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In this paper, we solve integro-differential equation by using the Alpert multiwavelets as basis functions. We also use the orthogonality of the basis of the trial and test spaces in the Petrov–Galerkin method. The computations are reduced because of orthogonality. Thus the final system that we get from discretizing the integro-differential equation has a very small dimension and enough accuracy. We compare the results with [M. Lakestani, M. Razzaghi, and M. Dehghan, Semiorthogonal spline wavelets approximation for Fredholm integro-differential equations, Math. Probl. Eng. 2006 (2006), pp. 1–12, Article ID 96184] and [A. Ayad, Spline approximation for first-order Fredholm integro-differential equation, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai. Math., 41(3), (1996), pp. 1–8] which used a much larger dimension system and got less accurate results. In [Z. Chen and Y. Xu, The Petrov–Galerkin and iterated Petrov–Galerkin methods for second kind integral equations, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 35(1) (1998), pp. 406–434], convergence of Petrov–Galerkin method has been discussed with some restrictions on degrees of chosen polynomial basis, but in this paper convergence is obtained for every degree.  相似文献   

A model for atmospheric pollutant transport is proposed considering an advection–diffusion–reaction equation. A splitting method is used to decouple the advection, diffusion and reaction parts. A scheme based on finite volume, finite difference and backward differentiation formula is used for solving an atmospheric transport-chemistry problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, a Galerkin finite element scheme to approximate the time–space fractional diffusion equation is studied. Firstly, the fractional diffusion equation is transformed into a fractional Volterra integro-differential equation. And a second-order fractional trapezoidal formula is used to approach the time fractional integral. Then a Galerkin finite element method is introduced in space direction, where the semi-discretization scheme and fully discrete scheme are given separately. The stability analysis of semi-discretization scheme is discussed in detail. Furthermore, convergence analysis of semi-discretization scheme and fully discrete scheme are given in details. Finally, two numerical examples are displayed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The computational complexity of Caputo fractional reaction–diffusion equation is \(O(MN^2)\) compared with \(O(MN)\) of traditional reaction–diffusion equation, where \(M\) , \(N\) are the number of time steps and grid points. A efficient parallel solution for Caputo fractional reaction–diffusion equation with explicit difference method is proposed. The parallel solution, which is implemented with MPI parallel programming model, consists of three procedures: preprocessing, parallel solver and postprocessing. The parallel solver involves the parallel tridiagonal matrix vector multiplication, vector vector addition and constant vector multiplication. The sum of constant vector multiplication is optimized. As to the authors’ knowledge, this is the first parallel solution for Caputo fractional reaction–diffusion equation. The experimental results show that the parallel solution compares well with the analytic solution. The parallel solution on single Intel Xeon X5540 CPU runs more than three times faster than the serial solution on single X5540 CPU core, and scales quite well on a distributed memory cluster system.  相似文献   

This paper presents a structural topology optimization method based on a reaction–diffusion equation. In our approach, the design sensitivity for the topology optimization is directly employed as the reaction term of the reaction–diffusion equation. The distribution of material properties in the design domain is interpolated as the density field which is the solution of the reaction–diffusion equation, so free generation of new holes is allowed without the use of the topological gradient method. Our proposed method is intuitive and its implementation is simple compared with optimization methods using the level set method or phase field model. The evolution of the density field is based on the implicit finite element method. As numerical examples, compliance minimization problems of cantilever beams and force maximization problems of magnetic actuators are presented to demonstrate the method’s effectiveness and utility.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the Legendre spectral methods for problems with the essential imposition of Neumann boundary condition in three dimensions. A double diagonalization process has been employed, instead of the full stiffness matrices encountered in the classical variational formulation of the problem with a weak natural imposition of Neumann boundary condition. For analysing numerical errors, some results on Legendre orthogonal approximation in Jacobi weighted Sobolev space are established. As examples of applications, the spectral schemes are provided for two model problems. The convergences of the proposed schemes are proved, too. Numerical results demonstrate the spectral accuracy in space, and which confirm theoretical analysis well.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review the development of the Runge–Kutta discontinuous Galerkin (RKDG) methods for non-linear convection-dominated problems. These robust and accurate methods have made their way into the main stream of computational fluid dynamics and are quickly finding use in a wide variety of applications. They combine a special class of Runge–Kutta time discretizations, that allows the method to be non-linearly stable regardless of its accuracy, with a finite element space discretization by discontinuous approximations, that incorporates the ideas of numerical fluxes and slope limiters coined during the remarkable development of the high-resolution finite difference and finite volume schemes. The resulting RKDG methods are stable, high-order accurate, and highly parallelizable schemes that can easily handle complicated geometries and boundary conditions. We review the theoretical and algorithmic aspects of these methods and show several applications including nonlinear conservation laws, the compressible and incompressible Navier–Stokes equations, and Hamilton–Jacobi-like equations.  相似文献   


One of the ongoing issues with time fractional diffusion models is the design of efficient high-order numerical schemes for the solutions of limited regularity. We construct in this paper two efficient Galerkin spectral algorithms for solving multi-dimensional time fractional advection–diffusion–reaction equations with constant and variable coefficients. The model solution is discretized in time with a spectral expansion of fractional-order Jacobi orthogonal functions. For the space discretization, the proposed schemes accommodate high-order Jacobi Galerkin spectral discretization. The numerical schemes do not require imposition of artificial smoothness assumptions in time direction as is required for most methods based on polynomial interpolation. We illustrate the flexibility of the algorithms by comparing the standard Jacobi and the fractional Jacobi spectral methods for three numerical examples. The numerical results indicate that the global character of the fractional Jacobi functions makes them well-suited to time fractional diffusion equations because they naturally take the irregular behavior of the solution into account and thus preserve the singularity of the solution.


We study the applicability of the discontinuous Petrov–Galerkin (DPG) variational framework for thin-body problems in structural mechanics. Our numerical approach is based on discontinuous piecewise polynomial finite element spaces for the trial functions and approximate, local computation of the corresponding ‘optimal’ test functions. In the Timoshenko beam problem, the proposed method is shown to provide the best approximation in an energy-type norm which is equivalent to the L2-norm for all the unknowns, uniformly with respect to the thickness parameter. The same formulation remains valid also for the asymptotic Euler–Bernoulli solution. As another one-dimensional model problem we consider the modelling of the so called basic edge effect in shell deformations. In particular, we derive a special norm for the test space which leads to a robust method in terms of the shell thickness. Finally, we demonstrate how a posteriori error estimator arising directly from the discontinuous variational framework can be utilized to generate an optimal hp-mesh for resolving the boundary layer.  相似文献   

Various methods such as stippling, hatching, or hedcut are being used to express the brightness of images as a tone. In this paper, as a new method of tonal depiction, we use the mathematical model used in biology for the purpose of expanding the area of non-photorealistic rendering. The model of reaction–diffusion, which is used to depict the skin patterns of diverse animals, has relatively recently been used as the technique of NPR. The biggest obstacle in processing this technique in real time is that it is very time-consuming process of the repeated calculation. In this contribution, we proposed how to build a mask creating similar results in order to gain instant results from the brightness of images. Mask is a two-dimensional table, which is beforehand calculated and used in digital halftoning, can process each pixel of pictures and produce the quickest result. Although the mask obtained as a result uses a uniform size repeatedly throughout the whole images, it has the merit of the repeated parts not being exposed because of the continuity of the connected parts. As the result, we compare the images through the masks made by both the existing method by repetition and the suggested method.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a high-order time stepping scheme, that is based on using Fourier spectral in space and a fourth-order diagonal Padé approximation to the matrix exponential function for solving multi-dimensional space-fractional reaction–diffusion equations. The resulting time stepping scheme is developed based on an exponential time differencing approach such that it alleviates solving a large non-linear system at each time step while maintaining the stability of the scheme. The non-locality of the fractional operator in some other numerical schemes for these equations leads to full and dense matrices. This scheme is able to overcome such computational inefficiency due to the full diagonal representation of the fractional operator. It also attains spectral convergence for multiple spatial dimensions. The stability of the scheme is discussed through the investigation of the amplification symbol and plotting its stability regions, which provides an indication of the stability of the method. The convergence analysis is performed empirically to show that the scheme is fourth-order accurate in time, as expected. Numerical experiments on reaction–diffusion systems with application to pattern formation are discussed to show the effect of the fractional order in space-fractional reaction–diffusion equations and to validate the effectiveness of the scheme.  相似文献   

Khokhlov–Zabolotskaya–Kuznetzov (KZK) equation is a model that describes the propagation of the ultrasound beams in the thermoviscous fluid. It contains a nonlocal diffraction term, an absorption term and a nonlinear term. Accurate numerical methods to simulate the KZK equation are important to its broad applications in medical ultrasound simulations. In this paper, we propose a local discontinuous Galerkin method to solve the KZK equation. We prove the \(L^2\) stability of our scheme and conduct a series of numerical experiments including the focused circular short tone burst excitation and the propagation of unfocused sound beams, which show that our scheme leads to accurate solutions and performs better than the benchmark solutions in the literature.  相似文献   


Distributed fractional derivative operators can be used for modeling of complex multiscaling anomalous transport, where derivative orders are distributed over a range of values rather than being just a fixed integer number. In this paper, we consider the space-time Petrov–Galerkin spectral method for a two-dimensional distributed-order time-fractional fourth-order partial differential equation. By applying a proper Gauss-quadrature rule to discretize the distributed integral operator, the problem is converted to a multi-term time-fractional equation. Then, the proposed method for solving the obtained equation is based on using Jacobi polyfractonomial, which are eigenfunctions of the first kind fractional Sturm–Liouville problem (FSLP), as temporal basis and Legendre polynomials for the spatial discretization. The eigenfunctions of the second kind FSLP are used as temporal basis in test space. This approach leads to finding the numerical solution of the problem through solving a system of linear algebraic equations. Finally, we provide some examples with smooth solutions and finite regular solutions to numerically demonstrate the efficiency, accuracy, and exponential convergence of the proposed method.


Blow-up phenomena for a reaction–diffusion equation with weighted exponential reaction term and null Dirichlet boundary condition are investigated. We establish sufficient conditions to guarantee existence of global solution or blow-up solution under appropriate measure sense by virtue of the method of super–sub solutions, the Bernoulli equation and the modified differential inequality techniques. Moreover, upper and lower bounds for the blow-up time are found in higher dimensional spaces and some examples for application are presented.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with numerical solution of the nonlinear fractional diffusion equation with multi-delay. The studied model plays a significant role in population ecology. A linearized Crank–Nicolson method for such problem is proposed by combing the Crank–Nicolson approximation in time with the fractional centred difference formula in space. Using the discrete energy method, the suggested scheme is proved to be uniquely solvable, stable and convergent with second-order accuracy in both space and time for sufficiently small space and time increments. Several numerical experiments for solving the delay fractional Hutchinson equation and two real problems in population dynamics are provided to verify our theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a singularly perturbed convection–diffusion equation posed on the unit square, where the solution has two characteristic layers and an exponential layer. A Galerkin finite element method on a Shishkin mesh is used to solve this problem. Its bilinear forms in different subdomains are carefully analyzed by means of a series of integral inequalities; a delicate analysis for the characteristic layers is needed. Based on these estimations, we prove supercloseness bounds of order 32 (up to a logarithmic factor) on triangular meshes and of order 2 (up to a logarithmic factor) on hybrid meshes respectively. The result implies that the hybrid mesh, which replaces the triangles of the Shishkin mesh by rectangles in the exponential layer region, is superior to the Shishkin triangular mesh. Numerical experiments illustrate these theoretical results.  相似文献   

We introduce a high order parameter-robust numerical method to solve a Dirichlet problem for one-dimensional time dependent singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion equation. A small parameter ε is multiplied with the second order spatial derivative in the equation. The parabolic boundary layers appear in the solution of the problem as the perturbation parameter ε tends to zero. To obtain the approximate solution of the problem we construct a numerical method by combining the Crank–Nicolson method on an uniform mesh in time direction, together with a hybrid scheme which is a suitable combination of a fourth order compact difference scheme and the standard central difference scheme on a generalized Shishkin mesh in spatial direction. We prove that the resulting method is parameter-robust or ε-uniform in the sense that its numerical solution converges to the exact solution uniformly well with respect to the singular perturbation parameter ε. More specifically, we prove that the numerical method is uniformly convergent of second order in time and almost fourth order in spatial variable, if the discretization parameters satisfy a non-restrictive relation. Numerical experiments are presented to validate the theoretical results and also indicate that the relation between the discretization parameters is not necessary in practice.  相似文献   

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