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The depth profiles of the (129)I concentration and the (129)I/(127)I ratio in a surface sediment core from the Kattegat area have been analyzed in order to obtain information about the different sources of (129)I in that core. Therefore, a mathematical model that relates the measured values to the available emission data from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plants and nuclear weapons tests has been applied. Results show that the reprocessing plants at La Hague and Sellafield are the main sources of (129)I in the sediment. Results about the transfer from the release points at the reprocessing plants to the sampling zone agree with other literature data. The model calculates quite fast the sedimentation of (129)I in the sampling place, probably attached to organic matter. Finally, an estimation of approximately 89 kg of (129)I released by Sellafield between 1952 and 1968 has been obtained from the model.  相似文献   

Recent trends in nutrient concentrations in Swedish agricultural rivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In five out of twelve Swedish agricultural rivers examined during the period 1993-2004, significant trends for decreasing concentrations of reactive inorganic nitrogen (RIN) were indicated after flow normalisation. These decreases were constant (equal to 2-4% per year), most apparent in the Scania region, and weakly correlated to reductions in livestock density (Pearson correlation coefficient -0.825). The number of grazing cattle livestock units per unit area of arable land decreased on average by 14% and that of non-grazing cattle by 17% during 1985-2003. Based on estimates of root-zone leaching, increased area of set-aside and recent EU subsidisation of catch crops (with/without spring tillage) were suggested to be additional substantial causes but these changes were only rapid very recently (years 2000-2001). A significant and constant decrease in reactive phosphorus (RP) (3% per year) was observed in one river, mainly during the season of low flow, with reduced load from point sources suggested to be the main reason. Significant and constant reductions equal to 3-8% per year in concentrations of non-reactive phosphorus (NRP) were calculated for five rivers. These improvements were weakly correlated to the length of grassed buffer zones along the watercourses in arable parts of the river basin (Pearson correlation coefficient -0.845). Establishment of such zones also took place more recently, and together with constructed wetlands represent on average 0.5% of the agricultural area.  相似文献   

Estimates of (129)I depositions from (129)I releases of reprocessing plants are so far based on measurements of soil and rain water samples. Because (129)I concentrations in these samples show a highly temporal and spatial variability, the (129)I deposition values deduced from single measurements cannot be seen as representative for a larger area. Here it is proposed to use lake water as an archive for former (129)I depositions, to overcome these limitations. If the limnological parameters of any lake are known, the local (129)I deposition flux can be deduced which is temporally averaged over the flushing time, and spatially averaged over the catchment area of the lake. Samples were collected from various European lakes and from Lake Baikal (Russia). The (129)I concentration in these samples was measured by means of accelerator mass spectrometry, and values between 0.3 and 8.1x10(8) at/l were obtained. Deduced (129)I deposition fluxes averaged over the flushing times of the lakes range from 0.3 to 9.3x10(12) at/m(2) y. The (129)I deposition fluence measured for Lake Baikal is attributed predominantly to releases from the former Soviet reprocessing facilities Chelyabinsk, Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk, while the (129)I deposition fluxes deduced for all other lakes are attributed to releases from the European reprocessing activities at Sellafield, Marcoule and La Hague.  相似文献   

Modelling of phosphorus inputs to rivers from diffuse and point sources   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The difference in timing of point and diffuse phosphorus (P) delivery to a river produces clear differences in the P concentration-flow relationship. Point inputs decrease in concentration with increasing river flow, due to dilution of a relatively constant input, whereas diffuse (non-point) load usually increases with river flow. This study developed a simple model, based on this fundamental difference, which allowed point and diffuse inputs to be quantified by modelling their contribution to river P concentration as a power-law function of flow. The relationships between total phosphorus (TP) concentration and river flow were investigated for three contrasting UK river catchments; the Swale (Yorkshire), the Frome (Dorset) and the Avon (Warwickshire). A load apportionment model was fitted to this empirical data to give estimates of point and diffuse load inputs at each monitoring site, at high temporal resolution. The model produced TP source apportionments that were similar to those derived from an export coefficient approach. For many diffuse-dominated sites within this study (with up to 75% of the annual TP load derived from diffuse sources), the model showed that reductions of point inputs would be most effective in order to reduce eutrophication risk, due to point source dominance during the plant and algae growing period. This modelling approach should provide simple, robust and rapid TP source apportionment from most concentration-flow datasets. It does not require GIS, information on land use, catchment size, population or livestock density, and could provide a valuable and versatile tool to catchment managers for determining suitable river mitigation options.  相似文献   

The trends in the recent acidification of rivers and lakes in South Norway are reviewed, and the evidence for a causal relationship between acid precipitation and acidification of surface water is critically examined. Results from regional surveys, studies in small catchment areas and from percolation experiments are presented. Several sources may contribute to the acidification. However, changes in the composition of the precipitation during the recent decades, mainly because of increased combustion of fossil fuels, seem to be a dominant cause at least in some of the most affected areas.  相似文献   

Recently there has been increasing anxieties concerning arsenic related problems. Occurrence of arsenic contamination has been reported worldwide. In Canada, the main natural arsenic sources are weathering and erosion of arsenic-containing rocks and soil, while tailings from historic and recent gold mine operations and wood preservative facilities are the principal anthropogenic sources. Across Canada, the 24-h average concentration of arsenic in the atmosphere is generally less than 0.3 microg/m3. Arsenic concentrations in natural uncontaminated soil and sediments range from 4 to 150 mg/kg. In uncontaminated surface and ground waters, the arsenic concentration ranges from 0.001 to 0.005 mg/L. As a result of anthropogenic inputs, elevated arsenic levels, above ten to thousand times the Interim Maximum Acceptable Concentration (IMAC), have been reported in air, soil and sediment, surface water and groundwater, and biota in several regions. Most arsenic is of toxic inorganic forms. It is critical to recognize that such contamination imposes serious harmful effects on various aquatic and terrestrial organisms and human health ultimately. Serious incidences of acute and chronic arsenic poisonings have been revealed. Through examination of the available literature, screening and selecting existing data, this paper provides an analysis of the currently available information on recognized problem areas, and an overview of current knowledge of the principal hydrogeochemical processes of arsenic transportation and transformation. However, a more detailed understanding of local sources of arsenic and mechanisms of arsenic release is required. More extensive studies will be required for building practical guidance on avoiding and reducing arsenic contamination. Bioremediation and hyperaccumulation are emerging innovative technologies for the remediation of arsenic contaminated sites. Natural attenuation may be utilized as a potential in situ remedial option. Further investigations are needed to evaluate its applicability.  相似文献   

We report the results of a nationwide survey of commonly used human and veterinary antibiotics (7 sulfonamides, trimethoprim, and 4 macrolides) in 37 Japanese rivers. Concentrations of the sum of the 12 target antibiotics ranged from undetectable to 626 ng/L, with a median of 7.3 ng/L for the 37 rivers. Antibiotics concentrations were higher in urban rivers than in rural rivers and were correlated with those of molecular markers of sewage (crotamiton and carbamazepine). Macrolides were dominant over sulfonamides in urban rivers. Sulfonamides, especially sulfamethazine (used in animals), were dominant in a few rivers in whose catchment animal husbandry is active. However, these signals of veterinary antibiotics were overwhelmed by those of human antibiotics in lower reaches of most rivers. The analysis of the antibiotics in all 88 samples showed that the target antibiotics in Japanese rivers are derived mainly from urban sewage, even though larger amounts of antibiotics are used in livestock. Most of the livestock waste-derived antibiotics are unlikely to be readily discharged to surface waters.  相似文献   

The Seine river watershed (France) is a deeply anthropogenically impacted area, due to the high population density, intense industrial activities and intensive agriculture. The water quality and ecological functioning of the different rivers of the Seine drainage network have been extensively studied during the last fifteen years within the framework of a large French multidisciplinary scientific program (PIREN Seine program). This paper presents a synthesis of the main data gained in the scope of this program concerning the microbiological water contamination of the rivers of the Seine drainage network. The more common indicator of fecal contamination (fecal coliforms) was mainly used; some complementary works used E. coli and intestinal enterococci as alternative fecal indicators. Point sources (outfall of wastewater treatment plants) and non point sources (surface runoff and soil leaching) of fecal pollution to the rivers of the watershed were quantified. Results showed that, at the scale of a large urbanised watershed as the Seine basin, the input of fecal micro-organisms by non-point sources is much lower than the inputs by point sources. However, the local impact of diffuse non-human sources (especially surface runoff of pastured fields) can be of major importance on the microbiological quality of small headwater rivers. Fecal contamination of the main rivers of the Seine watershed (Seine, Marne, Oise rivers) was studied showing high level of microbiological pollution when compared to European guidelines for bathing waters. The strong negative impact of treated wastewater effluents outfall on the microbiological quality of receiving rivers was observed in different areas of the watershed. Once released in rivers, culturable fecal bacteria disappeared relatively rapidly due to mortality (protozoan grazing, lysis) or loss of culturability induced by stress conditions (sunlight effect, nutrient concentration, temperature). Mortality rates of E. coli were studied in different types of rivers within the watershed showing, in summer conditions, no major difference in the mortality rates in small and large rivers. As a result of these studies, a module describing the dynamics of fecal bacteria has been developed and embedded within a hydro-ecological model describing the functioning of the rivers of the whole watershed (the SENEQUE model). Once validated, such a model can be used for testing predictive scenarios and thus can be a very useful tool for the management of microbiological water quality at the scale of the whole basin.  相似文献   

Level and source of 129I of environmental samples in Xi'an region, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Iodine-129 is widely used as a tracer in various environmental practices such as monitoring of nuclear environmental safety, seawater exchange and transport, geochemical cycle of stable iodine and dating of geological events. The spatial distribution of 129I concentration varies significantly on global scale because of anthropogenic input from nuclear activities coupled with scarcity of data on environmental 129I variability in many parts of the world including Asia. Here we report new data on 129I and 127I concentrations in soil, vegetation, river water and precipitation collected from Xi'an area, China. The results indicate values for environmental 129I/127I ratios in the investigated area range from 1.1 × 10− 10 to 43.5 × 10− 10 with a mean of 20.6 × 10− 10, which is 1-3 orders of magnitude lower than the ratios observed in Europe, but comparable with those observed in the locations far from direct effect of point release sources and at similar latitude. The main source of 129I in the investigated area is attributed to the global fallout of both atmospheric nuclear weapons testing and long distance dispersion of fuel reprocessing releases.  相似文献   

Seven years of monitoring groundwater in the Gaza Strip has shown that nitrate was and still is a major groundwater pollutant. The objectives of this research were to study the distribution of NO(3)(-) in the groundwater of the Gaza Strip and to identify the sources of NO(3)(-) in the Gaza aquifer system by assessing nitrogen and oxygen isotopes. The most recent samples collected in 2007 showed 90% of the wells having NO(3)(-) concentrations that are several times higher than the WHO standards of 50 mg/L. Potential NO(3)(-) source materials in Gaza are animal manure N, synthetic NH(4) based fertilizers, and wastewater/sludge. The average concentrations of N in the sludge, manure and soil of Gaza were 2.9%, 1% and 0.08%, respectively. The range in delta(15)N of solid manure samples was +7.5 to +11.9 per thousand. The range in delta(15)N of sludge samples was +4.6 to +7.4 per thousand, while four brands of synthetic fertilizers commonly used in Gaza had delta(15)N ranging from +0.2 to +1.0 per thousand. Sludge amended soil had delta(15)N ranging from +2.0 to +7.3 per thousand. For both delta(18)O and delta(15)N, the ranges of groundwater NO(3)(-) were -0.1 to +9.3 per thousand and +3.2 to 12.8 per thousand, respectively. No significant bacterial denitrification is taking place in the Gaza Strip aquifer. Nitrate was predominantly derived from manure and, provided delta(15)N of sludge represents the maximum delta(15)N of human waste, to a lesser extent from septic effluents/sludge. Synthetic fertilizers were a minor source.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities have dramatically changed the loads and compositions of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in urbanized streams. In this study, the spatial and temporal variations of DOM in the anthropogenically impacted Zhujiang River were investigated by analyzing the water samples in an upstream, urbanized area and downstream of the rivers on different days of one year. The results indicated that the levels of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total phosphorus (TP) were unaffected by seasonal changes, but the specific UV254 absorbance (SUVA) values and the total nitrogen (TN) content were greater in the winter than those in the summer. Parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis of the excitation emission matrices (EEM) revealed the presence of three anthropogenically derived components [tryptophan-like (C1) and tyrosine-like proteins (C3) and anthropogenic humic substances (C5)] in the urbanized rivers, and they had greater seasonal and spatial variability than the terrestrial and microbial humic substances (C2 and C4). Cluster analysis revealed that treated wastewater was an important source of DOM in the urbanized streams. Photodegradation experiments indicated that the DOM in the populous area of the rivers had greater photodegradation potentials than that in the downstream region or in the natural waters. Interestingly, that the anthropogenic humic substances (C5) were considerably more photoreactive than the other four PARAFAC components, which exhibited a decrease of 80% after exposure to sunlight for 0.5 d. This study suggests that the treated wastewater could be an important input to the DOM in the urbanized rivers and the naturally occurring photodegradation could help in eliminating the anthropogenic DOM during their transport.  相似文献   

随着用水户数量的增多,许多城镇的给水系统已由单水源发展到多水源供水,这种变化直接影响给水管网的水源供水分布和供水路径,按照传统的给水管网水力计算分析方法,已不能充分反映由于水源数量的增加而引起的给水管网运行工况的改变。在多水源供水情况下,水源的供水分...  相似文献   

Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) were measured in 10 Washington State rivers and 4 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) under periods of low and high flows to investigate the relative importance of point and non-point sources to rivers. PFCs were detected in all samples with summed values ranging from 1.11 to 74.9 ng/L in surface waters and 62.3-418 ng/L in WWTP effluent. Concentrations in 6 of the 10 rivers exhibited a positive relationship with flow, indicating runoff as a contributing source, with PFC loads greatest at all 10 waterbodies during high flows. Perfluoroheptanoic acid:perfluorooctanoic acid homologue ratios suggest atmospheric contributions to the waterbodies are important throughout the year. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicated distinct homologue profiles for high flow, low flow, and effluent samples. The PCA demonstrates that during the spring when flows and loads are at their greatest; WWTP discharges are not the primary sources of PFCs to the river systems. Taken together, the evidence provided signifies non-point inputs are a major pathway for PFCs to surface waters in Washington State.  相似文献   

In order to quantify changes in iodine speciation and to assess factors controlling the distribution and mobility of iodine at an iodine-129 (129I) contaminated site located at the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River Site (SRS), spatial distributions and transformation of 129I and stable iodine (127I) species in groundwater were investigated along a gradient in redox potential (654 to 360 mV), organic carbon concentration (5 to 60 μmol L− 1), and pH (pH 3.2 to 6.8). Total 129I concentration in groundwater was 8.6 ± 2.8 Bq L− 1 immediately downstream of a former waste seepage basin (well FSB-95DR), and decreased with distance from the seepage basin. 127I concentration decreased similarly to that of 129I. Elevated concentrations of 127I or 129I were not detected in groundwater collected from wells located outside of the mixed waste plume of this area. At FSB-95DR, the majority (55-86%) of iodine existed as iodide for both 127I and 129I. Then, as the iodide move down gradient, some of it transformed into iodate and organo-iodine. Considering that iodate has a higher Kd value than iodide, we hypothesize that the production of iodate in groundwater resulted in the removal of iodine from the groundwater and consequently decreased concentrations of 127I and 129I in downstream areas. Significant amounts of organo-iodine species (30-82% of the total iodine) were also observed at upstream wells, including those outside the mixed waste plume. Concentrations of groundwater iodide decreased at a faster rate than organo-iodine along the transect from the seepage basin. We concluded that removal of iodine from the groundwater through the formation of high molecular weight organo-iodine species is complicated by the release of other more mobile organo-iodine species in the groundwater.  相似文献   

Operationally defined dissolved Titanium [Ti] (the < 0.45 μm filtered fraction) in rivers draining rural, agricultural, urban and industrial land-use types in the UK averaged 2.1 μg/l with a range in average of 0.55 to 6.48 μg/l. The lowest averages occurred for the upland areas of mid-Wales the highest just downstream of major sewage treatment works (STWs). [Ti] in rainfall and cloud water in mid-Wales averaged 0.2 and 0.7 μg/l, respectively. Average, baseflow and stormflow [Ti] were compared with two markers of sewage effluent and thus human population: soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and boron (B). While B reflects chemically conservative mixing, SRP declined downstream of STW inputs due to in-stream physico-chemical and biological uptake. The results are related to colloidal and sub-colloidal Ti inputs from urban/industrial conurbations coupled with diffuse background (geological) sources and within-river removal/retention under low flows as a result of processes of aggregation and sedimentation. The urban/industrial inputs increased background [Ti] by up to eleven fold, but the total anthropogenic Ti input might well have been underestimated owing to within-river retention. A baseline survey using cross-flow ultrafiltration revealed that up to 79% of the [Ti] was colloidal/nanoparticulate (> 1 kDa i.e. > c. 1-2 nm) for the rural areas, but as low as 28% for the urban/industrial rivers. This raises fundamental issues of the pollutant inputs of Ti, with the possibility of significant complexation of Ti in the sewage effluents and subsequent breakdown within the rivers, as well as the physical dispersion of fine colloids down to the macro-molecular scale. Although not directly measured, the particulate Ti can make an important contribution to the net Ti flux.  相似文献   

Wet and, to a lesser extent, dry deposition of atmospheric 129I are known to represent the dominating processes responsible for 129I in continental environmental samples that are remote from 129I sources and not directly influenced by any liquid 129I release of nuclear installations. Up to now, however, little is known about the major emitters and the related global deposition pattern of 129I.In this work an overview over major sources of 129I is given, and hitherto unknown time-dependent releases from these were estimated. Total gaseous 129I releases from the US and former Soviet reprocessing facilities Hanford, Savannah River, Mayak, Seversk and Zheleznogorsk were found to have been 0.53, 0.27, 1.05, 0.23 and 0.14 TBq, respectively. These facilities were thus identified as major airborne 129I emitters.The global deposition pattern due to the 129I released, depending on geographic latitude and longitude, and on time was studied using a box model describing the global atmospheric transport and deposition of 129I. The model predictions are compared to 129I concentrations measured by means of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) in water samples that were collected from various lakes in Asia, Africa, America and New Zealand, and to published values.As a result, both pattern and temporal evolution of 129I deposition values measured in and calculated for different types of environmental samples are, in general, in good agreement. This supports our estimate on atmospheric 129I releases and the considered substantial transport and deposition mechanisms in our model calculations.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns of epilithic diatom assemblages in streams in northeastern Spain and their relation to different environmental gradients are presented. Thirty-five sites were sampled covering a wide range of fluvial typologies. Gradient analysis was used to analyze the community structure and the major ecological gradients underlying variation in species composition. Two major gradients were evident; the first was a complex gradient from oligotrophic, pristine, fast-flowing highland rivers to mainly eutrophic rivers of low elevation; and the second related to altitudinal and seasonal variation of temperature. Two sets of factors were evident; one was associated with water chemistry, and the other to seasonal and physiographical variation. Variance partitioning allowed the separation of the effects of the different sets of environmental parameters. The contribution of physiography and water chemistry to diatom distribution was more unclear when the level of disturbance was intermediate. Considering the relatively high proportion of variation explained by physiographical variables alone, we suggest that when using diatoms to evaluate water quality, ecoregional characteristics of river stretches should also be considered.  相似文献   

In this paper, the results of mercury concentrations in two abiotic compartments (river water and suspended particles) and two biotic compartments (fish and human hair) from the upper Madeira rivers of the Bolivian Amazon basin are presented. Because of the local hydrological regimes and a high deposition rate in the plain, due to the presence of a subsidence zone at the bottom of the Andean piedmont, in the dry season, the highest mercury concentrations and fluxes were not found in rivers where mining activities took place (2.25–6.99 ng l−1; and 1.07–8.67 mg Hg d−1 km−2), but at the outlet of the Andean basins exploited for their alluvial gold (7.22–8.22 ng l−1; and 9.47–9.52 mg Hg d−1 km−2). The total mercury concentrations measured in surface waters of the upper Beni basin varied during the dry season, from 2.24 to 2.57 ng l−1 in the glacial waters of the Zongo river, to 7.00 ng l−1 in the Madeira River at Porto Velho and 9.49–10.86 ng l−1 at its confluence with the Amazon. The results obtained from fish indicate, on one hand, that 86% of the piscivorous fishes collected in the Beni river were contaminated, and, on the other hand, their high mercury concentrations could exceed by almost four times the WHO (1976) safety limit. In the Beni River, the mercury concentrations found in omnivorous and mud-feeding fish ranged from 0.02 to 0.19 μg g−1 (wet wt.), and in piscivorous fish, from 0.33 to 2.30 μg Hg g−1 (wet wt.). The mercury accumulated by carnivorous fishes was mainly present in its organic form; methylmercury represented 73–98% of the total mercury analysed. Eighty persons were studied in the entire Bolivian Amazonian basin. Unlike the gold miners, who are more affected by tropical diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever, the indigenous people living on the banks of the Beni river, present elevated levels of mercury (9.81 μg g−1 on average). We observed an increase in contamination in young children still being breast-fed, confirming that hair mercury concentration in babies was significantly affected by maternal mercury contamination during pregnancy. These results show that the major health impacts caused by mercury affect people who are not working directly in gold mining activities but who have a regular fish diet.  相似文献   

Delivery and cycling of phosphorus in rivers: a review   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Phosphorus (P) supply (concentration and flux) is an important driver for biological activity in flowing waters and needs to be managed to avoid eutrophication impacts associated with urbanisation and agricultural intensification. This paper examines the role of in-stream retention and cycling in regulating river P concentrations in order to better understand the links between P sources and their ecological impacts. In terms of their composition (solubility and concentration), patterns of delivery (mode and timing) and therefore ecological relevance, P sources entering rivers are best grouped into wastewater discharges > runoff from impervious surfaces (roads, farmyards) > runoff from pervious surfaces (forestry, cultivated land and pasture). The localized impacts of soluble P discharges during ecologically sensitive periods can be distinguished from the downstream impacts associated with particulate P discharges under high flows due to the different processes by which these sources are retained, transformed and assimilated within the river channel. The range of physico-chemical processes involved in P cycling and the variable importance of these processes in different river environments according to stream size, stream geomorphology and anthropogenic pressures are summarised. It is concluded that the capacity to retain (process) P within the river channel, and hence regulate the downstream delivery of P without stressing the aquatic communities present, is considerable, especially in headwaters. To help achieve good water quality, there is scope to better manage this ecosystem service through regulation of P supply whilst optimising in-stream P retention according to subsidy-stress theory. Further research is needed to develop in-stream management options for maximising P subsidies and to demonstrate that regulation of downstream P delivery will reduce the incidence of eutrophication in connected waterbodies.  相似文献   

Iodine is a biophilic element, with several short-lived isotopes (e.g. (131)I, t(1/2)=8 days), one long-lived isotope, (129)I (t(1/2)=15.6 million years) and one stable isotope, (127)I. The inventory of (129)I in surface environments has been overwhelmed by anthropogenic releases over the past 50 years. Iodine and its isotopes are important for a number of reasons: (1) The largest fraction of the short-term and long-term dose from accidental releases and fallout from atomic bomb tests was from iodine isotopes. (2) (129)I is one of the two long-lived nuclides with highest mobility in stored radioactive waste. (3) (129)I could provide the scientific community with a new geochemical tracer and new geochronological applications in environmental science. (4) A better assessment of iodine deficiency disorders, mineralization in exploration geochemistry, and the transfer of volatile organic greenhouse-active and ozone-destroying iodine species from the oceans to the atmosphere is needed. One of the most promising future applications for the (129)I/(127)I ratio is not only as a new geochronometer, but also as a new source tracer for terrestrial organic matter with ages of 50 years or less. This is especially attractive, since radiocarbon can be, at times, an ambiguous chronometer for the 50-year time-scale, whereas (129)I concentrations during this time are overwhelming previous levels by orders of magnitude. Iodine is to a significant extent involved in the cycle of organic matter in all surface environments. Its biophilic nature is demonstrated by a relative enrichment of iodine in seaweed and dissolved macromolecular organic matter. Because of the close coupling of iodine and organic carbon cycles, our understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms of the processes regulating iodination reactions in aquatic systems is still limited. The binding of iodine by organic matter has the potential to modify the transport, bioavailability and transfer of iodine isotopes to man. Equilibration times for (129)I in many reservoirs are likely long enough that (129)I could be used as a new source tracer for organic matter of terrestrial origin, and as a geochronometer. Current tracer applications of (129)I are limited by our knowledge of the effects of UV-radiation, microbial activity and geochemical redox conditions on organo-I compounds and overall iodine speciation. The biogeochemical behavior of iodine and its isotopes appears to be different in North America and European waters, possibly due to climatic, source and speciation differences.  相似文献   

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