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We study the problem of on-line joint QoS routing and channel assignment for performance optimization in multi-channel multi-radio wireless mesh networks, which is a fundamental issue in supporting quality of service for emerging multimedia applications. To our best knowledge, this is the first time that the problem is addressed. Our proposed solution is composed of a routing algorithm that finds up to k but not necessarily feasible paths for each demand and an on-demand channel (re)assignment algorithm that adapts network resources to maintain feasibility of one of the paths. We also study the problem of obtaining an upper bound on the network performance. First, we consider an artificial version of the problem, in which all demands arrive at the same time, and formulate it as a mixed integer linear programming model. To tackle the complexity of the model, it is relaxed that provides a tight upper bound while improves solution time up to 3.0e+5 times. Then, we model the original problem by extending the relaxed model to consider dynamic demands, it leads to a huge model; thus, we develop another model, which is equivalent to the first one and is decomposable. It is broken down by a decomposition algorithm into subproblems, which are solved sequentially. Our extensive simulations show that the proposed solution has comparable performance to the bound obtained from the decomposition algorithm; it efficiently exploits available channels, and needs very few radios per node to achieve high network performance.  相似文献   

Multicast routing is generally an efficient mechanism for delivering identical content to a group of receivers. Multicast is also deemed a key enabling service for a wealth of audio and video applications as well as data dissemination protocols over the last-mile backhaul Internet connectivity provided by multi-channel multi-radio wireless mesh networks (MCMR WMNs). Major prior art multicast protocols in these networks center around heuristic or meta-heuristic initiatives in which channel assignment and multicast routing are considered as two separate sub-problems to be solved in sequence. It might even be the cast that the solution for either of these two sub-problems is assumed to be preparatively calculated and given as input to the other. Within this perspective, however, the interplay between the two sub-problems would essentially be ruled out from the computations, resulting in sub-optimal solutions for network configuration. The work in this article is targeted at promoting the adoption of cross-layer design for joint channel assignment and multicast tree construction problem in MCMR WMNs. In the proposed scheme, contrary to the existing methods, these two sub-problems will be solved conjointly and an optimal solution is provided. In particular, a comprehensive cross-optimization framework based on the binary integer programming (BIP) formulation of the problem is presented which also addresses the hidden channel problem in MCMR WMNs. We have, as well, conducted an extensive series of simulation experiments to verify the efficacy of the proposed method. Also, experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the genetic algorithm and the simulated annealing based methods proposed by Cheng and Yang (2011) in terms of interference.  相似文献   

The performance of Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks (MRMC-WMNs) based on the IEEE 802.11 technology depends significantly on how the channels are assigned to the radios and how traffic is routed between the access points and the gateways. In this paper we propose an algorithmic approach to this problem, for which, as far as we know, no optimal polynomial time solutions have been put forward in the literature. The core of our scheme consists of a sequential divide-and-conquer technique which divides the overall Joint Channel Assignment and Routing (JCAR) problem into a number of local optimization sub-problems that are executed sequentially. We propose a generalized scheme called Generalized Partitioned Mesh network traffic and interference aware channeL Assignment (G-PaMeLA), where the number of sub-problems is equal to the maximum number of hops to the gateway, and a customized version which takes advantage of the knowledge of the topology. In both cases each sub-problem is formulated as an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) optimization problem. An optimal solution for each sub-problem can be found by using a branch-and-cut method. The final solution is obtained after a post-processing phase, which improves network connectivity. The divide-and-conquer technique significantly reduces the execution time and makes our solution feasible for an operational WMN. With the help of a detailed packet level simulation, the G-PaMeLA technique is compared with several state-of-the-art JCAR algorithms. Our results highlight that G-PaMeLA performs much better than the others in terms of packet loss rate, collision probability and fairness among traffic flows.  相似文献   

Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) are one of key technologies for next generation wireless networks. In this paper, we propose a heuristic channel assignment algorithm with weight awareness to support mobile multicast in WMNs. To enhance network throughput, our algorithm is based on the path forwarding weight to perform channel assignment. In addition to non-overlapping channels, partially-overlapping channels are also used in channel assignment. To fully exploit all available channels in channel assignment, we devise a new channel selection metric to consider the channel separation and the distance between nodes. In mobile multicast, the multicast tree structure cannot be fixed due to receiver (multicast member) mobility. The change of the multicast tree structure will result in channel re-assignment. The proposed algorithm is based on a critical-event driven manner to reduce the times of channel re-assignment as much as possible. Finally, we perform simulation experiments to show the effectiveness of the proposed channel assignment algorithm.  相似文献   

针对多射频多信道无线网络信道分配中用户收益不均衡和网络资源利用率低的问题,给出了一种基于博弈论的信道分配策略,该策略在考虑信道分配有效性、公平性的同时,基于不完美信息博弈,给出了一种使网络负载更均衡的算法,并通过实验仿真验证了算法的鲁棒性和有效性。  相似文献   

多信道技术通过对数据流量进行分流,能够减少链路间干扰,从而提升网络容量。首先针对认知无线mesh网络提出一种有效的联合路由的分布式信道分配策略,该信道分配策略主要宗旨是维持邻域内信道差异。仿真结果表明,新的信道分配算法相比于无线多信道网络中基于链接的信道分配算法,平均吞吐量大约提高了50%,平均时延降低了约50%。在信道约束的情况下,进一步引入了信道合并算法。仿真结果表明,执行信道合并算法后,网络平均吞吐量、时延性能得到了进一步改善。  相似文献   

针对多网卡多信道无线Mesh网络容量问题,基于无线信道干扰模型,在给定各节点物理层发射功率的条件下,联合考虑无线Mesh网络传输层的流速控制、网络层的路由算法和MAC层的信道分配等问题,通过采用二次路由计算策略,提出了一个跨层联合优化算法,仿真结果表示,提出的算法能提高网络吞吐量。  相似文献   

The multi-channel multi-radio technology represents a straightforward approach to expand the capacity of wireless mesh networks (WMNs) in broadband wireless access scenarios. However, the effective leveraging of this technology in WMNs requires (i) enhanced MAC protocols, to coordinate the access to multiple channels with a limited number of radio interfaces, and (ii) efficient channel allocation schemes, to mitigate the impact of co-channel interference. The design of channel assignment schemes and MAC protocols is strictly interrelated, so that joint design should be considered to optimize the mesh network performance. In this paper, a channel assignment and fast MAC architecture (CAFMA) is proposed, which exploits the benefits provided by the multi-channel multi-radio technology to (i) enhance the performance of multi-hop communications, (ii) maximize the resource utilization, and (iii) support differentiation of traffic classes with different quality of service (QoS) requirements. CAFMA is designed with a cross-layer approach and includes (1) a novel MAC scheme, which provides multi-channel coordination and fast data relaying over multi-hop topologies, and (2) a distributed channel allocation scheme, which works in cooperation with the routing protocol. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of CAFMA when compared with other single-layer and cross-layer solutions for multi-radio multi-channel WMNs.  相似文献   

The performance of wireless mesh networks (WMNs) can be improved significantly with the increase in number of channels and radios. Despite the availability of multiple channels in several of the current wireless standards, only a small fraction of them are non-overlapping and many channels are partially overlapped. In this paper, we formulate the joint channel assignment and flow allocation problem for multi-channel multi-radio WMNs as a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP). Unlike most of the previous studies, we consider the case when both non-overlapped and partially overlapped channels are being used. We consider an objective of maximizing aggregate end-to-end throughput and minimizing queueing delay in the network, instead of the sum of link capacities, since the traffic characteristics of a multi-hop WMN are quite different from a single hop wireless network. Our static channel assignment algorithm incorporates network traffic information, i.e., it is load aware. Our formulation takes into consideration several important network parameters such as the transmission power of each node, path loss information, the signal to interference plus noise ratio at a node, and the frequency response of the filters used in the transmitter and receiver. We show by simulations that our MILP formulation makes efficient use of the spectrum, by providing superior channel assignments and flow allocations with the addition of partially overlapped channels, without the use of any additional spectrum. We also justify the need to consider alternative objective functions such as, minimizing average queueing in the network. We also propose a polynomially bounded heuristic algorithm to scale the proposed algorithm to bigger network topologies.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种拉格朗日对偶结合粒子群优化的信道分配方案。该算法能使用WMN中所有可用信道(非重叠和部分重叠信道)进行信道分配,根据路径转发权重来设定信道分配顺序,从而提高网络的吞吐量。同时,综合考虑信道间隔和节点之间的距离来衡量干扰影响,使节点可以选择具有较少干扰的信道。最终得到原始WMN优化问题的最优解,实现最大化网络吞吐量和最小化网络干扰。实验结果表明,相比其他几种现有的无线mesh网络信道分配方案,提出的方案具有更好的性能。  相似文献   

Channel Assignment (CA) is an active research area due to the proliferating deployments of multi-radio multi-channel wireless mesh networks. This paper presents an in-depth survey of some of the CA approaches in the literature. First, the key design issues for these approaches are identified, laying down the basis for discussion. Second, a classification that captures their essentials is proposed. Third, the different CA approaches are examined individually, with their advantages and limitations highlighted; furthermore, categorical and overall comparisons for them are given in detail, clarifying their sameness and differences. Finally, the future research directions for CA are discussed at length.  相似文献   

从信道重用的角度出发,设计出一种简单而有效的按需固定信道分配机制和路由的协议(CA-AODV-R)。该协议将信道分配放到路由层进行,通过在路由发现时的RREQ和RREP中携带信道信息来分配固定信道,避免了MAC层动态信道分配协议(如DCA等)需要频繁地调用信道分配算法的问题。CA-AODV-R使用的固定信道分配算法为把数据信道按编号从小到大排列后按每3个划分为一个小组,同一条路由发现路径上的后继节点分配固定信道时优先在其前驱节点的固定信道所在小组内选择空闲信道。仿真结果表明,CA-AODV-R协议相对于单信道AODV能够大幅度提高网络吞吐量和分组投递率并降低网络的端到端时延。  相似文献   

Channel assignment is a challenging issue for multi-radio multi-channel wireless networks, especially in a competing environment. This paper investigates channel assignment for selfish nodes in a heterogeneous scenario, in which nodes may have different QoS requirements and thus compete for different channels with unequal bandwidth. The interaction among nodes is formulated as a non-cooperative Multi-radio Channel Assignment Game (MCAG), where Nash Equilibrium (NE) corresponds to a stable channel assignment outcome from which no individual node has the incentive to deviate. The NEs in MCAG are characterized in this paper. Since multiple NEs may exist in this game, it is natural to choose the NE that maximizes the network utility, i.e., the sum of node utilities. It is shown that the optimal NE outcome can be derived by solving an integer non-linear programming problem. Based on some observations on the radio number distribution of NE, we propose a two-stage optimization algorithm to achieve an optimal channel assignment. Finally, computer simulations validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

With the emerging of video, voice over IP (VoIP) and other real-time multimedia services, more and more people pay attention to quality of service (QoS) issues in terms of the bandwidth, delay and jitter, etc. As one effective way of broadband wireless access, it has become imperative for wireless mesh networks (WMNs) to provide QoS guarantee. Existing works mostly modify QoS architecture dedicated for ad hoc or sensor networks, and focus on single radio and single channel case. Meanwhile, they study the QoS routing or MAC protocol from view of isolated layer. In this paper, we propose a novel cross-layer QoS-aware routing protocol on OLSR (CLQ-OLSR) to support real-time multimedia communication by efficiently exploiting multi-radio and multi-channel method. By constructing multi-layer virtual logical mapping over physical topology, we implement two sets of routing mechanisms, physical modified OLSR protocol (M-OLSR) and logical routing, to accommodate network traffic. The proposed CLQ-OLSR is based on a distributed bandwidth estimation scheme, implemented at each node for estimating the available bandwidth on each associated channel. By piggybacking the bandwidth information in HELLO and topology control (TC) messages, each node disseminates information of topology and available bandwidth to other nodes in the whole network in an efficient way. From topology and bandwidth information, the optimized path can be identified. Finally, we conduct extensive simulation to verify the performance of CLQ-OLSR in different scenarios on QualNet platform. The results demonstrate that our proposed CLQ-OLSR outperforms single radio OLSR, multi-radio OLSR and OLSR with differentiated services (DiffServ) in terms of network aggregate throughput, end-to-end packet delivery ratio, delay and delay jitter with reasonable message overheads and hardware costs. In particular, the network aggregate throughput for CLQ-OLSR can almost be improved by 300% compared with the single radio case.  相似文献   

Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) have been attracting significant attention due to their promising technology. The WMN technology is becoming a major avenue for the fourth generation of wireless mobility. Communication in large-scale wireless networks can create bottlenecks for scalable implementations of computationally intensive applications. A class of crucially important communication patterns that have already received considerable attention in this regard are group communication operations, since these inevitably place a high demand on network bandwidth and have a consequent impact on algorithm execution times. Multicast communication has been among the most primitive group capabilities of any message passing in networks. It is central to many important distributed applications in science and engineering and fundamental to the implementation of higher-level communication operations such as gossip, gather, and barrier synchronisation. Existing solutions offered for providing multicast communications in WMN have severe restriction in terms of almost all performance characteristics. Consequently, there is a need for the design and analysis of new efficient multicast communication schemes for this promising network technology. Hence, the aim of this study is to tackle the challenges posed by the continuously growing need for delivering efficient multicast communication over WMN. In particular, this study presents a new load balancing aware multicast algorithm with the aim of enhancing the QoS in the multicast communication over WMNs. Our simulations experiments show that our proposed multicast algorithm exhibits superior performance in terms of delay, jitter and throughput, compared to the most well known multicast algorithms.  相似文献   

Wireless mesh networks can provide low-cost solutions for extending the reach of wireless access points by using multi-hop routing over a set of stationary wireless routers. The routing protocol for these networks may need to address quality considerations to meet the requirements of the user. In this paper, we present a quality based routing protocol for wireless mesh networks that tries to maximize the probability of successful transmissions while minimizing the end-to-end delay. The proposed routing protocol uses reactive route discoveries to collect key parameters from candidate routes to estimate the probability of success and delay of data packets transmitted over them. To achieve accurate route quality assessments, a new route quality metric is proposed that uses performance models of data packet transmissions as opposed to estimating route quality from the transmission of control packets, which have different transmission characteristics. These models are developed after careful evaluations of multi-hop wireless transmissions and validated by computer simulations. Relevant parameters that can be used to assess the route quality metric using these models are explained. Extensive performance evaluations of the proposed quality based routing protocol are presented and its benefits in comparison to some other known routing protocols are discussed.  相似文献   

On the nominal capacity of multi-radio multi-channel wireless mesh networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wireless mesh networking is an emerging technology with a wide range of applications, from community to metropolitan area networking. Mesh networks consist of wireless routers and access points that make up the network backbone which is connected to the wired infrastructure. Client devices are located at the edge. The capacity of a wireless mesh network is an important performance indicator as well as design parameter. It depends on various factors such as network size and topology, expected traffic patterns, number of interfaces per node, number of channels, routing and channel assignment etc. In this paper, we present an analytical framework for estimating the capacity of wireless mesh networks, based on the concept of collision domains. The capacity of grid-oriented mesh networks is investigated for various scenarios to study the impact of different network parameters.  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的无线网状网QoS多播路由算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨了基于遗传算法的无线网状网QoS多播路由算法,选用边集表示方式对多播树进行编码,其空间复杂度为O(N),给出了该编码方式下的初始种群生成算法RandWalkMT,同时对传统的遗传操作进行改进使子代个体中不会产生非法多播树,从而避免了复杂的惩罚机制或多播树修复算法。实验表明该算法收敛快且性能较好。  相似文献   

彭易  朱磊  刘玲 《计算机应用》2011,31(7):1928-1930
针对单径路由协议不能充分利用多信道无线Mesh网络的信道资源的问题,提出了一种基于拥塞控制的并行多径路由协议PMRP。该协议将一个数据流分配到多条路径同时传输,当所有路径都发生中断时,才重新寻找路由;并采取相应的拥塞感知技术,避免拥塞节点再转发新的数据流。仿真结果证明:与无线自组网按需平面距离矢量路由协议(AODV)协议相比,PMRP在网络负载较大时,能有效地减小端到端延迟,提高数据包的成功投递率,增加网络的整体吞吐量。  相似文献   

针对无线mesh网络(wireless mesh networks,WMN)中存在的信道干扰问题,提出一种基于部分重叠信道(partially overlapping channels,POC)的负载平衡且干扰避免的信道分配算法。通过基于Huffman树的通信接口分配方法连接邻居节点的接口;根据网络干扰情况,对链路进行迭代信道分配,使用静态链路调度保证网络连接;利用启发式算法优先为重要程度较高的链路分配无干扰时隙,对链路调度进行优化。仿真结果表明,在具有混合流量的WMN中,所提算法可以显著提升网络吞吐量,降低网络干扰与平均丢包率,改善网络性能。  相似文献   

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