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随着国际信息技术的发展,物联网已成为发展的主流;其中的智能家居系统,作为物联网发展的十大重点领域之一,也得到快速的发展.克服传统的智能家居系统内部有线组网的弊端,本文研究采用无线通信技术来组建家庭无线局域网的硬件系统,先对设计了总体的系统图,然后分别对硬件系统和软件系统分别进行设计,其中软件系统基于UC/OS-Ⅱ嵌入式操作系统的应用软件的开发,使用户操作起来更加方便,界面更加友好.  相似文献   

随着通信技术、网络技术、信息技术、数据库技术以及计算机技术的快速发展,物联网的产生是必然的,同时智能电网的发展是现代电网发展的主要方向,引领以信息化、自动化、互动化为基本特征的新一代电力工业革命。物联网应用在智能电网中将显著提高电力系统信息化水平、安全性与稳定性,改善现有电力系统基础设施的利用效率,满足节能环保的效果。介绍了物联网和智能电网的相关概念以及发展现状.并提出了物联网在智能电网中的具体应用。  相似文献   

基于物联网的智能家居远程无线监控系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于ARM920T内核的S3C2440、嵌入式Web服务、QT技术、无线组网技术,设计了智能家居监控系统,系统由智能家居主机、ZigBee/Wi-Fi无线传感控制网络、智能家居客户端软件组成。系统完成了智能家居主机的硬件和软件设计:在ARM平台上移植嵌入式Linux操作系统;使用gSOAP工具建立嵌入式Web服务;配置USB转串口驱动、无线Wi-Fi网卡驱动;组建ZigBee无线传感控制网络,完成对协调器节点以及终端节点的程序设计,制定了数据通信协议;使用QT技术设计客户端程序。最后,重点测试ZigBee网络的建立、终端节点入网和传感器节点数据传输。测试结果表明网络中的传感器节点能够将检测的信息传送到协调器中,智能家居客户端软件能够通过智能家居主机完成对家居环境的远程监测和控制。  相似文献   

物联网技术在医疗领域发挥着日益重要的作用。随着移动医疗、远程监护需求的增加,医疗物联网的黄金时代正在破晓。医疗物联网的核心是医疗移动化和无线化,如何把互联网平台下的传统电子病历系统移植到物联网平台上,成为亟待解决的关键问题。从物联网技术的感知层、传输层和应用层出发,建立基于传感器、射频识别(RFID)技术、Zig Bee协议及PML技术的嵌入式电子病历系统,为医疗信息的采集、存储及传输提供解决方案,对我国卫生信息化发展具有重要而深远的意义。  相似文献   


In recent years, the buildings where we spend most part of our life are rapidly evolving. They are becoming fully automated environments where energy consumption, access control, heating and many other subsystems are all integrated within a single system commonly referred to as smart building (SB). To support the growing complexity of building operations, building automation systems (BAS) powering SBs are integrating consumer range Internet of things (IoT) devices such as IP cameras alongside with operational technology (OT) controllers and actuators. However, these changes pose important cybersecurity concerns since the attack surface is larger, attack vectors are increasing and attacks can potentially harm building occupants. In this paper, we analyze the threat landscape of BASs by focusing on subsystems which are strongly affected by the advent of IoT devices such as video surveillance systems and smart lightining. We demonstrate how BAS operation can be disrupted by simple attacks to widely used network protocols. Furthermore, using both known and 0-day vulnerabilities reported in the paper and previously disclosed, we present the first (at our knowledge) BAS-specific malware which is able to persist within the BAS network by leveraging both OT and IoT devices connected to the BAS. Our research highlights how BAS networks can be considered as critical as industrial control systems and security concerns in BASs deserve more attention from both industrial and scientific communities. Even within a simulated environment, our proof-of-concept attacks were carried out with relative ease and a limited amount of budget and resources. Therefore, we believe that well-funded attack groups will increasingly shift their focus towards BASs with the potential of impacting the live of thousands of people.


Nowadays, countless industrial IIoT contraptions and sensors are conveyed a sharp plant to gather tremendous information regarding system conditions and a computerized bodily framework for handling industrial plant's mist point of convergence by using keen assembling projects. By then, the system utilizes an array of condition-based support model (CBM) procedures to predict when devices begin to unusually work and to keep them up or supplant their fragments ahead of time to avoid assembling colossal investigator items in smart manufacturing industries. CBM experiences problems of floating ideas (ie, conveying examples of deficiencies can change extra time) and information of lop-sidedness (ie, information with issues represents a minority of all things considered). The condition-based support assisted learning technique by the group that coordinates the assorted variety of numerous classifiers provides an elite response to address these issues. Therefore, in this work the proposed work classifies offline three-organized CBM with floats of ideas and awkwardness data, using an improved Dynamic AdaBoost for preparing a group classifier and an enhanced linear four rates (LFR) methodology is used by the classifier of nominal and continuous (NC) with synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) method to tackle inconsistent information in recognizing concept floats in lop-sidedness information. The investigational results scheduled datasets by varying notches anomaly demonstration that the future strategy has a high degree of accuracy in the identifiable evidence of minority knowledge, which is over 96%.  相似文献   

曾华燊 《计算机应用》2012,32(4):893-899
从Internet发展历史及应用环境变化的角度讨论IoT(Internet of Things)提出背景、内涵、组成结构和体系结构等关键问题。在分析对IoT的典型定义的基础上,笔者认为“ITU把IoT作为Internet平台在应用领域实现人、机、和智能化物理对象(SPO)信息全方位互通和实践普适计算理念的下一代Internet及其应用系统的概括”是对IoT更为合理的广义定义。以该定义为基础,全面地分析了“由多个用户域网(CPN)通过骨干通信子网互联”的基本组成结构,讨论了两类SPO CPN的基本组成结构及其支撑技术;指出SPO的引入主要影响CPN资源网络中的接入部分,属于应用系统的范畴,对Internet基本技术影响甚微。笔者不赞同以欧盟为代表的把IoT定义为联物专用网的狭义定义,指出其IoT模型和体系结构研究混淆了网络平台与应用系统,实质上是网络应用系统模型和体系结构。  相似文献   

基于物联网的瓦斯监控系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前瓦斯事故仍经常发生而监控系统存在不足的情况,从硬件、软件两方面设计了基于物联网的瓦斯监控系统。井下采用Zig Bee无线传输网络替代传统有线网络,进行瓦斯数据的传输。井下终端板卡使用S3C2400微处理器,采用嵌入式Windows CE作为操作系统,将井下数据由网络发送到服务器。设计了基于C/S的客户端应用软件访问方式和基于B/S的WEB网页访问方式。实验表明:系统稳定、可靠、界面友好,可方便地对瓦斯数据进行监控。  相似文献   

Severe acute pancreatitis can be a dangerous condition or withdrawal mainly in connection with the entering fluid. Acute Pancreatitis (AP) is challenging to analyze When a rare Hemorrhagic Fever Renal Syndrome is(HFRS). The method dissected AP reflection and confusion of HFRS and 105 cases of Acute Biliary Pancreatitis (ABP) clinical quality in 7 patients. Although the necessary trigger conditions can be changed, then pathophysiology is widely rival for whatever reason. This article will explore the fundamental drivers of intense pancreatitis’ pathophysiology and discuss how to take care of a standard set of plates due to consider. It also keeps track of the condition, appropriate management into the troubled carrier liquid and nutrition considerations placements. In extreme pancreatitis management, care can be covered regularly, especially in the clinical administration. Therefore, for the participants to meet and create some more intense pancreatitis management, information is essential.  相似文献   

"2002年,物联网的概念由AUTO-ID中国实验室引入中国,当时知道这个概念的人局限在为数不多的业内专家。在物联网广受大众追捧的今天,闵昊教授对物联网却持有理性而冷静的态度:同其他产业一样,物联网要在明晰的商业模式下,由市场驱动要在应用中体现出其价值进而获得发展。同时,闵昊教授还对物联网和RFID产业的发展给出了中肯客观的建议。  相似文献   

物联网技术在医疗领域的研究进展*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从药品领域、远程监护、医疗信息化、医疗设备管理等多个方面详细讨论了物联网技术在医疗领域的应用现状,并在医疗物联网、物联网医学和健康物联网等概念的基础上,分析了目前物联网技术在医疗领域的研究现状。最后指出了医疗领域下物联网研究中有待解决的关键问题,包括面向医疗行业的物联网系统标准、电子病历的相关问题,以及病人数据安全和隐私保护问题等。  相似文献   

Embedded systems are widely used in the consumer, commercial automotive, industrial and medical markets. Generally speaking, only the embedded device operating system runs an application that can help the device to complete its work. Systems that are blocked by complete objects may or may not be connected to the Internet. The heart of electronic systems, and embedded systems in communications and coordination, manage biometric information from numerous stationery and bodies. In circuit Emulator is to debug the software, is the temporary installation of between embedded devices and the outside of the computer to be updated. Embedded systems, because the stringent power consumption requirements and computing resources are limited, writing software for embedded devices, will be a very specialized field that requires knowledge of hardware components and programming. Cardiac catheterization is an invasive surgery shown in a variety of environments. It has been used for the management of diagnostic evaluation and heart disease in the patient's nursing intervention. The purpose of this is to explore the role of nursing intervention after the cardiac events and processes. After a major cardiovascular events, patients, there are many questions about the results of illness and recovery, including worry back to a previous life. Recovery from cardiac events is a complex process. Presented psychological, physical needs will continue after being discharged from the hospital.  相似文献   

基于物联网的温室大棚系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于物联网的温室大棚系统,运用物联网系统的传感器设备,检测大棚的温度、相对湿度、光照强度、土壤水分、CO2体积分数等参数。通过Zig Bee无线传感器网络(WSNs)采集传感器的数据,传感器数据通过以STM32F103RBT6为核心设计的无线网关传输到远程监测中心。监测中心通过对接收到的数据进行分析,可对大棚环境进行短信预警通知,同时在PC或手机终端可以实时查询大棚状态,并远程控制大棚的浇灌器、通风天窗、外遮阳等设备,实现对大棚生态信息的自动监测和对设施进行自动控制的智能化管理。  相似文献   

物联网统一编码体系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前物联网编码标志存在的编码体系不统一、方案不兼容、局限于某些领域、无法实现跨行业、跨平台、规模化的物联网应用等一系列问题, 提出了一种新的编码思想和体系。它抽象出一种提供位移的载体物品和一般的实体物品, 而现实中的产物品可以看做是由两者以不同方式的结合, 对实体物品和载体物品采用统一编码, 就完成了对物品在生产和流通阶段的编码标志。基于云计算的解析服务系统对物品的所有者和状态的信息进行动态更新, 就能满足物联网对物品的实时监控和智能化管理。  相似文献   

提出一种基于无线的物联智能家居控制系统设计,该系统通过PXA270和nRF24L01模块实现无线采集、发送各项家居信息;通过GSM通信将烟雾、煤气、红外等传感器的异常报警信息以短信方式通知用户,并连接PXA270的PC实现实时远程监控。经过测试,该系统工作稳定,便于实际应用,市场前景广阔。  相似文献   

Clone node attack in IoT sensor devices remains a grave security concern as it paves the way for sinkhole, wormhole, and selective forwarding attacks. In this paper, a two-level authentication scheme named Fingerprint-based Zero-Knowledge Authentication (FZKA) algorithm is proposed to improve the detection rate of clone node among the sensor devices. In the fingerprint generation phase, the base station calculates a distinct fingerprint value for each and every node in the network by gathering neighborhood information, represented in the form of superimposed s-disjunct code matrix. The calculated fingerprint is considered as a secret value and distributed to each cluster nodes for the process of authentication. The FZKA algorithm improves the cloned node detection accuracy with minimal detection time. The simulation results highlight the cloned node detection rate of the proposed scheme by a margin of 92.5% against the existing Exponential Smoothing Algorithm (ETS), Position Verification Method, and Message Verification and Passing algorithms.  相似文献   

李宣  柳毅 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(11):3401-3405,3421
在产品安全日益重要的今天,传统的产品溯源系统依旧存在着中心化存储、数据可信度低、数据易窜改及责任人定位困难等问题。区块链技术凭借其分布式存储、链式结构、不可窜改和高容错性等特点,能在信息的搜集、存储和共享等过程中实现数据溯源功能,并借助物联网技术保证区块链源头数据的真实可靠,以实现对产品信息的实时跟踪。基于此,提出了使用双区块链和物联网技术的产品防伪溯源系统,分析了该溯源系统的安全性并通过仿真实验验证了该系统的可行性,对区块链技术和产品安全领域的进一步结合提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

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