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一种用于CDMA系统的正交序列调制方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
封翔  毕光国 《通信学报》1998,19(8):32-38
在宽带移动通信系统中,经常考虑采用通过FFT实现的多载波调制,如OFDM。本文提出了一种利用FHT实现的CDMA系统的正交序列调制方案。其基本思想为利用Walsh函数作为载波,将Walsh函数分组,从每组中选出一些作为载波,这样不同的载波组合方式本身将包含用户信息。这种方法实现简单,可提高传输效率,并容易与CDMA相结合,能有效地抑制多径干扰。仿真结果表明,该方案在多径衰落信道中能得到很好的性能。  相似文献   

一种可以高速传输数据的MTCM正交序列多码CDMA系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙文江  张平  胡健栋 《电子学报》1999,27(6):141-142,125
为了有效地实现用户高速数据的传输本文提出了一种MTCM正交序列多码CDMA系统。这对此系统在AWGN信道的性能进行了计算,并和未编码系统的数值结果进行了分析和比较。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的容量大、相关性好的多倍长、多波长二维光正交码(2D MW-OOC),基于多倍长一维光正交码(1DOOC)构造了MW-OOC。对同时使用具有2种码长的MW-OOC的光码分多址(OCD-MA)系统性能分析表明,使用该MW-OOC的系统性能良好,明显好于同样码长下的多倍长1-DOOC;使用短码序列的信号误码率性能好于使用长码序列信号的误码率性能。这些特征能充分发挥OCDMA系统大容量的技术优势,满足将来大容量多媒体OcDMA网络系统对同时传输的不同信号所需传输质量不同的需求。  相似文献   

正交序列扩频多码CDMA系统在AWGN信道的性能分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
孙文江  张平  胡健栋 《通信学报》1998,19(10):52-58
在直接序列扩频通信(DS-CDMA)系统中,为了有效地实现用户高数据率的传输,本文提出了一种正交扩频多码CDMA系统(称为OMC-CDMA)。相似于多载波调制,传输的高数据率首先进行串-并转换,然后对转换后的低数据流用正交序列进行扩频调制。不同于多载波调制,各支路扩频信号用同一载波进行调制。这里,我们对此系统在AWGN信道的性能进行了计算,并对数值结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

一种新的基于相关序列的CDMA系统盲波束形成方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
田孝华  廖桂生 《电子学报》2001,29(Z1):1893-1896
本文根据相关值序列只与相邻的两个比特符号有关而且具有确定性的特点,提出了利用相关值序列来得到波束形成权的盲波束形成方法.该方法既考虑了对干扰的最大抑制,又强调了对多径信号的充分利用.它利用了期望用户信号的所有能量,不需要已知信道参数,也不需要发训练序列.另外,提出的方法还具有不受非零时延的相关值大小的限制、能自动识别多径信号及形成波束权矢量时所需用户符号数少的特点.  相似文献   

潘辉  何世彪 《电讯技术》2008,48(4):61-64
在各种混沌映射的基础上,为了改善混沌序列被截短带来的影响,提出了一种级联型的混沌映射。研究和仿真证明,该方法产生的混沌序列在伪随机性、相关性、平衡性、误码率方面的性能优良,很适合用于DS/CDMA扩频通信中。  相似文献   

一类具有极低相关性的CDMA序列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
孙霓刚  胡磊 《电子学报》2010,38(7):1525-1530
 本文利用环Zpl上线性递归序列的最高坐标构造了一类序列数目众多的p元序列族,这里p为奇素数且整数l不小于2。对具体可用序列的条数进行了估计。同时利用Galois环上的指数和估计以及Zpl的加法群上的谱分析对该序列族的相关性进行了详细分析,得到了其非同步自相关性及互相关性的估计。结果表明,所构造的序列具有极低的相关性,其相关性的模值具有与Welch下界相同的数量级,可以作为CDMA通信系统中的码序列。  相似文献   

为了扩展适合异步CDMA系统的扩谱序列,提高系统的性能,利用混沌序列的类随机、理想的自相关和互相关、易于产生并且数量多的特性,来生成适合异步码分多址系统的混沌扩谱序列。根据异步DS—CDMA系统的模型,分析适合异步CDMA系统的最优混沌扩谱序列的性能优点,提出选择和构造最优二进制混沌扩谱序列的关键指标,并与传统的伪随机序列(如Gold序列)进行数值仿真比较。结果表明应用最优混沌扩谱序列可以增加15%的系统容量。  相似文献   

The effects of signature sequence on the performance of an asynchronousmultiple-chip-rate (MCR)-DS/CDMA system are considered.The equations for the multiple access interference (MAI)and the variance of the MAI are developed.The bit error rate is derived by using the Gaussianapproximation.The deterministic signature sequences such as maximal-lengthsequences and Gold sequences are compared with random signature sequencesin terms of the variance of the MAI and bit error rate.We find that the performance of signature sequences in an asynchronousMCR-DS/CDMA system depends not onlyon the crosscorrelation properties of sequences but also on the carrierfrequencyseparation between the interfering and desired users.  相似文献   

In this letter, the performance of a new set of spreading sequences for a direct sequence (DS) code division multiple access (CDMA) system is examined. These new sequences are derived from sequency-ordered complex Hadamard transform (SCHT). Various correlation properties are presented and the performance of the new sequence is analyzed by comparing it with the other well-known existing spreading sequences, such as UCHT, WHT, Gold, small set of Kasami and m-sequences. According to the simulation results, it is shown that the SCHT sequences provide smaller mean square cross correlation values and offer better average bit error rate for an asynchronous CDMA system over the multipath fading channel.  相似文献   

针对CDMA系统用户数改变,从而导致信号子空间维数变化时的情况进行分析,提出一种基于基旋转的动态子空间跟踪算法,并将其应用于多路径异步CDMA系统的多用户检测算法中。仿真结果表明,该算法能迅速地跟踪维数变化了的信号子空间,从而提高基于该跟踪结果的CDMA多用户检测算法的性能。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate all-optical truly asynchronous detection without global clocking in an incoherent optical code-division multiple-access (CDMA) system. The implemented system is designed with an integrable optical source consisting of an electro-absorption modulator for pulse carving, compact coders consisting of fiber Bragg grating arrays for encoding and decoding, and receiver consisting of an all-optical thresholder for data and clock recovery. We compare three detection schemes: (1) synchronous detection with data from a photodetector and clock from an external source; (2) asynchronous detection with data and clock from the all-optically thresholded signal received by a clock and data recovery (CDR) unit; and (3) asynchronous detection with data from a photodetector and clock extracted from the all-optically thresholded signal using CDR. Error-free transmission is obtained for detection schemes (1) and (3). A combination of all-optical thresholding and CDR technology is demonstrated in an optical CDMA system for the first time.  相似文献   

One of the principal disadvantages of multicarrier modulation technique is the sensitivity to the frequency offset introduced by Doppler shift. This frequency offset introduces inter-carrier interference (ICI) among the multiplicity of carriers in the multicarrier modulated signal. However, Doppler spread induced by temporal channel variations can provides another means for diversity. In this paper, we propose a modified multicarrier code division multiple access (CDMA) system to exploit Doppler diversity as well as multipath diversity. The key work of our framework is a canonical time-frequency-based decomposition of the mobile wireless channel into series of independent fading channel. The decomposition naturally leads to a time-frequency generalization of the Rake receiver that exploits both multipath and Doppler diversity.  相似文献   

In this paper, a detailed theoretical analysis of fading margin in an asynchronous code division multiple access (A-CDMA) system is discussed. Rayleigh and Rician frequency-selective slowly fading channels are considered. Probability distribution and density functions of the probability of error are derived for Rayleigh and Rician fading channels. The fluctuations in the channel capacity are proved to be directly proportional to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) variations. Fading margin is calculated for both Rayleigh and Rician fading channels as a function of the probability of error specification and the probability of unsatisfactory operation.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel asynchronous CDMA multi-user detector, the block-based MMSE (B-MMSE) multi-user detector, in which the data stream is segmented into blocks by inserting zero bits and detection takes place block-by-block without compromising the MMSE detection efficiency. The BER performance of the B-MMSE detector is studied and the results are compared with those of the decorrelating detector. It is shown that the B-MMSE detector offers promising detection efficiency at a much lower implementation complexity, which is linear in the product of number of users and block size, than that of the traditional MMSE detector. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tai-Kuo Woo 《Electronics letters》2000,36(19):1632-1633
A new code design method for quasi-synchronous CDMA is proposed. The proposed scheme, based on the theory of finite projective planes, has the following advantages: orthogonality; low cross-correlation for both the quasi-synchronous mode and asynchronous mode; and low auto-correlation. Numerical autocorrelation and cross-correlation results are provided for both the proposed code design and the Walsh functions  相似文献   

樊平毅  夏香根 《电子学报》2001,29(4):471-474
信息多速率传输和检测是现代和未来数字通信系统设计的主要特征之一.在IS-95 A系统中,采用了四种不同的速率传输话音信息,速率的选择采用话音激活方式.在接收端,为了简化设备复杂度,降低能耗,需要确定信息的传输速率,以便可以正确的译码.最近,文 提出一种有效的多速率检测算法.本文提出一种新的多速率检测算法,与文 的算法相比,计算复杂度相当,但在低信噪比的情况下,速率误检概率的整体性能有较大的提高.  相似文献   

1IntroductionInaCode-DivisionMultiple-Access(CDMA)system,severalindependentusersaccesssimulboeouslyacommonchannelbymodulatingpreassignedsignatUrewaveforms.Inthemobileradiochannels,MultipleAccessinterference(MAI)arises.Therefore,muchattelltionhasbeend...  相似文献   

针对OFDM对多普勒效应非常敏感的问题,研究了采用设计特定的正交序列来消除干扰,提高系统性能.根据OFDM系统的原理,建立了OFDM基础模型,推导出多普勒对系统传输过程的影响.针对应用设计的正交序列自相关、互相关性好和可选码序列比传统码多的特点,对传输信息进行信道编码.将该码序列变换置于IFFT之前,接收端采用软判决,提高了系统信噪比.Matlab仿真显示系统的误码率相对于标准BPSK调制的OFDM系统大幅度下降.  相似文献   

聂跃  何海浪 《通信技术》2010,43(7):168-170
给出一种用于未来移动通信的CDMA系统,即基于正交全补码的多载波CDMA系统,其中的核心技术是使用正交全补码编码,叙述了CDMA系统结构和多载波技术,介绍了正交全补码编码原理,分析了正交全补码的多载波系统编码领域的最新CDMA系统特点,计算机仿真误码率结果表明:提出的基于正交全补码的CDMA比传统的CDMA具有更好的性能。  相似文献   

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