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Multi-label learning has received significant attention in the research community over the past few years: this has resulted in the development of a variety of multi-label learning methods. In this paper, we present an extensive experimental comparison of 12 multi-label learning methods using 16 evaluation measures over 11 benchmark datasets. We selected the competing methods based on their previous usage by the community, the representation of different groups of methods and the variety of basic underlying machine learning methods. Similarly, we selected the evaluation measures to be able to assess the behavior of the methods from a variety of view-points. In order to make conclusions independent from the application domain, we use 11 datasets from different domains. Furthermore, we compare the methods by their efficiency in terms of time needed to learn a classifier and time needed to produce a prediction for an unseen example. We analyze the results from the experiments using Friedman and Nemenyi tests for assessing the statistical significance of differences in performance. The results of the analysis show that for multi-label classification the best performing methods overall are random forests of predictive clustering trees (RF-PCT) and hierarchy of multi-label classifiers (HOMER), followed by binary relevance (BR) and classifier chains (CC). Furthermore, RF-PCT exhibited the best performance according to all measures for multi-label ranking. The recommendation from this study is that when new methods for multi-label learning are proposed, they should be compared to RF-PCT and HOMER using multiple evaluation measures.  相似文献   

The TreeRank algorithm was recently proposed in [1] and [2] as a scoring-based method based on recursive partitioning of the input space. This tree induction algorithm builds orderings by recursively optimizing the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve through a one-step optimization procedure called LeafRank. One of the aim of this paper is the in-depth analysis of the empirical performance of the variants of TreeRank/LeafRank method. Numerical experiments based on both artificial and real data sets are provided. Further experiments using resampling and randomization, in the spirit of bagging and random forests are developed [3, 4] and we show how they increase both stability and accuracy in bipartite ranking. Moreover, an empirical comparison with other efficient scoring algorithms such as RankBoost and RankSVM is presented on UCI benchmark data sets.  相似文献   

目前数据流分类算法大多是基于类分布这一理想状态,然而在真实数据流环境中数据分布往往是不均衡的,并且数据流中往往伴随着概念漂移。针对数据流中的不均衡问题和概念漂移问题,提出了一种新的基于集成学习的不均衡数据流分类算法。首先为了解决数据流的不均衡问题,在训练模型前加入混合采样方法平衡数据集,然后采用基分类器加权和淘汰策略处理概念漂移问题,从而提高分类器的分类性能。最后与经典数据流分类算法在人工数据集和真实数据集上进行对比实验,实验结果表明,本文提出的算法在含有概念漂移和不均衡的数据流环境中,其整体分类性能优于其他算法的。  相似文献   

Technical and quantitative analysis in financial trading use mathematical and statistical tools to help investors decide on the optimum moment to initiate and close orders. While these traditional approaches have served their purpose to some extent, new techniques arising from the field of computational intelligence such as machine learning and data mining have emerged to analyse financial information. While the main financial engineering research has focused on complex computational models such as Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines, there are also simpler models that have demonstrated their usefulness in applications other than financial trading, and are worth considering to determine their advantages and inherent limitations when used as trading analysis tools. This paper analyses the role of simple machine learning models to achieve profitable trading through a series of trading simulations in the FOREX market. It assesses the performance of the models and how particular setups of the models produce systematic and consistent predictions for profitable trading. Due to the inherent complexities of financial time series the role of attribute selection, periodic retraining and training set size are discussed in order to obtain a combination of those parameters not only capable of generating positive cumulative returns for each one of the machine learning models but also to demonstrate how simple algorithms traditionally precluded from financial forecasting for trading applications presents similar performances as their more complex counterparts. The paper discusses how a combination of attributes in addition to technical indicators that has been used as inputs of the machine learning-based predictors such as price related features, seasonality features and lagged values used in classical time series analysis are used to enhance the classification capabilities that impacts directly into the final profitability.  相似文献   

王轩  张林  高磊  蒋昊坤 《计算机应用》2018,38(10):2772-2777
为应对抽样不均匀带来的影响,以基于代表的分类算法为基础,提出一种用于符号型数据分类的留一法集成学习分类算法(LOOELCA)。首先采用留一法获得n个小训练集,其中n为初始训练集大小。然后使用每个训练集构建独立的基于代表的分类器,并标注出分类错误的分类器及对象。最后,标注分类器和原始分类器形成委员会并对测试集对象进行分类。如委员会表决一致,则直接给该测试对象贴上类标签;否则,基于k最近邻(kNN)算法并利用标注对象对测试对象分类。在UCI标准数据集上的实验结果表明,LOOELCA与基于代表的粗糙集覆盖分类(RBC-CBNRS)算法相比,精度平均提升0.35~2.76个百分点,LOOELCA与ID3、J48、Naïve Bayes、OneR等方法相比也有更高的分类准确率。  相似文献   

Regression via classification (RvC) is a method in which a regression problem is converted into a classification problem. A discretization process is used to covert continuous target value to classes. The discretized data can be used with classifiers as a classification problem. In this paper, we use a discretization method, Extreme Randomized Discretization (ERD), in which bin boundaries are created randomly to create ensembles. We present two ensemble methods for RvC problems. We show theoretically that the proposed ensembles for RvC perform better than RvC with the equal-width discretization method. We also show the superiority of the proposed ensemble methods experimentally. Experimental results suggest that the proposed ensembles perform competitively to the method developed specifically for regression problems.  相似文献   

We consider ensemble classification for the case where there is no common labeled training data for jointly designing the individual classifiers and the function that aggregates their decisions. This problem, which we call distributed ensemble classification, applies when individual classifiers operate (perhaps remotely) on different sensing modalities and when combining proprietary or legacy classifiers. The conventional wisdom in this case is to apply fixed rules of combination such as voting methods or rules for aggregating probabilities. Alternatively, we take a transductive approach, optimizing the combining rule for an objective function measured on the unlabeled batch of test data. We propose maximum likelihood (ML) objectives that are shown to yield well-known forms of probabilistic aggregation, albeit with iterative, expectation-maximization-based adjustment to account for mismatch between class priors used by individual classifiers and those reflected in the new data batch. These methods are extensions, for the ensemble case, of the work of Saerens, Latinne, and Decaestecker (2002). We also propose an information-theoretic method that generally outperforms the ML methods, better handles classifier redundancies, and addresses some scenarios where the ML methods are not applicable. This method also well handles the case of missing classes in the test batch. On UC Irvine benchmark data, all our methods give improvements in classification accuracy over the use of fixed rules when there is prior mismatch.  相似文献   

The increasing volumes of unsolicited bulk e-mail (also known as spam) are bringing more annoyance for most Internet users. Using a classifier based on a specific machine-learning technique to automatically filter out spam e-mail has drawn many researchers’ attention. This paper is a comparative study the performance of three commonly used machine learning methods in spam filtering. On the other hand, we try to integrate two spam filtering methods to obtain better performance. A set of systematic experiments has been conducted with these methods which are applied to different parts of an e-mail. Experiments show that using the header only can achieve satisfactory performance, and the idea of integrating disparate methods is a promising way to fight spam.  相似文献   

Ensemble learning has attracted considerable attention owing to its good generalization performance. The main issues in constructing a powerful ensemble include training a set of diverse and accurate base classifiers, and effectively combining them. Ensemble margin, computed as the difference of the vote numbers received by the correct class and the another class received with the most votes, is widely used to explain the success of ensemble learning. This definition of the ensemble margin does not consider the classification confidence of base classifiers. In this work, we explore the influence of the classification confidence of the base classifiers in ensemble learning and obtain some interesting conclusions. First, we extend the definition of ensemble margin based on the classification confidence of the base classifiers. Then, an optimization objective is designed to compute the weights of the base classifiers by minimizing the margin induced classification loss. Several strategies are tried to utilize the classification confidences and the weights. It is observed that weighted voting based on classification confidence is better than simple voting if all the base classifiers are used. In addition, ensemble pruning can further improve the performance of a weighted voting ensemble. We also compare the proposed fusion technique with some classical algorithms. The experimental results also show the effectiveness of weighted voting with classification confidence.  相似文献   

We propose a scoring criterion, named mixture-based factorized conditional log-likelihood (mfCLL), which allows for efficient hybrid learning of mixtures of Bayesian networks in binary classification tasks. The learning procedure is decoupled in foreground and background learning, being the foreground the single concept of interest that we want to distinguish from a highly complex background. The overall procedure is hybrid as the foreground is discriminatively learned, whereas the background is generatively learned. The learning algorithm is shown to run in polynomial time for network structures such as trees and consistent κ-graphs. To gauge the performance of the mfCLL scoring criterion, we carry out a comparison with state-of-the-art classifiers. Results obtained with a large suite of benchmark datasets show that mfCLL-trained classifiers are a competitive alternative and should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

标题分类是对一个标题性语句进行分类,通常这个标题是不超过20个字的短文本,内容精炼概括性强。针对标题文本的特征稀疏性和含义不确定性,提出了一种融合随机森林与贝叶斯多项式的标题分类算法。该算法把贝叶斯多项式模型引入到随机森林底层分类器构建过程中,同时利用随机森林附带的OOB数据提出了一种基于二维权重分布的投票机制。最后在图书馆真实书目数据上进行实验,针对分类性能与当前基于LDA主题扩展的SVM算法进行对比。实验结果表明在一定条件下,该方法性能稳定,表现较佳。  相似文献   

Hu Li  Ye Wang  Hua Wang  Bin Zhou 《World Wide Web》2017,20(6):1507-1525
Imbalanced streaming data is commonly encountered in real-world data mining and machine learning applications, and has attracted much attention in recent years. Both imbalanced data and streaming data in practice are normally encountered together; however, little research work has been studied on the two types of data together. In this paper, we propose a multi-window based ensemble learning method for the classification of imbalanced streaming data. Three types of windows are defined to store the current batch of instances, the latest minority instances, and the ensemble classifier. The ensemble classifier consists of a set of latest sub-classifiers, and the instances employed to train each sub-classifier. All sub-classifiers are weighted prior to predicting the class labels of newly arriving instances, and new sub-classifiers are trained only when the precision is below a predefined threshold. Extensive experiments on synthetic datasets and real-world datasets demonstrate that the new approach can efficiently and effectively classify imbalanced streaming data, and generally outperforms existing approaches.  相似文献   

Ensemble approaches to classification have attracted a great deal of interest recently. This paper presents a novel method for designing the neural network ensemble using coevolutionary algorithm. The bootstrap resampling procedure is employed to obtain different training subsets that are used to estimate different component networks of the ensemble. Then the cooperative coevolutionary algorithm is developed to optimize the ensemble model via the divide-and-cooperative mechanism. All component networks are coevolved in parallel in the scheme of interacting co-adapted subpopulations. The fitness of an individual from a particular subpopulation is assessed by associating it with the representatives from other subpopulations. In order to promote the cooperation of all component networks, the proposed method considers both the accuracy and the diversity among the component networks that are evaluated using the multi-objective Pareto optimality measure. A hybrid output-combination method is designed to determine the final ensemble output. Experimental results illustrate that the proposed method is able to obtain neural network ensemble models with better classification accuracy in comparison with currently popular ensemble algorithms.  相似文献   

半监督学习和集成学习是目前机器学习领域中的重要方法。半监督学习利用未标记样本,而集成学习综合多个弱学习器,以提高分类精度。针对名词型数据,本文提出一种融合聚类和集成学习的半监督分类方法SUCE。在不同的参数设置下,采用多个聚类算法生成大量的弱学习器;利用已有的类标签信息,对弱学习器进行评价和选择;通过集成弱学习器对测试集进行预分类,并将置信度高的样本放入训练集;利用扩展的训练集,使用ID3、Nave Bayes、 kNN、C4.5、OneR、Logistic等基础算法对其他样本进行分类。在UCI数据集上的实验结果表明,当训练样本较少时,本方法能稳定提高多数基础算法的准确性。  相似文献   

Among the many issues related to data stream applications, those involved in predictive tasks such as classification and regression, play a significant role in Machine Learning (ML). The so-called ensemble-based approaches have characteristics that can be appealing to data stream applications, such as easy updating and high flexibility. In spite of that, some of the current approaches consider unsuitable ways of updating the ensemble along with the continuous stream processing, such as growing it indefinitely or deleting all its base learners when trying to overcome a concept drift. Such inadequate actions interfere with two inherent characteristics of data streams namely, its possible infinite length and its need for prompt responses. In this paper, a new ensemble-based algorithm, suitable for classification tasks, is proposed. It relies on applying boosting to new batches of data aiming at maintaining the ensemble by adding a certain number of base learners, which is established as a function of the current ensemble accuracy rate. The updating mechanism enhances the model flexibility, allowing the ensemble to gather knowledge fast to quickly overcome high error rates, due to concept drift, while maintaining satisfactory results by slowing down the updating rate in stable concepts. Results comparing the proposed ensemble-based algorithm against eight other ensembles found in the literature show that the proposed algorithm is very competitive when dealing with data stream classification.  相似文献   

Regression problems provide some of the most challenging research opportunities in the area of machine learning, and more broadly intelligent systems, where the predictions of some target variables are critical to a specific application. Rainfall is a prime example, as it exhibits unique characteristics of high volatility and chaotic patterns that do not exist in other time series data. This work’s main impact is to show the benefit machine learning algorithms, and more broadly intelligent systems have over the current state-of-the-art techniques for rainfall prediction within rainfall derivatives. We apply and compare the predictive performance of the current state-of-the-art (Markov chain extended with rainfall prediction) and six other popular machine learning algorithms, namely: Genetic Programming, Support Vector Regression, Radial Basis Neural Networks, M5 Rules, M5 Model trees, and k-Nearest Neighbours. To assist in the extensive evaluation, we run tests using the rainfall time series across data sets for 42 cities, with very diverse climatic features. This thorough examination shows that the machine learning methods are able to outperform the current state-of-the-art. Another contribution of this work is to detect correlations between different climates and predictive accuracy. Thus, these results show the positive effect that machine learning-based intelligent systems have for predicting rainfall based on predictive accuracy and with minimal correlations existing across climates.  相似文献   

Fuzzy rule-based classification systems are very useful tools in the field of machine learning as they are able to build linguistic comprehensible models. However, these systems suffer from exponential rule explosion when the number of variables increases, degrading, therefore, the accuracy of these systems as well as their interpretability. In this article, we propose to improve the comprehensibility through a supervised learning method by automatic generation of fuzzy classification rules, designated SIFCO–PAF. Our method reduces the complexity by decreasing the number of rules and of antecedent conditions, making it thus adapted to the representation and the prediction of rather high-dimensional pattern classification problems. We perform, firstly, an ensemble methodology by combining a set of simple classification models. Subsequently, each model uses a subset of the initial attributes: In this case, we propose to regroup the attributes using linear correlation search among the training set elements. Secondly, we implement an optimal fuzzy partition thanks to supervised discretization followed by an automatic membership functions construction. The SIFCO–PAF method, analyzed experimentally on various data sets, guarantees an important reduction in the number of rules and of antecedents without deteriorating the classification rates, on the contrary accuracy is even improved.  相似文献   

顾清华  张晓玥  陈露 《控制与决策》2022,37(10):2456-2466
当使用代理辅助进化算法求解昂贵高维多目标优化问题时,代理模型通常用于近似昂贵的适应度函数.然而,随着目标数的增加,近似误差将逐渐累积,计算量也会急剧增加.对此,提出一种基于改进集成学习分类的代理辅助进化算法,使用一种改进的装袋集成学习分类器作为代理模型.首先,从被昂贵的适应度评价的个体中选择一组分类边界,将所有个体分成两类;其次,利用这些带有分类标签的个体训练分类器,以对候选个体的类别进行预测;最后,选择有前途的个体进行昂贵适应度评价.实验结果表明,算法中所提出的代理模型可有效提高基于分类的代理辅助进化算法求解昂贵高维多目标优化问题的能力,且与目前流行的代理辅助进化算法相比,基于改进集成学习分类的代理辅助进化算法更具竞争力.  相似文献   

Due to the important role of financial distress prediction (FDP) for enterprises, it is crucial to improve the accuracy of FDP model. In recent years, classifier ensemble has shown promising advantage over single classifier, but the study on classifier ensemble methods for FDP is still not comprehensive enough and leaves to be further explored. This paper constructs AdaBoost ensemble respectively with single attribute test (SAT) and decision tree (DT) for FDP, and empirically compares them with single DT and support vector machine (SVM). After designing the framework of AdaBoost ensemble method for FDP, the article describes AdaBoost algorithm as well as SAT and DT algorithm in detail, which is followed by the combination mechanism of multiple classifiers. On the initial sample of 692 Chinese listed companies and 41 financial ratios, 30 times of holdout experiments are carried out for FDP respectively one year, two years, and three years in advance. In terms of experimental results, AdaBoost ensemble with SAT outperforms AdaBoost ensemble with DT, single DT classifier and single SVM classifier. As a conclusion, the choice of weak learner is crucial to the performance of AdaBoost ensemble, and AdaBoost ensemble with SAT is more suitable for FDP of Chinese listed companies.  相似文献   

Document-level sentiment classification aims to automate the task of classifying a textual review, which is given on a single topic, as expressing a positive or negative sentiment. In general, supervised methods consist of two stages: (i) extraction/selection of informative features and (ii) classification of reviews by using learning models like Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Na?¨ve Bayes (NB). SVM have been extensively and successfully used as a sentiment learning approach while Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have rarely been considered in comparative studies in the sentiment analysis literature. This paper presents an empirical comparison between SVM and ANN regarding document-level sentiment analysis. We discuss requirements, resulting models and contexts in which both approaches achieve better levels of classification accuracy. We adopt a standard evaluation context with popular supervised methods for feature selection and weighting in a traditional bag-of-words model. Except for some unbalanced data contexts, our experiments indicated that ANN produce superior or at least comparable results to SVM’s. Specially on the benchmark dataset of Movies reviews, ANN outperformed SVM by a statistically significant difference, even on the context of unbalanced data. Our results have also confirmed some potential limitations of both models, which have been rarely discussed in the sentiment classification literature, like the computational cost of SVM at the running time and ANN at the training time.  相似文献   

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