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Using classical microelectrode techniques in canine cardiac Purkinje fibres, calcium ionophore X-537A was shown to shorten the action potential, hyperpolarizing the membrane and lowering the plateau, suggesting that intracellular calcium controls membrane permeability to potassium in this preparation.  相似文献   

In vitro studies and animal experiments were started for the purpose of following the migration of chloramphenicol marked with 14C from polymerised polymethylmetacrylate cylinders. Test-cylinders were submerged in a physiological saline solution and the 14C concentration followed over a period of 34 days. Two series were started with the cylinders being submerged at intervals of 5 and 40 min after the start of polymerisation. These in vitro studies showed that initially the migration of active substances marked with 14C from the plastic cylinders was extremely high but remained then constant over the whole test period. Over a period of at least 20 days a higher 14C migration was evident in those cylinders submerged in the elution 5 min after the start of polymerisation. In our in vivo studies we implanted test-cylinders into the femur of rabbits. The migration of active substances marked with 14C resulted in 14C-concentrations being present in the surrounding tissues. During the phase of exudation, depending on the operative process, the concentration increased and reached values that remained constant during the phase of recanalisation of the surrounding tissues over a period of up to 6 weeks. Thereafter the concentration of active substances fell. The max. concentration rates of active substances within the boundary layer were between 15 and 20 mug/g humidity weight. After 8 weeks we found concentration rates of approx. 1 mug/g humidity weight. On examining the 14C distribution within the implanted plastic cylinders we observed that in the course of time the boundary layer increased in thickness and a concentration gradient towards the centre had developed. The spread of diffusion gradually seized the deeper layers so that a long-lasting presence of active substances may be expected.  相似文献   

Regeneration of the node of Ranvier was investigated in the rat peroneal nerve 10-60 days after nerve crush, by light and electron microscopy. At 10 and 20 days after crush nodes of Ranvier were clearly identifiable by electron microscopy but had a relatively simple structure. At 40 days after crush however nodes were highly differentiated showing specialised features such as paranodal bulbs, nodal constriction of the axon, paranodal Schwann cell mitochondria, nodal Schwann cell microvilli, and nodal gap substance. By light microscopy some nodes were identifiable as early as 20 days after crush. At both 30 and 60 days after crush regenerated internodes were uniformly short (means of 275 micronm and 339 micronm respectively).  相似文献   

In the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata the formation and composition of yolk granules and the role of the follicle cells were studied by histochemical and electron microscopical techniques. The rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus appeared to be involved in yolk formation, which is a continuous process throughout oogenesis. From the very beginning of yolk formation two main types of yolk granules were distinguished morphologically. However, with histochemical and enzyme cytochemical methods no differences were observed between these types. The granules acquire lysosomal enzymes after oviposition, indicating that their main function is probably digestion of perivitelline fluid, which contains nutrients for the developing embryo. Yolk formation and the activity of the follicle cells were studied in successive stages of oogenesis by quantitative electron microscopy. The data strongly suggest that the follicle cells are involved in the formation of the follicular cavity and hence in the ovulation process.  相似文献   

A patient with intracranial lipoblastic meningioma in the right frontal lobe is reported. The tumor was entirely made up of vacuolated cells. The nature of this rare neoplasm has been verified by light and electron microscopic studies.  相似文献   

A survey was used to assess levels of experience with personal computers and interest in learning personal computer applications among Alabama family practice physicians and residents in 1994. The study compared responses of 272 physicians and 77 residents as well as responses of physicians and residents in a sample of respondents thirty-eight years old or younger, including 77 physicians and 73 residents. Almost 25% of physicians reported never having used a computer, compared to 7.9% of residents. Respondents had learned computer skills through various combinations of methods, with over half of each group claiming to be self-taught through reading and hands-on experience. More than 86% of both groups expressed interest in learning more; interest increased in the population thirty-eight years or younger. Respondents, especially physicians, reported using professional applications less often than personal applications. Overall, there was a high level of interest in learning various practice-related applications; however, a significantly larger proportion of residents reported interest in each type of application than did physicians.  相似文献   

Localization of vitamin A in the small intestine of mice was studied with electron microscope radioautography after administration of tritiated vitamin A. The label was concentrated over lipid droplets in cells distributed in the lamina propria and the submucous layer. The cells were similar both to fibroblasts and to fat-storing cells in their morphological features. The name "Vitamin A-Storing Cell" is proposed for these labeled cells, including the fat-storing cell in the liver.  相似文献   

Experimental Toxoplasma retinitis: a light and electron microscopical study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a light and electron microscopical study of the morphological lesions of acute experimental Toxoplasma retinitis in the rabbit, produced by intravitreal inoculation with RH strain T gondii, all layers of the retina were found to be infected with the parasite. The Bruch membrane appeared to be a relatively impermeable barrier to invasion by the parasite. The underlying choroid showed an inflammatory cellular infiltrate but was free of organisms. Evidence of lateral spread of infection between the layers of the retinal tissue was observed. Examples of glial cell infection were also seen. Trophozoities may enter the brain by spreading along contiguous glial cell elements of the optic nerve; retinal tissue destruction occurs by direct invasion of cells by trophozoites. In other areas, tissue destruction by inflammatory cells occurred in the absence of organisms and may indicate an immunologically induced process of tissue destruction.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of maternal nicotine exposure (1 mg nicotine/kg body mass/day) on neonatal lung alveolar epithelial cells. Rats (Wistar descendants) were used. The data illustrate that maternal nicotine exposure during pregnancy and lactation resulted in alveolar fenestrations, blebbing and rupturing of the blood-air barrier. The type I pneumocyte appears to be more sensitive to the effect of nicotine than the type II pneumocytes.  相似文献   

Two unusual cases of meningioma with extensive vacuolization have been studied by light and electron microscopy. There were two kinds of vacuoles in the tumor cells which had the characteristic ultrastructure of meningioma as well. The smaller intracytoplasmic vacuoles were lipid droplets, while the larger, more prominent vacuoles were found to be extracellular spaces probably containing plasmatic fluid. The tumor cells were very much stellate with extremely thin and long cytoplasmic processes having desmosome junctions and forming cavernous intercellular spaces, some of which contained collagen fibers and fibrils. Although the xanthomatous change has been well known, the latter features provide a resonable interpretation for the histology of the present tumors and fat-negative vacuoles in the ordinary meningiomas. The picture may be recapitulation of the subarachnoid structure. Furthermore, recognition of this type of meningioma is practically important especially in frozen section diagnosis not to misinterpret the tumor as liposarcoma, chordoma or metastatic adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

Experimental structural dextroconvex scoliosis was produced in rabbits by costotransversolisis with transversectomy and releasing of paravertebral muscles between TVII and TX on the right side. Two compensatory curves developed on the upper dorsal and lumbar levels. Biopsies of paravertebral muscles in experimental animals included, besides areas of normal tissue, a considerable derangement of the cell contractile apparatus with sarcoplasmic dilation and eventual cell disintegration and necrosis. Histological changes varied along levels, the convexity being more affected. The severity of changes and reduction in body weight and length were correlated with the degree of scoliosis. A selective atrophy of slow-twitch fibers was observed in experimental animals, especially at the level of the main curve, whereas fast-twitch fiber atrophy was more important caudally. Control animal biopsies always appeared normal. Our experimental model shows an overt participation of paravertebral muscles in the establishment of compensatory processes following scoliosis, although the role that paravertebral muscles play in the etiopathogenesis of human idiopathic scoliosis requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Cultures of CBA T6T6 mouse embryo cells were transformed by 20-methylcholanthrene (MC) treatment in vitro. Untreated and MC treated cells and reexplanted cells of tumours originating from MC treated cells were compared by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The 3 cultures showed considerable differences in the situation of the cells compared to each other, as well as in the number and shape of the surface formations.  相似文献   

High resolution chromosome analysis, molecular cytogenetics, and study of the association between specific chromosome rearrangements and single gene disorders have provided a chromosomal basis to a number of mendelian diseases. Deletions and duplications of small regions, usually less than 3 Mb in size, result in an alteration of normal gene dosage of a number of unrelated genes physically close to each other and are responsible for contiguous gene syndromes. For example, haploinsufficiency is implicated for del 8q24.1 in Langer-Giedion syndrome, del 17p13.3 in Miller-Dieker syndrome, and del 22q11.2 in DiGeorge and Velo-cardiofacial syndromes. Another chromosomal mechanism causing mendelian phenotypes is translocation, which may eventually interrupt a disease gene. It is assumed that translocation breakpoints are running through a relevant gene, hindering the production of the gene product. An example is breakage 16p13.3 associated with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome. Females with X/autosome translocations have an almost exclusive inactivation of the normal X. Interruption of a disease gene in the translocated X causes the expression of a mendelian phenotype in the presence of an allelic recessive mutation onto the nonrearranged X. Finally, if a human gene shows exclusive expression from a single parental homologue, ie, it is imprinted, deletion of the chromosomal segment containing the active allele results in structural monosomy and functional nullisomy. This situation is illustrated by Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes. Over seventy human genes have been precisely assigned to chromosomal regions using a cytogenetic approach. Chromosome techniques combined with molecular methods have proved to have powerful and sensitive diagnostic capabilities.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a potent tool that is especially valuable in interpreting the three-dimensional relationships of cells within tissues. This type of information is obtainable from thin sections in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) only by reconstructions of serial sections. The arrangement of the interstitial cells of the testis in relation to the capillaries and lymphatic channels, in particular, is easier to visualize in SEM than in TEM. Cytoplasmic constituents, as well as cell surface modifications, are demonstrable by this technique. The presence of droplets, presumably lipid droplets, both within and on the Leydig cells and the lymphatic endothelial cells, is quite evident. Other cytoplasmic structures are also apparent. For example, the possible functional significance of "openings" that are seen by SEM on the septa that surround lipid droplets is discussed relative to the appearance of the same area as seen in thin sections or in freeze-fracture replicas. SEM should become a very useful method for studying cytological and morphological alterations that occur in testicular tissue that is subjected to physical or chemical manipulation.  相似文献   

This presentation reports the light and electron microscopic findings relating to the vascular and glomerular changes in the kidney in a series of 25 patients having malignant hypertension, the hemolytic-uremic syndrome, scleroderma, or toxemia of pregnancy. The pathologic changes were generally similar in each of the diseases studied, the changes being related more to the severity and duration of injury than to the specific disease. Vascular narrowing was due mainly to intimal thickening, and by light microscopy the lesions were categorized as onionskin, mucinous, or fibrous with or without associated elastosis. Intimal erythrocyte extravasation, fibrinoid necrosis, and luminal thrombosis were also seen. Electron microscopy provided additional morphologic information: Myointimal cells were found to be the cellular component in each type of intimal thickening; it was possible to distinguish collagen from large intimal accumulations of basement membrane material; mucinous intimal material was characterized ultrastructurally; and fibrinoid necrosis was identified as a lesion inconstantly associated with cellular necrosis and consisting mainly of fibrinoid material and small deposits of fibrin. It seems likely that there is a common pathogenesis for intimal thickening in a variety of diseases and that this involves endothelial cell damage and increased permeability, leakage of serum and erythrocytes into the intima, and a healing reaction of the vessel wall was developing from migration of smooth muscle cells into the intima with subsequent myointimal cell proliferation and fibrogenesis. A common glomerular change in all diseases studied was a striking accumulation of electron lucent material between the endothelium and the lamina densa of the basement membrane. This lesion was interpreted as a manifestation of acute ischemia.  相似文献   

The blood vascular bed of the cerebral hypophysis in the adult rat was replicated completely or incompletely by arterial injection of different amounts of methacrylate resin, to be observed with a scanning electron microscope. Complete replication confirmed our previous findings (Murakami et al., 1987) on the distribution and structure of the vascular beds in and around the hypophysis of the rat. One long major and several minor portal routes (vide infra) were reproduced sufficiently together with the systemic veins of the posterior lobe. Incomplete replication demonstrated that resin flows: 1) via the long portal vessels from the median eminence and neural stalk to the anterior lobe; 2) via the accessory long portal vessels from the subependyma to the anterior lobe; 3) via the short portal vessels from the posterior lobe to the anterior lobe; 4) via the neuro-intermedial portal vessels from the posterior lobe to the intermediate lobe; 5) via the intermedio-distal portal vessels from the intermediate lobe to the anterior lobe; and 6) via the tuberal portal vessels from the tuberal lobe to the anterior lobe. Incomplete replication also demonstrated that resin in the median eminence and neural stalk is drained preferentially into the anterior lobe via the long portal vessels, and that resin in the posterior lobe is drained mainly into the systemic veins. We were unable to demonstrate a retrograde resin flow from the anterior lobe to the median eminence, subependyma, neural stalk, intermediate lobe and posterior lobe, nor an ascending resin flow from the posterior lobe to the median eminence and subependyma. Also failing to be noted were an ascending resin flow from the hypophysis to the hypothalamus and a descending resin flow from hypothalamus to the hypophysis.  相似文献   

During the 1980s, interest was shown in North America as to how Intensive Care Nurses use their work time, in response to a shortage of trained nurses. These studies were developed to investigate the amount of nursing time that could be saved by computerised recording systems. Similar pressures are now present in the United Kingdom, but there are no published work load studies of Intensive Care Nurses. This study used a five category tool to examine the work load of nurses in a cardiothoracic ICU. The methodology was designed so that comparison could be made with the earlier American studies. The 36 nurses studied spent 41% of their time in direct nursing care, 22% in patient assessment, 19% in clerical duties, 11% in time outside the unit and 7% in non-nursing duties. These findings were compared with the North American studies. Similarities were found which give some support to the reliability and validity of the tool.  相似文献   

The distributions of two alternative splicing variants of metabotropic glutamate receptor mGluR7, mGluR7a and mGluR7b, were examined immunohistochemically in the rat and mouse by using variant-specific antibodies raised against C-terminal portions of rat mGluR7a and human mGluR7b. Many regions throughout the central nervous system (CNS) showed mGluR7-like immunoreactivities (LI). The distribution patterns of mGluR7-LI in the rat were substantially the same as those in the mouse, although some species differences were observed in a few regions. Intense mGluR7a-LI was seen in the main and accessory olfactory bulbs, anterior olfactory nucleus, islands of Calleja, superficial layers of the olfactory tubercle, piriform cortex and entorhinal cortex, periamygdaloid cortex, amygdalohippocampal area, hippocampus, layer I of the neocortical regions, globus pallidus, superficial layers of the superior colliculus, locus coeruleus, and superficial layers of the medullary and spinal dorsal horns. The distribution of mGluR7b was more restricted. It was intense in the islands of Calleja, substantia innominata, hippocampus, ventral pallidum, and globus pallidus. The medial habenular nucleus also showed intense mGluR7a-LI in the rat but not in the mouse. For both mGluR7a- and mGluR7b-LI, localization in the active zones of presynaptic axon terminals was confirmed electron microscopically at synapses of both the asymmetrical and symmetrical types. It is noteworthy that mGluR7a-LI is seen preferentially in relay nuclei of the sensory pathways and that both mGluR7a- and mGluR7b-LI are observed not only in presumed glutamatergic axon terminals, but also in non-glutamatergic axon terminals including presumed inhibitory ones. Thus, mGluR7 may play roles not only as an autoreceptor in glutamatergic axon terminals, but also as a presynaptic heteroreceptor in non-glutamatergic axon terminals in various CNS regions.  相似文献   

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