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The results of following up 598 patients diagnosed as having pleural exudate were used to analyze the potentialities of complex radiation and clinical differential diagnoses of this abnormality. The authors identified 4 most common nosological entities (tuberculosis, pleuropneumonia, cancer, mesothelioma) among patients of diagnostic hospitals. The diagnostic algorithm should be derived by taking into account the current techniques applicable to each disease form. With this, valid diagnosis may be made in 98.5% of cases.  相似文献   

We determined the relative contributions of endogenous gastrin, histamine and cholinergic tone to basal acid secretion in chronic fistula rats. Results were compared with those for acid secretion in pylorus-ligated rats. In chronic fistula rats, YM022 ?(R)-1-[2,3-dihydro-1-(2'-methylphenacyl)-2-oxo-5-phenyl-1 H-1,4-benzodiazepin-3-yl]-3-(3-methylphenyl)urea? dose-dependently inhibited pentagastrin-stimulated acid secretion and abolished this secretion at 1 mumol/kg, s.c., but did not affect histamine- and carbachol-induced acid secretion even at 10 mumol/kg. In contrast, famotidine at 1 mumol/kg completely inhibited not only the acid secretion induced by histamine but also those by pentagastrin and carbachol. Furthermore, atropine abolished carbachol- and pentagastrin-stimulated acid secretion and significantly suppressed histamine-stimulated acid secretion at 0.1 mumol/kg. YM022 dose-dependently inhibited basal acid secretion. The YM022 dosage required to inhibit basal acid secretion is consistent with that required to suppress pentagastrin-induced acid secretion. Famotidine (1 mumol/kg) and atropine (0.1 mumol/kg) also abolished basal acid secretion. In pylorus-ligated rats, YM022 inhibited acid secretion in a dose-dependent manner; the inhibition at 1 mumol/kg, i.v. was 65%. No additional effect was observed when rats were dosed at 30 mumol/kg. Famotidine partially inhibited acid secretion in these rats, whereas atropine abolished this secretion. These results indicate that the major part of basal acid secretion in rats is attributable to endogenous gastrin via histamine- and cholinergic tone-dependent pathways. Moreover, pylorus ligation reduces the relative contribution of gastrin to acid secretion due to the activation of cholinergic tone.  相似文献   

Malignant pleural effusion (PE) is a frequent problem in lung cancer. In this study, we established a model of malignant PE of human adenocarcinoma cells, PC-14, in SCID mice. Intravenously injected PC-14 cells formed colonies in the lungs as early as week 4 after tumor inoculation, and produced bloody PE in all recipient SCID mice by week 8. Pretreatment of SCID mice with anti-mouse IL-2 receptor beta chain antibody (TM-beta 1) to deplete natural killer (NK) cells markedly promoted the production of bloody PE and metastases to multiple organs, such as the lungs, liver, kidneys, and lymph nodes 4 weeks after tumor inoculation. Histological studies indicated that PC-14 cells formed colonies in the lungs, and then invaded the pleura and spread to the pleural cavity. To establish cell lines with a high potential to produce PE, we harvested PE, expanded the tumor cells in vitro, and injected them into SCID mice again. By four in vivo selection cycles in this way we obtained PC-14-PM4 cells, which produce lung metastases and PE earlier than PC-14 cells. The survival of SCID mice inoculated with PC-14-PM4 cells was significantly shorter than that of mice inoculated with PC-14 cells. The expressions of adhesion molecules, such as CD44, CD49d, ICAM-1, and MHC class I, on PC-14-PM4 cells tended to increase compared with PC-14 cells. These changes of adhesion molecules seem to be one of possible mechanisms involved in higher metastatic potential of PC-14-PM4 cells. PE models with PC-14 and PC-14-PM4 cells should be useful for biological and preclinical studies on malignant PE produced by human lung cancer.  相似文献   

This study was designed prospectively to evaluate the development of anti-p53 antibodies (Abs) in lung cancer patients in relation to their clinical outcome. Sera, derived from 125 lung cancer patients, consisting of 14 small cell lung cancers (SCLC) and 111 non-SCLCs (NSCLC), were surveyed. The p53-null human NSCLC cell line, NCI-H1299, transfected with a human mutant p53 gene was prepared as the source of p53 antigen for immunoblotting analyses to detect the presence of serum anti-p53 Abs. The control group included sera from 10 healthy adults and 14 patients with benign pulmonary diseases. Clinical data including staging and survival were recorded for statistical analyses. The anti-p53 Abs were found in 8% (10 of 125) of the lung cancer patients studied (8.1% of NSCLC versus 7.1% of SCLC patients), whereas none of the control sera had detectable anti-p53 Abs. The presence of anti-p53 Abs was closely associated with malignant pleural effusions (P = 0.001). The p53 Ab-positive patients had a worse prognosis than the p53 Ab-negative patients (P < 0.02; median survival, 20 versus 41 weeks). In both univariate and multivariate analyses, the tumor extension and probably the presence of anti-p53 Abs were significant predictors for cancer death. The development of anti-p53 Abs (n = 9) was also a predictor for poor survival in patients with malignant effusions (n = 51). In conclusion, the presence of serum anti-p53 Abs is closely associated with malignant pleural effusions in lung cancer patients. It may serve as a negative prognostic factor for survival independent of malignant pleural effusions and tumor staging.  相似文献   

About 50% of the pleural effusions diagnosed are caused by a malignancy, especially by thoracic, pulmonary and ovarian cancer and lymphomas. The accumulation of fluid is caused by metastasization to the pleura and obstruction of lymph vessels and nodes. The effusion generally decreases if the tumour responds to systemic treatment. However, frequently this does not occur and the fluid has to be removed, to alleviate symptoms such as dyspnoea, coughing and a heavy sensation in the chest. Possible surgical therapies are draining through a needle or a drain, (partial) pleural resection and the creation of a pleuro-peritoneal shunt. Disadvantages of these are early recurrences, the severity of the intervention and (or) the high morbidity and mortality. The current standard treatment is pleurodesis brought about by a sclerosing agent, usually via a drain. The substances preferably used for this purpose are, in the order of decreasing importance, tetracycline, bleomycin or talc, doxycycline or minocycline. The most frequent adverse effects are chest pain and fever during and after the pleurodesis.  相似文献   

Two hundred and ten patients with exudative pleural effusion were studied by ultrasound for sonographic signs of pleural carcinomatosis. Images were evaluated for echoes within the fluid, septations, sheet-like or nodular pleural masses, and associated lesions of the lung. Our results showed that sonographic findings of echogenic or septated fluid were unspecific for malignancy. Only the evidence of pleural masses was characteristic of malignant effusion. Ultrasound of the chest should therefore be carried out before invasive diagnostic procedures are planned.  相似文献   

Malignant pleural effusion is a frequent cause of morbidity in cancer patients. Pleural aspiration relieves dyspnoea usually only for a matter of days, and if the tumour type is not chemosensitive, some form of pleurodesis is commonly required. Tube thoracostomy is widely used to achieve pleural drainage prior to attempting pleurodesis by instillation of a variety of 'sclerosants'. Recently thoracoscopic instillation of talc has been advocated and some authors report high rates of fluid control. Randomised trials comparing this approach compared to tube thoracostomy and chemical pleurodesis are required.  相似文献   

To establish the diagnostic yield of computerized tomography (CT) in pleural effusions with no presumed diagnosis arising from standard clinical examination. A prospective protocol study enrolling all cases of effusion admitted to our hospital between January 1994 through July 1995 without a presumed diagnosis after initial testing that included thoracocentesis. Twenty-two patients were enrolled. All were given a CT scan as well as other complementary examinations considered appropriate and were referred to our outpatient clinic for follow-up. The CT images were read by an expert radiologist and their contribution was classified as "diagnostic", "suggestive" or "nil". A definitive etiologic diagnosis was achieved in 14 cases (8 neoplasms, 4 benign due to asbestos, 1 tuberculosis and 1 pulmonary embolism). The CT contribution was nil in 13 cases (59%), "diagnostic" in 6 (2 mesotheliomas, 1 hypernephroma, 1 lymphoma, 1 adenocarcinoma of the colon and another of the ovary) and "suggestive" in 3 (2 benign due to asbestos and 1 lymphoma). Positive information was obtained in 9 cases (41%). CT gives good yield in the investigation of pleural effusions with no presumed diagnosis and should be made available to this group of patients before other more invasive procedures are resorted to. It is especially useful for detecting neoplastic disease of the upper abdomen, mesothelioma and sings of unsuspected exposure to asbestos.  相似文献   

Hypertension attributable to pheochromocytoma is a very attractive model for the elucidation of the pathogenesis of hypertension. Sixteen different point mutations in the RET proto-oncogene and 30 mutations in the Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene have been identified so far associated with expression of pheochromocytoma. Each of these mutations initiates either the syndrome of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2) (MEN 2A and MEN 2B) or the VHL disease. Certain mutations in both genes are associated with the presence of pheochromocytoma. In general, these pheochromocytomas produce catecholamines that result in hypertension. Therefore, analysis for germline mutations in these genes are of practical value, because susceptibility to these diseases can be predicted in as yet clinically unaffected relatives.  相似文献   

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) damage stratospheric ozone permitting enhanced levels of ultraviolet B radiation to reach the Earth's surface. As a result, production of CFCs is now banned under the Montreal Protocol with the exception of their temporary continued use in pressurized metered dose inhalers used to treat those with airway disorders. Replacement propellants have now been identified and shown to be safe and a major exercise is under way to reformulate the commonly used aerosolized medicines with the new propellants. The new products are now undergoing clinical trials and the first reformulated beta-agonist and corticosteroid inhalers have reached the marketplace. The majority of the current products will have been changed over to the new types over the next 3 yrs, and each country will adapt a transition strategy to oversee this process. The politicians, the environmentalists, the pharmaceutical industry and the regulatory authorities have fulfilled their part in this changeover, and respiratory interested health professionals now need to address what this means for them and their patients so that there may be a seamless transition for the millions of people who use inhaled medicines worldwide.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Proinflammatory mediators that include tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) and anti-inflammatory mediators such as interleukin-10 (IL-10) modulate the immune response to endotoxemia. IL-10 downregulates the production of TNF-alpha and MIP-2. Acute lung injury may occur secondary to neutrophil chemotaxis mediated by chemokine MIP-2. We studied the temporal relationship of TNF-alpha, MIP-2, and IL-10 in rat endotoxemia and correlation of MIP-2 concentrations with acute lung injury. METHODS: Ten ventilated rats were randomized to receive an intravenous infusion of 2 mg/kg Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (n = 6) or saline placebo (n = 4). Blood pressure was continuously monitored and arterial blood was obtained for lactate, blood gas, TNF-alpha, IL-10, and MIP-2 measurements at baseline, 2, 4, and 5.5 hours after LPS or saline infusion. RESULTS: Endotoxemia resulted in hypotension, lactic acidemia, and increased alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient (A-a O2 gradient) compared with the placebo group. TNF-alpha, MIP-2, and IL-10 levels were increased 2 hours after endotoxemia. Subsequently, TNF-alpha levels declined while IL-10 and MIP-2 levels remained elevated. Control rats had no significant increase in cytokine production at any time point. MIP-2 concentrations correlated with A-a O2 gradient, an indicator of lung injury (r = 0.56, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: MIP-2, possibly released by TNF-alpha stimulation of macrophages, is associated with acute lung injury possibly by inducing neutrophil chemotaxis. IL-10 may exert its counter-inflammatory response by inhibiting the release of TNF-alpha in endotoxemia.  相似文献   

A 61-year-old female presented with a right transudative pleural effusion in the absence of ascites and other stigmata of chronic liver disease. A diagnosis of cirrhosis with a secondary hydrothorax was eventually established; however, ascites could never be demonstrated clinically or radiographically until just before her death, when hypertonic saline was administered for symptomatic hyponatremia. Based on the autopsy finding of a 1-mm hole in the right diaphragm and her clinical course, a mechanism for the production of a cirrhotic pleural effusion in the absence of asictes is proposed.  相似文献   

目的:评价CT诊断壶腹癌的临床价值.方法:回顾性分析19例经手术或病理证实的壶腹部癌的CT影像学特点.结果:CT诊断正确率为78.9%,19例患者均有不同程度的胆道系统低位梗阻,可明确显示肿瘤的部位,大小以及周围组织结构的关系.结论:CT诊断对于壶腹癌的诊断及鉴别具有很高的应用价值.  相似文献   

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