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Product lifecycle management (PLM) aims to seamlessly manage all products and information and knowledge generated throughout the product lifecycle for achieving business competitiveness. Conventionally, PLM is implemented based on standalone and centralized systems provided by software vendors. The information of PLM is hardly to be integrated and shared among the cooperating parties. It is difficult to meet the requirements of the openness, interoperability and decentralization of the Industry 4.0 era. To address these challenges, this paper proposed an industrial blockchain-based PLM framework to facilitate the data exchange and service sharing in the product lifecycle. Firstly, we proposed the concept of industrial blockchain as the use of blockchain technology in the industry with the integration of IoT, M2M, and efficient consensus algorithms. It provided an open but secured information storage and exchange platform for the multiple stakeholders to achieve the openness, interoperability and decentralization in era of industry 4.0. Secondly, we proposed and developed customized blockchain information service to fulfill the connection between a single node with the blockchain network. As a middleware, it can not only process the multi-source and heterogeneous data from varied stages in the product lifecycle, but also broadcast the processed data to the blockchain network. Moreover, smart contract is used to automate the alert services in the product lifecycles. Finally, we illustrated the blockchain-based application between the cooperating partners in four emerging product lifecycle stages, including co-design and co-creation, quick and accurate tracking and tracing, proactive maintenance, and regulated recycling. A simulation experiment demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed framework. The results showed that the proposed framework is scalable and efficient, and hence it is feasible to be adopted in industry. With the successful development of the proposed platform, it is promising to provide an effective PLM for improving interoperability and cooperation between stakeholders in the entire product lifecycle.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of digital twin technology, a large amount of digital twin data named as big digital twin data (BDTD), is generated in the lifecycle of equipment, which is supposed to be used in digital twin enabled applications. However, in the implementation of these applications, data sharing problem which is caused by the lack of data security as well as trust among stakeholders of equipment, limits data using value. It is a novel way to introduce blockchain technology into digital twin to solve the problem. However, current methods cannot fulfill the requirements of exponential growth and timely sharing of BDTD. Therefore, a blockchain-based framework for secure sharing of BDTD is proposed to solve the problems. Cloud storage is integrated into the framework, with which, BDTD is encrypted and stored in Cloud, while the hash of BDTD and transaction records are stored in blockchain. Some rules of generating new block are designed to improve the processing speed of blockchain. An algorithm for optimal sampling rate selection is presented to maximize total social benefits of the participants of BDTD sharing. Simulation results show that the algorithm is better than traditional method for maximizing the total social benefits. Furthermore, a protype system is developed and evaluated based on Fabric test network. Evaluation results show that BDTD can be shared securely multiple times per second through the framework, which demonstrates the feasibility of the framework in supporting timely sharing of BDTD.  相似文献   

Shared Manufacturing (SharedMfg), a Peer-to-Peer (P2P)-based resource sharing paradigm boosted by the wide-spread of sharing economy, servitization and Internet of things, tends to massively extend the scope of resource sharing in both vertical and horizontal directions, and as a consequence, it amplifies a credibility gap in the manufacturing area. To respond to this problem, and meanwhile, promoting the SharedMfg, blockchain is attempted to integrate into the SharedMfg. Hence, this paper proposes the Blockchain-based SharedMfg (BSM) framework in support of the application of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). At the same time, Resource Operation Blockchain (ROB) is constructed for the core operation of BSM framework, which carries out on the basis of a consensus mechanism (i.e., Proof-of-Participation) and a Smart Contract Network (SCN), to facilitate the P2P-based resource sharing paradigm. A prototype system is implemented by the Ethereum framework together with discussions to validate the feasibility of ROB. In brief, BSM framework complementarily combines the blockchain and SharedMfg, beneficial to promote both modes.  相似文献   

Know your customer (KYC) processes place a great burden on banks, because they are costly, inefficient, and inconvenient for customers. While blockchain technology is often mentioned as a potential solution, it is not clear how to use the technology’s advantages without violating data protection regulations and customer privacy. We demonstrate how blockchain-based self-sovereign identity (SSI) can solve the challenges of KYC. We follow a rigorous design science research approach to create a framework that utilizes SSI in the KYC process, deriving nascent design principles that theorize on blockchain’s role for SSI.  相似文献   

张奥  白晓颖 《软件学报》2020,31(5):1406-1434
基于区块链的分布式账本,集成了非对称加密体系、P2P网络、共识算法、智能合约等多种技术,保证事务记录的一致性和不可篡改性.但是,区块链技术中的账本共享机制也带来了隐私威胁,用户身份、账户地址、交易内容等信息的隐私保护成为研究的关注点.讨论了区块链系统中的隐私威胁;着重分析了地址混淆、信息隐藏、通道隔离等3类隐私保护机制,详细介绍各类机制的原理、模型、特征及实现技术;最后探讨了实际应用中,区块链隐私保护技术在系统性能和可扩展性方面的挑战和发展方向.  相似文献   

众筹是当前热门的一种互联网融资模式,目前的众筹平台存在违规经营、公信力不足、监管不善等诸多问题。智能合约是一种由事件驱动的、具有状态的代码合约和算法合同,随着区块链技术的深入发展而受到广泛关注和研究。基于区块链的智能合约技术具有去中心化、自治化、可观察、可验证、可信息共享等特点,可以有效构建可编程金融,为解决众筹平台的问题提供了新的途径。在区块链和智能合约理论的基础上,搭建了众筹区块链(Crowdfunding Blockchain,CBC),并基于以太坊实验环境开发了众筹合约系统,将传统的众筹合约文本代码化,合约的存储与执行均在区块链上进行,这不仅保证了众筹项目的自治化和可靠性,而且提高了项目可信性和公信力。  相似文献   

One of the most extensively used technologies for improving the security of IoT devices is blockchain technology. It is a new technology that can be utilized to boost the security. It is a decentralized peer-to-peer network with no central authority. Multiple nodes on the network mine or verify the data recorded on the Blockchain. It is a distributed ledger that may be used to keep track of transactions between several parties. No one can tamper with the data on the blockchain since it is unchangeable. Because the blocks are connected by hashes, the transaction data is safe. It is managed by a system that is based on the consensus of network users rather than a central authority. The immutability and tamper-proof nature of blockchain security is based on asymmetric cryptography and hashing. Furthermore, Blockchain has an immutable and tamper-proof smart contract, which is a logic that enforces the Blockchain’s laws. There is a conflict between the privacy protection needs of cyber-security threat intelligent (CTI) sharing and the necessity to establish a comprehensive attack chain during blockchain transactions. This paper presents a blockchain-based data sharing paradigm that protects the privacy of CTI sharing parties while also preventing unlawful sharing and ensuring the benefit of legitimate sharing parties. It builds a full attack chain using encrypted threat intelligence and exploits the blockchain’s backtracking capacity to finish the decryption of the threat source in the attack chain. Smart contracts are also used to send automatic early warning replies to possible attack targets. Simulation tests are used to verify the feasibility and efficacy of the suggested model.  相似文献   

随着共享经济的发展,对于高可信的分布式交易管理具有迫切的需求,然而,传统的中心化信息系统难以满足。区块链技术提供了一种共享账本机制,为构建可信的分布式交易管理奠定了基础。以支持智能合约的区块链2.0平台——以太坊平台作为基础框架,深入研究基于区块链技术的去中心化共享物品交易服务系统的运行机制与实现技术。设计了基于以太坊的去中心化物品共享交易服务系统框架,提出了基于智能合约机制的交易管理处理流程,详细描述了包括用户接口在内的系统实现技术,并对该系统在交易处理上的性能进行了实验测试。实验结果表明,基于以太坊的交易服务系统在保证交易数据可信性的基础上,平均交易处理速度为每秒21.7条,有索引查询速度为每秒117.6条,具有较高的运行效率。  相似文献   

海量的物联网数据拥有巨大价值,而现有基于云的数据共享机制,面临单点故障、内部泄露等问题,无法确保用户数据的安全共享。为实现高效可信的数据共享,利用区块链技术,提出了基于区块链的5G物联网数据共享方案。该方案首先设计了数据共享框架和数据共享流程;然后基于闪电网络方案,提出了面向物联网数据共享的链下交易机制。实验分析表明,基于区块链的5G物联网数据共享方案具有较强的抗攻击能力;基于闪电网络的交易机制,能够大幅提高交易吞吐量、降低交易时延。  相似文献   

蔡婷  林晖  陈武辉  郑子彬  余阳 《软件学报》2021,32(4):953-972
近年来,随着大量设备不断地加入物联网中,数据共享作为物联网市场的主要驱动因素成为了研究热点.然而,当前的物联网数据共享存在着出于安全顾虑和缺乏激励机制等原因导致用户不愿意参与共享数据的问题.在此背景下,区块链技术为解决用户的信任问题和提供安全的数据存储被引入到物联网数据共享中.然而,在构建基于区块链的安全分布式数据共享...  相似文献   

In recent years, with many devices continuously joining the Internet of Things (IoT), data sharing as the main driver of the IoT market has become a research hotspot. However, the users are reluctant to participate in data sharing due to security concerns and lacking incentive mechanisms in the current IoT. In this context, blockchain is introduced into the data sharing of IoT to solve the trust problem of users and provide secure data storage. However, in the exploration of building a secure distributed data sharing system based on the blockchain, how to break the inherent performance bottleneck of blockchain is still a major challenge. For this reason, the efficient blockchain-based data sharing incentive scheme is studied for IoT. In the scheme, an efficient data sharing incentive framework based on blockchain is proposed, named ShareBC. Firstly, ShareBC uses sharding technology to build asynchronous consensus zones that can process data sharing transactions in parallel and deploy efficient consensus mechanisms on the cloud/edge servers and asynchronous consensus zones in sharding, thus improving the processing efficiency of data sharing transactions. Then, a sharing incentive mechanism based on a hierarchical data auction model implemented by a smart contract is presentedto encourage IoT users to participate in data sharing. The proposed mechanism can solve the problem of multi-layer data allocation involved in IoT data sharing and maximize the overall social welfare. Finally, the experimental results show that the proposed scheme is economically efficient, incentive-compatible, and real-time, with scalability, low cost, and good practicability.  相似文献   

[背景]伴随着区块链逐渐应用于新一代互联网络的域名、路由、公钥等基础设施,其重要性日益彰显.作为区块链以及整个分布式系统领域的核心技术,共识机制直接影响着区块链的处理能力、可扩展性及安全性,也影响着其在互联网基础设施中的根基.[目的]对软件定义网络SDN(Software Defined Network)中用于实现多控...  相似文献   

分布式能源共享是能源互联网发展的重要方向,而现有分布式能源供需共享网络普遍存在能源主体间难以达成信任及能源消耗高等问题.在能源共享网络中建立互信机制,基于区块链技术设计可信分布式能源共享网络,利用基于侧链技术的三层网络协同工作链码体系实现网络性能提升和主体隐私保护,通过分布式能源动态调度机制降低能源损耗并提高整体能源利...  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的不断演进与用户数量的"爆炸式"增长,网络作为一项基础设施渗透于人们生存、生活的各个方面,其安全问题也逐渐成为人们日益关注的重点.然而,随着网络规模的扩大以及攻击者恶意行为的多样化、复杂化,传统网络安全体系架构及其关键技术已经暴露出单点信任、部署困难等诸多问题,而具备去中心化、不可篡改等特性的区块链技术为...  相似文献   

针对当前各医疗相关机构间数据共享困难、数据隐私易泄露等问题,提出了一个基于区块链的电子医疗病历(EHR)共享方案。首先,基于区块链不可篡改、去中心化、分布式存储的特点,设计了基于区块链的EHR数据共享模型,采用区块链网络和分布式数据库共同存储加密的EHR及相关访问控制策略,防止EHR数据被篡改和泄露;其次,将分布式密钥生成(DKG)技术与基于身份的代理重加密(IBPRE)技术相结合,设计了数据安全共享协议,协议使用委托权益证明(DPOS)算法选取代理节点,重加密EHR,实现单对用户间的数据共享。安全性分析表明,所提方案能够抵抗身份伪装和重放攻击。仿真实验与对比分析表明,DPOS算法的效率高于工作量证明(POW)算法,略低于实用拜占庭容错(PBFT)算法,但所提方案去中心化程度更高,耗费算力较小。  相似文献   

A primary objective of blockchain technology is to address information security and efficiency issues related to existing information sharing systems. For the sharing of health records, little is known about the application of blockchain in management information systems. There are strict regulations for sharing health information due to insecure systems and privacy concerns. To significantly and effectively improve medical diagnosis, it is beneficial to have efficient, reliable, and accurate accessibility to a patient's full medical history. Due to concerns with the security of health systems and privacy concerns, medical histories are not always accessible to healthcare providers. To help increase accessibility options, this research proposes a blockchain-based model that facilitates sharing medical records in a manner that is beneficial to both healthcare providers and patients. Social exchange theory provides the theoretical support for the conceptual model presented. Experimental findings based on 151 participants revealed that the blockchain technology can provide a secure information system and increase patient motivation to share medical records. To show the applicability of the proposed use of blockchain from a practical managerial perspective, we show feasibility by developing an Android software application.  相似文献   

随着5G技术广泛应用和物联网技术飞速发展,可以预见的是物联网设备的数量和连接规模会进一步扩大。物联网可以有效地利用现有网络基础设施将物理世界和互联网世界联系在一起,从而实现设备之间的数据共享,然而,其网络结构的大规模性和复杂性给物联网系统带来了潜在的安全风险。访问控制技术可以用来保护设备以及设备上数据的安全,传统访问控制模型及实现比较复杂且中心化的,由此,本文期望构建一种新型的基于区块链的物联网访问控制系统——基于RBAC模型和ABAC模型构建DARBAC模型,同时结合区块链技术构建访问控制系统以克服集中式实体的单点故障问题,具备可伸缩性、轻量级和细粒度等特性。实验测试结果表明,该系统具有良好的并发性能,可在物联网系统中有效地部署实施并能达到预期效果。  相似文献   

在当前数字化、网络化时代中,数字版权交易需求越来越大,传统的中心化版权保护系统存在注册成本高、作品受理时间长、容易遭受破坏者的篡改等问题。区块链技术作为一个以P2P网络为基础,以密码技术为核心的去中心化网络结构,能够在网络上以纯数学方法建立信任关系,无需依托中间平台就能够缓解上述问题。借助区块链技术的自我监管、可追溯、去中心化的特性,结合数字版权交易场景,设计了一个基于联盟链的数字版权交易系统模型,利用当前 IBM 提供的最新联盟链技术,做了版权注册和版权交易的实现,能够保证版权信息不可篡改性和可溯源性。最后,测试了链码部署安装时间。结果表明,系统安装简单,维护成本低。相比传统的基于可信第三方版权认证机制,基于区块链的数字版权交易系统注册时间短,无需注册费,具有更好的架构安全性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

区块链技术有着去中心化、可信度高、难以篡改的特点,能够解决传统访问控制技术中存在的信任难题.通过总结现有的基于区块链的访问控制机制,分别从基于交易事务和基于智能合约两种实现方式分析了将区块链技术应用于访问控制领域的独有优势.根据区块链应用中的关键问题,从动态访问控制、链上空间优化、隐私数据保护3个关键技术总结了现有的研...  相似文献   

针对当前教育资源共享安全性低和身份认证困难的问题, 提出了一种区块链技术与无证书签名相结合的可跨域身份认证方案, 将无证书签名技术的高安全性、无密钥托管问题等优点应用到区块链的分布式网络中, 实现了身份认证过程中用户安全、跨域认证、恶意用户可追溯、注册信息不可篡改. 首先, 基于教育区块链与无证书签名的身份认证方案是建...  相似文献   

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