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Systems EROS is a physical design tool for CODASYL database systems which covers a large spectrum of decision variables, notably location mode, set implementation, set order, and search keys. System EROS is based on a model where the CODASYL physical database design problem is formulated as an extension of the index selection problem in the relational database environment. Optimization algorithms for index selection are extended to solve the more complex problem of selecting a good physical access path configuration for CODASYL databases. The proposed approach represents a unified solution to the physical database design problem for both CODASYL and relational systems  相似文献   

In this paper, a model which combines relational databases with self-processing networks is proposed in order to improve the performance of very large databases. The proposed model uses an approach which is radically different from all other distributed database models, where each computer processes a portion of the database. In the self-processing network model, the network structure which consists of nodes and connections, captures the data and the relationships by assigning them unique, connected control, and data nodes. The network activity is the mechanism that performs the relational algebra operations. No data transmission is needed, and since data nodes are common to all the relations, integrity and elimination of data redundancy are achieved. An extension of the model, by interconnecting the data nodes via weighted links, provides us with properties that are embedded in neural networks, such as fuzziness and learning.  相似文献   

An interactive design tool for designing CODASYL databases is described. The system is composed of three main modules: a user interface, a transaction analyzer, and a core module. The user interface allows a designer to enter interactively information concerning a database design which is to be evaluated. The transaction analyzer allows the designer to specify the processing requirements in terms of typical logical transactions to be executed against the database and translates these logical transaction into physical transaction which access and manipulate the physical databases. The core module is the implementation of a set of analytical models and cost formulas developed for the manipulation of indexed sequential and hash-based files and CODASYL sets. These models and formulas account for the situation in which occurrences of multiple record types are stored in the same area. Also presented are the results of a series of experiments in which key design parameters are varied. The system is implemented in UCSD Pascal running on IBM PCs  相似文献   

We describe the conceptual model of SORAC, a data modeling system developed at the University of Rhode Island. SORAC supports both semantic objects and relationships, and provides a tool for modeling databases needed for complex design domains. SORAC's set of built-in semantic relationships permits the schema designer to specify enforcement rules that maintain constraints on the object and relationship types. SORAC then automatically generates C++ code to maintain the specified enforcement rules, producing a schema that is compatible with Ontos. This facilitates the task of the schema designer, who no longer has to ensure that all methods on object classes correctly maintain necessary constraints. In addition, explicit specification of enforcement rules permits automated analysis of enforcement propagations. We compare the interpretations of relationships within the semantic and object-oriented models as an introduction to the mixed model that SORAC supports. Next, the set of built-in SORAC relationship types is presented in terms of the enforcement rules permitted on each relationship type. We then use the modeling requirements of an architectural design support system, called Arch Objects, to demonstrate the capabilities of SORAC. The implementation of the current SORAC prototype is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Although widely advocated as a tool for the conceptual modelling of data, the Entity-Relationship (E-R) model [4] and its extensions are generally lacking in constructs to model the dynamic nature of the real world, making them inadequate for designing temporal databases. This research first extends the E-R model to a Temporal Event-Entity-Relationship Model (TEERM), by introducing events as an additional construct. Second, a method is proposed for mapping this conceptual model into a temporal relational model for the logical design of temporal relational databases with a corresponding set of integrity constraints. The model is illustrated with an example and evaluated using a set of criteria proposed by Batini et al. [2]. The model appears to be expressive, simple and easy to use, and should, therefore, aid the temporal database design process significantly.  相似文献   

Entity-relationship–extended entity-relationship models play a crucial role in the conceptual design of relational databases as well as object-oriented databases. Recently, several approaches have been proposed to enhance object-oriented databases (OODBs) using fuzzy set theory. In this paper, we introduce a fuzzy extended entity-relationship model to cope with imperfect as well as complex objects in the real world at a conceptual level. In particular, we provide the formal approach to mapping a fuzzy extended entity-relationship model to a fuzzy object-oriented database schema. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The performance of a database system depends, to a large extent, on the storage structure selected to represent the logical schema of the database. A comprehensive model for the physical design of network model databases is presented. It evaluates the retrieval time for each user query, database updating cost, storage requirements and total cost of the system in terms of design parameters. A linear 0–1 goal programming model, because of its multicriteria nature, has been selected here as a solution procedure. It finds the optimal location mode of each database record type based on the priority and weights assigned to the conflicting design objectives; short retrieval time for a user query, low database updating cost, small storage requirements and low total cost of the system. The designer can interactively change value of design parameters, priority and weights to perform tradeoff analysis. The model has been tested in the design of a department store database.  相似文献   

基于迭代比特交织编码调制(BICM-ID)提出了一种物理层网络编码与编码调制技术联合设计方案。该方案将编码调制技术和物理层网络编码联合设计,提高了网络吞吐量,通过设计一种星座映射方案,增大欧氏距离,降低误码率。此外,由于译码器部分只采用了一个SISO译码模块,编码译码方式采用卷积码,使得译码复杂度大大降低。  相似文献   

Inheritance hierarchy design in object-oriented databases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Object-oriented database schema design is still mostly an art. One of the difficulties encountered during design is typing conflicts induced by multiple inheritance. In this paper, we propose a method for treating such a kind of conflicts. Our approach to inheritance conflict solving consists of several ingredients. First, we rely on branding, to introduce ‘type equivalence by name', thus allowing a designer to distinguish between structurally similar but semantically different types. However, we offer a heuristic that does not require a designer to explicitly state branding declarations. Second, we describe various kinds of conflicts, and we offer a set of procedures that analyze a schema to discover such conflicts, classify them, offering potential solutions, if possible. The procedures have been conceived for a design system that allows a designer maximum flexibility, while guiding him/her to a correct design.  相似文献   

A comprehensive set of software development tools - BOS Infrastructure Software - is introduced. This system enables purpose built datastructures to be constructed for a range of engineering disciplines. The development of BOS Building Design Systems containing three dimensional assembly datastructures and comprehensive parts databases, and Engineering Management Systems describing product assemblies are introduced.  相似文献   

Database systems employ physical structures such as indexes and materialized views to improve query performance, potentially by orders of magnitude. It is therefore important for a database administrator to choose the appropriate configuration of these physical structures for a given database. XML database systems are increasingly being used to manage semi-structured data, and XML support has been added to commercial database systems. In this paper, we address the problem of automatic physical design for XML databases, which is the process of automatically selecting the best set of physical structures for a database and a query workload. We focus on recommending two types of physical structures: XML indexes and relational materialized views of XML data. We present a design advisor for recommending XML indexes, one for recommending materialized views, and an integrated design advisor that recommends both indexes and materialized views. A key characteristic of our advisors is that they are tightly coupled with the query optimizer of the database system, and they rely on the optimizer for enumerating and evaluating physical designs. We have implemented our advisors in a prototype version of IBM DB2 V9, and we experimentally demonstrate the effectiveness of their recommendations using this implementation.  相似文献   

A paradigm is proposed for representing hierarchically specified design data in CAD database systems in which there are alternate expansions of hierarchically specified modules. The paradigm uses an ancestor-based scheme to control which instances of submodules are to be placed in the expansion of each instance of a given module and is formalized using a versioned directed acyclic multigraph (VDAG). The approach is aimed at reducing storage space in engineering design database systems and at providing a means for designers to specify alternate expansions of a module. The VDAG model is defined, and a mechanism by which a VDAG generates an exploded forest of design trees is described. Algorithms are provided to generate a design forest from a given VDAG, determine whether one module is contained by a larger module, extract a version from a VDAG, test whether two VDAGs are equivalent, and try to reduce the size of a VDAG. The problems of module containment and VDAG inequivalence are shown to be NP-complete, and the problem of finding a minimum sized VDAG equivalent to a given VDAG is shown to be NP-hard  相似文献   

对等网络的拓扑失配会引起不必要的网络流量,不仅加重了物理网络的负担,而且加大了节点间资源搜索的平均时延。提出一种基于物理拓扑信息的P2P网络模型CSL。CSL模型是以自治系统之间的物理连接构成Center层,以节点的网络地址构成Super层,由普通节点形成Leaf层的三层模型,并采用相应的算法维护网络的运行。通过实验表明,CSL模型在资源搜索时可以明显降低系统的平均时延。针对拓扑失配问题提出的CSL模型可以很好的工作,特别是节点规模较大时在减轻网络负担和降低资源搜索的平均时延方面表现更好。  相似文献   

Spatial range query is one of the most common queries in spatial databases, where a user invokes a query to find all the surrounding interest objects. Most studies in range search consider Euclidean distances to retrieve the result in low cost, but with poor accuracy (i.e., Euclidean distance less than or equal network distance). Thus, researchers show that range search in network distance retrieves the results with high accuracy but with a vast amount of network distance computations. However, both of these techniques retrieve all objects in a given radius with a high number of false hits. Yet, in many situations, retrieving all objects is not necessary, especially when there are already enough objects closer to the query point. Also, when the radius of the search increases, a demotion in the performance will occur. Hence, approximate results are valuable just as the exact result, and approximate results can be obtained much faster than the exact result and are less costly. In this paper, we propose two approximate range search methods in spatial road network, namely approximate range Euclidean restriction and approximate range network expansion, to reduce the number of false hits and the number of network distance computations in a considerable manner. After the verification, these two methods are shown to be robust and accurate.  相似文献   

Optimal location (OL) queries are a type of spatial queries that are particularly useful for the strategic planning of resources. Given a set of existing facilities and a set of clients, an OL query asks for a location to build a new facility that optimizes a certain cost metric (defined based on the distances between the clients and the facilities). Several techniques have been proposed to address OL queries, assuming that all clients and facilities reside in an \(L_p\) space. In practice, however, movements between spatial locations are usually confined by the underlying road network, and hence, the actual distance between two locations can differ significantly from their \(L_p\) distance. Motivated by the deficiency of the existing techniques, this paper presents a comprehensive study on OL queries in road networks. We propose a unified framework that addresses three variants of OL queries that find important applications in practice, and we instantiate the framework with several novel query processing algorithms. We further extend our framework to efficiently monitor the OLs when locations for facilities and/or clients have been updated. Our dynamic update methods lead to efficient answering of continuous optimal location queries. We demonstrate the efficiency of our solutions through extensive experiments with large real data.  相似文献   

The Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) design process for a facility involves participation of many design specialists. These participants are architects, engineers (structural, mechanical and electrical) and contractors, who may be independent design professionals or design teams within an organization. From the viewpoint of information processing, two characteristic features distinguish the AEC design process from many other design domains. Firstly, there is a massive volume of design data involved in the design of each of its component specialties. Secondly, the specialization of the disciplines themselves warrant substantial autonomy. For design automation, this autonomy should be realized without sacrificing the collaborative nature of the multidisciplinary AEC design process. We propose autonomous AEC databases to deal with the first issue, and a global constraint maintenance mechanism for the second. Autonomous design databases can support the existing local applications in architectural, structural and mechanical engineering, and construction domains. However, a set of inter-disciplinary constraints needs to be enforced to ensure spatial and functional consistency of the design. A global constraint checking mechanism frees designers from the burden of keeping track of various design changes that may result in cross-functional conflicts. In this paper, we discuss the relevant issues for constraint management on distributed AEC databases. Although specific AEC examples will be used, the presentation is general enough to be applicable to other design domains, such as VLSI and manufacturing.  相似文献   

This paper presents a generic stochastic model for the design of networks comprising both supply and return channels, organized in a closed loop system. Such situations are typical for manufacturing/re-manufacturing type of systems in reverse logistics. The model accounts for a number of alternative scenarios, which may be constructed based on critical levels of design parameters such as demand or returns. We describe a decomposition approach to this model, based on the branch-and-cut procedure known as the integer L-shaped method. Computational results in an illustrative numerical setting show a consistent performance efficiency of the method. Moreover, the stochastic solution features a significant improvement in terms of average performance over the individual scenario solutions. A modeling and solution methodology as presented here can contribute to the efficient solution of network design models under uncertainty for reverse logistics.  相似文献   

A simple analytic queueing model of software resource sharing in a multiprogramming environment is presented. Implicit algebraic equations for steady state mean waiting times at the various queues are developed. These equations may be solved by simple fixed point iteration. It is shown that a solution always exists and that under non-restrictive conditions the simple iteration does converge. An easily applied test for uniqueness of solution is given. Tables of results and comparison with simulation solutions are included.  相似文献   

Logical relational database design, because of its implementation-independent nature, has been successfully formalized. Physical relational database design, because of its implementation-dependent nature, has remained largely unformalized and disconnected, not only from logical design but also from conceptual database design. The paper suggests a model for the physical design process that has proven useful in a number of practical development projects. The model demonstrates that a seamless join between conceptual, logical and physical design work is feasible. It illustrates how the process of annotating a conceptual model with physical detail provides a useful framework for driving the process of physical relational database design.  相似文献   

提出了一个典型的模型,该模型考虑到包延时的相关性和串联队列的相关性,这对端到端的抖动有重要影响。针对一个单队列的Poisson流量分布的抖动,给出了一个非常易于计算的公式,然后推广到基于串联队列的标记流的端到端抖动。通过模拟实验可以发现,模型的分析值和模拟值基本吻合,在大流量背景下更为精确,更重要的是对于抖动而言该值是可信的,这样就可以用于网络设计过程中。  相似文献   

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