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北欧能有什么?如果你仅仅理解成那里曾活跃过一些粗壮野蛮面目狰狞的中世纪海盗,那就大错特错了。几个北欧国家中,因为安徒生童话的关系,很多人对丹麦情有独钟。那是一个魔幻的冰雪世界,而实际上,她的美食对游人的引诱丝毫不亚于童话中描述的纯净世界。  相似文献   

<正> 丹麦这个曾经被誉为“童话王国”的美丽国家,如今又以世界环境保护典范之一的“绿色王国”被人们所熟知。优越的地理环境,天然纯净的地下水,温带海洋性气候,为马铃薯的生长提供了得天独厚的自然生长条件,成为独一无二的马铃薯淀粉生产基地,并使其产品名扬四海。丹麦KMC公司正是这种纯天然、高质量的马铃薯淀粉生产企业的代表。  相似文献   

安徒生笔下王子与公主的童话在小读者们心中种下一颗宫廷梦的种子,而孕育了安徒生童话的丹麦——安徒生的故乡,亦如童话般梦幻,静静地守护着每一颗纯真的心。在这里,一切都和童话有关,你会看到"海的女儿"小美人鱼、缓缓转动的风车和大片复古的红顶房子。同时,丹麦王国作为欧洲最古老的君主国,无论是文化还是风景都有着古老又优雅的特质。这一期,小编就带着大家一起变身成小公主和小王子,开启童话王国丹麦之旅!  相似文献   

孕育了童话家安徒生的丹麦王国素有"欧洲食橱"的美称.在良好的气候条件下,丹麦能生产出风味独特的奶酪,使其成为是世界上屈指可数的奶酪出口国,它的奶酪占世界第3位.  相似文献   

说到丹麦,自然会让人联想起美人鱼和安徒生的童话。也许正是这些美丽的童话,从一开始就泼洒下艺术与智慧的灵光,点亮了丹麦人的生活。如果说美丽的童话只是一叶点缀,那么,真正用艺术的光芒笼罩丹麦人生活的又是什么呢——是丹麦设计。今天,它在世界上已成为一个专有名词,代表了经典与永恒;今天,在美人鱼的故乡,它正乘着童话故事的羽翼,自由愉快地翱翔在纯净蔚蓝的天空中。丹麦设计,作为一种与生活或者与人交流的方式,已经深深植根于丹麦人的日常生活之中了。正是这种融入大众的设计,在丹麦社会里,被看成是最崇高的。然而,这被绝大多数普通人所拥有的设计,并不意味着设计本身就是普通的。由丹麦著名建筑师 Arne Jacobsen 设计的蚂蚁椅、天鹅椅等,在哥本哈根街头巷尾的私人住宅和公共空间内随处可见,但它们已经被世界各大著名博物馆收藏,时至今日依然是永不褪色的经典。它们是美的,而追求美的极致并不是丹麦设计的最终目标,相反,这种美只是在解决人们实际需要过程中所获得到的一个结果。所以,丹麦设计是以人为本的,更为贴近心灵和缔造完美的生活。它们又是平易近人的,并非因为受到世界的瞩目就成为有钱人的专利——为普通人提供高质量的设计乃是丹麦设计的至高境界。因此,这种设计能与人息息相通,让大众始终都能感受到来自艺术与文化的气息,并于不知不觉间培养起审美的情趣。同时,设计本身的人性化更换来了大众对于设计的理解、欣赏和尊重,于是,整个社会的鉴赏力便日益提高了,而拙劣的设计再也无法蒙混过关。由此,设计变得更加真诚、朴实、纯净和富有气质,并且经得起时间的检验。这难道不也是艺术的内涵吗?此时,艺术的丹麦生活正在栩栩如生地展现在我们眼前。  相似文献   

“童话时尚秀”献礼中丹文化季 2014年9月,丹麦在华文化季开启了以“小童话,大未来”为主题的活动,成为迄今为止丹麦在中国举办的最大文化展示项目。而本次“童话时尚秀”,则成为了今年丹麦在华文化季中的最大亮点之一。丹麦文化部长玛丽安娜·耶维德(Marianne Jelved)作为秀场的重要嘉宾,对此次发布会送上了美好的祝愿:“中丹两国人民的友谊源远流长。  相似文献   

女儿贪吃。她的肠胃是超级工作狂,“休息”这个词也许在它的字典里根本不存在,她的嘴巴时刻都在咀嚼,可比全天运转的钟表。我想到了《红舞鞋》这个童话——那是着了魔一般的贪吃。  相似文献   

<正> “我们丹麦王国虽然国土面积不大,但在全球猪肉贸易中占的比重却很大,近18%的市场份额,而美国作为全球头号农业强国,也才有9%。”在丹麦驻华使馆,丹麦商务参赞倪耀森先生很自豪地对记者这样说。 说起丹麦,人们很容易想到安徒生,想到脍炙人口的名篇《海的女儿》,殊不知丹麦在肉业加工,尤其是猪肉生产与销售可谓全球霸主。 “丹麦有什么独门秘笈吗?”记者好  相似文献   

昨天对丹麦的记忆还停留在安徒生的童话世界。今天踏上丹麦这片土地,浪漫的宫殿,茂密的森林,还有海的女儿,每一处都留下我们寻梦的脚步。阳光灿烂的7月,寻梦,在这个童话般的王国。  相似文献   

童话之王安徒生与“美人鱼”的故乡丹麦位于北欧。发达的农业、渔业为丹麦美食提供了取之不竭的原材料。丹麦人虽然生活水平较高,但其饮食习惯却以“俭朴”为原则。由于地处高寒地区,丹麦饮食注重热量与营养,口味清淡,偏酸、甜、微辣。早餐一般是各式咸味小面包,配计司、黄油、咸肉、鸡蛋与火腿肠,外加牛奶或低脂酸奶及水果。午餐简单,一般为“三明治”加橙汁、可乐等饮料及水果。晚餐是正餐,除酒水外,需一汤、两道菜(如鳕鱼,烤土豆泥)及饭后水果,较为丰盛。丹麦的国菜叫:“魔鬼的太阳”,是将生牛肉剁成泥,上面放一个鲜蛋黄,与肉搅拌后,用汤匙挖着一口口吃,其身价不菲。丹麦人爱吃蛋糕与甜点,丹麦奶酥、曲奇,风蘼世界。一种用红葡萄干、奶酒和水果做成的冻子“诺·  相似文献   

利用质构仪压缩稻谷籽粒的短轴来测定稻谷籽粒的压缩特性。测定的稻谷储藏在不同的时间与压力下。实验结果表明:当储藏时间为60 d且储藏压力由0 kPa增加到300 kPa,稻谷籽粒的破坏力由81.6 N减小到73.8 N,破坏能由8.10 mJ减小到6.27 mJ,破坏应变由0.139减小到0.117,表观接触弹性模量由171.3 MPa减小到57.7 MPa,最大接触应力由40.8 MPa减小到19.1 MPa。当稻谷储藏压力为77、100、139、200 kPa且储藏时间由0~60 d,稻谷籽粒的破坏力由81.6 N分别减小到79.6、79.1、78.2、77.0 N;破坏能由8.10 mJ分别减小到7.55、7.35、7.08、6.85 mJ;破坏应变由0.139分别减小到0.131、0.128、0.126、0.121;表观接触弹性模量由171.3 MPa分别减小到136.0、121.8、110.6、83.3 MPa;最大接触应力由41.2 MPa分别减小到35.0、32.5、30.3、15.0 MPa。结果表明储藏压力与储藏时间对稻谷籽粒的压缩特性有重要的影响。  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of attachment to beef surfaces on the survival, injury and death of stationary phase cells of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104, compared to cells free in solution. The effects on cells are considered at different a(w) values and low temperatures in relation to osmotic and cold temperature shock effects. Attachment of cells to meat surfaces prevented cell injury and death from hyperosmosis and low temperatures, compared to meat solutions. Storage of cells for 72h resulted in higher levels of cell death on cells attached to meat surfaces. The improved survival of cells in solutions was considered to be related to adaptation to osmotic stress as a result of exposure to a previous hyperosmotic shock and the ability of the cells to produce cold shock proteins. Pathogen cell growth at low temperatures is discussed in relation to the presence of low levels of NaCl. Finally the data is discussed in relation to pathogen survival on beef carcass surfaces during refrigeration.  相似文献   

国内外大豆加工业生产现状与发展趋势   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
结合工作与生产实际,在查阅和调研了国内外大豆加工业相关资料和项目之后,对生产现状进行了简要表述,对发展趋势进行了粗浅分析。明确指出:国外大豆加工业的发展趋势是原料生产与产品研发同步进行,努力抢占国内外市场,开发传统品牌产品,加强宣传工作力度,瞄准“三高”产品,增加社会经济效益,组建发挥社会团体作用,推动大豆产业发展。国内发展趋势是注重快餐型大豆食品生产,适应消费人群生活特点,注重大豆蛋白功能性的研发,满足国内市场需要,注重油脂加工业合理布局,扩大相关产业向前发展,以此发挥优势和强项,打造具有中国特色的与世界同步发展的大豆加工产业。  相似文献   

Abstract: A new generalized model for predicting quantities of ice to cool and maintain freshly harvested fish at sea in insulated boxes is presented. The model addresses the universal need for fisherman to know in advance of going to sea just how much ice will be needed to cool down the expected day's catch to a desired temperature, maintain the catch, and to allow for losses. Illustrative predictions are presented for southern bluefin tuna (SBT) (Thunnus maccoyii) for a range of day's catch from 2000 to 8000 kg in ambient temperature ranging from 15 to 35 °C. The amount of ice needed to cool down SBT from an initial uniform harvest temperature of 28 °C to a maintenance temperature of 5 °C is shown to be the controlling contribution to total ice needed. Predictions highlight that a useful, safe rule‐of‐thumb is 1 kg of ice will be needed for each 3.5 kg of SBT. Importantly, the model is based on fundamental principles and predictive accuracy is demonstrated to be largely insensitive to a range of assumptions including volume of the void in the insulated boxes and overall coefficient of heat influx from ambient. The model can be used to predict the number of insulated boxes of defined dimension that will be needed to cool and hold the fish, ice and water for a wide range of fish species. It will be of interest to fisherman and boat owners and agents who invest in ice to preserve fish at sea. Practical Application: This research addresses the universal need for fisherman to know in advance of going to sea how much ice will be needed on‐board boats to cool down an expected day's catch to a desired temperature, maintain the catch and to allow for losses. The model is generalized and can be applied to a wide range of fish species.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify and to discuss factors influencing illegal merchant sales of tobacco to underage people in Ontario, Canada. DESIGN: Results were obtained through random retail compliance checks of tobacco merchants. A multivariate analysis specified the relationship between selected independent variables and the willingness of tobacco merchants to sell to minors. The selected independent variables included retail operation type, community population size, the presence of tobacco production, signage, sex and age of volunteers, smoking prevalence rates, and enforcement rates. PARTICIPANTS: A random, stratified sample of 438 tobacco retailers in 186 communities in Ontario. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Willingness of merchants to sell tobacco to minors. RESULTS: Older youths and girls were more likely to be sold tobacco products. Purchase attempts carried out in tobacco-producing regions were also statistically related to illegal sales. CONCLUSIONS: Policy efforts to control youth access to tobacco in Canada may need to invoke legislation requiring merchants to request proper identification from customers who appear to be under the age of 25, and who seek to purchase tobacco products. Further attention could also be directed at tobacco control policies and enforcement strategies that need to consider the unique challenges faced by jurisdictions where the tobacco industry is a powerful presence.  相似文献   

余桂林 《纺织器材》2007,34(4):40-46,51
阐述了胶辊结构、硬度与成纱条干、强力的关系,胶辊硬度与摩擦因数、钳口线宽度的关系;胶辊直径、套差与成纱质量的关系;分析了低硬度胶辊改善成纱条干的机理,指出胶辊制作中必须注意的问题及纺纱工艺配置.胶圈应用中应重视表面粗糙度、摩擦因数、内周长尺寸及抗拉强度等性能指标.分析了胶圈配置的原则,并对表面处理胶辊的作用机理作了分析,对化工涂料配比原则、操作要求及注意事项作了介绍.  相似文献   

Objectives were 1) to develop DMI and milk prediction equations, 2) to use these equations to simulate group and individual feeding of dairy herds, and 3) to estimate effects of group and individual feeding on FCM production. University of New Hampshire data were used to predict DMI from previous DMI and cow and ration characteristics. The same data were used to predict milk production from DMI and previous milk production. Feeding was simulated for 100 cows over 50 4-wk periods in a number of trials. Effects of individual feeding, additional groups, herd calving intervals, and within-herd variation of annual milk production per cow on daily FCM per cow were isolated in average and high producing herds. Changing from one group to individual feeding can increase daily FCM per cow by .5 to 1.1 kg and two groups to individual feeding by 0 to .8 kg without changing total herd nutrient intake. Reallocation of the same amount of nutrients to two groups instead of one can increase daily milk production by .15 to .8 kg of FCM per cow, reallocation to three groups instead of two by 0 to .6 kg of FCM per cow, and reallocation to four groups instead of three by 0 to .35 kg of FCM per cow.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Seeds of 4 cultivars (M-1, M-6, NM-92, and NM-98) of mungbean [ Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] were investigated for proximate composition, antioxidant potential, fatty acids, tocopherols, and minerals profiles. Hexane-extracted seed oil content of the investigated cultivars of mungbeans ranged from 1.20% to 1.56%. Mungbean seeds were found to be a rich source of protein (20.97% to 31.32%). The contents of Fe, Cu, Mg, Na, K, Ca, and Zn were found to be 105.8 to 190.9, 4.8 to 6.3, 48.6 to 51.7, 382.6 to 562.7, 11.6 to 18.8, 359.2 to 482.9, and 24.9 to 47.2 mg/kg, respectively. The mungbean seeds contained linoleic acid in the highest amount, 340.5 to 465.7 mg/100 g of dry seed, followed by palmitic, oleic, linolenic, stearic, and arachidic acids: 278.1 to 401.2, 212.6 to 293.5, 188.7 to 236.8, 135.5 to 168.4, and 22.8 to 24.5 mg/100 g of dry seed, respectively. The seeds were found to be a rich source of tocopherols (α, γ, δ) ranged from 1.1 to 10.1, 60.7 to 80.9, and 4.6 to 11.2 mg/kg, respectively. Methanolic extracts of the seeds of the mungbean cultivars exhibited a good antioxidant activity as determined in terms of measurement of total phenolic contents (TPC) (0.62 to 1.08 g/100 g of dry matter), percent inhibition of peroxidation (49.8% to 89.2%), reducing power (1.19% to 1.45%), and bleaching β-carotene. The results of the present analytical study revealed these 4 mungbean cultivars to be a potential source of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, minerals and protein, all of which are linked with positive health benefits.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate the effects of heat and autoclave treatment on the binding ability of porcine serum albumin (PSA) to IgG and the serum of patients who were allergic to pork. Heat treatment at 100°C for 20 min on PSA was able to decrease the binding ability of PSA to IgG to 52%. The binding ability of PSA to IgG was also reduced to 29% by autoclave treatment of PSA at 121°C for 30 min. The binding ability of PSA autoclaved for 30 min to serum also decreased to 10%. SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting of PSA heated at 100°C for 20 min revealed that the intensity of the PSA band decreased and its presence was barely recognized by IgG. In the case of autoclave treatment (for 5 min), PSA was degraded to low-molecular-weight peptides and IgG and serum did not recognize them. Therefore, autoclave treatment can effectively reduce the allergenicity of PSA.  相似文献   

The formation of benzyl ethers of potato starch by etherification with benzyl chloride is base catalyzed and is therefore carried out at high pH. In a suspension of starch granules the rate of starch ether formation is found not to be linearly related to the concentration of hydroxyl ions in the water phase of the suspension. At the same pH widely different rates of reaction can be observed, to be due to the tendency of the starch granules to “absorb” hydroxyl ions when electrolytes are added to the suspension. The rate of formation of the benzyl ether of starch is found to be linearly related to the amount of hydroxyl ions “absorbed” by the starch. The rate of the side reaction leading to benzyl alcohol turned out to be higher in the presence of starch than in water of the same pH.  相似文献   

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