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利用KLM等效电路模型设计了一种中心频率为478 MHz的超声传感器.采用溶胶-凝胶法在硅衬底上制备了厚度为4μm的锆钛酸铅(PZT)厚膜压电材料,对压电材料的晶体结构、表面剖面形貌、压电性进行了测试,材料均匀致密,具有较好的压电性.研究了超声传感器的制作工艺,制作出实际工作频率为459 MHz的高频超声传感器,搭建测试平台测试其电阻抗,实验值与理论值相匹配,电阻抗误差为1.8%,中心频率误差为3.9%.  相似文献   

溅射PZT薄膜微驱动器的工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用磁控溅射法制备的具有PZT结构驱动薄膜,结合微机械电子(MEMS)工艺制作以PZT薄膜为驱动的无阀型微驱动器。探讨了PZT薄膜微驱动器的制备工艺方法,解决了制备工艺中存在的关键问题。  相似文献   

PZT压电薄膜在微传感器中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
锆钛酸铅压电材料(PZT)因具有优良的压电性能、热释电性能、铁电性能和介电性能而被广泛地应用在微电子机械系统(MEMS)中。基于微传感器,介绍了PZT薄膜,重点介绍了PZT薄膜在微传感器中的应用,并介绍了PZT薄膜微传感器的发展状况。  相似文献   

<正> 1 前言 目前国内外烧结气敏器件虽然商品化,但由于器件电参数离散性大,对满足传感仪器探头的互换和大批量生产还有困难,为此厚膜敏感器件的研究与应用更被人们所重视,厚膜气敏器件采用厚膜印刷工艺,其电参数一致性好,适合大批量生产。它与一般的半导体器件不仅工艺不同,而且其工作原理也有很大差异。厚膜气敏器件工作时,需要  相似文献   

阐述了厚膜力敏浆料基本配方和工艺,传感器设计及有关原理。並对厚膜电阻(TFR)工艺条件对力敏特性的影响和关系进行了一些探讨。对研制成功的传感器主要性能指标及开发应用前景也作了介绍。  相似文献   

文章介绍了膜厚类测试仪比对方法的设计、比对结果的处理及比对周期的选取等,给出了台阶仪和光谱型膜厚测量仪的实际结果。该方法也适用于其他仪器的比对,并给出了比对中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

陶瓷厚膜力敏传感器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍采用厚膜工艺技术制作陶瓷力敏传感器,详细叙述圆膜片式压力传感器和陶瓷双孔梁式力传感器的工作原理、主要性能、结构设计、制作工艺,展望其应用前景.  相似文献   

厚膜铂电阻是以铂膜作电阻,采用丝网印刷工艺制造的。该元件具有工艺性好、长期稳定性好、抗振动性好和热响应快等诸多优点,其R(℃)=100Ω,R(100℃)/R(0℃)=1.3850,是-70℃-+600℃范围精密测温的理想元件。  相似文献   

报道了一种基于厚膜工艺的氢气传感器.首先采用丝网印刷工艺制作铂加热器线条,再在其上面分别覆有纳米催化剂/氧化铝形成气敏元件、涂覆纳米氧化铝构成补偿元件,最后制成氢气传感器.测试结果表明:传感器灵敏度大于21 mV/1% H2,响应时间小于30 s,非线性和重复性优于2%.  相似文献   

Bulk PZT thick film actuator integrated with displacement sensor, the so-called self-sensing actuator, is presented in this paper. The PZT film is used as not only an actuating layer but also a displacement sensor, which is achieved by dividing the electrode on the top surface of the PZT film into two parts: central top electrode for actuating and outer annular sensor electrode for piezoelectric displacement detection. When the actuator moves, the piezoelectric charge is induced in the outer annular PZT due to the piezoelectric effect. The total amount of accumulated charge is proportional to the stress acting on the PZT, which is in turn proportional to the actuator displacement. By collecting the piezoelectric charge, the actuator displacement can be detected. A theoretical model is proposed to determine the structure parameters of the sensor and predict the sensor sensitivity. Experiments were performed on the micro-fabricated sensor integrated PZT thick film actuator, and the measured piezoelectric charge is close to the theoretical predictions. The integrated piezoelectric sensor has a displacement sensitivity of approximately 4 pC/nm. In addition, the integration of displacement sensor into the actuator needs no additional fabrication process and has no influence on the actuator performances.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel micro-manufacturing method for fabrication of electrical features and patterns on highly insulating substrates and flexible substrates based on high-resolution AC-pulse modulated electrohydrodynamic jet (e-jet) printing of silver nanoink as seed layer followed by electroless copper deposition. Traditional ink jet printing method is limited in printing resolution which is determined by dimension of printing nozzle and dimension of droplets. Traditional e-jet printing has the disadvantage of residual charge problem especially for highly insulating substrates which cannot dredge remained charge of printed droplets, resulting in distorted electrostatic field and low printing controllability. Meanwhile, for printing of liquid phase ink, feature resolution contradicts with the required thickness, which is a key factor of conductivity of printed patterns. In this paper, a novel AC-modulated e-jet printing technique is applied to neutralize charges on substrates by switching polarity of consequent droplets for direct printing of high-resolution conductive silver patterns on insulating substrates. Electroless copper deposition is introduced in the fabrication process to solve the thickness problem of the resulting features. Variables of fabrication process, including amplitude and frequency of AC-pulsed voltage, plotting speed, curing temperature, number of layers, concentration of solution for copper growth, were identified to achieve reliable and conductive printed patterns. Sub-20 µm silver tracks with resistivity about 3.16 times of bulk silver were successfully fabricated. We demonstrated that ac-pulse modulated e-jet printing followed by electroless copper deposition can produce high resolution conductive patterns with improved thickness on insulating substrates and flexible substrates, which can be applied to direct printing and micro scale patterning for flexible electronics and wearable devices applications.  相似文献   

首次提出了使用溶胶-电雾化法在光纤表面制备PZT压电陶瓷薄膜,分析了光纤表面PZT压电陶瓷薄膜的成膜机理与特点,系统的研究了溶胶-电雾化法制备PZT压电陶瓷薄膜的特点,并分析了前驱液浓度、电雾化条件、PZT压电陶瓷薄膜沉积过程温度等因素对于PZT压电陶瓷薄膜的表面质量的影响.针对整个工艺过程进行了优化,最终得到了表面质量较好的PZT压电陶瓷薄膜.  相似文献   

Photoluminescent (PL) ZnS:Cu thin films were prepared by atomic‐layer chemical vapor deposition (ALCVD) and by thermal evaporation. The deposition, structure, and PL properties of the films were investigated, as well as the effect of heat treatment on photoluminescence.  相似文献   

Tin oxide thick films were deposited by plasma spray physical vapor deposition at various oxygen flow rates and raw powder feeding rates. The films are fundamentally porous and the deposition rates reach 60 μm/min at highest under the present condition. Local structures are however modified with the deposition condition. For example, relatively uniform columnar structure formed at high oxygen flow rate, whereas granular grains were observed when no oxygen gas was introduced. In contrast, granulate films were deposited at high powder feeding rate while rather uniform columnar films formed at low feeding rate. The gas sensors fabricated with these PS-PVD films have exhibited high sensitivity against formaldehyde gas at concentration as low as 100 ppb, which characterizes the sensors prepared by the PS-PVD method. Such sensitivities are found to change with the film microstructures that are in turn controlled by the PS-PVD conditions.  相似文献   

在直流偏置电压对PZT压电微悬臂梁谐振频率的影响研究中,建立了理论方程,并通过激光干涉测试实验对所建方程进行了验证。理论方程和实验均表明:直流偏置电压对PZT微悬臂梁的谐振基频的影响是二阶函数。在直流偏置电场小于1×107 V/m时,直流偏置电压和谐振基频存在线性变化区。此结论可以用于改善谐振式PZT微悬臂梁传感器的信号检测系统,即利用扫描直流偏置电压取代频谱分析。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the performance of a piezoelectric membrane actuated by an epitaxial piezoelectric Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 (PZT) thin film for localized-mass sensing applications. The fabrication and characterization of piezoelectric circular membranes based on epitaxial thin films prepared on a silicon wafer are presented. The dynamic behavior and mass sensing performance of the proposed structure are experimentally investigated and compared to numerical analyses. A 1500 μm diameter silicon membrane actuated by a 150 nm thick epitaxial PZT film exhibits a strong harmonic oscillation response with a high quality factor of 110-144 depending on the resonant mode at atmospheric pressure. Different aspects related to the effect of the mass position and of the resonant mode on the mass sensitivity as well as the minimum detectable mass are evaluated. The operation of the epitaxial PZT membrane as a mass sensor is determined by loading polystyrene microspheres. The mass sensitivity is a function of the mass position, which is the highest at the antinodal points. The epitaxial PZT membrane exhibits a mass sensitivity in the order of 10−12 g/Hz with a minimum detectable mass of 5 ng. The results reveal that the mass sensor realized with the epitaxial PZT thin film, which is capable of generating a high actuating force, is a promising candidate for the development of high performance mass sensors. Such devices can be applied for various biological and chemical sensing applications.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于压电陶瓷叠堆驱动参考光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)扫描滤波的FBG传感器波长解调机构,设计了对称结构U型金属支架结构,并采用两侧粘贴光纤光栅的方式,同时对光纤光栅施加相等的预应力,这种结构扩展了解调光栅的扫描范围,平衡了压电陶瓷叠堆所受的拉力,增强了其运行可靠性,提高了扫描线性度.实验结果显示:在0-200...  相似文献   

针对信号虽然经过了模拟滤波,采集到的信号经过数据采集系统后不可避免的含有随机噪声,噪声限制了传感器的分辨率和系统的动态范围。提出利用HHT算法的经验模态分解对用于压电陶瓷的微纳米传感器采集到的数字信号进行数字滤波,将采集到的微弱信号进行进一步处理,以提高微纳米传感器在稳态输出时信号的信噪比从而提高传感器的性能。采用两种方法进行处理。其中一种方法是滤掉经过模态分解后信号中的最高频噪声,另一种方法是滤掉经过模态分解后信号中的前两阶噪声。最后对比实验结果证实了此算法的有效性,它能够改善传感器的线性度。  相似文献   

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