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公交车站名显示系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙蕊  王应吉 《信息技术》2007,31(3):103-105
为降低目前市场上LED点阵显示屏的制作成本,本着简单实用的原则,设计并制作了一种由单片机控制的公交车站名LED点阵显示屏。通过串口与上位机通讯,以实现对显示内容的更改、扩展。系统成本低、结构简单、工作稳定,有很大的潜在经济价值和社会价值。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的迅速发展,电脑美术在日常生活中的应用越来越多,其多样化的表现形式已经远远超越传统美术的基本功能,能够完成影视设计中难以表现的部分。电脑美术在影视美术设计中的应用推动了影视行业的迅速进步,在影视美术的表达中发挥着不可替代的作用。文章概括了电脑美术的创作手法与特征,并重点分析电脑美术在影视的道具、人物造型、场景、后期制作等多方面的应用。  相似文献   

Advanced communications systems operating in the microwave band involve a wide use of horn antennas of different modifications. Horn antennas are applied as separate antennas, as feeds of reflectors, and elements of antenna arrays. However, the horn antennas most frequently used in practice and conventionally called pyramidal horns, in the view of the authors can be more accurately called wedge-shaped or wedge-like horn antennas: wedge is a more general variant of polyhedron, which is the basic component for designing the geometry of such horn antennas.  相似文献   

Problems associated with different calibration techniques and some instrumental effects that can determine instrumental accuracy are discussed. It is shown how transmission effects can be observed and used to generate a correction curve for refracted near-field instruments. High-quality fiber slices needed for axial interferometry were used to obtain refractive index differences on suitable fibers to ±1% with the measurements traceable to national standards. Interferometry was used to calibrate a multiple-step fiber which is available in 10-m lengths with a certificate of calibration. The limitations of the technique are discussed, and preliminary results of a study on the effects of residual stress and stress relief on measurements are given. Comparisons are made between measurements made by axial interferometry and refracted near field on a range of fibers. It is shown that commercial profilers can produce reliable measurements of refractive index difference, absolute refractive index, profile shape, and numerical aperture that agree well with measurements by other techniques  相似文献   

刘晓妮 《电子测试》2014,(19):105-107
由于计算机技术的突飞猛进,计算机图形的人机交互应用也不断发展,加之计算机技术也融入了美术设计中,使得科学和艺术在许多领域上都得到了融合。美术是计算机最新探索的领域,并成为美术设计行业最为炙手可热的研究热点,对于传统美术设计来说是一种突破和创新发展。文章主要分析了计算机技术在美术设计中的应用。  相似文献   

A web-based translation method for Chinese organization name is proposed. After analyzing the structure of Chinese organization name, the methods of bilingual query formulation and maximum entropy based translation re-ranking are suggested to retrieve the English translation from the web via public search engine. The experiments on Chinese university names demonstrate the validness of this approach.  相似文献   

电信市场的放开,普遍服务的深入, 用户需求的提高,竞争程度的加剧,信息的透明化,产品的同质化,这些都使运营商面临着极大的压力,新的竞争格局使运营商认识到品牌的巨大价值,并将品牌视为企业无形资产的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

刘晓妮 《电子测试》2014,(10):105-107
由于计算机技术的突飞猛进,计算机图形的人机交互应用也不断发展,加之计算机技术也融入了美术设计中,使得科学和艺术在许多领域上都得到了融合。美术是计算机最新探索的领域,并成为美术设计行业最为炙手可热的研究热点,对于传统美术设计来说是一种突破和创新发展。文章主要分析了计算机技术在美术设计中的应用。  相似文献   

品牌的力量是巨大而惊人的!品牌是企业产品"信息"和用户"认可"的最高象征,品牌更是企业的最大"价值"和财富。  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2001,38(6):83
With the top-level .com name space now as overcrowded as many US telephone area codes, a set of long-standing disputes for control over top-level domains has erupted into open conflict. Several companies are going off on their own, assigning, for a fee, Internet addresses. The author describes how the problem is that addresses are not being coordinated Internetwide. The result is that the Internet could become something less than global. Some addresses will be recognized by only part of the Internet; other users will receive error messages such as “domain not found”. Worse, the potential exists for two companies to use the same domain name, which could result in more confusion  相似文献   

域名系统安全研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王垚  胡铭曾  李斌  闫伯儒 《通信学报》2007,28(9):91-103
作为互联网关键基础设施的域名系统(DNS)其安全性正面临严峻考验。协议设计脆弱性导致数据信息真实性和完整性得不到保证;配置故障普遍存在,系统冗余性降低,单点失效问题严重;系统规模不断扩大导致管理难度急剧增加。从协议脆弱性、实现脆弱性和操作脆弱性3个方面对域名系统面临的威胁进行分类,综述了针对这些安全威胁的改进方案和研究成果,并论述了进一步研究中需要解决的关键问题。  相似文献   

Circuit optimization: the state of the art   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors review the current state of the art in circuit optimization, emphasizing techniques suitable for modern microwave CAD (computer-aided design). The main thrust in the field is currently the solution of realistic design and modeling problems, addressing such concepts as physical tolerances and model uncertainties. A unified hierarchical treatment of circuit models forms the basis of the presentation. It exposes tolerance phenomena at different parameter/response levels. The concepts of design centering, tolerance assignment, and postproduction tuning in relation to yield enhancement and cost reduction suitable for integrated circuits are discussed. Suitable techniques for optimization oriented worst-case and statistical design are reviewed. A generalized lp centering algorithm is proposed and discussed. Multicircuit optimization directed at both CAD and robust device modeling is formalized. Tuning is addressed in some detail, both at the design stage and for production alignment. State-of-the-art gradient-based nonlinear optimization methods are reviewed with emphasis given to recent, but well tested, advances in minimax, l1, and l2 optimization  相似文献   

State of the art in pattern recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews statistical, adaptive, and heuristic techniques used in laboratory investigations of pattern recognition problems. The discussion includes correlation methods, discriminant analysis, maximum likelihood decisions minimax techniques, perceptron-like algorithms, feature extraction, preprocessing, clustering and nonsupervised learning. Two-dimensional distributions are used to illustrate the properties of the various procedures. Several experimental projects, representative of prospective applications, are also described.  相似文献   

陈刚  吕绪康  王宗敏 《通信学报》2006,27(Z1):140-142
DNS提供INTERNET中域名到IP地址的映射及转换,是INTERNET/Intranet网络资源访问不可缺少的基础服务.现行的DNS系统主要的服务过程中,依赖于对根域名等上层域名服务系统信息的访问,在CERNET省域网络内使用时缺乏一定的灵活性.针对CERNET省域网络内DNS服务的具体问题提出并设计了省域网后备域名系统.  相似文献   

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