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Landscape planning is based on science and the arts. Landscape planning and design appropriate coordination to do the relationship between spatial planning and the earth, and between man and nature. Landscape planning has a fundamental goal of sustainable development, in landscape planning, more technologically advanced planning and design theory to solve the modern field's practical problems. It provides a powerful new way to functional space planning and landscape analysis. Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the importance of planning can improve outcomes. Enable planners to understand the natural landscape and accurately understand and landscape planning and landscape design some new ideas. This is the best practical implications of the simulation and verifies the effectiveness of landscape design and planning. The problem for traditional distribution landscape simulation technology, designed a new distribution pattern of rationality simulation technology based on 3D images and virtual reality technology. This analysis method is based on the first time the three-dimensional image of the garden's rational distribution. 3D image analysis of the distribution landscape's effectiveness results from a three-dimensional image reconstruction completed and based on virtual reality technology. Finally, it will discuss the garden, rational drug delivery technologies, case studies, the advantages, and performance test results.  相似文献   

Smart City is a city environment that advanced sensors combine to manage the city's assets the information technology virtually. Data they have collected, because it is the foundation of these services, the sensor network is an integral part of the smart city. Wireless sensors are to be deployed in several different locations, therefore a relatively inexpensive ability to transmit remote data to reduce the power consumption and maintenance costs; the small built-in sensor is incredibly essential. For each sensor, since it prerequisites for complex information, and Smart City needs is rugged, the integrated sensor system is the concept of Smart City in development. The most important thing is the smart city's side, and the reverse in urban design the plan is to reveal the importance of the role of landscape design. The purpose of this article is, from the point of view of urban design, find outlines the concept of Smart City, highlighting important touchpoint of smart urban landscape design that leads to strong principles of smart, relations and the role of urban design, planning and creativity it is to be sustainable development, city to allow for efficient urban development and beautiful urban landscape.  相似文献   

广场作为城市空间的一部分,不仅是宣传和展示城市经济、文化、民俗的窗口,也是人们夜间室外活动空间构架的主要部分。本文通过对城市广场景观照明设计的研究,得出只有贯彻"以人为本"的设计理念,实现城市广场夜景景观的艺术化和特色化,并对广场景观照明的可持续发展有深刻的意义。  相似文献   

基于GIS的城市绿化管理信息系统设计与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了地理信息系统(GIS)和计算机技术在城市绿化管理中的重要性,针对城市绿化的特点综合运用地理信息技术、数据库技术等信息技术设计和开发了城市绿化管理信息系统,该系统突破了传统绿化管理的狭义管理模式,综合管理树木、花卉、草坪、小品等,从规划到建设再到维护实现智能决策、三维一体。使城市绿化走上数字化管理的道路,为“数字城市”打下良好基础。  相似文献   

融合通信是当今计算机应用领域研究热点之一,人们对融合通信系统中应用服务的要求也越来越高.在数据存取方面,基于传统关系型数据库或者基于传统文件系统的存储方式已经越来越不能满足应用的需求.随着Hadoop技术以及相关子系统的发展,分布式存储的优势日渐明显.因此,本文在分析HBase、Hive各自特点及其体系结构的基础上,结合融合通信具体项目提出了基于HBase-Hive集成设计的存储引擎设计方法,以此来解决融合通信系统中数据安全性、数据获取效率等方面不满足的情况.通过对比实验表明,该设计方案提高系统数据查询获取效率,也为后续数据挖掘方面的开发做好准备.  相似文献   

This article aims at establishing a new application of the correspondence analysis (CA) method for analyzing qualitative data in architecture and landscape architecture. This method is primarily used in genealogy but is here, for the first time, applied to architectural studies. After introducing a qualitative method based on coding process, a practical guide for using CAQDAS (Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software) is provided. The software NVivo-8 is applied to analyze the data. CA, a multivariate statistical technique, is used to identify the underlying structure of the data and visualize the results. For the purpose of testing this method in practice, the National Garden of Tehran was selected as a case study to provide the data. The focus is on visualizing the similarities between the properties of the National Garden of Tehran and several different garden design styles. Two reliability tests were performed to verify the results, indicating that the National Garden of Tehran has many characteristics similar to those of a typical Baroque garden style. We believe that this new method may have wide application possibilities for studies on architecture, urban design, and landscape architecture.  相似文献   

中国造园有着悠久的历史和高深的造诣,在世界造园史上,它独树一帜,并对东、西方造园业产生了一定的影响。随着我国城市化进程的加快,如今的人们越来越渴望自然、亲近自然。如果我们敢于求教于先人,能够将这些先人们的造园法则运用于现代城市园林规划设计中的话,必将会为我国现代城市园林规划设计带来极大的帮助。  相似文献   

以轨道交通驾驶训练为背景,介绍了模拟训练的设计方案。利用模块化设计实现计算机与操作单元的分布式仿真:PLC模块实现操作单元的指令和数据传输,通过RS485/232实现控制台计算机对操作单元检测与控制;采用四通道视景系统作为输出界面,Creator构建轨道站点和沿线环境模型,Vega实现模型驱动。应用表明该系统在实时性、逼真度和开放性等方面比视频模拟器均有较大提高,并已成功应用于某城市轨道交通视景仿真模拟器中。  相似文献   

Culture is globally recognized as an important driving force for a sustainable creative economy. The importance of participation in the design and cultural creative industries is sufficient research, especially from the perspective of emerging economies. Therefore, designers need a framework to guide them on creating sustainable culture-appropriate products that reflect their users. From cultural memory, integrated design is a new design method to embed users, beliefs, and expectations based on computer Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), and Machine Learning (ML) provides products design and services with performance values. Gradually in the global market, the focus on local styles has become a trending style of the current economic development strategies of various countries promoting cultural and creative industries. The advent of creative design applications has changed the global competitive culture's creative product design advantage of the industry. Cultural creative product design emphasizes art, the humanization of creative life and aesthetics has gradually become the emerging economic force. Design technology products, cognitive psychology, information technology, and design a combination of computer application technology, object, and the standard model of the present invention have been designed and developed according to the product's characteristics.  相似文献   

是一个非常复杂的学科,它在满足艺术欣赏需求的同时也要达到实用性。每当人们提到景观园林时人们总会很快联想到蓝天碧水,奇山怪石,百花争艳,万树吐香。然而这辉煌的成果正是一代代景观设计师、一代代工匠等献智、献谋而来的。中国的古典园林设计当属景观园林设计的一朵奇葩。中国的古典园林设计流长,本文将对中国古典园林的发展、影响因素、艺术特征以及对世界的影响进行深入的探讨并提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

为了顺应时代可持续发展的要求,本论文将可持续发展引入到居住小区景观设计中,本文首先在可持续发展的定义、原则及内涵叙述的同时提出了可持续发展在小区景观设计中的应用。其次,在可持续发展和系统全面性原则的基础上,初步建立了住宅小区人居环境可持续发展的模式。最后,提出了对居住小区景观设计未来的展望,及对我国的居住区可持续景观设计的几点建议,描绘了我国住宅小区景观设计的美好蓝图。  相似文献   

城市广场在城市规划建设中具有特殊的地位。城市广场设计成败的关键因素就体现在广场家具的设计。本文以设计师的角度从人本、空间、材料三个方面探讨了广场家具在城市空间中的设计与具体应用。  相似文献   

本文通过分析我国城市公共照明系统存在的不足之处,提出了建立可持续发展的城市照明系统应遵循的几个原则,实现"高效节能,绿色照明",在视觉功效上强调舒适安全、减少光污染体现人性化,在实施手段上强调节能减排体现绿色环保理念,实现我国城市公共照明系统的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文从城市景观的色彩入手,观察城市景观的色彩特征,研究城市景观的色彩规划与设计。并以天津城市景观的色彩研究为例,指出了天津城市色彩是红色系的人文色彩和无色系的国际色彩,并以此为基础指出了天津城市色彩的设计定位和思路。  相似文献   

现代生态环境是我国未来城市住宅乃至公共绿地建设的发展趋势,但是城市、地域的不同,经济发展的不平衡,也使城市住宅建设的生态课题实践呈现出多元化,多层次现象。以下分析是对城市公共绿地中生态设计的初步探讨,关注环境,关注使用者,关注景观的功能和经济性,应该是未来城市环境景观设计的目标。  相似文献   

The artificial word 'mechatronics' represents the symbiosis of 'classical' mechanical systems and 'modern' electmnics that has opened up a wide range of new possibilities. A typical application is an anti-lock braking system (ABS), a very complex combination of sensors, microprocessor-based controllers, electromagnetic actuators and mechanical as well as hydraulic components. Increasing complexity and their mostly non-linear behaviour are the major challenges in designing, implementing and testing these systems. A very promising design methodology is based on the idea of integrating real hardware via interfaces into a system simulation ('hardware-in-the-loop'). Development may start with a completely simulated model. With hardware being designed and becoming available, it is step by step incorporated into the system. This methodology significantly reduces development time since there is early feedback on the design approaches and the final solution is proved under real operating conditions. Obviously the real-time simulation of fast mechatronical systems requires tremendous computing power. Supposing one finds a way to express the simulation problem in a parallel form, a multi-transputer system could provide the necessary computing power for a relatively low price. One solution is a modelling approach that decomposes the systems hierarchically into components with a strong relationship to the physical world. Each component is described by a set of equations operating on the component's own local state. The communication of physical interface data is modelled by sending messages via connections between the components. This approach may be attributed as 'object-oriented' since computer science defines objects as independent elements maintaining their own internal state and communicating via message-passing mechanisms. Taking a close look at a transputer, it reveals a very 'object'-like architecture: local memory to maintain its own local state and links designed to pass messages between transputers. Therefore transputers are the ideal vehicle for fast real-time simulation by following the principle of object-orientation, from system modelling all the way down to simulation.  相似文献   

In the past 30 years, China has undergone unprecedented urbanisation: the country's urban population surpassed that of rural areas for the first time in 2011. Despite its soaring popularity, the urban–rural divide in e-commerce use has been persistent and striking. How to promote e-commerce use among the new urbanites to ensure its sustainable development and reduce the digital divide in China's rapid urbanisation context? Drawing on the diffusion of innovations theory and the Theory of Planned Behaviour, using data from a survey of a representative sample of China's urban population (N?=?1288), this study investigates the various effects of normative social influence on online shopping application and intention among urban residents, rural-to-urban migrants, and in-situ urbanised rural residents. Normative social influence is found to be significantly associated with actual online shopping application, particularly among in-situ urbanised rural residents. The research suggests that the new urbanities in China can benefit from e-commerce use if strategies focusing on expanding and strengthening normative social influence are promoted. Policies that intend to address the urban–rural digital divide in information and communication technology adoption should also consider approaching the issue by utilising the normative social influence.  相似文献   

计算机模拟技术于2006年进入我国建筑领域,现在,就绿色建筑的设计和评断而言,计算机模拟技术已成为了必不可少的方面。由于我国研究与设计机构当前依旧处于对绿色建筑计算机模拟解析的摸索运用时期,其模拟方式与方案改进手段截然不同,所以绿色建筑设计效果很难尽如人意。笔者在本文中概括了绿色建筑计算机模拟方式与方案改进手段,给予绿色建筑设计人员方法指点,借此增强绿色建筑的设计效果。  相似文献   

随着城市化的进程不断加快,当一栋栋钢筋水泥的建筑挤满了我们周围每一寸土地时,我们才真正感受到我们生活的环境中城市绿地越来越少。城市居民对绿地的向往和对舒适优美环境中户外生活的渴望,促使屋顶绿化迅速发展,利用平屋顶造园或进行环境绿化。屋顶绿化是现在最为常用的建筑绿化的设计手法,随着城市的发展,立体绿化将会成为建筑绿化的趋势。  相似文献   

具有毫无斧凿之痕的自然特色以及重要生态功能的自然景观已成为当今时代景观美的重要标志。四川美术学院新校区景观设计倡导可持续发展设计理念,尊重场地自然与人文印迹,是真正的景观美。  相似文献   

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