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The aim of this study is to evaluate the ability of physical training in the maintenance of muscle strength in rats with HFD (high-fat diet) after OVX (ovariectomy). Eighty Wistar rats are at eight weeks of age and weight 200 g which divided into 8 groups (n = 10) and treated for 12 weeks: GA: OVX + ND (normal diet), GB: OVX + ND + training, GC: sham + ND, GD: sham + ND + training, GE: OVX + HFD, GF: OVX + HFD + training, GG: sham + HFD and GH: sham + HFD + training. HFD consists of standard ration for rats with addition of 30% lipids. In training groups, physical training five training/week was conducted on a treadmill with adaptation period of three weeks up to 18 m/s for one hour, training were performed for 12 weeks. The sedentary animals remained in individual box. To analyze the effects of training and diet, tensile strength tests of the gastrocnemius muscles were conducted: the speed of 0.1 mm/min. Analysis of variance was performed to compare groups. The mean (SD) obtained for the maximum load (N) were: GA 57.77 (6.89), GB 62.74 (5.07), GC 49.45 (6.06), GD 59.42 (5.26) and GE 55.58 (4.72), GF 62.50 (4.56), GG 58.35 (4.54) and GH 56.67 (5.87), respectively. There were no differences for maximum load between surgeries (p = 0.004) and between treatments (p = 0.000). Differences were found also for the relationship surgery diet treatment (p = 0.007). For the variable stiffness (N/mm), there were not statistically significant differences: GA 5.03 (0.72), GB 5.08 (1.09), GC 5.17 (0.53), GD 5.35 (0.80), GE 5.52 (1.20), GF 5.36 (1.07), GG 4.83 (1.03) and GH 5.40 (0.73). For the toughness (N/mm), there were differences between treatments (p = 0.010) and the ratio diet treatment (p = 0.024): GA 455.00 (107.21), GB 541.96 (126.80), GC 394.97 (84.67), GD 566.90 (157.07); GE 424.63 (113.03), GF 478.07 (106.03); GG 517.44 (98.65?  相似文献   

1.家在上头好在前头(打一字)2.阖家无恙(打一词语)3.春日人已去,惟田心相随,需待雨过后,我自衙中回(打一成语)4.碰头会(打一成语)5.爷爷有疾(打一词语)6.过去的龙门阵(打一词语)7.阖家康泰(打一劳动保护工作四字用语)8.指挥车辆停驶(打一京剧名)9.飞机灭火(打一成语)10.解除戒严(打一杂志名称)  相似文献   

202501 德国 KsB AG公司的Eamagno sy型磁力传动泵用油泵(油温达350T)[英j//World Pumps(英国).-1999,(389)二-10(图 1)202502 英国 George Mener Ltd公司的输送泥浆偏心转子泵可更换密封[英)//WOrldPumPs(英国).-1999,(389).-15-16202503 英国 watSOn.Mariow Ltd公司的供食品、制药、化妆品和油漆颜料工业用蠕动泵[英)//WOrld Pumps(英国).-1999,(389).一 13,15202504 廉价的蠕动加注泵[英)//WOrldPumPs(英国).-1999,(389).-16202505 槽国 Delasco PCM公司的蜗动泵:最佳的软苦变形提高了泵的使用寿命[…  相似文献   

一、订阅憎况:(4)6人以上1.您所在单位订阅本刊的时间:(请在号前打“V”)(1)1年4.阅读本刊的人员情况:(2)2~3年(1)单位领导(3)3~4年(2)主管生产、工艺部门的领导(4)4年以上(3)设备部门的领导(请在号前打“丫”)(4)车间领导2.您所在单位订阅本刊份数:(5)生产工人去年()份(6)维修工人今年()份(7)工程师、助理工程师3.您及您周围阅读本刊的人数:(8)高级工程师(l)l人(9)其他人员(2)2人.(请在号前打“丫”,不限项数)(3)3~5人=、下面是本刊@办过的主要栏目,憎在1您喜欢的栏巨前打“丫”二_篇(或…  相似文献   

爱马仕(HERMES)马术(Dressage)白金表;积家(Jaeger-LeCoultre)大师系列陀飞轮表(Master Tourbillon)型号:165 24 20;爱马仕(HERMES)8日跳时表(Cape Cod 8 days);豪雅表(TAGHeuer)卡莱拉(Carrera)型号:WV2211.BA9790;宝格丽(BVLGARI)B.01(B.zero1)镶钻表型号:BZ30BSS-12。  相似文献   

202401 美国 Neptune Chemical Pump Co.公司的升级换代隔膜泵〔英〕//World PumPs(英国).-1998,(386).-12(图1)202402 应用隔膜泵输送陶瓷粘土混合物〔英〕//World Pumps(英国).-1998,(387).-21(图1)202403“液压管道”科研生产联合公司为莫斯科热电厂开发的液压一气动隔膜泵-1998,(6).-47~48202404 气动隔膜泵:应用范围、结构特点和技术性能(6).-50202405 荷兰 Dow Benelux B.V.公司输送胶粘介质的聚四氟乙烯隔膜的隔膜泵[英]//  相似文献   

本文对R.T.S齿形作如下几何分析:(1)用近似分析方法求解R.T.S齿形方程。(2)R.T.S齿形的渐屈线,法线场,节线布局。(3)R.T.S齿形齿面接触点轨迹,齿轮齿形,瞬时接触线及端面重合度议程式。(4)R.T.S齿形的中心距误差敏感性。(5)R.T.S齿形齿廓设计。  相似文献   

罗克韦尔的资产管理软件(FactoryTalk(R) AssetCentre)己被证明是工厂自动化控制中资产管理的标准.但运行FactoryTalk(R) AssetCentre的硬件一旦失效,会造成生产停机的巨大风险.降低这个风险的一种方法是在运行FactoryTalk(R)AssetCentre的服务器上实施硬件冗余,并运行马拉松技术公司(Marathon Technologies)的everRunFTTM容错软件.这篇文章简要介绍了这种解决方案,为用户提供了一种高可用、可容错的服务器系统,保证FactoryTalk(R) AssetCentre应用能连续工作.这里虽然以FactoryTalk(R) AssetCentre为例,但此方案可以扩展到其他FactoryTalk(R)系列或任何的应用当中.  相似文献   

1 引言 从20世纪60~70年代起,伺服系统才应用于钢铁工业重型轧机的厚度控制.液压自动厚度控制(HAGC)采用液压方式,自动控制轧辊辊缝.AGC(Automatic Gauge Control)系厚度自动控制的简称,HAGC(Automatic Gauge Control System With Hydraulic Actuator)系采用液压执行元件(压上缸)的AGC,国内称液压压上系统.国外也将HAGC称作HGC(Hydraulic Gap Control).  相似文献   

2008年3月28~31日,由深圳市机械行业协会、深圳市协广机械有限公司共同举办的第九届中国(深圳)国际机械制造工业展览会(SIMM)、中国(深圳)国际模具及制品工业展览会(S.Mould)、中国(深圳)国际塑料橡胶工业展览会(S.Plas)在深圳会展中心隆重举办。  相似文献   

离心开关断开转速是单相电动机的一个关键技术指标?由于电动机的起动过程很短,一般中小型电动机的起动时间都在1~3s内,所以在离心开关断开前后,电机转速变化很快。测量的难点是:(1)获得离心开关断开瞬时,既无时延又无稳定的信号;(2)准确的瞬时转速测量方法:该测量仪采用单片机为核心器件,当电机起动时,直接监测离心开关两端的电压来得到离心开关断开的瞬时信号;同时使用光电旋转编码器获取电机瞬时转动脉冲信号,经过光耦隔离后送单片机,测量电机瞬时转速.  相似文献   

分布式电动车是一种由轮毂电机驱动的新型车辆.针对其驱动系统部分失效的情况下车辆发生跑偏等的问题,设计了一种基于滑模变结构控制的被动容错控制方法,该控制方法不需要精确的故障估计信息便能够对车辆进行有效控制.首先,讨论了可能发生的失效,建立了所需的车辆模型.而后,使用二自由度车辆模型作为参考模型,建立了基于横摆角速度、质心...  相似文献   

A method for manufacturing a probe for a combined scanning tunneling and atomic-force microscope on the basis of a quartz tuning fork with a metal tip, which is equipped with an independent conductor, is described. When the probe is manufactured, the billet for a tip has the form of a rather small (in order not to change the frequency and quality factor of the quartz tuning fork) metal cone, which is glued to the end of the beam of the quartz resonator-tuning fork together with a carbon fiber as a conductor. A spark is used to form a melted ball at the vertex of the cone. The thickness of the cone near the ball is reduced to a diameter of <0.5 μm by the electrochemical technique, and the ball is then mechanically detached. The main advantage of this method is that it allows manufacturing a high-quality-factor force detector with a single super sharp and clean tip, which is made of platinum (or platinum alloys) and tungsten, with a yield of ≥80%.  相似文献   

高深学问及其构成的学科(专业)是大学存在的知识和组织基础。大学文化既是一种存在更是一种信仰,二者既有深刻联系又有质的区别。任何社会思潮是特定时代的产物,当大学文化缺失问题,特别是大学精神衰微现象成为时代关注的焦点并逐步进入到哲学领域时,大学文化哲学便产生了。从"高深学问"到"大学文化"是一个质的飞跃,以"大学文化"为逻辑起点,从整体上构建一个以"大学文化既是一种存在更是一种信仰"为核心的大学文化哲学的基本理论框架,是当今时代的强烈呼唤。其核心内涵是:大学的本质是一种以传承和创新文化为己任的功能独特的文化组织;大学更重要的是一种文化存在和精神存在;人文关怀和追求真理是大学应当坚守的"永恒之魂";和谐文化的本质是一种信仰。当今我国大学的崇高使命是:坚持"中国特色,综合创新"的文化发展道路,创新和高扬当代中国大学精神,全面加强大学文化建设,大力增强我国大学核心竞争力,为实现中国特色大学理想和建设中国特色文化强国而奋斗。  相似文献   

本机构采用三联齿轮和三根齿条组成三对齿轮齿条并形成两级差动机构 ,由气缸活塞杆驱动齿条 ,使得三联齿轮的轴心相对于差动齿条运动 ,同时差动齿条相对于固定齿条运动 ,用较小的活塞杆行程通过两极差动获得较大的行程 ,机构占用空间小 ,获得的行程几乎和机构一样大。  相似文献   

本文主要阐明方波电源电机输出力矩比正弦波电源电机输出力矩大的机理和实践应用效果,给出了方波电源的实现方法,并指出方波电源电机具有一定推广应用价值。  相似文献   

基于三元复数的复杂曲面相贯线求解方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三元复数是参考文献[1]中提出的一种新型“超复数”,它也可表记成简洁直观的复指数形式。在此基础上,制定了三元复数旋转积的运算规则,指出使用旋转积的概念可用于表达矢量的旋转,旋转的结果是形成柱面、锥面、球面等复杂的空间回转曲面。再以这些概念和计算方法作为数学工具,对复杂的空间曲面相贯线问题进行了研究,体现了三元复数在实际应用中的价值。  相似文献   

Feature recognition is important for describing shapes in many applications taking advantage of solid modeling. Graph-based feature recognition methods search from solid models the unique patterns of features that are represented as a graph. A typical example of such patterns is a loop of concave edges. When the loop is an inner loop on a single face, it is a strong hint of the existence of protrusion feature and recognition of protrusion faces is straightforward. However, when a protrusion feature lies on multiple faces, it is bounded by a loop of concave edges that are not on a single face. Consequently, the rule of inner loop is no more available and recognition of protrusion faces becomes unclear. To address this problem, a new quantitative measure, orthogonal bounding factor (OBF), is introduced. OBF is defined as the sum of cross products of two consecutive vectors normal to a set of faces, and it physically represents the possibility of being a protrusion in a solid model. The formal definition of orthogonal bounding factor is established and a method to recognize protrusion features using OBF is presented. Examples are also shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method for feature recognition.  相似文献   

在诸多研究领域中,判断点是否在多边形内是一个非常基本的问题。首先分析了解决这一问题的传统方法, 然后提出一种边界代数跟踪法对多边形进行栅格化,在此基础上设计出Flooding操作和轮廓腐蚀算法进行多边形内外点的判断。试验结果表明该方法具有健壮性好、适用于任意复杂多边形而无需对奇异情况进行单独处理等优点。  相似文献   

A method is presented to determine the optimal surface shape distribution for a hydrodynamic slider bearing. This is the surface shape distribution that is able to carry a prescribed load while maintaining a maximum separation between the surfaces. This method is first derived for a bearing with constant load and sliding speed. It is subsequently extended for a bearing with periodic load and sliding speed. Results for slider bearings with different shapes, loads and speeds are presented. It is shown that the numerical procedure developed in this paper is numerically more efficient than a reference optimization method.  相似文献   

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