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主题分割技术是快速并有效地对新闻故事节目进行检索和管理的基础。传统的基于隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkov Model,HMM)的主题分割技术仅使用主题和主题之间的转移寻找主题边界进行新闻分割,并未考虑各主题中词与词之间存在的潜在语义关系。本文提出一种基于隐马尔科夫模型的改进算法。该算法使用潜在语义分析(Latent Se-mantic Analysis,LSA)对词频向量进行特征提取和降维,考虑了词与词之间的上下文关系,通过聚类得到文档类别信息,以LSA特征和主题类别作为HMM的观测和隐状态,这样同时考虑了主题之间的关系,最终实现对文本主题分割。数据实验表明,该算法具有较好的分割性能。  相似文献   

从大篇幅的满文文档图像中分割和提取满文单词,是满文文档分析的关键步骤。该文提出了一种基于缝隙剪裁的满文文档图像单词分割和提取方法。首先,通过投影轮廓匹配策略初步涂抹并确定文本列数目;然后,在相邻文本列间自底向上地进行动态规划,寻找最小能量线,并通过中线区域约束得到不损坏满文文字部件的最佳分割线;最后,依据分割线提取独立满文文本列进而提取满文单词。结果表明,该方法在满文文档图像数据库上取得了较好的分割和提取效果。  相似文献   

Word searching in non-structural layout such as graphical documents is a difficult task due to arbitrary orientations of text words and the presence of graphical symbols. This paper presents an efficient approach for word searching in documents of non-structural layout using an efficient indexing and retrieval approach. The proposed indexing scheme stores spatial information of text characters of a document using a character spatial feature table (CSFT). The spatial feature of text component is derived from the neighbor component information. The character labeling of a multi-scaled and multi-oriented component is performed using support vector machines. For searching purpose, the positional information of characters is obtained from the query string by splitting it into possible combinations of character pairs. Each of these character pairs searches the position of corresponding text in document with the help of CSFT. Next, the searched text components are joined and formed into sequence by spatial information matching. String matching algorithm is performed to match the query word with the character pair sequence in documents. The experimental results are presented on two different datasets of graphical documents: maps dataset and seal/logo image dataset. The results show that the method is efficient to search query word from unconstrained document layouts of arbitrary orientation.  相似文献   

Text representation is an essential task in transforming the input from text into features that can be later used for further Text Mining and Information Retrieval tasks. The commonly used text representation model is Bags-of-Words (BOW) and the N-gram model. Nevertheless, some known issues of these models, which are inaccurate semantic representation of text and high dimensionality of word size combination, should be investigated. A pattern-based model named Frequent Adjacent Sequential Pattern (FASP) is introduced to represent the text using a set of sequence adjacent words that are frequently used across the document collection. The purpose of this study is to discover the similarity of textual pattern between documents that can be later converted to a set of rules to describe the main news event. The FASP is based on the Pattern-Growth’s divide-and-conquer strategy where the main difference between FASP and the prior technique is in the Pattern Generation phase. This approach is tested against the BOW and N-gram text representation model using Malay and English language news dataset with different term weightings in the Vector Space Model (VSM). The findings demonstrate that the FASP model has a promising performance in finding similarities between documents with the average vector size reduction of 34% against the BOW and 77% against the N-gram model using the Malay dataset. Results using the English dataset is also consistent, indicating that the FASP approach is also language independent.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated approach to spot the spoken keywords in digitized Tamil documents by combining word image matching and spoken word recognition techniques. The work involves the segmentation of document images into words, creation of an index of keywords, and construction of word image hidden Markov model (HMM) and speech HMM for each keyword. The word image HMMs are constructed using seven dimensional profile and statistical moment features and used to recognize a segmented word image for possible inclusion of the keyword in the index. The spoken query word is recognized using the most likelihood of the speech HMMs using the 39 dimensional mel frequency cepstral coefficients derived from the speech samples of the keywords. The positional details of the search keyword obtained from the automatically updated index retrieve the relevant portion of text from the document during word spotting. The performance measures such as recall, precision, and F-measure are calculated for 40 test words from the four groups of literary documents to illustrate the ability of the proposed scheme and highlight its worthiness in the emerging multilingual information retrieval scenario.  相似文献   

SegT一个实用的藏文分词系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析现有藏文分词方法的基础上,该文重点研究了藏文分词中的格助词分块、临界词识别、词频统计、交集型歧义检测和消歧等问题并提出了相应的方法。应用这些方法,设计实现了一个藏文分词系统SegT。该系统采用格助词分块并识别临界词,然后采用最大匹配方法分词,并进行紧缩词识别。系统采用双向切分检测交集型歧义字段并使用预先统计的词频信息进行消歧。实验结果表明,该文设计的格助词分块和临界词识别方法可以将分词速度提高15%左右,但格助词分块对分词效果没有明显提高或降低。系统最终分词正确率为96.98%,基本达到了实用的水平。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a word spotting framework for accessing the content of historical machine-printed documents without the use of an optical character recognition engine. A preprocessing step is performed in order to improve the quality of the document images, while word segmentation is accomplished with the use of two complementary segmentation methodologies. In the proposed methodology, synthetic word images are created from keywords, and these images are compared to all the words in the digitized documents. A user feedback process is used in order to refine the search procedure. The methodology has been evaluated in early Modern Greek documents printed during the seventeenth and eighteenth century. In order to improve the efficiency of accessing and search, natural language processing techniques have been addressed that comprise a morphological generator that enables searching in documents using only a base word-form for locating all the corresponding inflected word-forms and a synonym dictionary that further facilitates access to the semantic context of documents.  相似文献   

A Nom historical document recognition system is being developed for digital archiving that uses image binarization, character segmentation, and character recognition. It incorporates two versions of off-line character recognition: one for automatic recognition of scanned and segmented character patterns (7660 categories) and the other for user handwritten input (32,695 categories). This separation is used since including less frequently appearing categories in automatic recognition increases the misrecognition rate without reliable statistics on the Nom language. Moreover, a user must be able to check the results and identify the correct categories from an extended set of categories, and a user can input characters by hand. Both versions use the same recognition method, but they are trained using different sets of training patterns. Recursive XY cut and Voronoi diagrams are used for segmentation; kd tree and generalized learning vector quantization are used for coarse classification; and the modified quadratic discriminant function is used for fine classification. The system provides an interface through which a user can check the results, change binarization methods, rectify segmentation, and input correct character categories by hand. Evaluation done using a limited number of Nom historical documents after providing ground truths for them showed that the two stages of recognition along with user checking and correction improved the recognition results significantly.  相似文献   

Information spotting in scanned historical document images is a very challenging task. The joint use of the mechanical press and of human controlled inking introduced great variability in ink level within a book or even within a page. Consequently characters are often broken or merged together and thus become difficult to segment and recognize. The limitations of commercial OCR engines for information retrieval in historical document images have inspired alternative means of identification of given words in such documents. We present a word spotting method for scanned documents in order to find the word images that are similar to a query word, without assuming a correct segmentation of the words into characters. The connected components are first processed to transform a word pattern into a sequence of sub-patterns. Each sub-pattern is represented by a sequence of feature vectors. A modified Edit distance is proposed to perform a segmentation-driven string matching and to compute the Segmentation Driven Edit (SDE) distance between the words to be compared. The set of SDE operations is defined to obtain the word segmentations that are the most appropriate to evaluate their similarity. These operations are efficient to cope with broken and touching characters in words. The distortion of character shapes is handled by coupling the string matching process with local shape comparisons that are achieved by Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). The costs of the SDE operations are provided by the DTW distances. A sub-optimal version of the SDE string matching is also proposed to reduce the computation time, nevertheless it did not lead to a great decrease in performance. It is possible to enter a query by example or a textual query entered with the keyboard. Textual queries can be used to directly spot the word without the need to synthesize its image, as far as character prototype images are available. Results are presented for different documents and compared with other methods, showing the efficiency of our method.  相似文献   

如何对急速增长的文档图像进行有效检索是文档图像管理系统的关键技术之一。提出了一种不需要识别文字的检索中文文档图像的方法,该方法在字符分割基础上采用基于粗外围特征粗匹配和基于改进Hausdorff距离相似度测量的两级匹配方法,以适应于时间、准确性的不同要求。同时用对200幅文档图像样本进行了实验,其结果表明,使用该方法对检索印刷体汉字的文档图像具有较高的检索效果,对于数字图书馆中文档图像检索系统的设计,有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a keyword retrieval system for locating words in historical Mongolian document images. Based on the word spotting technology, a collection of historical Mongolian document images is converted into a collection of word images by word segmentation, and a number of profile-based features are extracted to represent word images. For each word image, a fixed-length feature vector is formulated by obtaining the appropriate number of the complex coefficients of discrete Fourier transform on each profile feature. The system supports online image-to-image matching by calculating similarities between a query word image and each word image in the collection, and consequently, a ranked result is returned in descending order of the similarities. Therein, the query word image can be generated by synthesizing a sequence of glyphs when being retrieved. By experimental evaluations, the performance of the system is confirmed.  相似文献   

This paper reports a document retrieval technique that retrieves machine-printed Latin-based document images through word shape coding. Adopting the idea of image annotation, a word shape coding scheme is proposed, which converts each word image into a word shape code by using a few shape features. The text contents of imaged documents are thus captured by a document vector constructed with the converted word shape code and word frequency information. Similarities between different document images are then gauged based on the constructed document vectors. We divide the retrieval process into two stages. Based on the observation that documents of the same language share a large number of high-frequency language-specific stop words, the first stage retrieves documents with the same underlying language as that of the query document. The second stage then re-ranks the documents retrieved in the first stage based on the topic similarity. Experiments show that document images of different languages and topics can be retrieved properly by using the proposed word shape coding scheme.  相似文献   

The retrieval of information from scanned handwritten documents is becoming vital with the rapid increase of digitized documents, and word spotting systems have been developed to search for words within documents. These systems can be either template matching algorithms or learning based. This paper presents a coherent learning based Arabic handwritten word spotting system which can adapt to the nature of Arabic handwriting, which can have no clear boundaries between words. Consequently, the system recognizes Pieces of Arabic Words (PAWs), then re-constructs and spots words using language models. The proposed system produced promising result for Arabic handwritten word spotting when tested on the CENPARMI Arabic documents database.  相似文献   

Communication between people with disabilities and people who do not understand sign language is a growing social need and can be a tedious task. One of the main functions of sign language is to communicate with each other through hand gestures. Recognition of hand gestures has become an important challenge for the recognition of sign language. There are many existing models that can produce a good accuracy, but if the model test with rotated or translated images, they may face some difficulties to make good performance accuracy. To resolve these challenges of hand gesture recognition, we proposed a Rotation, Translation and Scale-invariant sign word recognition system using a convolutional neural network (CNN). We have followed three steps in our work: rotated, translated and scaled (RTS) version dataset generation, gesture segmentation, and sign word classification. Firstly, we have enlarged a benchmark dataset of 20 sign words by making different amounts of Rotation, Translation and Scale of the original images to create the RTS version dataset. Then we have applied the gesture segmentation technique. The segmentation consists of three levels, i) Otsu Thresholding with YCbCr, ii) Morphological analysis: dilation through opening morphology and iii) Watershed algorithm. Finally, our designed CNN model has been trained to classify the hand gesture as well as the sign word. Our model has been evaluated using the twenty sign word dataset, five sign word dataset and the RTS version of these datasets. We achieved 99.30% accuracy from the twenty sign word dataset evaluation, 99.10% accuracy from the RTS version of the twenty sign word evolution, 100% accuracy from the five sign word dataset evaluation, and 98.00% accuracy from the RTS version five sign word dataset evolution. Furthermore, the influence of our model exists in competitive results with state-of-the-art methods in sign word recognition.  相似文献   

Researchers across the globe have been increasingly interested in the manner in which important research topics evolve over time within the corpus of scientific literature. In a dataset of scientific articles, each document can be considered to comprise both the words of the document itself and its citations of other documents. In this paper, we propose a citation- content-latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic discovery method that accounts for both document citation relations and the con-tent of the document itself via a probabilistic generative model. The citation-content-LDA topic model exploits a two-level topic model that includes the citation information for ‘father’ topics and text information for sub-topics. The model parameters are estimated by a collapsed Gibbs sampling algorithm. We also propose a topic evolution algorithm that runs in two steps: topic segmentation and topic dependency relation calculation. We have tested the proposed citation-content-LDA model and topic evolution algorithm on two online datasets, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) and IEEE Computer Society (CS), to demonstrate that our algorithm effectively discovers important topics and reflects the topic evolution of important research themes. According to our evaluation metrics, citation-content-LDA outperforms both content-LDA and citation-LDA.  相似文献   

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