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Oxidative stress is important in the pathophysiology of obesity, altering regulatory factors of mitochondrial activity, modifying the concentration of inflammation mediators associated with a large number and size of adipocytes, promoting lipogenesis, stimulating differentiation of preadipocytes to mature adipocytes, and regulating the energy balance in hypothalamic neurons that control appetite. This review discusses the participation of oxidative stress in obesity and the important groups of compounds found in plants with antioxidant properties, which include (a) polyphenols such as phenolic acids, stilbenes, flavonoids (flavonols, flavanols, anthocyanins, flavanones, flavones, flavanonols, and isoflavones), and curcuminoids (b) carotenoids, (c) capsaicinoids and casinoids, (d) isothiocyanates, (e) catechins, and (f) vitamins. Examples are analyzed, such as resveratrol, quercetin, curcumin, ferulic acid, phloretin, green tea, Hibiscus Sabdariffa, and garlic. The antioxidant activities of these compounds depend on their activities as reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavengers and on their capacity to prevent the activation of NF-κB (nuclear factor κ-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells), and reduce the expression of target genes, including those participating in inflammation. We conclude that natural compounds have therapeutic potential for diseases mediated by oxidative stress, particularly obesity. Controlled and well-designed clinical trials are still necessary to better know the effects of these compounds.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress has been demonstrated to play a causal role in different vascular diseases, such as hypertension, diabetic vasculopathy, hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis. Indeed, increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production is known to impair endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cell functions, contributing to the development of cardiovascular diseases. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are non-coding RNA molecules that modulate the stability and/or the translational efficiency of target messenger RNAs. They have been shown to be modulated in most biological processes, including in cellular responses to redox imbalance. In particular, miR-200 family members play a crucial role in oxidative-stress dependent endothelial dysfunction, as well as in cardiovascular complications of diabetes and obesity. In addition, different miRNAs, such as miR-210, have been demonstrated to play a key role in mitochondrial metabolism, therefore modulating ROS production and sensitivity. In this review, we will discuss miRNAs modulated by ROS or involved in ROS production, and implicated in vascular diseases in which redox imbalance has a pathogenetic role.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue (AT) is a remarkably plastic and active organ with functional pleiotropism and high remodeling capacity. Although the expansion of fat mass, by definition, represents the hallmark of obesity, the dysregulation of the adipose organ emerges as the forefront of the link between adiposity and its associated metabolic and cardiovascular complications. The dysfunctional fat displays distinct biological signatures, which include enlarged fat cells, low-grade inflammation, impaired redox homeostasis, and cellular senescence. While these events are orchestrated in a cell-type, context-dependent and temporal manner, the failure of the adipose precursor cells to form new adipocytes appears to be the main instigator of the adipose dysregulation, which, ultimately, poses a deleterious milieu either by promoting ectopic lipid overspill in non-adipose targets (i.e., lipotoxicity) or by inducing an altered secretion of different adipose-derived hormones (i.e., adipokines and lipokines). This “adipocentric view” extends the previous “expandability hypothesis”, which implies a reduced plasticity of the adipose organ at the nexus between unhealthy fat expansion and the development of obesity-associated comorbidities. In this review, we will briefly summarize the potential mechanisms by which adaptive changes to variations of energy balance may impair adipose plasticity and promote fat organ dysfunction. We will also highlight the conundrum with the perturbation of the adipose microenvironment and the development of cardio-metabolic complications by focusing on adipose lipoxidation, inflammation and cellular senescence as a novel triad orchestrating the conspiracy to adipose dysfunction. Finally, we discuss the scientific rationale for proposing adipose organ plasticity as a target to curb/prevent adiposity-linked cardio-metabolic complications.  相似文献   

The potential use of stem cell-based therapies for the repair and regeneration of various tissues and organs is a major goal in repair medicine. Stem cells are classified by their potential to differentiate into functional cells. Compared with other sources, adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) have the advantage of being abundant and easy to obtain. ADSCs are considered to be tools for replacing, repairing, and regenerating dead or damaged cells. The capacity of ADSCs to maintain their properties depends on the balance of complex signals in their microenvironment. Their properties and the associated outcomes are in part regulated by reactive oxygen species, which mediate the oxidation-reduction state of cells as a secondary messenger. ADSC therapy has demonstrated beneficial effects, suggesting that secreted factors may provide protection. There is evidence that ADSCs secrete a number of cytokines, growth factors, and antioxidant factors into their microenvironment, thus regulating intracellular signaling pathways in neighboring cells. In this review, we introduce the roles of ADSCs in the protection of cells by modulating inflammation and immunity, and we develop their potential therapeutic properties.  相似文献   

Redox equilibria and the modulation of redox signalling play crucial roles in physiological processes. Overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) disrupts the body’s antioxidant defence, compromising redox homeostasis and increasing oxidative stress, leading to the development of several diseases. Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is a principal antioxidant enzyme that protects cells from oxidative damage by converting superoxide anion radicals to hydrogen peroxide and oxygen in mitochondria. Systematic studies have demonstrated that MnSOD plays an indispensable role in multiple diseases. This review focuses on preclinical evidence that describes the mechanisms of MnSOD in diseases accompanied with an imbalanced redox status, including fibrotic diseases, inflammation, diabetes, vascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. The potential therapeutic effects of MnSOD activators and MnSOD mimetics are also discussed. Targeting this specific superoxide anion radical scavenger may be a clinically beneficial strategy, and understanding the therapeutic role of MnSOD may provide a positive insight into preventing and treating related diseases.  相似文献   

The excessive formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and impairment of defensive antioxidant systems leads to a condition known as oxidative stress. The main source of free radicals responsible for oxidative stress is mitochondrial respiration. The deleterious effects of ROS on cellular biomolecules, including DNA, is a well-known phenomenon that can disrupt mitochondrial function and contribute to cellular damage and death, and the subsequent development of various disease processes. In this review, we summarize the most important findings that implicated mitochondrial oxidative stress in a wide variety of pathologies from Alzheimer disease (AD) to autoimmune type 1 diabetes. This review also discusses attempts to affect oxidative stress as a therapeutic avenue.  相似文献   

Obesity is a chronic disease caused by an excess of adipose tissue that may impair health by altering the functionality of various organs, including the lungs. Excessive deposition of fat in the abdominal area can lead to abnormal positioning of the diaphragm and consequent reduction in lung volume, leading to a heightened demand for ventilation and increased exposure to respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, and obstructive sleep apnoea. In addition to mechanical ventilatory constraints, excess fat and ectopic deposition in visceral depots can lead to adipose tissue dysfunction, which promotes metabolic disorders. An altered adipokine-secretion profile from dysfunctional adipose tissue in morbid obesity fosters systemic, low-grade inflammation, impairing pulmonary immune response and promoting airway hyperresponsiveness. A potential target of these adipokines could be the NLRP3 inflammasome, a critical component of the innate immune system, the harmful pro-inflammatory effect of which affects both adipose and lung tissue in obesity. In this review, we will investigate the crosstalk between adipose tissue and the lung in obesity, highlighting the main inflammatory mediators and novel therapeutic targets in preventing pulmonary dysfunction.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species have been implicated in diverse pathophysiological conditions, including inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Accumulating evidence indicates that oxidative damage to biomolecules including lipids, proteins and DNA, contributes to these diseases. Previous studies suggest roles of lipid peroxidation and oxysterols in the development of neurodegenerative diseases and inflammation-related cancer. Our recent studies identifying and characterizing carbonylated proteins reveal oxidative damage to heat shock proteins in neurodegenerative disease models and inflammation-related cancer, suggesting dysfunction in their antioxidative properties. In neurodegenerative diseases, DNA damage may not only play a role in the induction of apoptosis, but also may inhibit cellular division via telomere shortening. Immunohistochemical analyses showed co-localization of oxidative/nitrative DNA lesions and stemness markers in the cells of inflammation-related cancers. Here, we review oxidative stress and its significant roles in neurodegenerative diseases and cancer.  相似文献   

Premature infants are exposed to increased generation of reactive oxygen species, and on the other hand, they have a deficient antioxidant defense system. Oxidative insult is a salient part of lung injury that begins as acute inflammatory injury in respiratory distress disease and then evolves into chronic and structural scarring leading to bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Oxidative stress is also involved in the pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension in newborns through the modulation of the vascular tone and the response to pulmonary vasodilators, with consequent decrease in the density of the pulmonary vessels and thickening of the pulmonary arteriolar walls. Oxidative stress has been recognized as both a trigger and an endpoint for several events, including inflammation, hypoxia, hyperoxia, drugs, transfusions, and mechanical ventilation, with impairment of pulmonary function and prolonged lung damage. Redoxomics is the most fascinating new measure to address lung damage due to oxidative stress. The new challenge is to use omics data to discover a set of biomarkers useful in diagnosis, prognosis, and formulating optimal and individualized neonatal care. The aim of this review was to examine the most recent evidence on the relationship between oxidative stress and lung diseases in preterm newborns. What is currently known regarding oxidative stress-related lung injury pathogenesis and the available preventive and therapeutic strategies are also discussed.  相似文献   

Recent statistics indicate that the human population is ageing rapidly. Healthy, but also diseased, elderly people are increasing. This trend is particularly evident in Western countries, where healthier living conditions and better cures are available. To understand the process leading to age-associated alterations is, therefore, of the highest relevance for the development of new treatments for age-associated diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer and cardiovascular accidents. Mechanistically, it is well accepted that the accumulation of intracellular damage determined by reactive oxygen species (ROS) might orchestrate the progressive loss of control over biological homeostasis and the functional impairment typical of aged tissues. Here, we review how epigenetics takes part in the control of stress stimuli and the mechanisms of ageing physiology and physiopathology. Alteration of epigenetic enzyme activity, histone modifications and DNA-methylation is, in fact, typically associated with the ageing process. Specifically, ageing presents peculiar epigenetic markers that, taken altogether, form the still ill-defined “ageing epigenome”. The comprehension of mechanisms and pathways leading to epigenetic modifications associated with ageing may help the development of anti-ageing therapies.  相似文献   

Due to the inability to curb the excessive increase in the prevalence of obesity and overweight, it is necessary to comprehend in more detail the factors involved in the pathophysiology and to appreciate more clearly the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of obesity. Thus, understanding the biological regulation of adipose tissue is of fundamental relevance. Connexin, a protein that forms intercellular membrane channels of gap junctions and unopposed hemichannels, plays a key role in adipogenesis and in the maintenance of adipose tissue homeostasis. The expression and function of Connexin 43 (Cx43) during the different stages of the adipogenesis are differentially regulated. Moreover, it has been shown that cell–cell communication decreases dramatically upon differentiation into adipocytes. Furthermore, inhibition of Cx43 degradation or constitutive overexpression of Cx43 blocks adipocyte differentiation. In the first events of adipogenesis, the connexin is highly phosphorylated, which is likely associated with enhanced Gap Junction (GJ) communication. In an intermediate state of adipocyte differentiation, Cx43 phosphorylation decreases, as it is displaced from the membrane and degraded through the proteasome; thus, Cx43 total protein is reduced. Cx is involved in cardiac disease as well as in obesity-related cardiovascular diseases. Different studies suggest that obesity together with a high-fat diet are related to the production of remodeling factors associated with expression and distribution of Cx43 in the atrium.  相似文献   

Human amylin or islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) is synthesized in the pancreatic β-cells and has been shown to contribute to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in vitro and in vivo. This study compared amylin oligomerization/expression and signal transduction under endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and oxidative stress. pCMV-hIAPP-overexpressing INS-1E cells presented different patterns of amylin oligomerization/expression under ER stress and oxidative stress. Amylin oligomerization/expression under ER stress showed three amylin oligomers of less than 15 kDa size in pCMV-hIAPP-overexpressing cells, while one band was detected under oxidative stress. Under ER stress conditions, HIF1α, p-ERK, CHOP, Cu/Zn-SOD, and Bax were significantly increased in pCMV-hIAPP-overexpressing cells compared to the pCMV-Entry-expressing cells (control), whereas p-Akt, p-mTOR, Mn-SOD, catalase, and Bcl-2 were significantly decreased. Under oxidative stress conditions, HIF1α, p-ERK, CHOP, Mn-SOD, catalase, and Bcl-2 were significantly reduced in pCMV-hIAPP-overexpressing cells compared to the control, whereas p-mTOR, Cu/Zn-SOD, and Bax were significantly increased. In mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), the mitochondrial complex I and complex IV were significantly decreased under ER stress conditions and significantly increased under oxidative stress conditions in pCMV-hIAPP-overexpressing cells compared to the control. The present study results demonstrate that amylin undergoes oligomerization under ER stress in pCMV-hIAPP-overexpressing cells. In addition, human amylin overexpression under ER stress in the pancreatic β cells may enhance amylin protein aggregation, resulting in β-cell dysfunction.  相似文献   

A proteomic approach was used to characterize potential mediators involved in the improvement in cardiac fibrosis observed with the administration of the mitochondrial antioxidant MitoQ in obese rats. Male Wistar rats were fed a standard diet (3.5% fat; CT) or a high-fat diet (35% fat; HFD) and treated with vehicle or MitoQ (200 μM) in drinking water for 7 weeks. Obesity modulated the expression of 33 proteins as compared with controls of the more than 1000 proteins identified. These include proteins related to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and oxidative stress. Proteomic analyses revealed that HFD animals presented with an increase in cardiac transthyretin (TTR) protein levels, an effect that was prevented by MitoQ treatment in obese animals. This was confirmed by plasma levels, which were associated with those of cardiac levels of both binding immunoglobulin protein (BiP), a marker of ER stress, and fibrosis. TTR stimulated collagen I production and BiP in cardiac fibroblasts. This upregulation was prevented by the presence of MitoQ. In summary, the results suggest a role of TTR in cardiac fibrosis development associated with obesity and the beneficial effects of treatment with mitochondrial antioxidants.  相似文献   

Biliverdin reductase A (BVR-A) is an enzyme involved in the regulation of insulin signalling. Knockout (KO) mice for hepatic BVR-A, on a high-fat diet, develop more severe glucose impairment and hepato-steatosis than the wild type, whereas loss of adipocyte BVR-A is associated with increased visceral adipose tissue (VAT) inflammation and adipocyte size. However, BVR-A expression in human VAT has not been investigated. We evaluated BVR-A mRNA expression levels by real-time PCR in the intra-operative omental biopsy of 38 obese subjects and investigated the association with metabolic impairment, VAT dysfunction, and biopsy-proven non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Individuals with lower VAT BVR-A mRNA levels had significantly greater VAT IL-8 and Caspase 3 expression than those with higher BVR-A. Lower VAT BVR-A mRNA levels were associated with an increased adipocytes’ size. An association between lower VAT BVR-A expression and higher plasma gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase was also observed. Reduced VAT BVR-A was associated with NAFLD with an odds ratio of 1.38 (95% confidence interval: 1.02–1.9; χ2 test) and with AUROC = 0.89 (p = 0.002, 95% CI = 0.76–1.0). In conclusion, reduced BVR-A expression in omental adipose tissue is associated with VAT dysfunction and NAFLD, suggesting a possible involvement of BVR-A in the regulation of VAT homeostasis in presence of obesity.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the major site of calcium storage and protein folding. It has a unique oxidizing-folding environment due to the predominant disulfide bond formation during the process of protein folding. Alterations in the oxidative environment of the ER and also intra-ER Ca2+ cause the production of ER stress-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS). Protein disulfide isomerases, endoplasmic reticulum oxidoreductin-1, reduced glutathione and mitochondrial electron transport chain proteins also play crucial roles in ER stress-induced production of ROS. In this article, we discuss ER stress-associated ROS and related diseases, and the current understanding of the signaling transduction involved in ER stress.  相似文献   

Ceramides, composed of a sphingosine and a fatty acid, are bioactive lipid molecules involved in many key cellular pathways (e.g., apoptosis, oxidative stress and inflammation). There is much evidence on the relationship between ceramide species and cardiometabolic disease, especially in relationship with the onset and development of diabetes and acute and chronic coronary artery disease. This review reports available evidence on ceramide structure and generation, and discusses their role in cardiometabolic disease, as well as current translational chances and difficulties for ceramide application in the cardiometabolic clinical settings.  相似文献   

Carnosine is an endogenous β-alanyl-L-histidine dipeptide endowed with antioxidant and carbonyl scavenger properties, which is able to significantly prevent the visible signs of aging and photoaging. To investigate the mechanism of action of carnosine on human skin proteome, a 3D scaffold-free spheroid model of primary dermal fibroblasts from a 50-year-old donor was adopted in combination with quantitative proteomics for the first time. The label free proteomics approach based on high-resolution mass spectrometry, integrated with network analyses, provided a highly sensitive and selective method to describe the human dermis spheroid model during long-term culture and upon carnosine treatment. Overall, 2171 quantified proteins allowed the in-depth characterization of the 3D dermis phenotype during growth and differentiation, at 14 versus 7 days of culture. A total of 485 proteins were differentially regulated by carnosine at 7 days, an intermediate time of culture. Of the several modulated pathways, most are involved in mitochondrial functionality, such as oxidative phosphorylation, TCA cycle, extracellular matrix reorganization and apoptosis. In long-term culture, functional modules related to oxidative stress were upregulated, inducing the aging process of dermis spheroids, while carnosine treatment prevented this by the downregulation of the same functional modules. The application of quantitative proteomics, coupled to advanced and relevant in vitro scaffold free spheroids, represents a new concrete application for personalized therapies and a novel care approach.  相似文献   

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