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Reliable manipulation of everyday household objects is essential to the success of service robots. In order to accurately manipulate these objects, robots need to know objects’ full 6-DOF pose, which is challenging due to sensor noise, clutters, and occlusions. In this paper, we present a new approach for effectively guessing the object pose given an observation of just a small patch of the object, by leveraging the fact that many household objects can only keep stable on a planar surface under a small set of poses. In particular, for each stable pose of an object, we slice the object with horizontal planes and extract multiple cross-section 2D contours. The pose estimation is then reduced to find a stable pose whose contour matches best with that of the sensor data, and this can be solved efficiently by cross-correlation. Experiments on the manipulation tasks in the DARPA Robotics Challenge validate our approach. In addition, we also investigate our method’s performance on object recognition tasks raising in the challenge.  相似文献   

三维图像重构的参数估计与算法实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
论文介绍了一种SFS算法的参数估计及其实现。它在考虑自遮掩影响的情况下,有效地估计了SFS算法中涉及的各种控制参数,并引入亮度约束、灰度梯度约束和可积性约束,计算出表面高度和表面向量,实现三维重构。最后还指出了在Matlab中实现需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

Monocular 3D object detection is challenging due to the lack of accurate depth information. Some methods estimate the pixel-wise depth maps from off-the-shelf depth estimators and then use them as an additional input to augment the RGB images.Depth-based methods attempt to convert estimated depth maps to pseudo-LiDAR and then use LiDAR-based object detectors or focus on the perspective of image and depth fusion learning.However, they demonstrate limited performance and efficiency as a result of ...  相似文献   

Freehand 3维超声是近年来超声图像3维重建技术领域的研究热点之一。在对3维超声按获取方式不同进行分类的基础上,阐述了Freehand 3维超声系统特点及其重建原理,对Freehand 3维超声重建算法进行了综述和比较分析,并指出了今后面临的主要挑战和未来发展方向。  相似文献   

由单幅二维灰度图像重构物体表面形状*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于目前很少有论文讨论完整的由单幅二维灰度图像重构物体表面形状的算法,包括它的控制参数的估计及算法的实现,介绍了一种完整的SFS算法.它在考虑自遮掩影响的情况下,有效地估计了SFS算法中涉及的各种控制参数,并引入亮度约束、灰度梯度约束和可积性约束,计算出表面高度和表面向量,实现三维重构.与传统的算法相比,本算法无论是在速度还是在精度方面都达到了比较高的水平,具有一定的应用前景.最后还指出了在MATLAB中实现需要注意的问题.  相似文献   

目的 基于视觉的3维场景重建技术已在机器人导航、航拍地图构建和增强现实等领域得到广泛应用。不过,当相机出现较大运动时则会使得传统基于窄基线约束的3维重建方法无法正常工作。方法 针对宽基线环境,提出了一种融合高层语义先验的3维场景重建算法。该方法在马尔可夫随机场(MRF)模型的基础上,结合超像素的外观、共线性、共面性和深度等多种特征对不同视角图像中各个超像素的3维位置和朝向进行推理,从而实现宽基线条件下的初始3维重建。与此同时,还以递归的方式利用高层语义先验对相似深度超像素实现合并,进而对场景深度和3维模型进行渐进式优化。结果 实验结果表明,本文方法在多种不同的宽基线环境,尤其是相机运动较为剧烈的情况下,依然能够取得比传统方法更为稳定而精确的深度估计和3维场景重建效果。结论 本文展示了在宽基线条件下如何将多元图像特征与基于三角化的几何特征相结合以构建出精确的3维场景模型。本文方法采用MRF模型对不同视角图像中超像素的3维位置和朝向进行同时推理,并结合高层语义先验对3维重建的过程提供指导。与此同时,还使用了一种递归式框架以实现场景深度的渐进式优化。实验结果表明,本文方法在不同的宽基线环境下均能够获得比传统方法更接近真实描述的3维场景模型。  相似文献   

针对传统人体动画制作成本高、人体运动受捕获设备限制等缺陷,提出了一种基于单目视频运动跟踪的三维人体动画方法。首先给出了系统实现框架,然后采用比例正交投影模型及人体骨架模型来恢复关节的三维坐标,关节的旋转欧拉角由逆运动学计算得到,最后采用H-anim标准对人体建模,由关节欧拉角驱动虚拟人产生三维人体动画。实验结果表明,该系统能够对人体运动进行准确的跟踪和三维重建,可应用于人体动画制作领域。  相似文献   

Polarization imaging can retrieve inaccurate objects’ 3D shapes with fine textures, whereas coarse but accurate depths can be provided by binocular stereo vision. To take full advantage of these two complementary techniques, we investigate a novel 3D reconstruction method based on the fusion of polarization imaging and binocular stereo vision for high quality 3D reconstruction. We first generate the polarization surface by correcting the azimuth angle errors on the basis of registered binocular depth, to solve the azimuthal ambiguity in the polarization imaging. Then we propose a joint 3D reconstruction model for depth fusion, including a data fitting term and a robust low-rank matrix factorization constraint. The former is to transfer textures from the polarization surface to the fused depth by assuming their relationship linear, whereas the latter is to utilize the low-frequency part of binocular depth to improve the accuracy of the fused depth considering the influences of missing-entries and outliers. To solve the optimization problem in the proposed model, we adopt an efficient solution based on the alternating direction method of multipliers. Extensive experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method in comparison with state-of-the-art methods and to exhibit its wide application prospects in 3D reconstruction.  相似文献   

Real-Time Body Pose Recognition Using 2D or 3D Haarlets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a novel approach to markerless real-time pose recognition in a multicamera setup. Body pose is retrieved using example-based classification based on Haar wavelet-like features to allow for real-time pose recognition. Average Neighborhood Margin Maximization (ANMM) is introduced as a powerful new technique to train Haar-like features. The rotation invariant approach is implemented for both 2D classification based on silhouettes, and 3D classification based on visual hulls.  相似文献   

心内膜三维表面重建是心内膜三维标测系统中的关键问题。为了满足实际应用需求, 根据采集到的散乱点云数据的特点, 提出了一种改进的泊松表面重建算法。在估计表面点云法向量的基础上, 对表面点云法向量进行法向量一致化处理, 有效地控制时间复杂度, 快速重建出平滑的心脏模型。针对泊松表面重建算法中构建MC曲面出现的二义性问题, 提出一种消除二义性的简化改进方法, 可以更加精确地获取模型逼真表面, 提高重建的速度和精度。同时, 可以根据医生的要求, 对重建出的模型实时修正, 满足临床应用。最后, 通过实验验证了算法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

三维锥束CT图像重建运算量大,纯软件(仅使用CPU)计算时间较长。为了充分利用计算机图形处理器(Graphic Process Unit,GPU)的并行处理能力以及提高数据传输效率,研究了一种结合使用GPU多重纹理(multitexture)加速三维锥束CT的FDK图像重建过程的方法。该方法采用多重纹理映射来提高反投影速度、减少中间数据存储量、减少浮点累加次数,使用顶点颜色通道来实现距离加权运算,采用扩展方法来增加并行反投影的纹理单元,从而提高重建速度。计算机实验结果表明,使用普通PC机重建尺寸为2563的图像,在保证数据精度为16 bit浮点数的要求下,GPU反投影计算可以在10 s以内完成。与仅使用CPU的重建方法相比,GPU重建图像加速方法达到了较高的时间加速比。  相似文献   

为了解决传统三维重建过程中线特征匹配速度慢、建模与匹配过程脱节的问题,提出了基于相关系数的图像线特征匹配的方法,运用此方法对同一物体的三幅图像进行了特征匹配和三维重建。建立了目标物体的三维模型,达到了对物体线特征匹配与三维重建同步进行的目的。通过对所得实验数据分析,可以证明此算法对于物体的三维重建是有效的。  相似文献   

3-D Depth Reconstruction from a Single Still Image   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We consider the task of 3-d depth estimation from a single still image. We take a supervised learning approach to this problem, in which we begin by collecting a training set of monocular images (of unstructured indoor and outdoor environments which include forests, sidewalks, trees, buildings, etc.) and their corresponding ground-truth depthmaps. Then, we apply supervised learning to predict the value of the depthmap as a function of the image. Depth estimation is a challenging problem, since local features alone are insufficient to estimate depth at a point, and one needs to consider the global context of the image. Our model uses a hierarchical, multiscale Markov Random Field (MRF) that incorporates multiscale local- and global-image features, and models the depths and the relation between depths at different points in the image. We show that, even on unstructured scenes, our algorithm is frequently able to recover fairly accurate depthmaps. We further propose a model that incorporates both monocular cues and stereo (triangulation) cues, to obtain significantly more accurate depth estimates than is possible using either monocular or stereo cues alone.  相似文献   

杨军  石传奎  党建武 《计算机应用》2011,31(6):1566-1568
提出了基于序列图像的鲁棒三维重建方法。首先利用两幅图像的最优参数估计,然后添加新图像并采用稀疏调整,减少图像坐标测量值的最小几何误差。通过对三维结构和摄像机参数进行全局优化处理,以提高重建的鲁棒性。实验结果表明,该方法提高了重建的精度和鲁棒性,并真实地再现了物体的三维模型。  相似文献   

分析了基于Kinect输出的深度数据进行场景实时三维重建的算法。针对实现过程中出现的深度图像噪声过大的问题,根据其信号结构的特点给出了改进的双边滤波算法。新算法利用已知的深度图像噪声范围,将权值函数修改为二值函数,并结合RGB图像弥补了缺失的深度信息。实验表明,新算法无论是在降噪性能还是计算效率上,都大大优于已有的双边滤波,其中计算速度是原始算法的6倍。  相似文献   

基于视图的三维重建旨在从二维图像恢复出其对应的三维形状。现有方法主要通过编码器-解码器结构,结合二元交叉熵函数及其变形,完成三维重建,取得较好的重建结果。然而,编码器在编码过程中缺乏对输入视图的结构感知能力,造成重建的三维模型几何细节不准确;以二元交叉熵函数为主的损失函数在体素分布不均衡的情况下,目标感知能力较差,导致其重建结果存在断裂、缺失等不完整性问题。针对此类问题,提出了一种具有结构和目标感知能力的三维重建网络(ST-Rec3D),以单视图或多视图为输入,由粗到细地重建出三维模型;结合注意力机制提出了一种具有空间结构感知能力的编码器,即结构编码器,以充分捕捉输入视图中的空间结构信息,有效感知重建物体的几何细节;将IoU损失引入到三维体素模型重建中,在体素分布不均衡的情况下,精准感知目标物体,确保重建物体的完整性和准确性。在ShapeNet和Pix3D数据集上的对比结果表明,ST-Rec3D在单视图和多视图上重建的三维模型的完整性和准确性均优于当前方法。  相似文献   

一种快速有效实现三维实体重建的算法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
从图的数组表示法这一基本表示方法,作为基点出发,将点、线、面、面环等信息用数组形式存储,从数组元素出发逐步实现了基于三视图的三维重建。实践表明,该方法充分利用数组形式的有序、对应、直接等特点,大大提高了三维重建的效率,减少了传统方法庞大的搜索空间和降低了时间复杂度。  相似文献   

To solve the problem of estimating velocities of gas bubbles in melted glass, a method based on optical flow constraint (OFC) has been extended to the 3D case. A single camera, whose distance to the fluid is variable in time, is used to capture a sequence of frames at different depths. Since objects are not static, we cannot obtain two frames of different height values at the same time, and to our knowledge, this prevents the use of common 3D motion estimation techni ques. Since the information will be rather sparse, our estimation takes several measures around a given pixel and discards the erroneous ones, using a robust estimator. Along with the exposition of the practical application, the estimation proposed here is first contrasted in the 2D case to common benchmarks and then evaluated for a synthetic problem where velocities are known. Received: 9 July 2001 / Accepted: 5 August 2002 Published online: 3 June 2003 This work has been supported by Saint Gobain Cristaleria S.A., under contract FUO-EM-034-01 with Oviedo University, Spain.  相似文献   

基于Kinect的三维重建技术综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍了三维重建和Kinect工作原理;对现有利用Kinect进行三维重建的技术方法进行了说明,重点对配准过程中的迭代就近点(ICP)算法的相关改进进行分析和比较;并在上述基础上对Kinect Fusion做了介绍和说明,列举其最新改进和应用;最后对基于Kinect的三维场景重建的发展趋势进行了简单总结和展望.  相似文献   

Noise is one of the main problems in urban areas. To monitor and manage noise problems, governmental organisations at all levels are obliged to regularly carry out noise studies. The simulation of noise is an important part of these studies. Currently, different organisations collect their own 3D input data as required in noise simulation in a semi-automated way, even if areas overlap. This is not efficient, but also differences in input data may lead to differences in the results of noise simulation which has a negative impact on the reliability of noise studies. To address this problem, this paper presents a methodology to automatically generate 3D input data as required in noise simulations (i.e. buildings, terrain, land coverage, bridges and noise barriers) from current 2D topographic data and point clouds. The generated data can directly be used in existing noise simulation software. A test with the generated data shows that the results of noise simulation obtained from our generated data are comparable to results obtained in a current noise study from practice. Automatically generated input data for noise simulation, as achieved in this paper, can be considered as a major step in noise studies. It does not only significantly improve the efficiency of noise studies, thus reducing their costs, but also assures consistency between different studies and therefore it improves the reliability and reproducibility. In addition, the availability of countrywide, standardised input data can help to advance noise simulation methods since the calculation method can be adopted to improved ways of 3D data acquisition and reconstruction.  相似文献   

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