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The influence of various factors on the gross and metallurgical coke yield and the yield of coking byproducts at OAO Zaporozhkoks is studied. Analysis of laboratory data results in a mathematical formula for the influence of the reflection coefficient of vitrinite and the sum of lean components on the yield of coke and coking byproducts. Conversion factors from the calculated gross coke yield to the actual production yield (when batch preparation and coke-battery design are taken into account) are presented.  相似文献   

Determinations of weathered coal by petrographic methods, and coking tests in an 18-inch (12m) test oven were used to quantify the effects of weathered coal on coking properties and coke quality. The results show that the presence of weathered coal causes a decrease in coke stability and coking rate and an increase in coke reactivity and coke-breeze generation. Because these effects contribute to increased costs in both the coke plant and the blast furnace, every effort should be made to reduce the amount of weathered coal in coking coal mixes.  相似文献   

The influence of various technological factors on the high-temperature properties of coke is investigated. It is found that factors facilitating an orderly organic structure of the coke (fine grinding and compaction of the batch, increased conditioning of the coke, dry slaking, the introduction of lubricant additives in the batch) reduce the reactivity of the coke; by contrast, introducing coke fines, intermediate product, and red mud in the batch increases the reactivity.  相似文献   

煤的CO2化学反应性和焦炭的反应性(CRI)都是在高温条件下碳与CO2进行还原反应,其中原料煤性质是主要影响因素。为了讨论二者之间的联系,选取气煤、肥煤、焦煤,1/3焦煤和气肥煤进行单煤反应活性和40 kg实验焦炉捣固炼焦所得焦炭反应性的测定。焦炭反应性的测定无论从样品量、反应时间及操作方法上,都较煤的反应活性复杂且对设备要求高。结果表明:所选煤样的反应活性与对应焦炭反应性之间的相关关系较好,相关系数R可达到0.99。因此在时间或煤样量有限的情况下,可以通过测定煤样反应活性推导CRI。  相似文献   

An analytical review reveals that, for current batch with an elevated content of petrographically diverse coal and with organic additives, it is very difficult to predict the coke yield and basic coking byproducts from the yield of volatiles. A more promising approach is prediction on the basis of the elementary and petrographic composition of the coal batch.  相似文献   

对于煤系针状焦生产,延迟焦化装置无论从产量还是质量考虑都是核心部分。而延迟焦化加热炉则是延迟焦化装置的核心部分。在延迟焦化生产中,加热炉为焦化反应提供足够热量。物料在加热炉管中停留一定的时间,达到成焦温度,经转油线进入焦炭塔成焦。在该过程中,由于物料高残炭、高密度、高黏度,临界反应温度低的特性,经长期运行  相似文献   

At OAO Zapadno-Sibirskii Metallurgicheskii Kombinat (ZSMK), research is undertaken to improve the optimization of coking batch. The basic approach, proposed by specialists from OAO Nizhne-tagil’skii Metallurgicheskii Kombinat, employs the coefficient K opt, which characterizes the deviation of the batch from its optimal composition. The coking properties of the OAO ZSMK coal batch over the last few years are analyzed. After laboratory and industrial coking of batch with different K opt, the strength and reactivity of the resulting coke is investigated. Evaluation of coke-grade coal in terms of its rank according to State Standard GOST 25543-88 proves inadequate, since coal of the same rank may differ markedly in coking properties. A method is established for assessing the optimality of the coal batch at OAO ZSMK.  相似文献   

The characteristics of Kuznetsk Basin coal concentrates and their yield of coking products are determined. On that basis, experimental coal blends are formulated and analyzed.  相似文献   

在无焦煤的炼焦条件下,将徐州气煤和枣庄肥煤两种煤混合,以此混煤为基础煤料,添加不同粒度的焦粉、瘦煤、无烟煤进行坩埚焦炼焦实验,对所炼制的坩埚焦进行焦炭光学组织、焦炭显微强度和结构强度分析测试。结果表明,添加惰性物使焦炭的各向异性指数(OTI)增大,I+Mf+FF减小;3种惰性物中,添加焦粉对提高焦炭显微强度和结构强度效果最好;惰性物的粒度越小,提高焦炭质量效果越明显。  相似文献   

A model is developed for predicting the postreactive strength CSR and reactivity CRI of coke. The model adequately reflects the dependence of these characteristics on the chemical and petrographic parameters of the coal batch, taking account of the batch preparation and coking period, as well as the slaking method.  相似文献   

Operational experience with a system for dust-free coke discharge is outlined.  相似文献   

研究了炼焦煤的灰分和催化指数,通过小焦炉实验进行了焦炭的反应性和反应后强度的测定。结果表明,灰分催化指数对焦炭的反应性和反应后强度的影响显著。焦炭的反应性与灰分碱性催化指数呈正线性相关,焦炭的反应后强度与灰分碱性催化指数呈负线性相关。  相似文献   

The evaluation of coal batch is considered, along with its influence on coke quality and the coking properties. The quality of the coal available for coking at OAO Zapadno-Sibirskii Metallurgicheskii Kombinat is declining. Given the shortage of coking coal, coal ranks that are not of equivalent coking and enrichment characteristics are being added to the batch. In some cases, mixtures with energy coals are prepared. The ash content of the batch sent for enrichment is rising, and the concentrate yield is falling. With decrease in the content of bituminous coal in the coking batch, the strength of the coke is declining. Improving the performance of the coke-production and blast-furnace shops depends on access to coal of satisfactory structure and quality.  相似文献   

对捣固焦炉炼焦耗热量高开展研究。在保证焦炭质量的前提下,研究了配合煤水分、焦炉炉顶空间温度、废气温度的影响,采用适当的焦饼中心温度及合理的空气过剩系数,加强对焦炉炉体保温管理,严格控制焦炉操作等措施来降低炼焦耗热量,效果显著。  相似文献   

Attention focuses on the condition of existing coke ovens and measures for their preservation and stabilization of their operation during times of economic crisis. Views on this topic from the Sixteenth Annual Seminar of Coke-Industry Specialists are reported.  相似文献   

以水分含量为2%左右的干燥煤为实验原料,采用5 kg实验焦炉炼制焦炭,探讨了加热制度对干燥煤炼焦焦炭质量的影响,并运用XRD分析了加热制度对焦炭微晶结构的影响。结果表明,优化炼焦加热制度可以有效改善焦炭质量,随着炼焦终温、保温时间、升温速率的增加,焦炭的抗碎强度和反应后强度均先增大后减小,耐磨强度和反应性均先减小后增大;焦炭微晶结构中层间距d_(002)均有所减小,石墨化度升高,焦炭结构强度增大;在炼焦终温、保温时间、升温速率分别为1 150℃、2.5 h、2.5℃/min时,焦炭的质量最好。  相似文献   

针对延迟焦化生产中延迟焦化加热炉炉管结焦的现象,研究了现有清焦工艺,提出对于煤系针状焦延迟焦化加热炉采用传统的蒸汽-空气清焦工艺技术是可行的,并给出了具体实施方案与操作要点。  相似文献   

针对延迟焦化生产中延迟焦化加热炉炉管结焦的现象,研究了现有清焦工艺,提出对于煤系针状焦延迟焦化加热炉采用传统的蒸汽-空气清焦工艺技术是可行的,并给出了具体实施方案与操作要点。  相似文献   

充分发挥干熄炉对焦炭的延时焖炉作用,在满足焦炭质量的前提下,通过采取一系列措施提高炉温的均匀性和稳定性,降低焦炉标准温度,将成焦温度控制在较低水平,从而达到焦炉节能减排的目的。  相似文献   

In optimizing the organization of the coke oven’s heating system, the feasible region of parameter values is identified and analyzed. Previous research has shown that optimal organization of the heating system calls for the forced recirculation of gas fluxes with recirculation rates exceeding those currently employed and also for measures that simultaneously permit energy conservation and curb nitrogen oxide emissions. To that end, the influence of recirculation on process parameters is analyzed in the present work, and the feasible region is found on the basis of the following constraints: no reduction of heat supplied for the coking process; and unchanged consumption of coke-oven gas. In addition, the basic parameters of the power generation subsystem are determined by assessing the energy balance.  相似文献   

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