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Favourable long-term clinical results can be achieved by the bone impaction technique in bone stock deficient acetabuli. Originally, firm impaction of manually prepared bone grafts using a rongeur was performed. An alternative technique for producing bone grafts is reaming from the pelvic wall or femoral head, which produces smaller-sized slurry bone grafts. These slurry grafts can be manually compressed in the bone defect using an acetabular reamer en reverse. In an artificial acetabular cavitary defect model both reconstruction techniques were compared in combination with a cemented cup. Mechanical testing was performed with a sequentially increasing dynamic load. Roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis was used to determine initial cup stability. At all testing levels the initial stability of the cups reconstructed with slurry grafts and reversed reaming was significantly less in comparison to the original impaction technique. The original technique with firm impaction with a hammer and impactors of relatively large-sized bone grafts provides optimal initial stability. The reversed reaming technique of slurry grafts cannot be recommended for bone grafting of acetabular defects.  相似文献   

Bone defects after failed total hip arthroplasty can be reconstructed with impacted morselized bone grafts and a cemented cup. In the near future the amount of bone grafts available for surgical purposes will be insufficient. Ceramic calcium phosphates [tricalcium phosphate (TCP) and hydroxyapatite (HA)] have been widely considered as potential bone graft substitutes or bone graft extenders. In the past, mechanical experiments have been performed to determine implant stability of bone grafts and ceramic TCP-HA granules mixes under a compressive load. However, in-vivo migration studies suggest that shear loading may be equally important. This in-vitro study investigated the initial stability of cups reconstructed with various mixes of bone grafts and ceramic TCP-HA granules in a lever-out situation, where shearing is the predominant loading mode. It was found that the cups reconstructed with mixes of bone graft and TCP-HA granules exhibited greater mechanical stability than the cups reconstructed with bone grafts only. It is concluded that from a mechanical standpoint, when considering shear force resistance, 50-50 per cent volume mix and 25-75 per cent volume mix of morselized cancellous bone graft and TCP-HA granules both provide adequate initial cup stability and can be used for acetabular reconstructions with the bone impaction grafting technique.  相似文献   

Comprehension of the biomechanical behaviour of orthopaedic implants is essential. This paper describes the development of an in vitro model to investigate the behaviour of femoral implants in the revision setting. The development of a femoral model and a bone graft substitute is described. The properties of human, bovine, ovine morselized bone graft, and a graft substitute were compared. On measuring hoop strain after impaction bone grafting there was no significant difference between the ovine bone graft and graft substitute with the size 1 Exeter stem. The results suggest that this bone graft substitute is a viable alternative for in vitro testing. The authors recommend the use of the graft substitute and the femoral model to predict femoral stem biomechanics.  相似文献   

Impaction bone grafting (IBG) is widely used for revision hip surgery to compensate for bone stock loss. It is performed by impacting morsellized allograft into the femoral canal and acetabulum prior to cementing new total hip components. Per- and post-operative femoral fractures and post-operative implant subsidence are major complications in IBG. The aim of this study was to investigate the strain distribution on the medial side of the femur during impaction grafting and the subsequent stability of the stem under uniaxial cyclic loading. The Exeter IBG technique was used in conjunction with Howmedica X-change instrumentation. Sawbones composite femora were used. An impactometer, which provides a known impaction energy and momentum, was used to standardize the impaction process. Three drop heights, 130, 260, and 390 mm, were used for proximal impaction. In-vitro medial hoop strains and the number of impacts were recorded. A drop height of 260 mm was found to provide sufficient energy for impaction without introducing excessive strains to achieve implant stability. Furthermore, a feasibility study was performed on the use of a proximal impaction cap (PIC) to restrain extrusion of the graft during impaction. Although no significant difference in impaction strains or stem stability in uniaxial cylic loading was found by using a PIC, it is postulated that the design of a proximal impactor could be improved to assist with proximal stem alignment and graft containment.  相似文献   

New bone cements that include several additives are currently being investigated and tested. One such additive is sodium fluoride (NaF), which promotes bone formation, facilitating implant integration and success. The influence of NaF on the fatigue performance of the cement as used in biomedical applications was tested in this paper. In fact fatigue failure of the cement mantle is a major factor limiting the longevity of a cemented implant. An experimental bone cement with added NaF (12 wt%) was investigated. The fatigue strength of the novel bone cement was evaluated in comparison with the cement without additives; fatigue tests were conducted according to current standards. The load levels were arranged based on a validated, statistically based optimization algorithm. The curve of stress against number of load cycles and the endurance limit were obtained and compared for both formulations. The results showed that the addition of NaF (12 wt%) to polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) bone cement does not affect the fatigue resistance of the material. Sodium fluoride can safely be added to the bone cement without altering the fatigue performance of the PMMA bone cement.  相似文献   

The present paper reports on work aimed at improving the abrasive wear resistance of surfaces lubricated with contaminated greases. The intended improvement can be achieved by reducing the effect of wear occurring between the abrasive particles and the rubbing surfaces. Different polymeric thickeners in powder form, such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), polyvinylchloride (PVC), polyamide (PA6) and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), were added to lithiumbased grease. The wear resistance and the coefficient of friction of cylindrical steel specimens were examined using a cross-pin test machine. The test machine provides concentrated contact under mixed lubrication conditions. Wear was measured on the stationary test specimen by the wear scar diameter, using an optical microscope, with an accuracy of ±1 μm. The frictional torque generated between the rubbing surfaces was measured using a full bridge strain gauge measuring cell attached to the stationary test specimen holder. The experiments were performed using clean and contaminated lubricating greases to which Air Cleaner Fine Test Dust (SCFTD) was added to the greases at a concentration of 10 wt.%. The results show that the effect of the abrasive contaminants can be reduced by the addition of polymeric powders. However, the addition of polymer to lubricating grease at relatively high concentration (more than 35 wt.%) has no effect on the antiwear action of the lithium grease. Further, the addition of polymeric powder with a particle size relatively greater than that of the contaminant can be considered as a useful method of eliminating the cutting process of the three-body abrasive mechanism introduced by the presence of the hard contaminant particles.  相似文献   

The long-term clinical performance of a dental implant is dependent upon the preservation of good quality bone surrounding the implant and a sound interface between the bone and the biomaterial. Good quality bone is itself dependent upon the appropriate level of bone remodelling necessary to maintain the bone density and the avoidance of bone microfracture and failure. Both processes are governed by the stress and strain distribution in the bone. In this study, a dental implant which had the same geometry as the Branemark system, but with a bioactive surface coating added to produce a direct bond to the bone, was analysed. A finite element stress and strain analysis has been carried out for a range of bone density distributions under axial and lateral loading. The predictions indicated that there was no evidence of strain shielding around the neck of the implant. With lateral loading, high values of von Mises stresses (18 M Pa) were predicted around the neck of the implant. A reduction in the elastic modulus of the bone around the neck of the implant by a factor of 16 only produced a twofold reduction in the peak stress. This resulted in stress levels capable of inducing fatigue failure in this much weaker bone. This analysis has demonstrated that it is extremely important to have good quality dense bone around the neck of the implant to withstand the predicted peak stresses of between 9 and 18 M Pa. Failure to achieve this after implantation and subsequent healing may result in local fatigue failure and resorption at the neck upon resumption of physiological loading.  相似文献   

本文介绍了自动加酸控制系统在安庆石化热电厂灰场排水中的应用。  相似文献   

Compression ignition direct injection diesel engines employed a high pressure injection system have been developed as a measure to improve a fuel efficiency and reduce harmful emissions. In order to understand the effects of the pressure variation, many experimental works have been done, however there are many difficulties to get data in engine condition.  相似文献   

The major cause of arterial bypass graft failure is intimal hyperplasia. Fluctuating wall shear stresses in the graft, which are associated with disturbed flow, are believed to be important factors in the development and localization of intimal hyperplasia. This study, based upon water as the working fluid, has investigated the flow structure inside a 30 degree Y-junction with different fillet radii at the intersection between the graft and the host artery at various Reynolds numbers and distal outlet segment (DOS) to proximal outlet segment (POS) flow ratios. The structure of the flow has been investigated experimentally using particle image velocimetry (PIV). The two-dimensional instantaneous velocity fields confirm the existence of a very complex flow, especially in the toe and heel regions for the different fillet radii and clearly identify features such as sinks, sources, vortices and strong time dependency.  相似文献   

活塞杆沉降监测是往复式机械状态监测使用最广泛的技术手段之一,本文介绍活塞杆沉降监测的基本原理以及实际应用中的注意事项,对其它常用的往复式机械状态监测手段也做了简要介绍。  相似文献   

Intimal hyperplasia (IH) development is a primary cause of failure of reconstructive bypass surgery. While the exact mechanism by which IH initiates and proliferates has yet to be fully elucidated, it is clear that the abnormal haemodynamics present in the downstream graft/artery junction are intrinsic in its development. Mass transport disturbances owing to abnormal haemodynamics have been associated with atherogenesis and it is for this reason that an investigation into transport of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), a known promoter of the intimal hyperplastic response, at the downstream graft/artery junction was carried out. A steady flow analysis in a three-dimensional, idealized, downstream graft/artery junction was carried out using commercial computational fluid dynamics software. It was found that there is a two-and-half fold increase in the transport of PDGF to the artery wall at the bed of the junction when compared with an idealized, healthy artery. The presence of secondary flows in the downstream arterial section also leads to large disturbances in mass transport. It was concluded that PDGF transport in the downstream graft/artery junction tends to be highly disturbed and that there may be a role of this disturbance in the initiation and subsequent development of distal anastomotic intimal hyperplasia.  相似文献   

The Young's modulus of cubes of human cancellous bone was measured in three orthogonal directions. Apparent density and mineral volume fraction were also measured, as were two architectural variables, fabric and connectivity, which were determined using image analysis techniques. Multiple regression was used to relate the Young's modulus to the four explanatory variables. The results from this study are compared with those obtained from a previous investigation using non-human cancellous bone. The relationships revealed by the two studies are very similar. It was possible to explain approximately 93 per cent of the variance in Young's modulus using the four variables in this present study. Apparent density is the major explanatory variable in both studies and shows a strong correlation with connectivity. In common with the non-human study the measure of fabric is a worthwhile explanatory variable; however, connectivity and mineral volume fraction are relatively unimportant. The four explanatory variables contribute to a successful model for the prediction of Young's modulus. Any other candidate variables are likely to be unimportant or be highly correlated with those already investigated.  相似文献   

Transplantation of osteochondral autograft is widely used as a therapeutic strategy for the defect of articular cartilage. In the repair process, although underlying subchondral bone becomes necrotic and then is followed by bone reconstruction, the fate of graft and host cells during remodeling of underlying subchondral bone has not been elucidated. The objectives of this study were to establish a method to follow graft and host cells after transplantation of osteochondral autograft, and to elucidate the fate of both graft and host cells during remodeling of underlying subchondral bone. For these purposes, autologous transplantation models employing transgenic rats and wild-type rats, which were genetically identical to each other except for transgenes, were used. Two transplantation models were designed so that either the graft or the host cells had transgenes. Model I: transgenic rats were the donor, and wild-type rats were the recipient; model II: conversely, wild-type rats were the donor, and transgenic rats were the recipient. The grafted bone marrow cells and osteocytes in the trabeculae survived in the graft at 3 weeks after transplantation. Invasion of the host bone marrow cells into the graft was also found. Thus, bone marrow cells in the host as well as both bone marrow cells and osteocytes in the graft could potentially participate in the remodeling of underlying subchondral bone. Furthermore, the interface between graft and host was consisted with both graft and host derived cells. Since new bone formation was found in this space, both graft and host cells could have the potential to contribute to remodeling of underlying subchondral bone. The two models of the transplantations using the transgenic rats were found to be beneficial in following graft cells as well as host cells and in understanding their function on healing after autologous transplantation.  相似文献   

A one dimensional poroelastic model of trabecular bone was developed to investigate the pore pressure effect on mechanical behavior. The poroclastic properties were determined based upon the assumed drained Poisson's ratio of 0.3 and the experimental results reported in the literature. Even though the free escape of the fluid through the loading end was allowed during deformation, model predictions showed that the pore pressure generation within the trabecular bone would cause significant variations in total stress. The total stress increase resulted in a stiffening of the trabecular bone, which supports the concept of hydraulic stiffening that has been advocated by several investigators. Model predictions showed a good agreement to the mechanical behaviors of trabecular bone specimens with marrow in a uniaxial strain condition observed in a previous study. These results support the hypothesis that the trabecular bone is poroelastic and the pore pressure effect on the mechanical behavior at the continuum level is significant. Thus, the incorporation of the fluid effect in future studies is recommended to improve our understanding of trabecular bone mechanics.  相似文献   

压电陶瓷阀特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文设计出以压电陶瓷作为驱动元件的开关阀,并对其响应特性进行了分析,实验证明了理论分析的正确性。文中指出该开关阀可替代电磁阀应用于电控燃油喷射系统,以实现定时、精确喷射燃油。  相似文献   

The state of stress and deformation in a hollow orthotropic non-homogeneous viscoelastic cylinder is determined assuming that a rigid shaft is pressed instantaneously in the hole of the cylinder. Axially symmetric plane stress fields are found in two limit cases: at the moment of loading and after an infinitely long time. A numerical example involving a standard linear model is examined in more detail, and the results displayed graphically.  相似文献   

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