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Landscape planning is based on science and the arts. Landscape planning and design appropriate coordination to do the relationship between spatial planning and the earth, and between man and nature. Landscape planning has a fundamental goal of sustainable development, in landscape planning, more technologically advanced planning and design theory to solve the modern field's practical problems. It provides a powerful new way to functional space planning and landscape analysis. Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the importance of planning can improve outcomes. Enable planners to understand the natural landscape and accurately understand and landscape planning and landscape design some new ideas. This is the best practical implications of the simulation and verifies the effectiveness of landscape design and planning. The problem for traditional distribution landscape simulation technology, designed a new distribution pattern of rationality simulation technology based on 3D images and virtual reality technology. This analysis method is based on the first time the three-dimensional image of the garden's rational distribution. 3D image analysis of the distribution landscape's effectiveness results from a three-dimensional image reconstruction completed and based on virtual reality technology. Finally, it will discuss the garden, rational drug delivery technologies, case studies, the advantages, and performance test results.  相似文献   


This paper presents the system architecture of a collaborative virtual environment in which distributed multidisciplinary teams involved in space exploration activities come together and explore areas of scientific interest of a planet for future missions. The aim is to reduce the current challenges of distributed scientific and engineering meetings that prevent the exploitation of their collaborative potential, as, at present, expertise, tools and datasets are fragmented. This paper investigates the functional characteristics of a software framework that addresses these challenges following the design science research methodology in the context of the space industry and research. An implementation of the proposed architecture and a validation process with end users, based on the execution of different use cases, are described. These use cases cover relevant aspects of real science analysis and operation, including planetary data visualization, as the system aims at being used in future European missions. This validation suggests that the system has the potential to enhance the way space scientists will conduct space science research in the future.


以GPS、北斗等为主的室外导航系统的研究进行得如火如荼,但是室内导航的研究却进行得不如人意。以Unity3D为引擎,结合3DS MAX建模,开发室内离线3D仿真寻路系统。该系统完全按照室内样貌建造模型,以最真实的虚拟场景还原室内样貌,供导航者更好地完成室内寻路。最后介绍了场景优化的方法 ,以便在PC、智能手机等平台上使用。  相似文献   

分析虚拟现实系统漫游引擎的设计与实现,提出基于Vega的视点与场景的碰撞检测算法,讨论用鼠标和键盘控制虚拟场景的带碰撞检测的漫游引擎,并把该漫游引擎应用到虚拟校园漫游系统的开发,取得预期的效果.  相似文献   

基于磁阻传感器的虚拟现实跟踪系统   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
介绍了虚拟现实和跟踪系统的概念、用途以及磁阻传感器的特点 ,阐述了利用磁阻传感器开发虚拟现实三自由度和六自由度跟踪系统的基本原理及其应用。  相似文献   

从技能和安全培训的角度出发,将电网物理特点和虚拟现实相结合,设计了电力安全作业仿真培训系统,介绍了系统包含的基于模型参数数据库的三维建模技术、基于电气连接特性的虚拟场景搭建技术、可视化交互技术、网络连接等关键技术,详细介绍了系统的虚拟培训、实景培训、电力安规培训3个大模块。系统的开发给电力企业培训带来了新的面貌,对于提升作业者技能水平、提高作业人员安全作业也大有裨益。  相似文献   

增强现实技术可以把计算机产生的虚拟物体或其它信息合成到用户看到的真实场景中.将增强现实技术与基于图像的绘制技术有机的结合起来,介绍了虚拟实景空间的构造,探讨了虚拟物体与实景空间的合成方法,给出了一种在虚拟实景空间中漫游的机制及其实现方法,综合考虑了机制的复杂度和漫游的自由度,在两者之间取得了平衡,该方法具有较好的实用性.  相似文献   

基于虚拟现实的无时延感空间机器人遥控操作研究*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要研究了克服空间机器人遥控操作时延问题的虚拟建模和仿真技术。首先概述了遥操作时延问题的研究现状;然后提出了一种基于虚拟现实预显示技术解决时延问题的方案;最后开发了基于虚拟现实的无时延感的遥控操作系统,并进行了仿真实验研究。仿真结果表明,虚拟现实技术在有效克服空间机器人遥控操作大时延中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

针对传统煤矿安全培训手段单一、效果不理想的问题,提出了基于虚拟现实技术的煤矿安全培训系统。该系统应用虚拟现实开发软件3DS MAX和Virtools DEV来完成设备建模、场景构建和交互式系统的开发,实现了煤矿风险预控、事故案例再现和事故应急救援的仿真。应用结果表明,该系统通过三维仿真和交互形式可有效提高煤矿安全培训的针对性和实施效果,达到提高安全意识、减少安全事故的目的。  相似文献   

针对传统煤矿安全培训手段单一、效果不理想的问题,提出了基于虚拟现实技术的煤矿安全培训系统。该系统应用虚拟现实开发软件3DS MAX和Virtools DEV来完成设备建模、场景构建和交互式系统的开发,实现了煤矿风险预控、事故案例再现和事故应急救援的仿真。应用结果表明,该系统通过三维仿真和交互形式可有效提高煤矿安全培训的针对性和实施效果,达到提高安全意识、减少安全事故的目的。  相似文献   

张辉  王盼  肖军浩  卢惠民 《控制与决策》2018,33(11):1975-1982
以提高人机共融水平为目的,以救援机器人为背景,提出并实现基于三维建图和虚拟现实(VR)技术的人机交互系统.在该系统中,救援机器人基于多线激光雷达和惯性测量单元(IMU)实时构建环境的三维点云地图,并将建图结果增量式地表示为3D-NDT地图,实时传输至操作台的虚拟现实系统中可视化;同时,操作人员利用虚拟现实系统的交互设备生成机器人的控制指令,控制机器人运动,构成一个完整的人在回路的人机交互系统.该系统在将机器人环境实时在虚拟现实中可视化的基础上,可以给操作人员以极强的沉浸感,有利于操作人员更直接地理解机器人所处环境.此外,该系统作为一种新的人机交互方式,为提高人与机器人的自然交互水平提供了新思路,对促进人机交互技术的发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

为了提高教练的指导效率和丰富羽毛球教学与训练的方法,基于虚拟现实技术和KINECT,开发了一套羽毛球辅助训练系统。该系统利用虚拟现实技术,通过3DS MAX工具进行训练场地的虚拟化建模,搭配Cry Engine引擎技术渲染训练场地场景。KINECT被用来识别这些动作以及使用者的位置变化,并将识别结果通过蓝牙模块传输至VR眼镜内,使VR眼镜内的虚拟环境做出图像、声音等相应的改变,以实现虚拟环境下的人机互动。测试表明,本系统能够准确地实现训练场景的虚拟化,对使用者的各个动作的识别率较高,提高了训练者的学习效率。  相似文献   

为解决传统模拟驾驶过于强调正常场景的训练,缺少对意外场景下学员心理状态 的监测与协助,且无法反馈和评价驾驶心理状态等问题。以脑机交互(BCI)技术与虚拟现实(VR) 为基础开发 VR 模拟驾驶教学演示系统,利用三维动力学引擎开发了驾驶模拟操作系统,在硬 件上设计可穿戴式脑电波信号检测头盔,基于 BCI 技术实现对学员模拟驾驶大脑状态的监控与 数据评估;有突发模拟事件发生时,系统通过脑机接口技术自动制动或辅助驾驶。在完成模拟 驾驶训练的同时可以根据脑波(EEG)反馈在意外事件中给出紧急解救措施,根据 EEG 情况评估 学员的发挥以及心理素质,为虚拟驾驶等认知负荷较高的教学训练提供了更为丰富与直观沉浸 式交互操作方式,提高了该领域教学训练系统的实用性与可用性。  相似文献   

基于蚁群算法的虚拟现实城市道路交通流模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了在虚拟现实环境中模拟城市道路交通管理部门对交通流的引导,提出了虚拟交通流蚁群优化算法对虚拟交通流运行模拟进行优化.该算法针对虚拟现实城市道路交通流模拟要对多个个体求解最优解和个体与最优解存在关联性的特点,在绝对感知阈值、启发函数、信息素的扩散和挥发等方面对蚁群算法进行了改进,以加强算法的收敛速度和全局性,并通过数值模拟获得了关键参数的取值,将其应用于虚拟环境中的城市道路交通流优化模拟,使用实例验证了模拟方法的有效性.  相似文献   

雷良育 《传感技术学报》2006,19(4):1065-1069
本文将虚拟现实技术应用于汽车平顺性仿真试验技术中。对汽车平顺性虚拟试验场景进行了层次化虚拟场景结构设计和汽车平顺性虚拟试验系统对象类设计。研究了汽车平顺性虚拟试验环境建模和交互、双目立体视觉实现等问题。开发了面向视景仿真的汽车平顺性虚拟试验的桌面VR原型系统,划分了系统层次结构,介绍了系统的软硬件基本配置,设计了系统用户操作界面,实现了汽车平顺性虚拟试验要求。  相似文献   

The primary goal of our research has been to implement an entirely computer-based maxillofacial surgery planning system [1]. An important step toward this goal is to make virtual tools available to the surgeon in order to carry out a three-dimensional (3D) cephalometrical analysis and to interactively define bone segments from skull and jaw bones. An easy-to-handle user interface employs visual and force-feedback devices to define subvolumes of a patient's volume dataset [2]. The defined subvolumes, together with their spatial arrangements based on the cephalometrical results, eventually lead to an operation plan. We have evaluated modern low-cost, force-feedback devices with regard to their ability to emulate the surgeon's working procedure. Once the planning of the procedure is complete, the planning results are transferred to the operating room. In our intra-operative concept the visualisation of planning data is speech controlled by the surgeon and correlated with the patient's position by an electromagnetic 3D sensor system.  相似文献   

Acute and chronic neck pain are common medical conditions, and the treatment typically includes physical therapy involving daily exercises. Insufficient motivation of people afflicted with neck pain to adhere to the prescribed exercise regimen may delay their recovery. Accordingly, in this work, we propose a system that motivates the users to perform neck exercises by engaging them in a serious exergame within virtual reality (VR) environment. The system measures the users’ neck movements via a few static and dynamic kinematic tests and a novel VR serious game, tailored to the neck range of motion of each individual user. The game is designed to make the users perform rehabilitative neck movements according to the prescribed exercise regimen while playing. The analysis of acquired data from VR hardware provides insight into flexibility of the neck during head movements and overall neck kinematics, which is valuable for assessment of pain-related stiffness, as well as for progress monitoring. In a user study performed with the proposed system and the Oculus Rift DK2 VR headset, we show that the users find exercising more interesting and engaging when using the proposed system, and that introducing visually rich VR environments makes the users more motivated to continue exercising.  相似文献   

目前提出的弹药检测虚拟训练系统接收检测信号接收率较低,检测虚拟训练成功率较低。基于3D虚拟现实技术设计一种新的弹药检测虚拟训练系统,硬件由主控操作机、检测总线接口以及资源测试器组成,软件部分在3D虚拟现实技术下构建虚拟空间,在开放式软件结构构建的基础上进行检测指标划分,对用户界面的文件进行整改,按照弹药检测的指标数据提升整改的方向正确性,选用自检公式对检测的信息进行系统自检,依据检测到的问题的发生形式判断下一次问题发生的触发机制,由此避免下一次问题的产生,从而实现软件流程。实验结果表明,基于3D虚拟现实技术的弹药检测虚拟训练系统能有效提高信号接收率,增强虚拟训练接收成功率,具有较强的应用性。  相似文献   

Physics-based simulation is increasingly important in virtual manufacturing for product assembly and disassembly operations. This work explores potential benefits of physics-based modeling for automatic learning of assembly tasks and for intelligent disassembly planning in desktop virtual reality. The paper shows how realistic physical animation of manipulation tasks can be exploited for learning sequential constraints from user demonstrations. In particular, a method is proposed where information about physical interaction is used to discover task precedences and to reason about task similarities. A second contribution of the paper is the application of physics-based modeling to the problem of disassembly sequence planning. A novel approach is described to find all physically admissible subassemblies in which a set of rigid objects can be disassembled. Moreover, efficient strategies are presented aimed at reducing the computational time required for automatic disassembly planning. The proposed strategies take into account precedence relations arising from user assembly demonstrations as well as geometrical clustering. A motion planning technique has also been developed to generate non-destructive disassembly paths in a query-based approach. Experiments have been performed in an interactive virtual environment including a dataglove and motion tracker that allows realistic object manipulation and grasping.  相似文献   

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