance rejection controller (ADRC) is introduced in this study to control the vessel movement and positioning in the DPS. The merit of the ADRC is that it does not need an accurate plant and disturbance model. In the proposed method, an adaptive hybrid biogeography-based optimization (BBO) and differential evolution (DE) are developed. The orthogonal learning (OL) mechanism is employed to achieve adaptive switching to different searching mechanisms between BBO and DE. The proposed adaptive hybrid BBO-DE (AHBBODE) algorithm is then used to optimize the parameters of ADRC; these parameters are not easy to determine by using the trial and error method. Finally, the proposed method is compared with the BBO- and DE-based methods. The results show that better performance is obtained by the proposed method. 相似文献
大型带式输送机合理可控起动曲线的研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
大型带式输送机的可控起动过程的合理选择是降低输送机动载荷的重要途径。首先给出了带爬行段的等加速度、组合摆线、组合抛物线起动过程的分段函数;然后应用动态分析软件对等加速度、组合摆线。组合抛物线起动过程进行了计算机仿真,证明当起动加速度足够小时,采用组合摆线、组合抛物线起动具有较小的动载荷系数,当起动加速度较大时,等加速度起动方式具有较小的动载荷系数;最后给出了更一般的起动加速度曲线。 相似文献
自抗扰控制器对于抑制不确定的扰动有良好的效果,但其控制器参数较多且整定困难。为了实现自适应的线性自抗扰控制器,对线性自抗扰控制器的参数整定策略展开了研究。首先,设计了基于观测误差的线性扩张观测器参数自适应整定算法。接着,设计了自抗扰控制器线性反馈环节的参数的自适应整定算法。最后,利用李雅普诺夫方法,证明上述自适应整定算法得到的参数可以保证扩张状态观测器的观测误差和被控系统最终输出误差都收敛至零。实验结果表明:精密气浮运动平台低速工况下,自适应线性自抗扰控制器的参数在0.8s内即可迅速完成整定计算;线性扩张观测器观测误差绝对值小于2nm;被控精密气浮运动平台的速度波动不大于5%。自适应线性自抗扰控制器实现了控制器参数在线整定,控制器的性能表现满足要求。 相似文献
自适应模糊控制方法在主动悬挂系统中的应用研究 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
提出了一种主动悬挂系统的自适应模糊控制方法 ,该模糊控制方法可以在线自适应调整模糊控制的有关参数。 1/ 4车辆模型作为仿真对象 ,模糊控制器可以显著地减小车辆的振动及干扰 ,提高车辆的舒适性。仿真结果表明该模糊控制方法的有效性。另外 ,当主动悬挂系统模型参数发生变化时该模糊控制器表现出良好的鲁棒性 相似文献