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Deregulated immune response to gut microflora in genetically predisposed individuals is typical for inflammatory bowel diseases. It is reasonable to assume that genetic association with the disease will be more pronounced in subjects with early onset than adult onset. The nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing-2 gene, commonly involved in multifactorial risk of Crohn’s disease, and interleukin 10 receptor genes, associated with rare forms of early onset inflammatory bowel diseases, were sequenced in an early onset patient. We identified a novel variant in the NOD2 gene (c.2857A > G p.K953E) and two already described missense variants in the IL10RA gene (S159G and G351R). The new NOD2 missense variant was examined in silico with two online bioinformatics tools to predict the potentially deleterious effects of the mutation. Although cumulative effect of these variations in the early onset of the disease can be only hypothesized, we demonstrated that family information and in silico studies can be used to predict association with the disease.  相似文献   

Efficient delivery of genetic material into cells is a critical process to translate gene therapy into clinical practice. In this sense, the increased knowledge acquired during past years in the molecular biology and nanotechnology fields has contributed to the development of different kinds of non-viral vector systems as a promising alternative to virus-based gene delivery counterparts. Consequently, the development of non-viral vectors has gained attention, and nowadays, gene delivery mediated by these systems is considered as the cornerstone of modern gene therapy due to relevant advantages such as low toxicity, poor immunogenicity and high packing capacity. However, despite these relevant advantages, non-viral vectors have been poorly translated into clinical success. This review addresses some critical issues that need to be considered for clinical practice application of non-viral vectors in mainstream medicine, such as efficiency, biocompatibility, long-lasting effect, route of administration, design of experimental condition or commercialization process. In addition, potential strategies for overcoming main hurdles are also addressed. Overall, this review aims to raise awareness among the scientific community and help researchers gain knowledge in the design of safe and efficient non-viral gene delivery systems for clinical applications to progress in the gene therapy field.  相似文献   

The permanent exposure to environmental contaminants promoting weight gain (i.e., obesogens) has raised serious health concerns. Evidence suggests that obesogens are one of the leading causes of the marked decline in male fertility and are key players in shaping future health outcomes, not only for those who are directly exposed to them, but also for upcoming generations. It has been hypothesized that obesogens affect male fertility. By using an interdisciplinary strategy, combining in silico, in vitro, in vivo and epidemiological findings, this review aims to contribute to the biological understanding of the molecular transformations induced by obesogens that are the basis of male infertility. Such understanding is shaped by the use of Adverse Outcomes Pathways, a new approach that may shift the paradigm of reproductive toxicology, contributing to the improvement of the diagnosis and management of the adverse effects of obesogens in male fertility.  相似文献   

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that arises due to a complex and variable interplay between elements including age, genetic, and environmental risk factors that manifest as the loss of dopaminergic neurons. Contemporary treatments for PD do not prevent or reverse the extent of neurodegeneration that is characteristic of this disorder and accordingly, there is a strong need to develop new approaches which address the underlying disease process and provide benefit to patients with this debilitating disorder. Mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative damage, and inflammation have been implicated as pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the selective loss of dopaminergic neurons seen in PD. However, results of studies aiming to inhibit these pathways have shown variable success, and outcomes from large-scale clinical trials are not available or report varying success for the interventions studied. Overall, the available data suggest that further development and testing of novel therapies are required to identify new potential therapies for combating PD. Herein, this review reports on the most recent development of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory approaches that have shown positive benefit in cell and animal models of disease with a focus on supplementation with natural product therapies and selected synthetic drugs.  相似文献   

Following several attempts to achieve a molecular stratification of bladder cancer (BC) over the last decade, a “consensus” classification has been recently developed to provide a common base for the molecular classification of bladder cancer (BC), encompassing a six-cluster scheme with distinct prognostic and predictive characteristics. In order to implement molecular subtyping (MS) as a risk stratification tool in routine practice, immunohistochemistry (IHC) has been explored as a readily accessible, relatively inexpensive, standardized surrogate method, achieving promising results in different clinical settings. The second part of this review deals with the pathological and clinical features of the molecular clusters, both in conventional and divergent urothelial carcinoma, with a focus on the role of IHC-based subtyping.  相似文献   

Bladder cancer (BC) is a heterogeneous disease with highly variable clinical and pathological features, and resulting in different outcomes. Such heterogeneity ensues from distinct pathogenetic mechanisms and may consistently affect treatment responses in single patients. Thus, over the last few years, several groups have developed molecular classification schemes for BC, mainly based on their mRNA expression profiles. A “consensus” classification has recently been proposed to combine the published systems, agreeing on a six-cluster scheme with distinct prognostic and predictive features. In order to implement molecular subtyping as a risk-stratification tool in routine practice, immunohistochemistry (IHC) has been explored as a readily accessible, relatively inexpensive, standardized surrogate method, achieving promising results in different clinical settings. The first part of this review deals with the steps resulting in the development of a molecular subtyping of BC, its prognostic and predictive implications, and the main features of immunohistochemical markers used as surrogates to stratify BC into pre-defined molecular clusters.  相似文献   

The pollen diet provided by adult bees to their offspring varies immensely. While some species collect pollen on several plants irrespective of their phylogenetic relatedness (polyleges), others collect only on plants within a genus or family (oligoleges). Floral scents play a central role in bee-plant interactions. To locate flowers, polyleges are assumed to rely on compounds commonly found as floral scent constituents, whereas oligoleges rely on unusual compounds to recognize host flowers unambiguously. Campanula flowers are visited by both polylectic and oligolectic species, and their scent bouquets consist of common and unusual (e.g., spiroacetals) volatiles. In a comparative approach, we performed electroantennographic analyses to investigate the antennal responses of three polyleges and three oligoleges to three common volatiles and four spiroacetals. We hypothesized that: 1) oligoleges and polyleges should respond similarly to common flower volatiles, and 2) Campanula oligoleges should be more sensitive to spiroacetals than are polyleges. In corroboration, we found that antennal sensitivity to common volatiles was similar among bees irrespective of pollen diet, whereas oligoleges of Campanula were more sensitive to spiroacetals than polyleges. Newly emerged bees of the Campanula oligolege Chelostoma rapunculi rely on spiroacetals for recognizing host-flowers, and our results suggest that this might also be true for other Campanula oligoleges, since Chelostoma campanularum and Hoplitis mitis also were able to perceive these specific volatiles at very low concentrations. Together, our results provide interesting insights into the significance of olfactory adaptations in oligolectic and polylectic bee species.  相似文献   

In this study, the novel data mining technique Market Basket Analysis (MBA) was applied for the first time in biogeochemical and ecological investigations. The method was tested on the fern Athyrium distentifolium, in which we measured concentrations of the elements Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, and Zn. Plants were sampled from sites with different types of bedrock in the Tatra National Park in Poland. MBA was used to investigate whether specimens of Athyrium distentifolium that contain elevated levels of certain elements occur more frequently on a specific type of bedrock and to identify relationships between the type of bedrock and the concentrations of the elements in this fern. The results were compared with those of the commonly used principal component and classification analysis (PCCA) technique. MBA and PCCA ordination both yielded distinct groups of ferns growing on different types of bedrock. Although the results of MBA and PCCA were similar, MBA has the advantage of being independent of the size of the data set. In addition, MBA revealed not only dominant elements but, in the case of limestone bedrock, also showed very low concentrations of Cd, Fe, Mn, and Pb in ferns growing on this type of parent material. MBA, thus, appeared to be a promising data mining method to reveal chemical relations in the environment as well as the accumulation of chemical elements in bioindicators. This technique can be used to reveal associations and correlations among items in large data sets collected on a national or even larger scale.  相似文献   

In two independent experiments, we compared: (1) water depth selection (and accompanying temperature selection) by male and female Daphnia magna under different kinds of environmental stress, including the presence of filamentous cyanobacteria, the risk of predation from fish, and the presence of toxic compounds; and (2) sex-dependent production of heat shock proteins (HSP60, 70, and 90) in response to a sudden change in temperature. Male D. magna selected deep water strata, which offer a relatively stable environment, and thereby avoided the threat of predation and the presence of toxic compounds in surface waters. Correlated with this behavior, males reduce their molecular defenses against stress, such as the production of heat shock proteins (HSPs), and do not maintain the physiological machinery that triggers an increase in HSP levels in response to stress. In contrast, female D. magna actively select habitats that offer optimal conditions for growth and production of offspring. Consequently, females are exposed to variable environmental conditions that may be associated with increased stress. To permit survival in these different habitats, D. magna females require molecular mechanisms to protect their cells from rapid changes in stress levels. Thus, they maintain high constitutive levels of the heat shock proteins from HSP 60, 70, and 90 families, and they have the potential to further enhance the production of the majority of these proteins under stress conditions. The results of this study indicate that the separate habitats selected by male and female D. magna result in different patterns of HSP production, leading us to hypothesize that that male and female Daphnia magna adopt different strategies to maximize the fitness of the species.  相似文献   

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