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Work?related musculoskeletal disorders are very common in the workplace, especially with tasks involving repetitive lifting and motions. Repetitive lifting of excessively heavy objects in the workplace could increase the severity and rates of work?related musculoskeletal disorders. In this article, the physiological effect of muscle fatigue on the dominant and nondominant arms of adult industrial workers performing various repetitive tasks was predicted using a muscular endurance model. Twenty?four (n = 24) industrial workers (18–45 years old) were randomly selected for this research. The effects of electromyography (EMG) were observed during incremental loading of 5–40 kg on the muscle of the dominant and nondominant arms of the subjects during static lifting activities. Results of the analysis showed that the endurance time decreased with the application of additional loads on the dominant and nondominant arms of all the subjects. This inverse relationship was used to predict the behavior of muscle fatigue. Additional findings indicated that workers performing repetitive lifting tasks could maintain maximum load capacities ranging from 20 to 30 kg. The acceptable maximum load capacity of 23 kg recommended by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is within this range. The results obtained from this research could be used in the beginning steps of the efforts to reevaluate and reestablish guidelines and limits in the design of industrial jobs involving repetitive motion. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Even in hi‐tech industries, physical workload is partly considerable and cannot be avoided because of product and process requirements. Especially in automotive, aviation, and marine industries, the assembly of the product geometry requires force exertions in ergonomically unfavorable conditions. Unfortunately, internationally accepted methods for the evaluation of those types of force exertions are rare. Besides some traditional German methods and EN 1005‐3 hardly any evaluation methods exist. Even those methods refer to force exertions in primarily upright symmetric working postures. To overcome these problems the Assembly Specific Fore Atlas was created during the recent years. From a sample of automotive workers (n = 273), a set of 54 whole‐body forces (6 main force directions while standing, sitting, kneeling; in an upward, bent, and overhead posture) and a set of 38 types of finger‐hand forces (all at maximum voluntary contractions [MVC] levels) were measured in the field. The inputs for the types of force exertions required in practice were sampled from a consortium of major European car and truck companies. In addition, evaluation methods were developed that allow “calculating” maximum recommended force limits from the measured maximum static forces (i.e., MVC) and task and user group relevant parameters. This contribution gives a short overview on the data collected and focuses on the evaluation methods that had been realized. First, qualitative results are presented from the first field tests.  相似文献   

The work here explores new numerical methods for supporting a Bayesian approach to parameter estimation of dynamic systems. This is primarily motivated by the goal of providing accurate quantification of estimation error that is valid for arbitrary, and hence even very short length data records. The main innovation is the employment of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to construct an ergodic Markov chain with invariant density equal to the required posterior density. Monte Carlo analysis of samples from this chain then provides a means for efficiently and accurately computing posteriors for model parameters and arbitrary functions of them.  相似文献   

This study aimed at investigating the effects of a novel neck balance system (NBS), which is a baseball cap with counterweights in the occipital part, on neuromuscular fatigue of neck muscles during and after a full‐range repeated neck flexion‐extension task. Surface electromyography (sEMG) of sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and semispinalis capitis (SC) muscles was recorded in 15 healthy individuals during full‐range flexion‐extension movements of the neck lasting 5 min at a fixed pace (1 Hz), with or without NBS. Maximal isometric force and sEMG were recorded before and after the fatiguing task. During the fatiguing task, the SC muscle showed a higher decline in amplitude of sEMG with NBS than without NBS, while no differences in the SCM muscle emerged between the two conditions. Maximal isometric force of both neck flexor and extensor muscles decreased significantly after the fatiguing task, both with NBS (p < .05) and without NBS (p < .05), with no differences between the two conditions. In conclusion, adopting the NBS promotes an increase of the activation of neck extensor muscles, possibly leading to earlier decline of the neuromuscular performance and to diminished ability to actively stabilize neck structures. For these reasons, the adoption of the NBS during dynamic, fatiguing contractions may not be appropriate.  相似文献   

Workers in grocery stores are exposed to numerous musculoskeletal risks that can be reduced using assistive devices while performing stocking tasks. A regional grocery store has recently deployed a mobile cart without comprehension of its ergonomic impact on workers, which this article investigates using normalized electromyography data (%MVC). This article studies not only ergonomic impact based on %MVC values but also work performance represented by a muscle force metric (MFM). The results from this study showed highest muscle groups in %MVC and MFM were the erector spinae and triceps. Interestingly, muscle activations on erector spinae were reduced when mobile cart is used. %MVC and MFM distribution for value‐added‐ and non‐value‐added subtasks were slightly different, with larger differences observed for non‐value‐added tasks. Video recordings revealed higher work performance when the mobile cart is used. In future research, the number of participants will be increased to further validate the results from this study.  相似文献   

In ergonomics and biomechanics, muscle fatigue models based on maximum endurance time (MET) models are often used to integrate fatigue effect into ergonomic and biomechanical application. However, due to the empirical principle of those MET models, the disadvantages of this method are: 1) the MET models cannot reveal the muscle physiology background very well; 2) there is no general formation for those MET models to predict MET. In this paper, a theoretical MET model is extended from a simple muscle fatigue model with consideration of the external load and maximum voluntary contraction in passive static exertion cases. The universal availability of the extended MET model is analyzed in comparison to 24 existing empirical MET models. Using mathematical regression method, 21 of the 24 MET models have intraclass correlations over 0.9, which means the extended MET model could replace the existing MET models in a general and computationally efficient way. In addition, an important parameter, fatigability (or fatigue resistance) of different muscle groups, could be calculated via the mathematical regression approach. Its mean value and its standard deviation are useful for predicting MET values of a given population during static operations. The possible reasons influencing the fatigue resistance were classified and discussed, and it is still a very challenging work to find out the quantitative relationship between the fatigue resistance and the influencing factors.

Relevance to industry

MSD risks can be reduced by correct evaluation of static muscular work. Different muscle groups have different properties, and a generalized MET model is useful to simplify the fatigue analysis and fatigue modeling, especially for digital human techniques and virtual human simulation tools.  相似文献   

Kenneth  Tyrone  Greg  Sundeep  Kameshwar   《Automatica》2008,44(12):3087-3092
In this paper we consider a unified framework for parameter estimation problems. Under this framework, the unknown parameters appear in a linear fractional transformation (LFT). A key advantage of the LFT problem formulation is that it allows us to efficiently compute gradients, Hessians, and Gauss–Newton directions for general parameter estimation problems without resorting to inefficient finite-difference approximations. The generality of this approach also allows us to consider issues such as identifiability, persistence of excitation, and convergence for a large class of model structures under a single unified framework.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish models to predict maximum endurance time (MET) for one‐handed carrying tasks. A one‐handed carrying experiment, under three loads and two walking speeds, was performed. The participant carried a dumbbell on the side using either dominant or nondominant hand. His or her arm was straight‐down. The MET values were collected. Both power and exponential functions were adopted in establishing simplified MET models considering the relative force (fMVC) applied. The simplified models were further expanded to full models where body weight and walking speed were also included. It was found that the power models provided better estimates than the exponential models when the fMVC was lower than approximately 0.17 for both the simplified and full models. Considering the effects of the walking speed, the full models are recommended when the fMVC is 0.3 or lower.  相似文献   

Quantifying the accuracy of Hammerstein model estimation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Brett  Stuart 《Automatica》2002,38(12):2037-2051
This paper investigates the accuracy of the linear component that forms part of an overall Hammerstein model-structure estimate, and a key finding is that the process of estimating the non-linear element can have a strong effect on the associated estimate of the linear dynamics. Furthermore, this effect is not explained simply by way of considering how the input spectrum is changed by the non-linearity. Instead, it arises that the linear model-estimate variability may be dominated by a term that depends on the frequency response of the linear system itself. Amongst other things, the main results derived here have experiment design implications for Hammerstein system estimation.  相似文献   

A system identification method for nonlinear systems with unknown structure is presented using short input-output data. The method simplifies the original NARMAX method. It introduces more general model structures for nonlinear systems. The group method of data handling (GMDH) method is employed to obtain the model terms and parameters. Effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by a typical nonlinear system with unknown structure and deficient input-output data.  相似文献   

A simplified NARMAX method using nonlinear input-output data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A system identification method for nonlinear systems with unknown structure is presented using short input-output data. The method simplifies the original NARMAX method. It introduces more general model structures for nonlinear systems. The group method of data handling (GMDH) method is employed to obtain the model terms and parameters. Effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by a typical nonlinear system with unknown structure and deficient input-output data.  相似文献   

基于最大熵的维吾尔语句子边界识别模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用最大熵模型实现维吾尔语句子边界识别,该模型的训练过程不需要提供手工收集规则、词性标注及形态分析,仅使用较容易获取的单词长度和音节等特征。为确定最佳特征模板,在特征空间上组合出不同特征模板进行测试。实验结果表明,最佳特征模板具有较强的鲁棒性,召回率可达97.72%。  相似文献   

This paper considers the identification problems of Hammerstein finite impulse response moving average (FIR-MA) systems using the maximum likelihood principle and stochastic gradient method based on the key term separation technique. In order to improve the convergence rate, a maximum likelihood multi-innovation stochastic gradient algorithm is presented. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithms can effectively estimate the parameters of the Hammerstein FIR-MA systems.  相似文献   

利用BP-NN算法的机器人臂重力补偿研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用反向传播神经网络(BP-NN)学习算法,对机器人臂的重力补偿进行了研究。给出了机器人臂各关节扭矩的重力项理论计算公式及其连杆参数识别方法,同时,对BP-NN算法进行了详细分析,利用BP-NN来处理机器人臂重力项并进行试验。试验结果表明,采用该学习算法得到的机器人臂重力项输出值和实测值基本一致,能有效减少机器人臂重力项计算量,达到实时控制的目的。  相似文献   

The accuracy aspects of identification (with respect to both variance and bias of estimates) and the role of filtering in closed-loop identification is discussed in this paper. It is shown that the key difference between closed-loop and open-loop identification is the existence of the sensitivity function. A closed-loop identification algorithm which asymptotically yields the same expressions as open-loop identification, in both variance and bias errors, is proposed. The proposed algorithm is evaluated by simulated examples as well as experiments performed on a computer-interfaced pilot-scale process.  相似文献   

A four compartment mechanistic mathematical model is developed for the pharmacokinetics of the commonly used anti-malarial drug artesunate and its principle metabolite dihydroartemisinin following oral administration of artesunate. The model is structurally unidentifiable unless additional constraints are imposed. Combinations of mechanistically derived constraints are considered to assess their effects on structural identifiability and on model fits. Certain combinations of the constraints give rise to locally or globally identifiable model structures.  相似文献   

A four compartment mechanistic mathematical model is developed for the pharmacokinetics of the commonly used anti-malarial drug artesunate and its principle metabolite dihydroartemisinin following oral administration of artesunate. The model is structurally unidentifiable unless additional constraints are imposed. Combinations of mechanistically derived constraints are considered to assess their effects on structural identifiability and on model fits. Certain combinations of the constraints give rise to locally or globally identifiable model structures.  相似文献   

An indirect method for transfer function estimation from closed loop data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An indirect method is introduced that is able to estimate consistently the transfer function of a linear plant on the basis of data obtained from closed loop experiments, even in the situation where the model of the noise disturbance on the data is not accurate. Moreover, the method allows approximate identification of the open loop plant with an explicit and tunable expression for the bias distribution of the resulting model.  相似文献   

基于辅助模型的多新息广义增广随机梯度算法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
将辅助模型辨识思想与多新息辨识理论相结合,利用系统可测信忠建立一个辅助模型.分别用辅助模型输出和噪声估计值代替辨识模型信忠向量中未知真实输出变量和不可测噪声项,并引入新忠长度扩展标量新息为新息向量,提出了Box-lenkins模型的辅助模型多新忠广义增广随机梯度辨识方法.所提出方法重复使用系统数据,能够改善参数估计精度,加快算法的收敛速度.  相似文献   

Motion blur is one of the most common blurs that degrades images. Restoration of such images is highly dependent on estimation of motion blur parameters. Since 1976, many researchers have developed algorithms to estimate linear motion blur parameters. These algorithms are different in their performance, time complexity, precision and robustness in noisy environments. In this paper, we have presented a novel algorithm to estimate linear motion blur parameters such as direction and length. We used Radon transform to find direction and bispectrum modeling to find the length of motion. Our algorithm is based on the combination of spatial and frequency domain analysis. The great benefit of our algorithm is its robustness and precision in noisy images. We used statistical measures to prove goodness of our model. Our method was tested on 80 standard images that were degraded with different directions and motion lengths, with additive Gaussian noise. The error tolerance average of the estimated parameters was 0.9° in direction and 0.95 pixel in length and the standard deviations were 0.69 and 0.85, respectively.  相似文献   

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