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A hardware/software platform for intrinsic evolvable hardware is designed and evaluated for digital circuit design and repair on Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Dynamic bitstream compilation for mutation and crossover operators is achieved by directly manipulating the bitstream using a layered framework. Experimental results on a case study have shown that benchmark circuit evolution from an unseeded initial population, as well as a complete recovery of a stuck-at fault is achievable using this platform. An average of 0.47 μs is required to perform the genetic mutation, 4.2 μs to perform the single point conventional crossover, 3.1 μs to perform Partial Match Crossover (PMX) as well as Order Crossover (OX), 2.8 μs to perform Cycle Crossover (CX), and 1.1 ms for one input pattern intrinsic evaluation. These represent a performance advantage of three orders of magnitude over the JBITS software framework and more than seven orders of magnitude over the Xilinx design tool driven flow for realizing intrinsic genetic operators on Xilinx Virtex Family devices.  相似文献   

论述了医疗电子系统开发所面临的困难,介绍了创新的图形化医疗电子设计平台——NI ELVIS,并分析了其优势。该设计平台可帮助设计人员完成医电信号的采集、前置调理电路的设计、高级信号处理算法的开发与分析、软硬件集成测试以及原型化系统实现等全部生物医电系统开发。  相似文献   

徐璟  王耀青 《微计算机信息》2007,23(26):187-189
从IP电话的发展趋势出发,介绍了一种基于P89C61X2BN和TMS320VC5402的IP电话终端的硬件设计方案。详细介绍了语音处理模块和系统控制模块的设计。提供了一种低成本的IP电话终端解决方案。  相似文献   

为了提高激光陀螺捷联系统的硬件平台集成度并减小其功耗,满足微小型导航系统的要求,在基于Xilinx的Virtex-4 FPGA芯片上,通过SoPC方法设计新一代硬件平台。该硬件平台使用FPGA内嵌的PowerPC405硬核处理器作为功能控制与运算中心,并在FPGA逻辑中设计功能全面的IP核来实现数据采集、数字滤波、串口通信和部分导航解算。从而在保证较高的运算速度和精度的同时,达到了预期的效果。  相似文献   

The newly introduced Kubelka–Munk Genetic Algorithm (KMGA) is a promising technique for the assessment of skin lesions from multi-spectral images. Using five skin parameter maps such as concentration or epidermis/dermis thickness, this method combines the Kubelka–Munk Light–Tissue interaction model and Genetic Algorithm optimization process to produce a quantitative measure of cutaneous tissue. Up to the present, variant improved KMGA implementations have been successfully realized using the recent parallel computing techniques. However, all these achievements are based on the multi-core CPUs. This results in a quite high cost and low practicability for the hardware equipment of the clinical system. Fortunately, Embedded Systems (ES) applications have made great progress in recent years, and many highly effective image processing devices, such as DSPs (Digital Signal Processor) and FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array), have been made available to engineers at a very convenient price. Nevertheless, today’s embedded devices have as well the advantages of high speed, high embedability, low power consumption, more flexibility, etc. Thus, we focus our researches on the embedded KMGA application development. In this paper, we realize the CPU-to-FPGA transplantation of KMGA within a special High-Level Synthesis (HLS) SW/HW Co-design framework. Moreover, several optimizations are made on the algorithm and source code to improve the performances of the final implementation. Compared with CPUs, intensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed approaches can effectively improve the performances of KMGA method both in terms of efficiency and accuracy.  相似文献   

文章介绍了面向银行、税务(简称银税类)行业应用的嵌入式Linux软件开发平台的研制背景,论述了开发平台的体系结构及其相应的功能组成模块,构建了三个面向通用银税类终端设备的可重用的应用编程接口(API)库。目前,此开发平台已成功地应用于ATM自动柜员机、嵌入式税控收款机等银税类终端产品的开发。  相似文献   

可信硬件平台的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对TCG可信平台的核心可信度量根不明确、缺乏有效的端口控制、对外接口速度低等缺陷,设计并实现了一种安全增强的可信硬件平台。该平台在借鉴TCG可信平台体系结构的基础上,以可信平台控制模块为核心可信度量根,解决了信任根的保护问题,同时实现了基于身份的I/O端口硬件控制,从而具有了更安全的可信启动、I/O有效控制等优点,可用在对可信安全要求较高的环境中。  相似文献   

本文研究的是基于ARM9的32位高端嵌入式微处理器和嵌入式操作系统内核,设计新型数据采集系统平台.是得到重庆大学创新实验室资助的研发项目.开发软件在uclinux操作系统下进行,本文详细介绍了uclinux开发环境的建立及编译运行、RS232串口模块和以太网模块的软件设计.  相似文献   

提出了一种视频在i.MX51平台的硬件解码方案,详细描述了使用VPU进行视频硬件解码的逻辑处理过程及解码流程.使用本方案将MPEG4格式的视频文件在Android平台进行解码并获得成功.对于使用i.MX51进行多媒体开发具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

A systematic transformation method based on incrementalization and value caching generalizes a broad family of program optimizations. It yields significant performance improvements in many program classes, including iterative schemes that characterize hardware specifications. CACHET is an interactive incrementalization tool. Although incrementalization is highly structured and automatable, better results are obtained through interaction, where the main task is to guide term rewriting based on data-specific identities. Incrementalization specialized to iteration corresponds to strength reduction, a familiar program improvement technique. This correspondence is illustrated by the derivation of a hardware-efficient nonrestoring square-root algorithm, which has also served as an example of theorem prover-based implementation verification. Published online: 9 October 2001 RID="*" ID="*"S.D. Johnson supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation under grant MIP-9601358. RID="**" ID="**"Y.A. Liu supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant CCR-9711253, the Office of Naval Research under grant N00014-99-1-0132, and Motorola Inc. under a Motorola University Partnership in Research Grant. RID="***" ID="***"Y. Zhang is a student recipient of a Motorola University Partnership in Research Grant.  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达SAR是一种主动式的对地观测系统.近年来SAR逐渐朝着多平台化发展,陆续出现了在无人机、探测车等小型移动平台上.SAR成像是运行在SAR上的成像程序,由于新的特殊运行环境的出现、其对低能耗和高算力有了更严格的要求.如何针对特定的平台,提供高性能、低功耗的应用支持,便成为其核心要点.对SAR成像计算和访存等特征进行了分析,针对性地进行了程序优化并测试了该程序在x86平台上的性能,以获得可靠的性能参考.在此基础上,面向DSP+FFT加速器的硬件结构,构建了一个算力配比数学模型,为硬件设计提供解决方案.  相似文献   

首先从数字化校园系统的总体架构层面,进行统一应用支撑平台结构和功能设计;然后提出采用面向服务体系结构搭建统一应用支撑平台思路,给出基于面向服务体系结构的统一应用支撑平台系统解决方案。该方案可很好地解决应用互操作问题,这对于企业实现各信息系统之间应用集成与协作具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

大气再分析产品涵盖了历史一段时期内的大气温度、压强、湿度、风速风向等变量的四维格点化信息,可以广泛应用到气候变化、武器装备设计等多个领域。针对再分析产品的数据格式及应用特点,再分析产品应用平台通用框架采用经典MVC三层模型,基于第三方软件开发和集成了解码、统计分析、可视化等应用组件和标准化的IO接口。以往ASCII格点数据需要用户导出GRIB格式数据,利用拼接软件拼接产生,耗时且十分麻烦。点面结合的混合数据管理,能实现对PB级再分析产品的高效管理,具有高扩展、低延迟等特点。场单元及点单元的点面结合管理方式可满足不同时空跨度的数据检索应用需求。  相似文献   

BRAD3D, a low-cost hardware platform for the development of a realtime 3D graphics software is presented. The BRAD3D configuration is derived from a generalization of 3D image synthesis. Three basic processes have been identified: the geometric process, dealing with the measurements of the scene; the topologic process, extracting visible information from the polygonal structure; and the scan-conversion process, producing pixel values on a frame buffer. BRAD3D is implemented as a three-stage pipeline and accommodates depth-list and scan-line hidden-surface-removal algorithms. Each stage of the pipeline can be implemented using different hardware solutions. A microprocessor-based solution is presented as a general prototyping approach.  相似文献   

随着社会节奏的加快与我国老龄化程度的加深,空巢老人数量迅速增加。空巢老人的身体健康成为各社区医疗服务站与其子女尤为关心的首要问题。提出一种远程社区智慧医疗监护平台设计方案,依托互联网大数据,将空巢老人身体健康指标数据通过无线网络远程传送到社区医疗服务站与其子女手机的终端APP。远程社区智慧医疗监护平台由监护端与采集端两大模块组成,能保证24小时不间断守护老人。仿真实验证明,提出的远程社区智慧医疗监护平台设计方案有效可行 。  相似文献   

基于Android平台的医护查房系统的研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
开发了基于Android平台医护手持平板查房系统,该系统在Eclipse集成开发环境下使用Android软件开发工具,实现了护士查询病人的基本信息、病情记录、健康评测记录等功能.也允许对病人的信息进行编辑并保存到服务器,及对病人定期进行健康评测并保存结果到服务器.该应用程序是Java语言开发的,根据需求给出了系统的功能模块划分和用例分析,并且完成了模拟器的测试.  相似文献   

雷达中继级设备是连接雷达设备与管制中心的关键设备,但目前对该类设备的故障检测还没有行之有效的方法。针对这一问题,提出了一种可以快速定位中继级设备故障的解决方案。重点阐述了方案中设备的数据流模型、用户空间软件设计以及底层驱动程序设计三个方面的内容。试验结果表明,该设备可以帮助技术人员有效提高雷达中继级设备故障检测效率。  相似文献   

自确认压力传感器是一种不仅能输出压力测量值,并且能对其自身工作状态进行在线评估的新型压力传感器。系统利用TMS320F2812和TMS320C6713组成双处理器系统,完成对自确认压力传感器八路信号的同步采集和信号调理,然后利用DSP实现传感器的故障检测、诊断、自确认参数计算等复杂运算,将确认的测量值,测量值确认的不确定度,传感器状态输出给上位机或用户。实验结果表明,该系统实现了自确认压力传感器的各项功能,通过修改DSP软件部分,可以应用于其他传感器信号的数据采集与处理。  相似文献   

一种运行测试G.723.1、G.729等常用低码率语音压缩标准算法的硬件平台的设计方法。使用浮点型DSP TMS320C6713做编解码处理器,EZ-USB FX2系列芯片CY7C68013作为主机通信和引导接口。具有高速、实时、稳定及支持软件升级等特点。  相似文献   

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