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With the advent of the governance economy era, traditional government governance models face enormous challenges. Governance management is the source of power to enter the era of the knowledge economy. This is a profound change that governments have needed to implement innovative government governance models, methods of social organization, and management. Governments in many countries are now adopting the construction of e-government as a strategy and response to demonstrate their priority development competitive advantage over the international competition and the challenges of the knowledge economy that spreads around the world. Therefore, the establishment of a new model of government governance has great theoretical and practical significance for impulse and government management innovation. The Dynamic Image Classification Algorithm (DICA) system is introduced in the implementation of the image processing technology and global disaster detection proposed here, and of this dynamic image classification algorithm (DICA) of the government, sector to extract more effectively. DICA is the most important task, or it is a strong shadow, proper access to the characteristics of the disaster area, and a false impact on the impact of the disaster, overcoming false alarms. It creates patches of post-disaster aerial image data from pre-tailoring and pre-adjustment training and satellite imagery. DICA training, all patches to government-managed data modified without delay or image data extraction. Two types of proposed systems are high-speed operation and accuracy (96.6%) and detection of earth disasters.  相似文献   

针对水下图像细节模糊和色彩失真严重的问题,提出一种基于编码解码结构的动态异构特征融合水下图像增强网络.首先,设计异构特征融合模块,将不同级别与不同层次的特征进行融合,提升网络对细节信息和语义信息的整体感知能力;然后,设计新型特征注意力机制,改进传统通道注意力机制,并将改进后的通道注意力与像素注意力机制加入异构特征融合过程,加强网络提取不同浑浊度像素特征的能力;接着,设计动态特征增强模块,自适应扩展感受野以提升网络对图像畸变景物的适应力和模型转换能力,加强网络对感兴趣区域的学习;最后,设计色彩损失函数,并联合最小化绝对误差损失与结构相似性损失,在保持图像纹理的基础上纠正色偏.实验结果表明,所提出算法可有效提升网络的特征提取能力,降低水下图像的雾度效应,提升图像的清晰度和色彩饱和度.  相似文献   

基于图像的火焰检测中无量纲动态特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄正宇  缪小平  芮挺 《计算机应用》2012,32(7):1894-1898
对火焰动态特征难以统一描述的问题,提出一种无量纲的检测方法。用“搜寻”的方法分割出火焰的可疑区域,分析火焰初期的特性,提取出三个无量纲特征因子并在贝叶斯分类器中训练,最后实现对火灾火焰的检测。其中“火焰动态常数”因子具有“稳定”的特性,其统计取值区间为[-0.003,0.003],突破了传统研究的时空局限性,不受火焰发展阶段、空间探测尺度以及监控设备种类的影响。对于实验中的不同远近的200帧序列的火焰检测,无量纲特征识别同一般特征识别结果相比较,正确识别率均超过90%。实验结果表明,无量纲动态特征因子能更好地描述火焰的特征,提高火焰识别的效率,增强火检系统的鲁棒性和可靠性。  相似文献   

Ren  Yimo  Li  Hong  Liu  Peipei  Liu  Jie  Li  Zhi  Zhu  Hongsong  Sun  Limin 《Knowledge and Information Systems》2023,65(10):4411-4429
Knowledge and Information Systems - Identifying owners of devices on the Internet can enable numerous network security applications. For example, accurate Owner Name Entity Recognition (ONER) of...  相似文献   

The work is to perceive the intricate karate activity groupings consequently. It is to give a proportion of the nature of the activity performed. This is because there is a problem that requires essentially model. This work can be removed from the two motion capture hardware and consumer derived from the input sequence. The solution for the skeleton's movement proposed a depth-sensing system. The speed of the body's action because there is a karate sport classification.On the other hand, because the practice with even skilled martial arts for years, behavior patterns are repetitive. Similarly, there is no interest in the commercial market for solutions used in today's computer entertainment and tutoring system. The future of collecting analysis of elements present in the correct posture, accelerated by a punch and kick, the different aspects of performance, such as synchronizing the limb's movement and evaluation. This work aims to provide a survey to evaluate the quality of the whole body movement technology. It proposes a data set and its plan to implement the first reference file of the work's future. Generally speaking, FPGA is programmable with a group of programmable interconnect resources through digital circuits or programmable logic blocks surrounded by input/output blocks. Any system silicon chip is put together. The processor and the FPGA are essentially indeed parallel.  相似文献   

Mean squared error (MSE) and peak signal-to-noise-ratio (PSNR) are the most common methods for measuring the quality of compressed images, despite the fact that their inadequacies have long been recognized. Quality for compressed still images is sometimes evaluated using human observers who provide subjective ratings of the images. Both SNR and subjective quality judgments, however, may be inappropriate for evaluating progressive compression methods which are to be used for fast browsing applications. In this paper, we present a novel experimental and statistical framework for comparing progressive coders. The comparisons use response time studies in which human observers view a series of progressive transmissions, and respond to questions about the images as they become recognizable. We describe the framework and use it to compare several well-known algorithms (JPEG, set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT), and embedded zerotree wavelet (EZW)), and to show that a multiresolution decoding is recognized faster than a single large-scale decoding. Our experiments also show that, for the particular algorithms used, at the same PSNR, global blurriness slows down recognition more than do localized "splotch" artifacts.  相似文献   

Numerous new RISC processors provide support for supercomputing.By using the “mini-Cray” i860 superscalar processor,an add-on board has been developed to boost the performance of a real time system.A parallel heterogeneous multiprocessor surercomputing system,TSP,is constructed.In this paper,we present the system design consideration and described the architecture of the TSP and its features.  相似文献   

A High-Order Bidirectional Associative Memory (HOBAM) based image recognition system and a dynamically reconfigurable multiprocessor system that achieves real-time response have been utilized to recognize corrupt images of human faces (faces obscured by hats, glasses, masks or slight translation and scaling effects). In addition, the HOBAM, in conjunction with edge detection techniques, has been used to recognize isolated objects within multiple-object images. Successful recognition rates have been achieved in both cases.A dynamically reconfigurable multiprocessor system and parallel software have been developed to achieve real-time response for image recognition. The system consists of Inmos transputers and cross-bar switches (IMS C004) with communication links dynamically connected by circuit switching. The use of transputers and cross-bar switches combined to form a low-cost multiprocessor system connected by a switching network is reported. Moreover, the switching network, which makes message routing unnecessary, simplifies the design of the communication in parallel software. Although the HOBAM is a fully connected network, the algorithm minimizes the amount of information that needs to be exchanged between processors using a data compression technique. The detailed design of both hardware and software are discussed, as well as the use of parallel processing to significantly increase the speed ratio. The architecture of the experimental system is a cost-effective design for an embedded system for neural network applications on computer vision.  相似文献   

为了确定低分辨率动态图像识别的最小信息需求,通过灰度化、二值化、边缘提取和匹配不同的仿真光幻视模板等处理策略将绘画过程视频处理为五种分辨率(24×24,32×32,48×48,64×64和128×128)的像素化动态视频,对其进行视频复杂度分析,并使用简化的Itti算法提取特征点来分类有效信息,记录并统计分析不同分辨率下的被试者识别时间以及识别准确率。实验结果表明,随着不同分辨率下的视频复杂度的升高,识别时间逐渐减少,识别准确率不断升高;动态视频的像素化分辨率越高,识别所需特征信息越少,当视频像素化分辨率达到64×64或128×128时,被试者只需少量特征信息即可完成识别。  相似文献   

提出将全局特征表征方法2DFLD、2DPCA与局部特征表征方法LBP相结合,应用到人脸二维强度图和三维深度图进行识别;对不同分类方法的识别得分再进行归一化加权融合。对比实验结果表明,LBP对2DFLD和2DPCA的识别结果有改善作用,二维强度图和三维深度图的得分归一化加权融合对整个识别率也有一定的改善,在CASIA3D人脸数据库上的识别率最高可达94.68%。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of classification based on motion capture data to identify the human skeleton dance types. The goal is based on the body joint's information is to perform the characteristic posture obtained by the ultra-high Kinect sensor, identifying for each dance. The proposed Target Detection (TD) algorithm is used to dance moving object identification based on the improved Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). The proposed Target Detection (TD) algorithm based on a Gaussian Mixture Model is a widely used method for modeling background from a Kinect sensor moving objects. The used data set contains six folk dance sequences and their variations. Gesture recognition scheme using a plurality of time constraints, spatial information, and spatial distribution characteristics to create a training data set appropriate application. The Gaussian Mixed Model distribution background model account, the algorithm, and their frame difference can be extracted in straight lines to obtain target dance areas with less background and background photo station under motor damage conditions. Through real-time Target Detection (TD) algorithm dance moving images based on the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), these two algorithms effectively detect dance moving image targets.  相似文献   

设计了一种基于平面图像识别的袋装粮数量智能识别方法。对粮库现场采集的图像样本,运用数字图像处理技术对图像进行降噪和对象体特征突显;然后运用区域增长法对图像中每一闭合像素区域进行聚类分割;最后根据相应几何特征值判定粮袋身份并通过其椭圆度的范围,以实现粮袋所属面的判定,达到对粮堆重量的自动识别。  相似文献   

This paper describes a software environment that allows the programming and configuration of a heterogeneous multiprocessor architecture consisting of specialized hardware and a general purpose trasputer net. Run-time-behavior estimation is done at a compile time by using directed dataflow graphs to represent the program and a database containing all the relevant information about functions. The system offers the implementations of functions running on different hardware platforms, static configuration and scheduling, and integrated performance measurement. We show how programmers can handle such a system without any deeper knowledge of the underlying specialized hardware.  相似文献   

针对传统的合成孔径雷达图像(SAR)识别算法识别精度低,用时长等问题,提出一种基于非下采样轮廓波变换(NSCT)和支持向量机(SVM)的SAR图像识别算法。首先通过非下采样轮廓波变换将目标图像分解成不同的尺度,然后得到目标图像的低频分量和高频分量;接着在高频分量中提取方向梯度直方图特征(HOG),在低频分量中利用局部二值化算法(Local Binary Pattern,LBP)提取纹理特征;然后将提取的梯度方向直方图特征和局部二值化特征空间连结,并使用支持向量机(SVM)作为分类器;最后对算法进行了测试。实验结果表明,该方法不仅能够有效地提高了SAR图像目标分类的精度,在MSTAR数据库上的准确率达到90.7%,而且对相干斑的影响具有较高的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

针对运动车辆识别实时性问题,综合运用图像处理和模式识别技术,给出了车辆图像处理方法,提出了基于二值差分图像的运动车辆位置识别算法.该算法采用特征小区匹配法识别车辆位置,减少了计算量,提高了识别速度.仿真试验结果表明,在摄像机拍摄位置静止、拍摄角度固定的情况下,利用该算法,能够以较快的速度、较准确地识别出画面中汽车的位置.  相似文献   

王冬丽  周彦 《控制与决策》2015,30(4):617-622
提出一种基于图论表示的正交变换基,并在此基础上对图像进行压缩采样与压缩域直接分类.首先,充分利用图像的边缘特性和像素关系,给出一种图像的图论表示方法;然后,通过图Laplacian矩阵的特征值分解得到其特征向量矩阵作为正交变换基,由此得到图像的图变换域稀疏表示;最后,利用随机投影后的压缩采样特征向量直接对分类器进行训练和测试,不仅保持了与原空间相当的分类精度,还大量地减少了训练和测试时间以及计算/存储代价.  相似文献   

利用移动最小二乘法实现图像变形   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
将移动最小二乘方法用于实现图像的变形操作,提出了一种基于控制曲线集的移动最小二乘图像变形方法。根据图像的形状拓扑关系或轮廓信息设置点,生成控制曲线,移动控制曲线的方向和位置使图像产生变形,生成图像的仿射变换、相似变换和刚性变换。实验表明,该方法可以使图像产生平滑、真实的变形,获得满意的效果。  相似文献   

采用运动点团模式对鱼眼视频序列中的目标检测方法进行了研究和探讨。运动点团模式的运动目标检测分为三个层次,每个层次对应一个具体的检测算法,即基于像素层的背景提取和更新、运动点团层的点团检测和判定及运动目标层的目标标记和跟踪。对三个算法的原理进行了探讨,并结合鱼眼图像的特点进行了算法改进和优化。实验结果表明,以运动点团作为中间检测过程的方法能有效对圆形鱼眼视频序列中的多个运动目标进行检测,特别是图像边缘的大畸变、低分辨率目标,相比传统的检测方法具有更好的检测稳定性和准确性,在大范围智能视频监控中具备很好的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

股票预测通常被形式化为非线性的时间序列预测任务,但很少有研究者试图通过技术面数据去系统地揭示股票市场内在结构,例如股票上涨或下跌背后的原因可能是业务领域之间的合作或冲突,这些额外信息的增加有助于判断股票的未来趋势。为了充分真实刻画股票市场的交易状态,表达股票之间显式或隐式的关系,提出一种基于动态异构网络的股价预测模型sDHN(stock dynamic heterogeneous network),综合股票以及所属行业和地域,将其建模为动态异构网络。该模型在网络上引入动态时序特征,创新融合股票节点的四种不同技术层面的相似性图,生成富信息异构图,最后聚合不同元路径中隐含的语义信息生成嵌入,从异构图的角度充分探索股票之间的潜在关联。此外,在三个真实世界的股票数据集上进行了大量实验,所提出的模型准确率比所有基线模型均高出5%~34%,F1-score则高出11.5%~37%,并且在图解释上证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

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