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This article proposes the following video global stabilization framework using two top-notch advanced cameras for indoor gaming accessories. From the following predictions, it is doubtful that the system consolidation strategy considers closing the world. The release of this framework can be a useful check for the development of smart players. Implementation has been completed as a product framework that scientists should use in the game as an effective guide. The tough competition of the movement should not be explored; based on non-invasive techniques. In this unique context, scheduling information can be used as a framework for obtaining valuable distinctions between vision, image processing and strategy players. In this task, defining a mandatory combination must proceed and deal with the problem in real B balls. Reduce coordinate re-planning errors when expanding the number of b-ball blocking authorization releases.  相似文献   

Current game conflicts and live footage and video recordings in general, and innovations carry the game's financial cycle image recognition with the help of competitors to find data. In any case, the current situation shows that are still young with innovations recognizing the game image. That's why the uses of this study are to disassemble sports images and identify discoveries as an object for application game images. Cameras, video cameras, sensors Advances Infrared is different, For example, using an innovative visual data capture gadget, it has become the basic query for retrieving visual data, but now, in the age of data explosion, how much display it bears is a slightly larger study to capture the benefits. This is one of the most important issues with computer graphics. The basics and the most important task in film production and assignment is that the survey of images can be done as a result of large screen cracks. This article proposes a ball pollution technology computer game that depends on the screen split calculation coordinates.  相似文献   

为提高篮球运动员的投篮精度,利用微软的Kinect获取不同的出手速度,求解非线性方程组,得到在罚球点处有空气阻力情况下不同出手高度、出手速度和出手角的精确解。使用三维引擎 U nity3D开发篮球运动仿真系统,并移植到Windows、Web、Mac、Mac Dashboard等多个平台。该系统从图形用户界面、关卡设计、动画模块等模块入手,对纹理贴图、动画、碰撞检测等问题进行了实现和优化,可辅助运动员进行训练。  相似文献   

针对A-SMGCS系统场面活动三维仿真问题,提出一种以开源模拟飞行器FlightGear为场景仿真平台,以实时ADS-B监视数据为驱动,以Linux为操作平台的机场场面活动三维仿真系统设计新方法。仿真系统按照实际机场模型进行机场布局设计,飞机、航站楼、塔台三维建模,地形数据生成,对真实机场环境进行了完整建模。由于ADS-B监视数据缺少飞机姿态信息,提出一种根据位置数据推算出姿态信息的新方法。首先把ADS-B监视数据进行航迹卡尔曼滤波,然后根据飞机前后两个位置的空间连线矢量计算飞行姿态。通过FlightGear多机网络数据接口导入飞机定位数据与姿态数据驱动飞机模型运动,实现了对飞机运动的六自由度仿真。仿真结果表明,该系统能逼真、准确再现真实机场飞机实时活动情况。由于完全基于开源软件设计,该系统低成本实现了对场面活动的实时三维仿真。  相似文献   

In teamwork, injuries occur from time to time. The athlete's body is very important, so the rich experience of teamwork can reduce the injury to the athlete, which is a very important aspect of preventing the risk and mitigating the risk. There are several ways to reduce the risk factors of injury. One is to use positioning method, scientists have developed a 2.4 GHz frequency wireless receiving sensor system, referred to as WSN. This system can effectively monitor indoor and outdoor environment and identify and analyze buried active RF in advance. After several frequency tests, more effective performance is obtained, and the transmission power and signal intensity system are developed. It can generate high-frequency amplitudes, and the transmitted data can create independent labels to receive. However, the difficulty in understanding the subtle differences between different statistical methods and making conclusions that lead to erroneous assumptions has been produced from the data. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to obtain the outline to determine the method used to determine the risk of damage, to predict the movement of injuries while developing the model and the existing evidence to highlight the difference between the association and the prediction associated with damaging it. Sports injuries risk factors research aimed to study the example of the method is evaluated using chopped strains. Injuries resulting from the complex interaction of several risk factors. Develop and adapt and, mental, emotional, social events. Therefore covers education system and the necessary physical activities organized by physical education. In order to create a rough picture of the whole creation and technique. The soap places to students who have used a solvent, is embedded in the grease.  相似文献   

Particle filtering methods are gradually attaining significant importance in a variety of embedded computer vision applications. For example, in smart camera systems, object tracking is a very important application and particle filter based tracking algorithms have shown promising results with robust tracking performance. However, most particle filters involve vast amount of computational complexity, thereby intensifying the challenges faced in their real-time, embedded implementation. Many of these applications share common characteristics, and the same system design can be reused by identifying and varying key system parameters and varying them appropriately. In this paper, we present a System-on-Chip (SoC) architecture involving both hardware and software components for a class of particle filters. The framework uses parameterization to enable fast and efficient reuse of the architecture with minimal re-design effort for a wide range of particle filtering applications as well as implementation platforms.  相似文献   

传统的三维接触式测量方法存在着速度慢、测量范围受限等缺点,而纯粹的非接触式测量方法则存在着特征边缘无法获取的问题。结合两种测量方法,设计了一种新的三维测量系统,该系统采用立体视觉技术对接触式测头的空间位置和姿态进行定位,进而间接计算接触式探针针尖位置来完成空间点的三维坐标测量。实验结果表明:系统测量精度优于0.2 mm,能够应用于工业现场进行复杂工件的典型几何特征检测和模型重构。  相似文献   

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