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基于河道治理的河流生态修复   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37       下载免费PDF全文
阐述河流整治带来的负面影响 ,论证对受损的河流进行生态修复的必要性 .基于河道治理的河流生态修复是指河道形态和河床断面的修复及恢复丧失的河岸带植被和湿地群落 ,可采用的具体方法有 :恢复河道的连续性 ;重现水体流动多样性 ;给河流更多的空间 ;慎重选择河道整治方案 .在介绍国内外相关研究进展情况的基础上对河流生态修复的研究和应用提出合理建议 .  相似文献   

随着人们环保意识的提高,水生态环境亟待修复和改善。根据水利部相关政策文件的规定,加快推进水生态文明建设,是推动民生水利新发展的重要任务。根据河道护岸工程现状和河道生态系统的重要性方面,探讨了河道护岸工程需要进行水生态补偿机制实施的必要性和迫切性,并进行了水生态补偿机制相关层面的研究,进行了制度设计,为进一步推进水生态补偿机制研究提供参考。  相似文献   

平原河网地区河流生态修复技术研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对平原河网地区河流生态系统问题日益严重的状况,总结了河流生态修复的国内外研究进展,阐述了目前主要应用的河流水质改善、生态护岸建设和河流生态景观建设3个方面的河流生态修复技术,结合江苏省丰县的生态水利建设实例,提出我国河流生态修复的建议。  相似文献   

河流生态修复的国际经验及对长江大保护的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为推进长江大保护,针对长江流域河流生态修复的需求,梳理了美国杜瓦米什河、欧洲莱茵河和德国德莱萨姆河等河流生态修复的实践做法:重视立法和标准化建设,严格制度管理,健全工作机制,强化科技支撑,鼓励全民参与等;分析了长江大保护现状与面临的挑战:政策法规和行业标准不完善,顶层设计与整体谋划不足,工作机制和监管体系不完善,修复工...  相似文献   

在简要介绍城市河流系统治理策略的基础上,详细论述其在鹅颈水生态修复中的应用。鹅颈水治理以流域为空间单位,准确把握河流主要问题,综合考量水资源、水安全、水环境、水生态、水文化,坚持工程和非工程措施并重,分阶段逐步实现洪水风险管理、外源污染控制、河流水质修复、河流生态系统恢复的目标。结果表明,鹅颈水目前已基本消除黑臭,水质逐渐提升至国家地表水Ⅳ类水标准。提出进一步加强河流生态系统恢复、优化管理制度、逐步建立全过程和全指标生态监测评估体系、实施弹性管理等鹅颈水系统治理措施。  相似文献   

河流交叉工程平面二维水沙数值模拟   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本文对南水北调总干渠与河流交叉工程进行了洪水与河床变形的平面二维数值模拟.模型采用水边界全区自动跟踪方法、考虑了交叉工程附近的局部冲刷并借助河床演变分析成果,较好地进行了特征洪水验证.通过计算给出了自然状态、设计方案时的特征洪水流场、工程附近的壅水及河床冲刷成果,根据预测分析还提出了更为合理的工程修改方案  相似文献   

针对伊利诺伊河流域的Emiquon区域以及肖托夸湖泥沙淤积问题。运用CHHMS耦合模型(Coupled Hydrology and Hydraulics Model System)对研究区域在不同泄洪开口组合的泥沙分布进行模拟,并根据不同流速状态下的颗粒流线图进行模拟得到沉淀物分布状况,结合湿地植物及鱼类生长需求对结果进行分析。研究发现CHHMS耦合模型在河流生态修复的模拟运用中具有很高的可开发性和实用性,经过模型模拟得到研究区域的合理规划方式,并且在成功利用河流到蓄滞洪区开口的情况下,水量以及泥沙沉淀物得到有效的控制,植被得到恢复,湿地的生态状况得到有效的改善。  相似文献   

为研究拆坝对生态环境影响的利弊,介绍了拆坝对水文情势、泥沙输运、河道地貌、河道水质、栖息地质量及生物多样性等生态的影响,综述了拆坝后河道物理化学及重要生态特性之间响应关系的研究进展。拆坝对生态环境的影响具有时空复杂性,且各生态因子相互影响;水文情势的变化是所有生态响应的触发条件,泥沙输运是生态响应的关键性因子。为了河道长期连续性的开发与利用,研究泥沙输运及泥沙污染物的释放规律,预测拆坝后河道水质时空变化过程,分析流域尺度上生态系统之间的响应关系等对拆坝的评估决策十分重要。  相似文献   

韩国城市河流生态恢复的案例与经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过介绍和分析韩国清溪川与光州川生态恢复的案例,在河流生态恢复的设计理念、技术方法等方面提出对我国城市河流治理的借鉴。认为只有把城市河流生态恢复作为系统工程,对城市河流进行多目标的恢复治理、将河流治理列入城市规划、分区域规划和建设、多学科开展研究和基础调查、营造动物栖息地、恢复河流自然功能才是城市河流生态恢复的归宿。  相似文献   

泗河流域面临严峻的生态问题,亟待治理与修复。基于人与自然和谐相处的理念,在分析泗河流域水质和水生态存在问题的基础上,提出"保护为主、适量开发、人水和谐"的建设原则和建设生态河道的目标,主要通过建设生态河岸、控制水质污染、建设生态湿地、发展生态旅游等措施来维护泗河的健康生命。  相似文献   

河道治理工程是人类改造世界过程中的重要产物之一,其设计与建设不仅关系到水资源的利用,更关系到周边地区居民的生命财产安全,将生态理念深入到河道治理工程设计当中,实现工程的环境效益和经济效益是水利行业发展的主要方向.本文将对生态理念在河道治理工程设计中的应用进行论述,希望能对相关设计人员提供一定帮助.  相似文献   

New Zealand's Waikato River has had a short but intense history of development, primarily through land‐use change and flow regulation in the upper river, and in the lower river through flood control works, non‐native species invasion, and land‐use intensification. The river undergoes sharp transitions across montane‐flood plain‐coastal environments over a short distance and under similar climate. Together with specialized life‐history requirements of many native fish, these features provide valuable insights into large river ecology and management. Testing approaches to determine outcomes of water quality changes have highlighted the value of functional indicators over traditional biotic measures for monitoring anthropogenic impacts. Initiatives to enhance native fish populations in the lower river have included remediation of migration barriers to improve access to tributary habitat, enhancement of tidal spawning habitat, and traps and gates to limit movement of large pest fish into flood plain lakes for spawning. This example of a southern temperate large river system highlights the importance of recruitment habitat and connectivity for native fish communities dominated by migratory species. Their slender bodies provide opportunities to create semipermeable barriers that enable access to flood plain habitats while restricting larger invasive fish. Recent initiatives have increased momentum to restore the ecological health of this river, but the underpinning science to guide priority actions is often lacking, and there is limited monitoring over the scales and time frames required to evaluate effectiveness.  相似文献   

针对灌区范围内农田径流,排水沟沟体内N、P残留比较严重、天然塘堰湿地受到污染的现象,生态拦截技术作为农业生态补偿手段,对农业非点源污染的控制有着非常重要的意义.本文针对生态拦截型沟渠系统构建中的工程技术部分,介绍了不同级别排水沟渠的生态拦截性控水建筑物的应用类型.  相似文献   

黄晶  程珺 《中国水利》2010,(8):36-38
河北省承德市宽城满族自治县瀑河段橡胶坝工程2009年全部竣工并投入使用,在县城段瀑河河道上形成带状梯级水面,生态效益、社会效益显著。经过水文计算、工程布置、水力计算及坝袋设计等工作,确定了橡胶坝的结构形式及坝袋类型,在橡胶坝管理中提出了定期检查、观测、维护等相应措施。  相似文献   

The restoration of ecological continuity along the Sélune River (Normandy, France) involves the removal of two tall hydroelectric dams (36 m removed in 2019 and 16 m in 2021), a project without precedent in Europe. During the pre‐removal phase (2014–2018), we performed scientific monitoring of the vegetation that was colonizing alluvium in the former dam reservoir (length: 19 km; surface area: 151 ha). Our study aimed to analyse if spontaneous vegetation could ecologically restore the riparian zone and help maintain fine sediment after dam removal. We used colonization indicators related to vegetation structure, taxonomic richness and diversity, and composition. These indicators were calculated at two spatial scales (local, at a single site, and broad, along the reservoir). The aim was to (a) characterize the spontaneously established species pool; (b) analyse longitudinal patterns in vegetation colonization; and (c) assess temporal changes in the species community. Our results show that diverse plant communities have developed. Slight differences in longitudinal and lateral patterns existed; they were linked with habitat heterogeneity and the reservoir's slow pace of draining. We observed fast spontaneous terrestrialization, which has resulted in cover stabilization, decreased diversity, and the development of herbaceous riverbank communities, with very few invasive species. This finding suggests stabilization potential is high and passive ecological restoration could occur, at least locally. Further analyses focusing on functional traits could help inform future management decisions regarding revegetation on reservoir alluvium.  相似文献   

以横河生态修复工程为例,分析了温州市河道生态修复技术应用的效果及问题.通过水体的生物修复及水生态的重建,对城市河道污染水体和底泥进行治理,从而使河道水质得到明显改善,并逐步建立稳定良好的水体生态环境,逐步使水体功能得到恢复.  相似文献   

为了科学协调水资源短缺地区农业用水与生态基流的矛盾问题,推动生态基流保障工作开展,从优先保障生态基流后农业受到影响的角度出发,确定了不同保障水平下的农业损失量。以渭河干流宝鸡段为例,定量计算了生态基流调控值在5~10 m~3/s之间时宝鸡峡灌区的农业产值损失与产量损失,并分析了生态基流保障前后保障率变化情况。结果表明:生态基流调控值在5~10 m~3/s之间时,平水年农业产值损失在1. 04×10~8~2. 54×10~8元之间,枯水年农业产值损失在2. 99×10~8~4. 06×10~8元之间,特枯年农业产值损失在4. 78×10~8~6. 61×10~8元之间。减少农业灌溉引水后,河道生态基流保障率明显提高。  相似文献   

This paper provides data on the changing character of river restoration within one country within a single policy and legislative framework. The information gathered was based on web searches, meetings and questionnaire responses with organizations and individuals working as environmental policy developers, stakeholders and practitioners of catchment management and river restoration. The paper utilizes this information to explore generic issues promoting and constraining a move to integrated catchment scale river restoration. Catchment scale river restoration was defined as ‘any river restoration activity that singly, or in combination, restores natural catchment processes and a naturally functioning ecosystem and brings benefit or environmental services to the whole catchment and not just to the site of restoration’. The river restoration project data compiled showed that the number of projects in Scotland is on a strong upward trajectory, but the number of catchment scale projects is still limited. The data also showed a trend towards a range of underpinning reasons for river restoration. Traditionally the reasons for river restoration in Scotland have been strongly fisheries focussed, with another key driver being biodiversity conservation. Sustainable flood management and climate change adaptation are seen as emerging drivers of river restoration. In terms of the individuals interviewed, most appreciated that river restoration can bring about multiple benefits and should be underpinned by a good understanding of catchment processes. Our overall assertion based on our study is that unless there is a fundamental paradigm shift, a change in the nature and level of funding for river restoration and a single organization is given overall authority to direct river restoration. ‘business as usual’ will continue and the benefits of catchment scale river restoration will be limited. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The theory of ecosystem management is described and its importance and application to the management of river basins and watersheds is considered. Eleven ecosystem principles and their application within the context of watershed management are discussed. The development of partnerships in river basin management is important. In their development, the research system, public and private sectors, and community participation are seen as key components.  相似文献   

近年来辽河流域遭遇持续干旱,加之支流污染物不达标排放、滩地耕作农药、化肥污染,造成辽河上游水质污染严重,也危害到流域十分脆弱的生态环境。为改善辽河上游水质,枯水期通过橡胶坝拦蓄,在辽河干流通江口至清河口间形成较稳定的生态水面,将水流引至滩地上,结合工程措施营造滩地生态蓄水湿地,在湿地中栽植净化水质效果明显的水生植物,利用湿地生态系统进一步净化辽河水质。  相似文献   

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