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This paper presents industrial applications for improving the capability of the fine-pitch stencil printing process (SPP) based on the DMAIC framework and using Taguchi-based methodologies. SPP is widely recognized as the main contributor of soldering defects in a surface mount assembly (SMA). An inadequate volume of solder paste deposition or poor printing quality can cause soldering defects and lead to significant reworking and repairing costs. In practice, both the desired amount of solder paste volume (quantitative index) and printing quality (qualitative index) are preferably used to monitor the SPP for the reduction of soldering defects during the statistical control process (SPC), particularly for a fine-pitch solder paste printing operation. To continuously improve SPP capability, the DMAIC framework is followed and Taguchi-based methodologies are proposed under the considerations of single characteristic performance index (SCPI) and multiple characteristic performance indices (MCPI). The SCPI is optimized using the conventional Taguchi method. Then, a Taguchi fuzzy-based model is developed to optimize the SPP with the MCPI property. Optimizing a multi-response problem by the Taguchi method involves the engineer's judgment which tends to increase the degree of uncertainty. The performance of these two approaches is compared through the process capability metric, and the material and factors significantly affecting the fine-pitch SPP performance are reported. 相似文献
Surface mount assembly defect problems can cause significant production-time losses. About 60% of surface mount assembly defects can be attributed to the solder paste stencil printing process. This paper proposes a neurofuzzy-based quality-control system for the fine pitch stencil printing process. The neurofuzzy approach is used to model the nonlinear behavior of the stencil printing process. Eight control variables are defined for process planning and control, including stencil thickness, component pitch, aperture area, snap-off height, squeegee speed, squeegee pressure, solder paste viscosity, and solder paste particle size. The response variables are the volume and height of solder paste deposited. The values of the response variables provide indicators for identifying potential quality problems. A 38–3 fractional factorial experimental design is conducted to collect structured data to augment those collected from the production line for neurofuzzy learning and modeling. Visual basic programming language is then used for both rule retrieval and graphical-user-interface modeling. The effectiveness of the proposed system is illustrated through a real-world application. 相似文献
贴片机喂料器分配的优化及其遗传算法求解 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
针对贴片机喂料器的分配问题,给出一个新的模型,在贴装顺序已知的前提下,以贴装整块电路板所花费的总时间作为优化目标.基于该模型给出一种遗传算法,以目标函数作为其评价函数.与贪婪分配算法相比较,所花费的代价平均减少了6.2%,从而验证了该方法的有效性. 相似文献
The solder paste printing (SPP) is a critical procedure in a surface mount technology (SMT) based assembly line, which is one of the major attributes to the defect of the printed circuit boards (PCBs). The quality of SPP is influenced by multiple factors, such as the squeegee speed, pressure, the stencil separation speed, cleaning frequency, and cleaning profile. During printing, the printer environment is dynamically varying due to the physical change of solder paste, which can result in a dynamic variation of the relationships between the printing results and the influential factors. To reduce the printing defects, it is critical to understand such dynamic relationships. This research focuses on determining the printing performance during printing by implementing a wavelet filtering-based temporal recurrent neural network. To reduce the noise factor in the solder paste inspection (SPI) data, this research applies a three-dimensional dual-tree complex wavelet transformation for low-pass noise filtering and signal reconstruction. A recurrent neural network is utilized to model the performance prediction with low noise interference. Both printing sequence and process setting information are considered in the proposed recurrent network model. The proposed approach is validated using practical dataset and compared with other commonly used data mining approaches. The results show that the proposed wavelet-based multi-dimensional temporal recurrent neural network can effectively predict the printing process performance and can be a high potential approach in reducing the defects and controlling cleaning frequency. The proposed model is expected to advance the current research in the application of smart manufacturing in surface mount technology. 相似文献
In this paper, we used data mining techniques for the automatic discovering of useful temporal abstraction in reinforcement learning. This idea was motivated by the ability of data mining algorithms in automatic discovering of structures and patterns, when applied to large data sets. The state transitions and action trajectories of the learning agent are stored as the data sets for data mining techniques. The proposed state clustering algorithms partition the state space to different regions. Policies for reaching different parts of the space are separately learned and added to the model in a form of options (macro-actions). The main idea of the proposed action sequence mining is to search for patterns that occur frequently within an agent’s accumulated experience. The mined action sequences are also added to the model in a form of options. Our experiments with different data sets indicate a significant speedup of the Q-learning algorithm using the options discovered by the state clustering and action sequence mining algorithms. 相似文献
A primary challenge of agent-based policy learning in complex and uncertain environments is escalating computational complexity with the size of the task space(action choices and world states) and the number of agents.Nonetheless,there is ample evidence in the natural world that high-functioning social mammals learn to solve complex problems with ease,both individually and cooperatively.This ability to solve computationally intractable problems stems from both brain circuits for hierarchical representation of state and action spaces and learned policies as well as constraints imposed by social cognition.Using biologically derived mechanisms for state representation and mammalian social intelligence,we constrain state-action choices in reinforcement learning in order to improve learning efficiency.Analysis results bound the reduction in computational complexity due to stateion,hierarchical representation,and socially constrained action selection in agent-based learning problems that can be described as variants of Markov decision processes.Investigation of two task domains,single-robot herding and multirobot foraging,shows that theoretical bounds hold and that acceptable policies emerge,which reduce task completion time,computational cost,and/or memory resources compared to learning without hierarchical representations and with no social knowledge. 相似文献
基于明暗重构形状原理重构表面组装焊点的表面三维形状过程是:先通过图像采集设备,采集到SMT焊点图像,使用相关的图像处理技术,对SMT焊点图像进行处理;根据一个确定的反射模型建立物体表面形状与图像亮度之间的约束关系和物体表面形状的先验知识建立物体表面形状参数的约束关系,然后对这些约束关系联立求解,可得到物体表面的三维形状.同时针对不可接受SMT焊点图像重构出的三维图像不够理想的缺点进行了改进.在阐述其基本思想和原理的基础上,结合实例介绍了该技术的实现方法与步骤,对其中焊点图像的获取与处理、焊点三维重构技术算法等主要内容与关键技术进行了研究和探讨,并对结果进行了分析验证. 相似文献
Batch or semi-batch processing is becoming more prevalent in industrial chemical manufacturing but it has not benefited from advanced control technologies to a same degree as continuous processing. This is due to its several unique aspects which pose challenges to implementing model-based optimal control, such as its highly nonstationary operation and significant run-to-run variabilities. While existing advanced control methods like model predictive control (MPC) have been extended to address some of the challenges, they still suffer from certain limitations which have prevented their widespread industrial adoption. Reinforcement learning (RL) where the agent learns the optimal policy by interacting with the system offers an alternative to the existing model-based methods and has potential for bringing significant improvements to industrial batch process control practice. With such motivation, this paper examines the advantages that RL offers over the traditional model-based optimal control methods and how it can be tailored to better address the characteristics of industrial batch process control problems. After a brief review of the existing batch control methods, the basic concepts and algorithms of RL are introduced and issues for applying them to batch process control problems are discussed. The nascent literature on the use of RL in batch process control is briefly reviewed, both in recipe optimization and tracking control, and our perspectives on future research directions are shared. 相似文献
A reinforcement learning method based on an immune network adapted to a semi-Markov decision process
Nagahisa Kogawa Masanao Obayashi Kunikazu Kobayashi Takashi Kuremoto 《Artificial Life and Robotics》2009,13(2):538-542
The immune system is attracting attention as a new biological information processing-type paradigm. It is a large-scale system
equipped with a complicated biological defense function. It has functions of memory and learning that use interactions such
as stimulus and suppression between immune cells. In this article, we propose and construct a reinforcement learning method
based on an immune network adapted to a semi-Markov decision process (SMDP). We show that the proposed method is capable of
dealing with a problem which is modeled as a SMDP environment through computer simulation.
This work was presented in part at the 13th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January
31–February 2, 2008 相似文献
Zhengxing HuangAuthor Vitae W.M.P. van der AalstAuthor VitaeXudong LuAuthor Vitae Huilong DuanAuthor Vitae 《Data & Knowledge Engineering》2011,70(1):127-145
Efficient resource allocation is a complex and dynamic task in business process management. Although a wide variety of mechanisms are emerging to support resource allocation in business process execution, these approaches do not consider performance optimization. This paper introduces a mechanism in which the resource allocation optimization problem is modeled as Markov decision processes and solved using reinforcement learning. The proposed mechanism observes its environment to learn appropriate policies which optimize resource allocation in business process execution. The experimental results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms well known heuristic or hand-coded strategies, and may improve the current state of business process management. 相似文献
针对目前SMT(surface mount technology)焊点图像去噪效果不理想的问题,提出了一种基于小波包变换与wiener滤波的SMT焊点图像去噪新方法.利用小波包对图像进行分解,可以同时对SMT焊点图像的低频和高频部分进行多层分解,有利于保留图像信息,减少噪声对图像的影响.通过对图像的小波包系数的分析,对小波包树高频系数进行Wiener滤波,保留低频系数;然后进行小波包反变换,重构得到SMT焊点去噪后图像.实验表明,提出的方法不仅可以有效地去除SMT焊点图像的噪声,而且能很好地保留原图像的边缘信息,与传统方法相比,去噪性能和去噪声效果有一定的提高. 相似文献
推荐算法在一定程度上解决了信息过载问题,但传统推荐模型在挖掘数据特性方面有待改进。为此,结合强化学习方法提出一种融合序列模式评分的策略梯度推荐算法。将推荐过程建模为马尔可夫决策过程;分析推荐基础数据特性模式,设计以序列模式评分为奖励的反馈函数,在算法的每一次迭代过程中学习;通过对累积奖励设计标准化操作来降低策略梯度的方差。将该方法应用到电影推荐中进行验证,结果表明所提方法具有较好的推荐准确性。 相似文献
M Riedmiller 《Neural computing & applications》1999,8(4):323-338
The paper presents the concepts of a neural control architecture that is able to learn high quality control behaviour in technical process control from scratch. As the input to the learning system, only the control target must be specified. In the first part of the article, the underlying theoretical principles of dynamic programming methods are explained, and their adaptation to the context of technical process control is described. The second part discusses the basic capabilities of the learning system on a typical benchmark problem, where a special focus lies on the quality of the acquired control law. The application to a highly nonlinear chemical reactor and to an instable multi-output system shows the ability of the proposed neural control architecture to learn even difficult control strategies from scratch. 相似文献
研究了优先扫描的强化学习方法,通过定义新的迹,把多步截断即时差分学习用于集成规划的优先扫描强化学习,用多步截断即时差分来定义扫描优先权,提出一种改进的优先扫描强化学习算法并进行仿真实验,实验结果表明,新算法的学习效率有明显的提高。 相似文献