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The paper addresses itself to stochastic modeling of solar water heating systems. Solar water heating systems will be modelled in order to estimate the percentage of energy contributed by the sum to the total required load by system users. The major tool in developing the model is Chapman-Kolmogorov equation. The model takes into consideration the effect of randomness of insolation, demand for hot water, and the sequence in which they occur on the evaluation of the system performance.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the controller design of a distributed storage solar system. A single-chip computer is used as the central unit. Four types of temperature sensor are considered and IC semiconductor sensors are shown to suit this application best. The pump and auxiliary heat supply is controlled in an on/off fashion by optically isolated relays.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simulation model for evaluating the economic viability of a solar system for heating water in an apartment building. The system consists of solar collectors and a back-up oil burner. The model determines the optimal number of collectors needed and the optimal method for connecting the collectors—in series or in parallel.

The simulation results show that the solar system for heating water is more economical as the life span of the system increases, as the prices of oil increase, and as the demand for hot water increases. Furthermore, connecting the collectors in series is more economical than connecting them in parallel.  相似文献   

为了保证井口输油管道中原油的流动性,针对传统的电加热器和水套炉存在的热效率低、功耗大、不稳定及废气对环境造成污染等问题,提出了一套以太阳能集热器为主、热泵热水器为辅的加热系统。该系统采用温度采集卡实现10路温度信号及6路开关量信号的采集,利用三星的S3C2410 ARM控制器对太阳能集热器和热泵进行交替控制,从而实现储油罐原油的加热控制。触摸屏采用3.5英寸的TFT液晶屏,并将WINCE操作系统移植到ARM处理器,从而实现了良好的人机交互控制界面。  相似文献   

This paper presents a significant improvement over the hitherto available linear dominant system design techniques for guaranteeing system response within prescribed bounds, despite large plant parameter variations. Noteworthy features of the new technique are as follows. 1) The mapping of the plant parameter space into the closed-loop system space is exact and permits application to a much wider and more realistic class of problems than previously possible. 2) It is shown how the loop transmission bandwidth may be made very much smaller than in the previous designs, thus considerably extending the applicability of the dominant approach because of its drastically reduced sensitivity to internal noise.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of minimizing cable connections between a central computer and a field of heliostats in the design of solar power systems. This practical task can be modeled as a p-median problem with additional constraints in a weighted graph. We compare an exact branch-and-bound method with two approximate algorithms. For the latter two methods, estimations of time complexity and accuracy are presented. Computational results are shown which should be useful in the design of such large-scale power systems.  相似文献   

In this paper optimum design of frames is discussed. Specifically, minimum weight design of steel frames in the elastic range of material behaviour is treated. The solution algorithm is designed and programmed for use on micro-computers to suit a design office environment. Stress and slenderness constraints are considered, however displacement constraints may readily be implemented. Three examples are given and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

文章针对太阳能热水器存在着受季节和天气的影响,提供的热水量不够、不能实现全年正常使用,设计了一个利用铂电阻、74HC595和单片机等元件,对光热、电热实现智能互补的多功能太阳能热水器控制系统。给出了太阳能热水器控制器的功能设计和原理框图,并设计出各功能模块电路原理图,分析了其设计原理和实现方法。该控制系统实现了水温、水量的测量与显示,光、电加热智能互补,自动、手动操作互补等功能。  相似文献   

The present paper treats a problem of determining the mass distribution of a cantilever column subject to a compressive follower force, i.e. Beck's column, which maximizes its critical load of dynamic stability under the constraint of a specified total mass. A considerable increase of the critical load can be achieved by taking two characteristic loads into account and maximizing them simultaneously. The present optimum design is found to be a point in the space of design variable at which the critical load varies in a discontinuous fashion. The finite element method is used as a technique for discretizing the basic equations, while the gradient projection method is used as an optimization technique. The computational algorithm is developed and some numerical examples are shown.  相似文献   

In this paper a simulation model for a basic solar heating system which is suitable for control and optimization studies is developed. A model for flat plate solar collectors using fluids for the heat transfer which allows the analysis of operation in great detail is presented. The simulation model for the solar collectors has also the characteristic that its inputs and outputs are quantities which are easily measurable in the real world. The effect of temperature stratification in the heat storage device model is considered by simulating two storage chambers of variable volume. The heat storage model requires relatively small time increments, a requirement which is not as stringent as that for the solar collectors. The tank's model primary variables are the easily measurable quantities of temperature and flow rates with the addition of volume as an internal variable. Weather, load and control modeling is also presented. The gradient search method is then applied to study optimal sizing of solar heating components of The University of Toledo solar house.  相似文献   

Optimum shape design of rotating disks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with optimum shape design of the rotating disks by nonlinear programming method. The shape of the cross section is defined by 5th degree polynomial which is completely determined by the boundary conditions and four design variables. The stress analysis of the disk is carried out by finite element method using isoparametric elements. The optimization technique used is with improved movelimit method of sequential linear programming. Progress of optimization is investigated with three different objective functions. After preliminary studies a weighted objective function is selected for detailed investigation. Optimum shapes are obtained for different speeds and for different fit pressures from hub. The results are presented in non-dimensionalised form.  相似文献   

This paper is about the problem of optimization of bracing columns—height of the parallel chords, cross-sectional areas of the chord and bracing and area moments of inertia of the chord and bracing. Optimization parameters have been determined by Lagrange’s multipliers method—inequality constraint functions. Total mass of the construction has been selected as the objective function. Criterions of buckling (general buckling of the bracing column, local buckling of the chord and local buckling of the bracing diagonal) and criterion of deformation are used as the constraint functions. Numerical examples are performed by usage of the obtained theoretical solutions.  相似文献   

In this paper a method is presented for the optimum, minimum weight design of rigidly jointed frames. The problem is formulated using the matrix displacement method for which the design variables are not only the areas of members but also the displacements of joints. Both the stress and displacement requirements, as stated in B.S. 449, are taken into consideration. The problem turns out to be one of non-linear programming. This is linearised by using the first two terms of a Taylor expansion. To ensure a feasible solution move limits are employed so that the iteration procedure avoids the reduction of vital structural variables to zero. The design procedure developed do not require the structural analysis equations to be solved during the optimisation process. Examples are given to demonstrate the method.  相似文献   

In this paper the problem of optimally designing a quantizer imbedded in a closed-loop dynamic system is considered. The criterion for the design is that the overall system performance as expressed by a variational criterion is optimized. The function of quantization is thus related to the functions of control and estimation that are performed in the system. First, a procedure is described for optimally designing a quantizer in a static open-loop system, where the design criterion is the expected value of a function of the instantaneous error between the input and output of the quantizer. This procedure reduces the search over all quantizer parameters to an iterative search over a single parameter. Next, the existing methods for finding the optimal design of a quantizer imbedded in a dynamic system are reviewed. The most general method found in the literature involves a combination of dynamic programming with an exhaustive search for all quantizer parameters. The computational requirements of this procedure are quite large even for low-order systems with few quantizer parameters. Finally, a new result is presented that leads to greatly reduced computational requirements for the dynamic system case. It is shown that under certain conditions an overall optimum system design is obtained by first optimizing the system with all quantizers removed and then applying the procedure for the static open-loop case mentioned above. This result is analogous to the separation of the functions of estimation and control that occurs under similar conditions. The computational savings over the existing procedures are very extensive, and the new procedure is computationally feasible for a large class of practical systems.  相似文献   

The problem of controlling soil water within the root zone of irrigated crops to minimize the expected loss is examined. Control is accomplished by scheduling the amount of and timing irrigations to replenish the soil water reservoir depleted by the crop's water consumption. Actual evapo-transpiration rates are a function of the prevailing soil water level and the evaporative demand, which may be considered to be either deterministic or probabilistic. For crops grown on a particular soil, an optimum soil water level is defined as the lowest soil water level above which crops are not stressed. The reduced yield of a crop is related to its growth stage and to the amount and duration that the soil water content is below this optimum value.Existing inventory models are adapted for the purpose of determining the optimal irrigation policy, that is, the timing and amount of water application that result in the minimum irrigation cost to the farmer. Solutions to complex decision-making problems are currently available for a variety of irrigation situations.  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型金刚石高温压力传感器的优化设计方法。采用薄板弯曲理论研究了均匀载荷作用下多晶金刚石方膜在小挠度和大挠度下的应变分布情况。对设计时应当考虑的主要问题包括金刚石力敏电阻条的掺杂浓度,电桥的形式,电阻条在膜片上的分布以及电阻条的有效长度和形状等进行了讨论。利用模拟程序确定了力敏电阻条的最优有效长度,分析了敏感膜片厚度,方块电阻等因素对电阻条有效长度和输出响应的影响。  相似文献   

A structural optimization algorithm is developed for geometrically nonlinear three-dimensional trusses subject to displacement, stress and cross-sectional area constraints. The method is obtained by coupling the nonlinear analysis technique with the optimality criteria approach. The nonlinear behaviour of the space truss which was required for the steps of optimality criteria method was obtained by using iterative linear analysis. In each iteration the geometric stiffness matrix is constructed for the deformed structure and compensating load vector is applied to the system in order to adjust the joint displacements. During nonlinear analysis, tension members are loaded up to yield stress and compression members are stressed until their critical limits. The overall loss of elastic stability is checked throughout the steps of algorithm. The member forces resulted at the end of nonlinear analysis are used to obtain the new values of design variables for the next cycle. Number of design examples are presented to demonstrate the application of the algorithm. It is shown that the consideration of nonlinear behaviour of the space trusses in their optimum design makes it possible to achieve further reduction in the overall weight. The other advantage of the algorithm is that it takes into account the realistic behaviour of the structure, without which an optimum design might lead to erroneous result. This is noticed in one of the design example where a tension member changed into a compression one at the end of nonlinear analysis.  相似文献   

Optimum designs for the minimum weight of composite laminated plates subjected to size, displacement, buckling and natural frequency constraints are investigated by a technique of combining finite element method and mathematical programming, in which the structural analysis is based on the YNS theory. The recurrence relation based on the feasible direction method (FDM) and the scaling step is used to modify the design variables (ply-thicknesses and ply-orientations) during the iterative procedure. Grouping technique is engaged in the procedure in order that the number of design variables can be greatly reduced to make the problem more practical. Illustrative examples are given to show that the present technique is quite efficient and reliable.  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型金刚石高温压力传感器的优化设计方法.采用薄板弯曲理论研究了均匀载荷作用下多晶金刚石方膜在小挠度和大挠度下的应变分布情况.对设计时应当考虑的主要问题包括金刚石力敏电阻条的掺杂浓度,电桥的形式,电阻条在膜片上的分布以及电阻条的有效长度和形状等进行了讨论.利用模拟程序确定了力敏电阻条的最优有效长度,分析了敏感膜片厚度,方块电阻等因素对电阻条有效长度和输出响应的影响.  相似文献   

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